The 10 Best Game Development Companies in Austria - 2024 Reviews

Top Game Development Companies in Austria

All Game Development Studios in Austria



    (0 review)

    BREITETIEFE ist Wegbereiterin für die Zukunftsfähigkeit von Marken und Unternehmen.

    BREITETIEFE ist ein Kollektiv aus Agenturen, die kollaborativ für Kunden arbeiten und das für unkonventionelle, holistisch gedachte Kommunikationslösungen steht. BREITETIEFE ist Wegbereiterin für die Zukunftsfähigkeit von Marken und Unternehmen. Strategy - Brand Building - Technology
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Austria
    From €3000 for Game Development
  • Vention


    (0 review)

    Ihre Vision, unser Know-how

    Vention ist ein führendes Softwareentwicklungsunternehmen mit Sitz in den USA und weiteren Standorten in Europa, darunter auch Berlin und Wien. Seit über 20 Jahren unterstützen wir VC-finanzierte, dynamische Startups, KMUs und Großunternehmen weltweit dabei, ihre digitale Transformation voranzutreiben. Wir stellen unseren Kunden engagierte, dedizierte Entwicklerteams zur Seite, darunter auch IT-Teams mit sehr spezifischem technischen Know-how und umfangreicher Erfahrung in zukunftsweisenden Technologien wie Blockchain, AR/VR, KI/ML oder IoT. Ganz gleich, ob unsere Kunden ihre Produktentwicklung starten oder ihr Unternehmen skalieren möchten, wir stellen ihnen maßgeschneiderte Teams zur Seite, die die vielfältigen IT-Herausforderungen zu bewältigen wissen. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren sind wir Mitgestalter des digitalen Wandels. Mit wachsender Anzahl an Kunden und Projekten wächst auch unser Team. So bieten wir mittlerweile Zugang zu weltweit mehr als 3.000 Entwicklern in über 20 Niederlassungen. Unser Angebot umfasst ein breites Spektrum an Leistungen: • Individuelle Softwareentwicklung • Webentwicklung • Mobile App-Entwicklung • Cloud-Entwicklung • UI-/UX-Design • Software-Qualitätssicherung und -Testing Dabei legen wir stets großen Wert auf individuelle Konzepte und anspruchsvolle Designs. Im Rahmen der individuellen Softwareentwicklung realisieren wir auch innovative und branchenspezifische IT-Projekte - basierend auf unserer umfassenden Erfahrung in mehr als 30 Branchen und unseres erstklassigen Know-hows in zukunftsweisenden Technologien. Was Vention von anderen Dienstleistern unterscheidet: • Vention ist seit 2002 in der Branche tätig und verlässlicher Partner in allen Technologie-Fragen. • Die durchschnittliche Dauer der Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden beträgt 36 Monate. • Wir blicken bereits auf mehr als 500 erfolgreich abgeschlossene Projekte zurück. • 71 % unserer IT-Experten sind Senior-Experten und Teamleiter. Haben Sie Fragen oder möchten weitere Details besprechen? Kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail unter Wir melden uns schnellstmöglich zurück, um die Details zu Ihrem Projekt zu besprechen.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Austria
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • MOVE Digital

    MOVE Digitalverified-flag

    (0 review)

    We create websites, develop brands & build eCommerce experiences for ambitious companies since 2011.

    We are a passionate team of experts dedicated to creating your digital value. We create websites, develop brands & build eCommerce experiences for ambitious companies since 2011. Our Works are created easy to understand, aesthetic, interactive and functional. We’re called MOVE because we aim to bring you forward, creative and digital.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Austria
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Full-Service Werbeagentur dmp

    Full-Service Werbeagentur dmpcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    WE FEEL, THINK & LIVE B2B & INDUSTRY. Full-Service, animation and virtual showrooms are our strength

    WE FEEL, THINK & LIVE B2B & INDUSTRY. Do you face the complex challenges of B2B advertising on a daily basis, where everything revolves around dialogue between experts? Are you well aware that there is no impact in B2B without relevance? Are you wondering whether a holistic, creative marketing mix is right for you? Do you want 1 agency that offers versatile competence from 1 source, so that holistic thinking is actually lived? Are you looking for 1 agency that STRENGTHENS you because it demonstrates strength, understands innovation, technology and industry and speaks exactly your B2B language? The dmp agency stands for precisely this STRENGTH, because we set standards in B2B advertising & communication, especially for technical products and services that require explanation, because MORE is what it's all about for us.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Austria
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • 360 Celsius

    360 Celsiuscertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    WELCOME TO 360 CELSIUS,   A growth agency that’s driven by creative and tech-savvy problem solvers to help brands solve the marketing problems of today and capitalize on the opportunities of tomorrow. We are a team of professionals who are skilled at growth strategy, and can help take your business to the next level. Growth hacking has disrupted the world of digital marketing and has resulted to a digital marketing revolution. We are here to ensure you make it to the finish line. 360 Celsius is in the business of providing growth hacking services that relies on data analysis and trialing. Our expert analysts have years of experience in coming up with strategies that optimize your funnel. As a result, our growth hacking solutions that are recommended will offer the most potential for your business. How do we know that? Because we are at the forefront of providing growth hacking solutions to businesses across various different verticals that not only make businesses meet but exceed their expectations. And, we can do the same for your business also. With a team of growth hackers who have complementary areas of specialization that fall within the growth hacking umbrella, we are in the best position to providing our clients with exceptional services to help their efforts while breaking into new markets. We base our results on extensive market research and we use tried-and-tested techniques to ensure you get the most ROI for your growth hacking efforts. Taking advantage of our full team of specialists, 360 celsius will act as your Digital Marketing Partner and provides A-Z online marketing activities. From Strategy & Planing to Media buying, campaign execution, Monitoring & Optimisation. on this package, we will have strong connection and tight communication with your sales and management team to make sure the achievement of business Targets. We offer a full suite of growth hacking services to help your business grow at multiple levels.   MISTAKES THAT GROWTH HACKING CORRECTS Thanks to our growth hacking solutions, we are able to help our clients reach their true potential. The following are just some of the ways in which the services of 360 Celsius can help your business succeed in an ever-competitive business environment. Having an inadequate Knowledge of Your Product Many startups and SMEs are faced with an increasing knowledge gap that’s every widening. More often than not, businesses have a team that works had and is trustworthy, but they lack the expertise that is vital for the success of the company. So, what can you do about that? First of all, businesses need to understand that the digital marketing sphere is changing dramatically, for the better. But, that’s only if your business is able to keep up with the changes. That’s where the growth hacking services of 360 Celsius comes in. We provide our clients with the solutions that help them stay ahead of the curve. A Lack of Resources Some businesses just lack the necessary resources that are required for growth experimentation. Businesses need to understand that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to growth hacking, and every business’ needs have to be taken individually. At 360 Celsius, we are aware of the many challenges that lie ahead of businesses, which is why we take out each new client individually, providing exceptional growth hacking solutions that are tailored for your specific business and market niche to improve marketing efforts and drive sales. In this way, we are able to help our clients with their growth hacking woes and having to live with marketing campaigns that are operating on sub-optimal levels. Rather than guessing the outcome of your marketing approach, our growth hacking solutions can help businesses implement marketing strategies that are not only tailor-made according to your needs, but ensures that your marketing strategy is going to significantly increase client engagement across all marketing channels. Don’t Be Held Back by an Unstructured Approach to Growth Hacking Make no mistake; any growth hacking strategy will need a structured approach in order for its success. If you do not have a well-defined process and no discipline when it comes to your marketing campaign, then you are going to need our growth hacking solutions to get your marketing strategy back on track and save your profits from dwindling. No Good with Data, and Actionable Insights? No Problem! Many owners of startups make the mistake of wearing too many hats at once. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. More often than not, a business is able to gather the data they need, but are unable to decipher any actionable insights from the raft of data that they collect. If you do not want the data to get “lost in translation” you are going to need the experience and expertise of 360 Celsius, the one-stop-shop for all your growth hacking needs. So, why fight a losing battle when you can easily meet all your growth hacking needs, and more by simply hiring 360 Celsius.   Don’t Leave Money on the Table In an increasingly competitive business environment, every business worth its salt is looking to utilize growth hacking techniques to increase sales and break into new markets. Rather than making your business constantly chase its tail, trying to look for “insights” into the market, you can hire the experts at 360 Celsius for a reliable and cost-effective solution for all your growth hacking needs. The Growth Hacking solutions that we offer are so much more than just a way of tweaking your marketing campaigns. We are able to deliver results by not only helping businesses identify pressure points in their marketing campaigns, but our growth hacking solutions can be used to maximize the performance of your marketing campaigns throughout its lifecycle. This means you can ensure your marketing efforts are able to over-perform at all levels. Why 360 Celsius? At 360 Celsius, we understand the importance of communicating clearly with our clients, which is why all of our clients can expect to receive clear communication and regular updates on their digital marketing campaigns. By keeping the lines of communication open to our clients, 24/7 and 365 days a year, we provide our clients with a bird’s eye view on the progress, and all aspects of their digital marketing campaigns. Clear Communication Once you have hired the expertise of 360 Celsius, you can rest assured that you are going to be receiving exceptional growth hacking solutions that deliver sustainable results. Our growth hacking specialists stay with our clients every step of the way, ensuring that our clients are fully satisfied with the results of our growth hacking solutions. We will keep you well informed on all aspects of the growth hacking process and the results of your digital marketing efforts to ensure your campaigns exceed expectations. Regular Updates All of our clients receive comprehensive reports of our growth hacking strategies and the results of our efforts. These reports are easy to understand and provide our clients with all the information they need regarding their marketing campaigns.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Austria
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • GoPassion GmbH

    GoPassion GmbHcertified-flagverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    Skalierbare App-Lösungen für zukunftsorientierte Unternehmen

    Wir sind Premium-Hersteller und langfristige Begleiter für zukunftsorientierte Unternehmen bei der Erstellung skalierbarer App-Lösungen. Wir sind kein Dienstleister, sondern dein Companion, auf der Reise zu deiner erfolgreichen App. Wir sind besessen, Apps zu realisieren die deine KPIs übertreffen und gleichzeitig einer besseren gemeinsamen Zukunft dienen. Wir übernehme maximale Verantwortung bei der Realisierung Deiner Idee. Wir versprechen einen MVP lauch in 3 Monaten, bauen Systeme auf um kontinuierlich Kundenfeedback einzuhohlen, nehmen dich bei der Hand und teilen offen unsere best Practices. Es geht immer nur um eines: Wie kommen wir mit möglichst wenig Ressourceneinsatz, zum nächsten sinnvollen Schritt in der Produktentwicklung. Wir sind ein internationales Team, kleiner 30 Personen. So halten wir unsere organisation schlank und können uns maximal auf dein Produkt fokussieren. Leistungsangebot Wir bauen dein digitales Produkt von START bis MARKT und darüber hinaus Vorteile: - Smart, not hard - 3 Monate Launch Fokus - Feedback, Feedback, Feedback - MVP Free Bug Fixing - Zeitsparende und bewährte Frameworks - Quality Contrl on Point Typische Probleme bei Software-Projekten - Kostenüberschreitungen - Endlose Verschiebung von Meilensteinen - Mangel an proaktiver Zusammenarbeit - Funktionen (Features) ohne Business Case - Design, das nicht anspricht - Benutzererfahrung, die die Benutzer nicht bindet Kontaktiere uns, und wir zeigen dir, wie wir diese Probleme vermeiden. PS: Wir haben auch Spaß mit dir bei der Arbeit :) PPS: Unser alter Firmenname: CodingPassion GmbH
    1 work in Game Development
    Active in Austria
    From €10000 for Game Development
  • Mi'pu'mi Games

    Mi'pu'mi Games

    (0 review)

    Great games don't have to be big

    Mipumi Games is an independent game development company based in Vienna, Austria, with the goal to provide a space where skilled and dedicated game developers can work and learn together without suffering from the unhealthy employment- and business practices so common in large-scale game development. Throughout the years, we have learned, grown and attracted more talent - allowing us to design and implement solutions to problems across a variety of hardware platforms, be it PC and Console-, Browser- or Mobile Games. We are continuously adding new and interesting projects to our track record and are eager to enhance our knowledge and skillset in an ever-changing industry. Our artistic vision, technical prowess and professional rigor is reflected by the quality of our product and the good relationships that connect us to partners and players worldwide.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Austria
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Broken Rules

    Broken Rulescertified-flag

    (0 review)
    Broken Rules is a game development studio and collaborative creative hub established in 2009. We design, develop and publish original, hand-crafted digital games.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Austria
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Dyadic Games

    Dyadic Gamescertified-flag

    (0 review)
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Austria
    No budget for Game Development
  • Zeppelin Studio

    Zeppelin Studiocertified-flag

    (0 review)
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Austria
    No budget for Game Development
  • Purple Lamp Studios

    Purple Lamp Studios

    (0 review)

    Game Development Studio in Vienna

    Purple Lamp is a game development studio in Vienna with a united team that has spent many years working together. We joined the THQ Nordic family in 2020 after releasing the million+ selling SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated, and continue to develop The Guild 3 which is in Early Access on Steam. We have two unannounced multi platform projects in the works that we can't say much about yet, just that they're going to be even bigger and better!
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Austria
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Rarebyte


    (0 review)
    Game studio based in Vienna & Graz, Austria - Creators of Waterstorm, Lemming Rampage, PIN Racer, Game Dev Tycoon (iOS/Android), Seeds of Sol, and We Are Screwed!
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Austria
    From €1000 for Game Development


    (0 review)
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Austria
    No budget for Game Development
  • We are an independent game- and software development studio based in Salzburg - right on the edge of the Austrian alps.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Austria
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • Nagarro


    (0 review)
    A digital product engineering leader, Nagarro drives technology-led business breakthroughs for industry leaders and challengers through agility and innovation.
    No work in Game Development
    Active in Austria
    From €1000 for Game Development
  • No work in Game Development
    Active in Austria
    No budget for Game Development

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