The 10 Best Game Development Companies in the Netherlands - 2024 Reviews

Top Game Development Companies in the Netherlands

Top Featured Game Development Companies

  • Suruche


    (11 reviews)

    Leading Custom Software Development, Web Development, Mobile App Development & IT Solution Provider

    Suruche is a pioneering force in the realm of technology solutions, catering to the dynamic needs of businesses across diverse sectors. As a frontrunner in the industry, Suruche specializes in custom software development, web development, mobile app development, and comprehensive IT solutions. With a steadfast commitment to innovation and excellence, Suruche harnesses cutting-edge technologies and best practices to deliver tailor-made solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the digital landscape. Whether it's crafting intuitive software applications, designing engaging websites, or developing seamless mobile experiences, Suruche adept team of professionals ensures unparalleled quality and precision in every project. At Suruche, client satisfaction reigns supreme. By prioritizing a client-centric approach, the company collaborates closely with each client to understand their unique requirements, challenges, and aspirations. This collaborative ethos enables Suruche to conceptualize, develop, and deploy solutions that not only meet but exceed expectations, fostering long-term partnerships built on trust and mutual success. Driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence, Suruche remains at the forefront of technological innovation, continuously evolving to meet the evolving needs of its clients and the industry at large. With a proven track record of delivering transformative solutions, Suruche is the go-to partner for businesses seeking to harness the power of technology to drive growth, efficiency, and competitive advantage.
    3 works in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €5000 for Game Development

All Game Development Studios in the Netherlands

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  • SINC Agency

    SINC Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)

    The most disappointingly successful agency

    We are Sinc. We are the most disappointingly successful agency on the block. Disappointingly, because we don’t prioritize what you want. Successful, because we do prioritize what you need. We believe that you can create your own luck with the help of pro-activity, imagination and taking a little risk. Sinc therefore uses the power of strategic thinking to create solutions for your business and communication challenges of tomorrow. Based in Amsterdam, we’re a group of brains, crafts and talents that lets strategy filter through in every choice we make. Whether initiated in our Sinc Lab or based on your briefing, we create concrete solutions that make you walk the walk. Call us creative consultants, problem-solvers or marketing MacGvyers. We think and we make in a way that actually helps you be relevant. Are you on the lookout for growth, awareness or conversion? Do you want to communicate, innovate or activate? Sure, let’s do it. As long as it is the solution that drives your business forward. Because if you can create your own luck, tomorrow becomes a choice. And we can help you make the right one.  
    No work in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Rooftop Immersive Studio

    Rooftop Immersive Studioverified-flag

    (0 review)

    We Conceptualize. Develop. Produce. Distribute.

    Rooftop Immersive Studio is a creator, producer, and distributor of immersive content like AR, MR, VR, photogrammetry & volumetric video, 360 video mapping, location-based experiences, as well as interactive formats. Our multidisciplinary team contains specialist in various fields. We have almost 5 years of experience in the virtual and augmented reality industry. We produce everything in-house; from conception to execution. We specialise in creating collective experiences, with a great story. We embrace technology but put content first. We believe in storytelling. For multinationals, local companies, and start-ups, all over the world. Please check out our immersive capabilities below. We are a high profile team of experts, with many years of experience. Let’s look at the story you want to tell and see which of our tech skills complement the message.
    3 works in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €3000 for Game Development
  • MoMoLab


    (0 review)
    3 works in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Partner in ontwikkeling Met passie werken we aan een perfecte mix van techniek, strategie en creativiteit. DTT is in 2010 opgericht en in korte tijd hebben we grote stappen mogen maken; een spraakmakend portfolio, miljoenen downloads, duizenden 5 sterren reviews, nummer 1 posities in de app stores, sterke referenties, een competent en gedreven team en een mooi divers bestand aan opdrachtgevers. Resultaatgericht In ons doen en denken zijn we resultaatgericht en we bewaken de (commerciële) doelstellingen van onze opdrachtgevers. Daarnaast adviseren wij ook over de beveiliging, promotie, distributie en het verdienmodel van de oplossing. Allemaal belangrijke ingrediënten waarmee we ideeën en wensen, omzetten tot geslaagde projecten. DTT heeft een groot ontwikkelteam met verschillende ontwikkeldisciplines. Bij DTT ontwikkelen we maatwerk oplossingen, waaronder: Web applicaties, Gewrapte apps, Native apps en Hybride apps met bijvoorbeeld Titanium, Xamarin of Unity. Dit maakt ons advies relatief onafhankelijk, daar waar we alle opties in-house kunnen aanbieden. Verder, DTT heeft alle ontwikkelaars echt in dienst. Dit geeft de nodige grip op kwaliteit, beschikbaarheid en continuïteit. Een ander belangrijk voordeel welke DTT biedt is de inzetbaarheid van onze code library, ons grote portfolio biedt mogelijkheden tot hergebruik van code, de kostenvoordelen welke dit met zich meebrengt berekenen we door aan de opdrachtgever. Bij DTT zien we een nieuwe opdracht niet alleen als 'extra omzet' maar vooral ook als een uitdaging en een kans om onze kennis en kunde te demonstreren. Deze methode passen we met succes (en naar tevredenheid) toe bij zowel overheden, multinationals, start-ups, het MKB als particulieren. Visie en missie DTT opereert op het snijvlak van techniek en creativiteit, een bijzondere en specialistische combinatie. Daarom treden wij naar voren als expert en adviseur, we nemen onze verantwoordelijkheid om te komen tot een succesvolle eindoplevering voor zowel de opdrachtgever als de eindgebruiker. Een proactieve houding en helder verwachtingsmanagement zijn essentieel voor een bevredigende eindoplevering. Wij zijn open in onze communicatie en geven onze opdrachtgevers inzicht in de voor- en nadelen van de gekozen eindoplossing. Bij DTT gaan we niet voor 'quick wins' maar voor het opbouwen van lange termijn relaties en opleveringen van een overtuigende kwaliteit. Bij DTT bouwen we elke dag verder aan het verder vergroten van onze aantrekkingskracht, aantrekkingskracht welke ons helpt getalenteerde collega’s en mooie opdrachtgevers aan ons te binden. Door continue te investeren in onderscheidend design, innovatieve technieken, gebruikers-testen en onderhoud komen we tot oplossingen die op lange termijn het verschil maken voor onze opdrachtgevers en de eindgebruikers.
    2 works in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Nobudget marketing & pr

    Nobudget marketing & prcertified-flagverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Growth is what we stand for

    Nobudget is an experienced agency for pr and marketing. We focus on online results from a broad spectrum of PR and marketing tools. Combining our talents for both PR and marketing we drive results fasters and more effectively.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Andersen Sp. z o. o.

    Andersen Sp. z o. o.certified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Neem het softwarepad naar uw digitale toekomst

    No work in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €10000 for Game Development
  • &samhoud creative tech

    &samhoud creative techverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Digital campaigns, products & services for a brighter future.

    Onze proposities: Wat wij onze klanten kunnen bieden Door de combinatie van onze strategische denkkracht, conceptmatige creativiteit en snelle executie kunnen wij voor onze klanten een alles-in-1 partner zijn. • We bieden een strategisch sparringspartnership in complexe vraagstukken • We brengen inspiratie van buiten in en kennis/inzichten vanuit eindgebruikers • We creëren vernieuwende creatieve (digitale) concepten • We realiseren digitale oplossingen vanuit vakmanschap en executiekracht Onze oplossingen zijn altijd op maat, echter maken we gebruik van bewezen succesfactoren in onze manier van werken op basis van design thinking. Dat leidt tot de volgende proposities: - Digitale activaties en campagnes: Eindgebruikers weten te verrassen en raken aan de hand van pakkende activaties en campagnes die commercieel business succes en emotionele sterkere merkbinding opleveren. - Digitale producten: Digitale, impactvolle product-oplossingen die eindgebruikers inspireren en weten te verleiden tot ander gedrag door het inbrengen van o.a. slimme game mechanismes en bijdragen aan strategische business doelstellingen. - Digitale services: Emotionele en commerciele klantbinding verbeteren door het creeren van seamless customer journeys en slimme klantoplossingen. - New business ideas: Vertalen van business-en markt-uitdagingen naar vernieuwende end-to-end digitale oplossingen.
    1 work in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Award-winner
    Independent Games Studio founded by veterans of the industry. GAMES, APPS AND GAMIFICATION SOLUTIONS WE BUILD WORLDS More than a decade in the game industry gives our crew an invaluable experience about game design WE CREATE EXPERIENCES We shape your system and the way the user interacts with it. We believe in delivering exciting and engaging experiences. WE DESIGN INTERACTIONS The machine should surrender to the human and create an easy to learn, optimized, smart and exciting way of interact with it. WE LOVE WHAT WE DO Of course! Our team has been here since the beginning of The Internet and even before. We still love what we do, our passion is our strength. OUR SERVICES DEVELOPMENT Creating a game it is not an end in itself, but a means. We understand the rules of the design. It’s about to make you happy. GAME PORTING We have the vast good experience with several formats. We can take your existing game vision and expand it to many platforms. GAME DESIGN We can design your game from scratch. We can gamify your app or service in order to improve engagement.
    1 work in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Recommended
    Welcome to my Shortlist profile. I'm still a small company so the focus is on you "the client" and your needs.  Ever heard the expression  a picture is worth a thousand words. I’m an expert on pictures or beter jet illustrations and graphic design. I can draw paint or build any image you need for your business or product.  From printed media to full advertising campaigns. High standards and a personal approach are very important to me and in the end you’ll need but just a few words to tell your story.   
    3 works in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development


    (0 review)
    Howdy! Welkom in de vreemde en wonderbaarlijke wereld van KAPOOOW, waar reclamedromen van brandstof worden voorzien door cultuur en nieuwsgierigheid. Bij ons draait alles om: Impact Inclusiviteit Interactiviteit Wij geloven dat merkmagie ontstaat door subculturen in te zetten om de doelgroep te activeren. Inclusief denken en handelen is ons geheime ingrediënt om superkrachtige campagnes en ervaringen te ontwikkelen. Wij zijn ervan overtuigd dat verschillende perspectieven een relevanter en ontvankelijker publiek creëren voor merken om mee te interacteren. Bovendien vergroot het de groep mensen om een krachtige en emotionele band mee op te bouwen. Naast fantasierijke campagnes kan je ook bij ons terecht voor consultancy vraagstukken op het gebied van inclusief en intersectioneel handelen. Excelsior!
    No work in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development


    (0 review)
    ARFECTED helps brands, agencies and individuals create jaw-dropping AR experiences. As a certified partner of Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat we know how to create AR experiences that trigger and engage the user.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Dutch Coding Company

    Dutch Coding Companyverified-flag

    (13 reviews)

    Making Striking Impact_

    [ENGLISH BELOW] Dutch Coding Company helpt ambitieuze organisaties en ondernemers met het ontwerpen en ontwikkelen van innovatieve digitale producten voor mensen. Web & App Development met striking impact In no-time realiseren zij succesvolle software oplossingen. Altijd van topkwaliteit, super secure en gebruikersvriendelijk. Zo kun je inspelen op nieuwe ontwikkelingen, kosten besparen en waarde creëeren. Door krachtige young professionals gedreven, geïnspireerd en gemotiveerd door de nieuwste technieken. Voor succesvolle organisaties die verschil maken. Sinds 2017 zijn zij een snel groeiende softwarestudio, midden in het creatieve & technische hart van Eindhoven. Vanuit Microlab op Strijp-S zijn ze koplopers op het gebied van de nieuwste web & app technieken. Geen brug is hen te ver.Met ervaring in de medische, academische en ondernemers-sector ontwikkelen ze cloud software waar organisaties en ondernemers striking impact mee maken. Online Cloud Development Digitalisering brengt ongekende uitdagingen en kansen met zich mee. Dat heeft invloed op klanten, medewerkers en de hele organisatiestructuur. Wij snappen de ins en outs van techniek en design - terwijl we meedenken over een juiste oplossing. Zo realiseren we de beste maatwerk software voor onze klanten. Geen uitdaging is ons te gek en wij gaan tot het uiterste om waar te maken wat we beloven. We leveren hoogwaardige en stabiele software. Met veel van onze klanten werken we dan ook al lang samen, omdat wij de stabiliteit en quality of service kunnen bieden die zij wensen. Mobile App Development Wij ontwikkelen kwalitatieve apps op maat voor iPhone en Android. Reeds vier jaar maken en onderhouden wij apps voor bedrijven, netwerken, evenementen en innovatieve startups. Om te zorgen dat jouw app een succes wordt, ondersteunen we je van het eerste idee tot aan de succesvolle uitrol. Samen kijken we naar de doelgroep, toepassingen en de mogelijkheden binnen het gestelde budget. Meer weten? Neem contact op met Binh Duong: | +31 (0)40 74 40 889 [ENGLISH] Dutch Coding Company helps ambitious organizations and entrepreneurs to design and develop innovative digital products for people. Web & App Development with striking impact We realize successful software solutions in no time. Always top quality, super secure and user-friendly. This way you can respond to new developments, save costs and create value. Driven, inspired and motivated by the latest techniques by powerful professionals. For successful organizations that make a difference. Since 2017 we have been a fast growing software studio, right in the creative & technical heart of Eindhoven. From Microlab at Strijp-S, they are frontrunners in the field of the latest web & app techniques. No bridge is too far for us. With experience in the medical, academic and entrepreneurial sector, they develop cloud software with which organizations and entrepreneurs make a striking impact. Online Cloud Development Digitization brings unprecedented challenges and opportunities. This affects customers, employees and the entire organizational structure. We understand the ins and outs of technology and design - while we think along about the right solution. In this way we realize the best custom software for our customers. No challenge is too crazy for us and we go to great lengths to deliver on what we promise. We supply high-quality and stable software. We have been working with many of our customers for a long time, because we can offer the stability and quality of service they require. Mobile App Development We develop high-quality custom apps for iPhone and Android. For four years now, we have been creating and maintaining apps for companies, networks, events and innovative startups. To ensure that your app is a success, we support you from the first idea to the successful rollout. Together we look at the target group, applications and the possibilities within the set budget. Want to know more?  Please contact Binh Duong: | +31 (0)40 74 40 889          
    1 work in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • VR Explorers

    VR Explorerscertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    We at VR Explorers specialize in VR, creating fully immersive, exciting, and unique experiences that make use of the best stereoscopic, three dimensional or 360° images. In close collaboration with our clients, we design VR experiences that realize the overall marketing objectives and the brand strategy.   For us each project is unique, offering specific challenges and distinguishing rewards. Therefore, we shoot with a wide variety of hardware and manage post-production based on the project. We work with cinematic or computer-generated material and create experiences for various possibilities like: mobile platform, installation, or projection on the walls. VR Explorers provides: VR BRAND STRATEGY VR CONCEPT VR WORKSHOP CONCEPT VISUALIZATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT LIVE STREAMING We believe that the success of experience depends on the details. We provide companies with a complete output solution for a project. This can be a branded HMD that outshines your competitors or a highly functional integrated mobile app that you never thought was possible. Our in-house design department will create a state of the art campaign identity, which can be converted easily by our developers to an exceptional web experience.   DEDICATED APP STAND ALONE WEBSITE BOOTH INTEGRATION OUT OF THE BOX VIEWING EXPERIENCE   There is a lot to learn from DATA feedback. That is why we can help you monitor the results. This gives you valuable insight into customer engagement with the brand or service. With a dedicated back office, we can provide relevant data about your clients.   Our broad experience in storytelling and communication gives us the optimum ability to transform each creative idea, to a visual concept in a versatile manner. With a large international network of professionals and a strong feeling for quality and style, we help you to bring your message across to an international audience on all platforms. The average length of experience is 5 minutes.
    1 work in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Tek Def Co., Ltd

    Tek Def Co., Ltdcertified-flagverified-flag

    (7 reviews)
    Who we are? Tek Def is a growing business of passionate tech enthusiasts and dedicated professionals from all around the world. Our collaborative and diverse teams, work with our clients to bring their digital vision to life. Established in three major cities across Thailand – our work environment has helped cultivate a team of healthy, creative, motivated, and dedicated individuals. With our offices within close proximity to international airports, we are able to support both local and international businesses with remote and on-the-ground assistance to develop and scale their digital roots. What we do? From  website ,  e-commerce , and  app development , through to  creative design and impactful online marketing solutions ; we allow you to focus on your company’s core objectives while outsourcing our competent professionals to carry out all your critical IT tasks. We aim to provide our clients with the necessary infrastructure and tools to maximize their online presence, profitability, and future scalability within our expansive digital economy. Our flexibility and convenient services ensure that our clients receive a tailored solution aligning with their core business objectives.  
    4 works in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Phil & Flo

    Phil & Floverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Wij verbeelden de wereld van morgen

    Dit is de wereld van Phil & Flo Stel je eens de wereld van morgen voor… Vol schone lucht en schoon water. Waar alle kinderen naar school kunnen en waar elk mens toegang heeft tot de beste zorg. Omdat te bereiken zetten we onze creativiteit in voor de sectoren die in onze ogen het verschil gaan maken; Innovatieve Technologie, zorg, duurzame energie, onderwijs, goede doelen en fair food. Wat denk jij? Vertel het ons. Zodat we samen de stappen kunnen zetten die nu nodig zijn. Met onze creativiteit en het meest krachtige communicatiemiddel dat onze voorouders al gebruikten: visualisatie. In het verleden met grotschilderingen en handgebaren, nu met waanzinnige 3D animaties, Virtual Reality en interactieve video’s. Samen met jou vormen wij het beste en leukste team, voor een snelle transitie naar een mooie toekomst. Wij zijn Phil & Flo, Wij verbeelden de wereld van morgen.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Stratego Branding

    Stratego Brandingverified-flag

    (9 reviews)
    Wij zijn een creatief en resultaatgericht branding bureau van Nederland. Voor onze opdrachtgevers bouwen namelijk wij aan de unieke positionering van hun merken, ontwikkelen wij creatieve campagnes en maken we kick-ass content.Wij hebben al mogen samenwerken met prachtige A-merken als Porsche, Gispen, Cliniclowns, Saris, Athlon en Burgers Zoo maar ook voor prachtige MKB bedrijven boeken wij iedere dag weer maximale creatieve resultaten. Met andere woorden, als je op zoek bent naar een bureau dat ervoor zorgt dat jouw merk het hart en hoofd van jullie doelgroep verovert, dan ben je bij Stratego Branding aan het juiste adres. Vertel ons wat je wil bereiken en daag ons gerust uit!   In English: We are a creative and result-oriented branding agency in the Netherlands. For our clients we build a unique positioning of their brands, we develop creative campaigns and we create kick-ass content. We have already collaborated with great brands such as Porsche, Gispen, Cliniclowns, Saris, Athlon and Burgers Zoo. But we also love creating the best and most createive results for small business owners. In other words, if you are looking for an agency that ensures that your brand conquers the heart and head of your target group, then you have come to the right place at Stratego Branding. Tell us what you want to achieve and feel free to challenge us!  
    1 work in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Lijm Amsterdam

    Lijm Amsterdamverified-flag

    (7 reviews)
    Wij zijn Lijm Amsterdan, ‘amazing social agency’! Wij bedenken ideeën waar je energie van krijgt en maken content die je op replay zet. Je kunt ons herkennen aan een goede dosis energie, creativiteit en speelsheid, waarmee we onze klanten blij maken! 
    2 works in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • BEpic


    (0 review)
    BEpic is an entrepreneurial group of creative developers and thinkers. We use gamification and e-commerce solutions to help our clients reach the next level in their growth. We turn complexity into simplicity, and always divide our project into sprints of 2 weeks. This way we, as well as our client, can keep control of  milestones, deadlines and budget. We build front- and back-end systems, as well as gamified apps for Android and iOS, and thrive in connecting our applications to your internal and external processes. Get in touch to find out how we can help you reach your  targets!
    2 works in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Hive Ive Solutions - Web3 and Blockchain development - Amsterdam based

    Hive Ive Solutions - Web3 and Blockchain development - Amsterdam basedverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Premier Web & Blockchain development company - Amsterdam based

    Premier Web & Blockchain development company, headquartered in The Netherlands with over 10,000 hours of development. We empower businesses to scale to new heights by utilizing cutting- edge Web & Blockchain technology. We specialize in providing full- cycle development services, ranging from consulting to development and deployment. We help businesses improve their customer experience, create new products, and streamline internal processes. Our team of experienced developers and blockchain experts work closely with clients to understand their unique needs . Whether you're looking to improve efficiency, boost security, or create new revenue streams, Hive Ive Solutions has the expertise and experience to help you achieve your goals. Feel free to contact us for inquiries or questions. Our enthusiastic team mainly focuses on the following services: - Smart Contracts (NFTs & Currencies) - Blockchain & Fiat payment systems - Custom software - DAO - Private blockchain - Mobile apps - Online marketplace - Metaverse - P2E Game Development - Web3 integration - Connecting real life assets with blockchain (Real Estate tokenization and more)
    No work in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development


    (11 reviews)

    Let's create things worth creating

    Wij zijn een twee-mans bedrijf dat is gespecialiseerd in 2D en 3D video animatie & content. Met kwaliteit en goede communicatie hoog in het vaandel onderscheiden wij ons van de grotere bureau's. Een scherpe prijs, begeleid proces of een helpend handje met altijd gegarandeerd het hoogst haalbare resultaat. Zie onze vorige cases, werk en enthousiaste testimonials. Betrouwbaar en Beschikbaar 24/7 (last-minutes). en +31644099844
    1 work in Game Development
    Active in the Netherlands
    From €1000 for Game Development

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How to select a Gaming expert in Netherlands?

What is Gaming?

Before starting to define your requirements to your next Gaming project, it is very important to know what it's all about. The digital era has never been diversified regardless of of the particular set of skills for which our Gaming providers will be able to assist you with. Employing the ideal agency for your job starts with the right definition of your needs.

Our team of professionals will help you to increase your online presence, be it for your Android app or for the iOS platform.

Gaming identifies playing video or computer games. Gaming may also consult with playing computer or video games by an individual, team, or business. The term gambling can also imply playingsports betting, or gaming. When it comes to internet gambling, this article will focus only on the term gambling.


Looking for best gaming agencies in Netherlands? Here is a list of best gaming agencies in Netherlands with clients reviews and ratings. Gaming agencies are a part of the digital marketing industry that helps in the promotion and development of games. There are multiple benefits of hiring gaming agency such as reaching a wide audience, marketing and advertising campaigns, generating new ideas, etc. Sortlist has thus created a list of best gaming agencies in Netherlands.

What can Gaming agencies do for you?

If it comes to Gaming, clients may expect various kinds of services from our agencies. At Sortlist, we have observed a trending need in Netherlands for services which included:

  • Telephony systems
  • CRM
  • Auto-dialing
  • Computer telephony integration
  • Interactive Voice Response