The 100 Best VueJS Development Companies - 2024 Reviews

Top VueJS Development Companies

VueJS development enables businesses to create dynamic and responsive web applications. Leveraging VueJS, developers build user-friendly interfaces and enhance the overall user experience. Whether you're a startup or an established company, finding the right VueJS development agency can significantly impact your project's success. Explore top VueJS development companies to realize your vision with cutting-edge technology and expert solutions.

Top Featured VueJS Development Companies

  • URALA International

    URALA Internationalcertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (8 reviews)

    A Global Marketing + PR Agency for Asia-Pacific (Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam)

    URALA International is a full-service media, content & web solutions group 🏙 with offices across Asia-Pacific. Contact: Media accolades "URALA is the best digital marketing, advertising and creative agency in Japan, and also boasts the nation’s top and longest-running marketing practices in digital assets, Web3.0, metaverse and NFT. They advise both Tier 1 international and Japanese clients on their Web3.0 projects, as well as operate Cointelegraph Japan, the top crypto media in the country." - News on Japan "URALA is a fast-growing PR outfit in Indonesia, combining digital marketing and PR practices to help clients communicate and connect effectively with the audience. … The firm’s co-founders are both a local Indonesian PR professional and an international digital marketing and media executive who work together to bring valuable brands and experience to Indonesian people.” - Indonesia Investments " URALA is the only agency in Japan that has a dedicated, long-standing Digital Asset (+NFT and Metaverse) marketing practice in Japan , as the owner and operator of Cointelegraph Japan, the country’s most influential crypto media brand. URALA’s global crypto team works with Tier 1 digital asset projects globally and provides brands and Web3.0 aspirant clients with “crypto-native” solutions." - European Business Review Overview We provide "Faster, Cheaper, Better" 🏃 services in today's 24/7 always-on marketing environment. Besides managing proprietary media brands, we provide integrated solutions to leading corporates, media organisations, financial institutions, tech services as well as industry bodies and governmental agencies. We cover a wide range of industry sectors, including tech, personal finance, lifestyle, tourism, healthcare, consumer goods, NPOs as well as servicing local governments and central government agencies. An example of our work bringing international tech brand to Japan includes growing 's 💹 Japanese traffic by 600% over a 12-month period through a mini local operation combining content marketing, SEO audit and optimisation, performance marketing, business development, partnership, sales and localisation. is one of the top 10 global financial portals. We run Cointelegraph Japan ⚡ , Japan's top media focusing on cryptocurrency (bitcoin etc.), blockchain and associated tech (Web3.0, NFT, blockchain etc.), as part of global media group with presence in Europe, the United States, China, Korea and Latin America. We leverage our expertise in crypto, blockchain and NFTs to incubate and accelelate web3.0 projects, and have been involved in branding and promoting Tier 1 blockchain projects globally. Geos 🌏 Japan, Greater Bay Area (China), Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam Brands 📱 Cointelegraph Japan, Japan's top media focusing on digital assets, blockchain, metaverse, NFTs; and other "intent-based media" in various verticals such as Legal🧑‍⚖️, Recruitment🧑‍💼, Lifestyle👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, Finance💳 and Gaming🎮 Services 🏃 Growth marketing using media, content, creative, web development, events, videos - all substantiated & optimized by data Happy Clients 😄 Clients in Tech, Finance, Gaming, Media, Insurance, Pharma, Healthcare, Lifestyle, Tourism, Healthcare, Consumer, NPOs, Sovereigns, including the EU Commission, Kohler Power, L'Oreal, Maybelline, Consensys, Aboitiz InfraCapital, Amos 4d Gummy, Economist Impact, Coherent, etc. Tech stack 🧑‍💻 FrontEnd — Javascript / Typescript, React / VueJS, Redux / Effector / Vuex, GraphQL, Apollo / gqless, webpack / parcel, nginx BackEnd — Python (gunicorn, FastAPI, TortoiseORM, Jupyter, Django), Go, NodeJS (Express.js, Koa, Sequelize, mongoose), PostgreSQL / MongoDB, Redis, RabbitMQ, KeyCloak, Hasura, Camunda Mobile — React Native, Dart (Flutter), GraphQL (Apollo), Objective C / Swiſt (combine, RxSwiſt, MVVM), Java / Kotlin (Kotlin Flow, Dagger Hilt, Retrofit, OkHttp, Glide, Firebase), Kotlin Multiplatform Design — Figma, Miro, Atomic Design / Human Interface Guidelines / Material Design Tokens & NFTs — ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155, DEX, dApps, DAO, KYC/KYB, Geth, Infura Smart contract — Solidity, Rust, Vyper, Node.js, Truffle, Wafflele, Manual on testnets Leading Digital Asset practice Whilst many agencies claim expertise in the digital asset space without actual experience, our team has invested and managed Tier 1 projects as well as providing clients with crypto-native solutions for many years and has expansive industry connections to field a top team for your projects. Thank you for reading 🙇‍♂️
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Tokyo, Japan
    From €1000 for VueJS Development
  • Dot Com Development

    Dot Com Developmentcertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (9 reviews)

    On Time ... On Budget ... Solutions Exceeding Expectation

    Dot Com Development is a proven and awarded full service technology development company providing custom solutions for companies of all sizes and industries. We provide end to end application planning, design, development, testing and support services with expertise in the latest cutting edge, high performing, and future proof technologies . We’ll get your digital product to market 30% faster than our competitors, improve development costs by up to 40% and create user experiences that get 3x-5x more user engagement. Our services include Strategic Planning and Consulting UX/UI Design Prototyping and POC's Web Application Development Website Design and Development Mobile Application Development eCommerce / mCommerce Development API Development and Integration Data and Analytics Cloud Development CRM / ERP Development Artificial Intelligence Development DevOps / Cloud Services
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Scottsdale, United States
    From €1000 for VueJS Development
  • PLAN A Agency

    PLAN A Agencycertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Branding, Digital Marketing, Website & Mobile Apps design and development

    PLAN A came to life as a living example of what a marketing agency should be and do to help its clients achieve their desired goals and exceed them in the long run. This is the core of our mission and vision to be at the very top of our game… and stay there! PLAN A is a full-service marketing agency in Dubai offering top-notch creative marketing solutions in many areas, including but not limited to Branding, Digital Marketing, Web Design and Development in Dubai, and Mobile Applications. From the day we started till now, we had the great pleasure of working with extraordinary clients representing a wide range of businesses, from startups to market leaders, in Dubai, the MENA region, and beyond.
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    From €1000 for VueJS Development
  • Wess Soft

    Wess Softcertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (7 reviews)

    Transformez vos idées en réalité !

    Wess Soft est une entreprise de développement de logiciels qui se concentre sur la création de solutions innovantes pour les entreprises. Avec une équipe de développeurs expérimentés et une expertise en matière de technologie de pointe, Wess Soft est en mesure de fournir des produits de qualité supérieure et des services professionnels pour répondre aux besoins de ses clients. Wess Soft est reconnue pour sa capacité à créer des solutions sur mesure pour les entreprises de tous les secteurs, en utilisant les dernières technologies pour garantir des résultats efficaces et durables. Nous pouvons créer ce dont vous avez précisement besoin, par exemple (mais non limité à) : - portail web - plateforme e-commerce - système CRM interne - réseau social - GED sur mesure - uberisation - marketplace NFT - smart contracts sur blockchain - experiences VR Profitez de nos compétences multiplateformes pour développer vos solutions pour une large palette de terminaux numériques, et d’être ainsi présent sur tous les marchés : Web, iOS, Android. Nous travaillons à la conception de vos produits et applicatifs à destination du public ou à usage interne. Nous vous aidons à mûrir vos projets, à regarder plus loin. Une architecture souple, de qualité, et intimement liée à vos besoins est gage de sérénité : elle vous garantit une grande fiabilité, une maintenance aisée et des coûts maîtrisés.
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Lyon, France
    From €10000 for VueJS Development
  • Mobile Reality

    Mobile Realitycertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (5 reviews)

    JavaScript Digital Product Agency @ profitable digital apps, data monetization, NFTs

    Mobile Reality creates and designs profitable digital products like mobile and web solutions and monetizes data. We cooperate with Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Award winners and global leaders to deliver them the best quality and profitable software solutions. We are JavaScript experts. The NFTs creators and developers. We are a Clutch awarded team of over 30 specialists, with 50+ projects in the portfolio, with budgets over $1 million. 100k users use our products. Let's discuss how we can support you with digital products and services. Lovers of such technologies as React.JS, React Native, Vue.JS, Node.JS, AWS, Android, iOS, Python, R. We create NFTs based on FLOW blockchain, and we develop NFTs-related smart contracts using Cadence language.
    1 work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Janki, Poland
    From €1000 for VueJS Development

All VueJS Development Agencies

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  • Dot Com Development

    Dot Com Developmentcertified-flagverified-flag

    (9 reviews)

    On Time ... On Budget ... Solutions Exceeding Expectation

    Dot Com Development is a proven and awarded full service technology development company providing custom solutions for companies of all sizes and industries. We provide end to end application planning, design, development, testing and support services with expertise in the latest cutting edge, high performing, and future proof technologies . We’ll get your digital product to market 30% faster than our competitors, improve development costs by up to 40% and create user experiences that get 3x-5x more user engagement. Our services include Strategic Planning and Consulting UX/UI Design Prototyping and POC's Web Application Development Website Design and Development Mobile Application Development eCommerce / mCommerce Development API Development and Integration Data and Analytics Cloud Development CRM / ERP Development Artificial Intelligence Development DevOps / Cloud Services
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Scottsdale, United States
    From €1000 for VueJS Development
  • Blacksmith


    (43 reviews)

    Agence de Design & Développement Web Agréée CII

    Blacksmith ( accompagne grands comptes, PMEs, startups en tant qu’agence web agréée CII et startup studio depuis 2016. Nous sommes experts en projets digitaux : refonte ou création de site vitrine, de logo, identité visuelle, applications web et mobile, dashboard, SaaS, site institutionnel, e-commerce... Nous réalisons le design (UX/UI, Product Design) et développons pour vous des solutions sur mesure dans une architecture cloud scalable et sécurisée. Nos expertises: 1) Design : UX/UI, audits, branding, intersticiels publicitaires, emailing, print... 2) Développement web et mobile : sites vitrines, apps, SaaS, dashboards, e-commerce... mais aussi sites no-code / low-code. Stack : AWS, Jamstack, Strapi, Vercel, React.js, Nest.js, Next.js, Shopify, Wordpress... 3) Project Management : gestion de projets en agile ou au forfait 4) Cloud & DevOps : audits, implémentation, CI/CD, IAC, stress tests... 5) Création de contenu : posts réseaux sociaux, newsletters, shooting photos... 6) Web3 : mint NFT sur Ethereum, Solana, etc. Quelques-unes de nos dernières réalisations : - (design + web development + cloud architecture) - (design + web development + cloud architecture) - (design + développement web + architecture cloud) - (design + web development + cloud architecture) - (design + web development + cloud architecture) - (design + web development + cloud architecture) - (design + web development + cloud architecture) Nous avons aussi designé et développé des centaines de publicités pour des grandes marques (GIFI, TATI, Intersport, Jardiland, H&M, etc.). Blacksmith est également : 1️⃣ Partenaire Shopify, AWS, Vercel, Strapi, BigCommerce et Klaviyo. 2️⃣ Reconnue par Sortlist avec 1 Award Européen “meilleure satisfaction client” et 2 parutions dans leur Guide des meilleures agences 3️⃣ Agréée au CII : vous pouvez récupérer 30% du montant de nos factures d’Innovation en crédit d’impôts Le challenge technique est élevé ? Pas de soucis, nous avons créé avec succès plusieurs produits complexes sur mesure : - intégrant des services de tierce parties bancaires comme Treezor - intégrant des APIs privées complexes avec qui permet de faire le plein en utilisant des badges DSRC au sein des stations-essence ENI - intégrés au sein d' architecture cloud sécurisées , permettant de faire face à des dizaines de milliers d'utilisateurs en simultanés tout en restant sur des coûts financiers raisonnables =============== "Je ne sais pas qui vous êtes. Je ne sais pas ce que vous voulez. [...] ce que j’ai, c’est des compétences particulières, que j’ai acquises au cours d’une longue carrière. Des compétences qui font de moi un véritable cauchemar pour vos bugs. [...]Si vous me lâchez sur votre code, ça s’arrêtera là. Je les chercherai, je les trouverai et je les tuerai." Jacky - Lead Dev @ Blacksmith
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Paris, France
    From €1000 for VueJS Development
  • Okappi


    (15 reviews)

    Jouw verhaal. Digitaal.

    Als bureau is het doel om onze klanten te helpen bij hun digitale transformatie, de communicatie te verbeteren en efficiëntie te creëren . In onze natuurlijke habitat houden we stiekem gewoon van programmeren ;) Onze kudde staat klaar om u te begeleiden bij het vertalen van uw verhaal en merk naar een digitale strategie, waarbij we gedijen om de beste oplossing voor uw behoeften te vinden. Zoals we graag zeggen, elke oplossing is zo uniek als de strepen van een Okapi, laten we ze samen vinden! Okappi creëert online digitale applicaties op maat, denk aan: websites, webshops, custom made webapplicaties en klantportalen,.... altijd aangepast aan de noden van onze klant. We beginnen met te luisteren naar uw verhaal en verwachtingen. Het belangrijkste doel is om te begrijpen wat we moeten leveren om de toekomst veilig te stellen. We beginnen met ontwerpen, testen en ontwikkelen. Zodra alles op zijn plaats is, lanceren we, klaar om de wereld te veroveren. U kunt erop vertrouwen dat we na de lancering ondersteuning blijven bieden en ervoor zorgen dat uw digitale applicatie consistent en met hoge prestaties presteert. Diensten: Wordpress, Laravel, CMS, digitale strategie, UI/UX, SEO, SEA, design, Shopify, API integraties en koppelingen We zijn slechts één klik verwijderd! ----------------------------------------------- As an agency, the goal is to help our customers with their digital transformation , improving communication and creating efficiciency . In our natural habitat, we secretly just love programming ;) Our hurd is ready to guide you in translating your story and brand into a digital strategy, where we thrive to find the best solution fit to your needs. As we like to say, every solution is as unique as the stripes of an Okapi , lets find them together! Okappi creates custom online digital applications, think of: websites, webshops, custom made web applications and client portals,.... , always adapted to the needs of our customer.  We start by listening to your story and expectations. The main goal is to understand what we need to deliver in order to secure the future.  We start by designing , testing and developing. Once everything is in place, we launch, ready to conquer the world. Rest assured, after the launch, we will continue to provide support and ensure that your digital application performs consistently at high performance. Services: Wordpress, Laravel, CMS, digital strategy, UI/UX, SEO, SEA, design, Shopify, API integrations and connections We are just one click away!  
    4 works in VueJS Development
    Active in the Mechelen, Belgium
    From €1000 for VueJS Development
  • IbisDev


    (8 reviews)

    We develop dreams

    IbisDev - We develop dreams Que votre rêve soit de développer intégralement une application ou d'accélérer un développement resté trop longtemps dans un tiroir, les équipes d'ibisdev répondent à vos challenges. Nos équipes d’experts offrent un accompagnement sur mesure dans tous vos projets digitaux: - Web App et Sites web - Mobile App - Data et Infra (Certifié Power BI et AWS) - E-commerce : Certifié Shopify et sketchfab pour la partie 3D Nous développons votre software de bout en bout : du design à la mise en production, en incluant la maintenance applicative et l’infogérance serveur. Nous sommes réactifs , agiles mais également inventifs . Là où beaucoup se contentent de répondre aux besoins, nous allons plus loin en étant force de proposition. Nous ne recrutons que les meilleurs profils validés par des tests d'entrée. Pourquoi un développement sur mesure ? Au-delà des fournisseurs de software as a service nous proposons à nos clients de les accompagner avec des solutions dédiés et parfaitement adaptés à leurs besoins Cet accompagnement se fait de bout en bout de votre projet : Besoin, Design, Développement, Production. We develop dreams L'équipe IbisDev
    7 works in VueJS Development
    Active in the Paris, France
    From €1000 for VueJS Development
  • Aji


    (64 reviews)

    Une seule limite, votre imagination. 🚀

    Aji, l'équipe qui va vous bluffer ! Vous avez une idée exceptionnelle mais vous ne savez pas par où commencer ? Pas de panique, les experts d'Aji sont là pour vous ! 🧠 On allie créativité débordante et compétences de choc pour transformer vos concepts les plus fous en projets concrets. De l'intelligence artificielle aux applis mobiles, en passant par le web, le design ou la réalité augmentée, on maîtrise tous les domaines ! 🔥 Notre secret ? Une équipe survitaminée, prête à relever n'importe quel défi ! On s'adapte à tous les secteurs comme de vrais caméléons du numérique. 🪡 Mais le must, c'est qu'on vous conçoit des projets sur-mesure, comme un costume taillé par le plus prestigieux des tailleurs. Aji, c'est la haute-couture du digital ! Mais concrètement, on fait quoi ? ✅ Intelligence Artificielle ✅ Application Mobile ✅ Développement Web ✅ UI/UX Design ✅ Réalité Augmentée et Virtuelle (AR/VR) ✅ SEO / SEA / SMO / CRO Notre mission ? Faire vivre votre passion ! ♠️ On est les AS pour capter l'essence de votre projet et la retranscrire à la perfection. Parce qu'on est pas que des technophiles, on est avant tout à l'écoute de vos besoins et de ceux de vos futurs utilisateurs. 🤘 Alors foncez et partagez-nous vos folles idées ! On se chargera de les concrétiser à 3000% pour vous bluffer ! Nos valeurs ? On vous les transmets ! ✨ Réactivité de folie ✨ Créativité à revendre ✨ Confiance à toute épreuve ✨ Écoute proactive ✨ Transparence absolue Aji c'est une famille : AjiCreative, AjiInteractive et AjiContent ! Une équipe rayonnante qui ne lâche rien et qui garde toujours un pied dans l'humain. Alors go, on se lance ? 💥
    1 work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Paris, France
    From €350 for VueJS Development
  • Born Digital

    Born Digitalcertified-flagverified-flag

    (17 reviews)

    Born Digital creates beautiful brands and outstanding digital products.

    Born Digital creates beautiful brands and outstanding digital products like websites, mobile apps and complex tools and platforms. We help organizations unlock their full potential with bold identities and state-of the art digital products and we thrive when we're faced with complex and creative challenges. Direct interaction We believe in self-steering teams and direct interaction between our team and our customers and we don’t believe in overhead profiles. Information needs to flow directly between you and the people who design and build your project. Problem first, solution second By which we mean we always start with focussing on the needs of both our clients and their customers. We analyse and design the best possible experience first, then pick the best technology stack to turn this design into a performant, flexible and immersive digital experience. Proven methods We never pitch a solution, always an approach. We can take all the insights and experience from previous projects, but that also taught us that every client and every project is different and there’s often something seemingly small that might have a huge impact on the result. We alway rely on a proven methodology that got every single one of our clients to a great result within budget and time.
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Zonhoven, Belgium
    From €5000 for VueJS Development
  • Soamee Studio

    Soamee Studiocertified-flagverified-flag

    (11 reviews)

    Pensamos, creamos y desarrollamos productos digitales que se ajustan a todas las necesidades

    PROFILE INFO AVAILABLE IN 🇪🇸 AND 🇬🇧 ---- 🇪🇸 En el núcleo de Madrid y extendiéndose a través de toda Europa, Soamee Studio se presenta como más que una simple agencia de desarrollo de software: somos arquitectos de ideas, transformándolas en innovaciones digitales concretas. Compuesto por un equipo multidisciplinario y en constante evolución de más de 10 expertos, nuestro estudio es el epicentro donde la visión de emprendedores cobra vida. Nuestro enfoque va más allá del desarrollo tradicional. Acompañamos a emprendedores en cada paso del camino, desde la conceptualización hasta la materialización de sus ideas, asegurando que cada producto digital no solo funcione a la perfección, sino que también resuene con su público objetivo. Con una fuerte inclinación hacia el trabajo en remoto, hemos aprovechado esta estrategia para atraer al mejor talento de diferentes regiones, convirtiéndolo en nuestra carta maestra para el desarrollo excepcional. Aunque nos especializamos en un stack basado en JavaScript (React, Node, React Native), nuestra curiosidad y adaptabilidad nos ha llevado a explorar y dominar múltiples plataformas, desde aplicaciones nativas para iOS y Android hasta frameworks como Vue y Angular. La comunicación es esencial para nosotros. Adoptando metodologías ágiles, garantizamos un flujo constante de retroalimentación con nuestros clientes, lo que nos permite pivotar y adaptarnos con agilidad. Además, ofrecemos soluciones integrales de 360 grados, con estudios avanzados de UI y UX, garantizando productos que encantan tanto en funcionalidad como en diseño. Desde startups emergentes con visiones audaces que han alcanzado cifras de usuarios sorprendentes, hasta colaboraciones con grandes jugadores del mercado como Vodafone y LG, nuestra misión es clara: dar vida a las ideas y transformar el panorama digital. En Soamee Studio, tu visión es nuestro compromiso. Juntos, convertimos ideas en realidades digitales inolvidables. ---- 🇬🇧 Nestled in the heart of Madrid and extending across all of Europe, Soamee Studio stands as more than just a software development agency: we are architects of ideas, turning them into tangible digital innovations. Comprised of a constantly evolving, multidisciplinary team of over 10 experts, our studio is where entrepreneurs' visions come to life. Our approach transcends traditional development. We accompany entrepreneurs every step of the way, from conceptualization to realization, ensuring that each digital product is not only flawlessly executed but also resonates with its target audience. With a strong leaning towards remote work, we've harnessed this strategy to attract top talent from diverse regions, making it our ace card for exceptional development. While we specialize in a JavaScript-based stack (React, Node, React Native), our curiosity and adaptability have led us to explore and master various platforms, from native applications for iOS and Android to frameworks like Vue and Angular. Communication is paramount to us. Embracing agile methodologies, we ensure a steady stream of feedback with our clients, allowing us to pivot and adapt swiftly. Moreover, we offer comprehensive 360-degree solutions, with advanced UI and UX studies, guaranteeing products that charm in both functionality and design. From budding startups with bold visions that have reached astonishing user numbers, to collaborations with market giants like Vodafone and LG, our mission is clear: to breathe life into ideas and reshape the digital landscape. At Soamee Studio, your vision is our commitment. Together, we turn ideas into unforgettable digital realities.
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Madrid, Spain
    From €3000 for VueJS Development
  • URALA International

    URALA Internationalcertified-flagverified-flag

    (8 reviews)

    A Global Marketing + PR Agency for Asia-Pacific (Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam)

    URALA International is a full-service media, content & web solutions group 🏙 with offices across Asia-Pacific. Contact: Media accolades "URALA is the best digital marketing, advertising and creative agency in Japan, and also boasts the nation’s top and longest-running marketing practices in digital assets, Web3.0, metaverse and NFT. They advise both Tier 1 international and Japanese clients on their Web3.0 projects, as well as operate Cointelegraph Japan, the top crypto media in the country." - News on Japan "URALA is a fast-growing PR outfit in Indonesia, combining digital marketing and PR practices to help clients communicate and connect effectively with the audience. … The firm’s co-founders are both a local Indonesian PR professional and an international digital marketing and media executive who work together to bring valuable brands and experience to Indonesian people.” - Indonesia Investments " URALA is the only agency in Japan that has a dedicated, long-standing Digital Asset (+NFT and Metaverse) marketing practice in Japan , as the owner and operator of Cointelegraph Japan, the country’s most influential crypto media brand. URALA’s global crypto team works with Tier 1 digital asset projects globally and provides brands and Web3.0 aspirant clients with “crypto-native” solutions." - European Business Review Overview We provide "Faster, Cheaper, Better" 🏃 services in today's 24/7 always-on marketing environment. Besides managing proprietary media brands, we provide integrated solutions to leading corporates, media organisations, financial institutions, tech services as well as industry bodies and governmental agencies. We cover a wide range of industry sectors, including tech, personal finance, lifestyle, tourism, healthcare, consumer goods, NPOs as well as servicing local governments and central government agencies. An example of our work bringing international tech brand to Japan includes growing 's 💹 Japanese traffic by 600% over a 12-month period through a mini local operation combining content marketing, SEO audit and optimisation, performance marketing, business development, partnership, sales and localisation. is one of the top 10 global financial portals. We run Cointelegraph Japan ⚡ , Japan's top media focusing on cryptocurrency (bitcoin etc.), blockchain and associated tech (Web3.0, NFT, blockchain etc.), as part of global media group with presence in Europe, the United States, China, Korea and Latin America. We leverage our expertise in crypto, blockchain and NFTs to incubate and accelelate web3.0 projects, and have been involved in branding and promoting Tier 1 blockchain projects globally. Geos 🌏 Japan, Greater Bay Area (China), Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam Brands 📱 Cointelegraph Japan, Japan's top media focusing on digital assets, blockchain, metaverse, NFTs; and other "intent-based media" in various verticals such as Legal🧑‍⚖️, Recruitment🧑‍💼, Lifestyle👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, Finance💳 and Gaming🎮 Services 🏃 Growth marketing using media, content, creative, web development, events, videos - all substantiated & optimized by data Happy Clients 😄 Clients in Tech, Finance, Gaming, Media, Insurance, Pharma, Healthcare, Lifestyle, Tourism, Healthcare, Consumer, NPOs, Sovereigns, including the EU Commission, Kohler Power, L'Oreal, Maybelline, Consensys, Aboitiz InfraCapital, Amos 4d Gummy, Economist Impact, Coherent, etc. Tech stack 🧑‍💻 FrontEnd — Javascript / Typescript, React / VueJS, Redux / Effector / Vuex, GraphQL, Apollo / gqless, webpack / parcel, nginx BackEnd — Python (gunicorn, FastAPI, TortoiseORM, Jupyter, Django), Go, NodeJS (Express.js, Koa, Sequelize, mongoose), PostgreSQL / MongoDB, Redis, RabbitMQ, KeyCloak, Hasura, Camunda Mobile — React Native, Dart (Flutter), GraphQL (Apollo), Objective C / Swiſt (combine, RxSwiſt, MVVM), Java / Kotlin (Kotlin Flow, Dagger Hilt, Retrofit, OkHttp, Glide, Firebase), Kotlin Multiplatform Design — Figma, Miro, Atomic Design / Human Interface Guidelines / Material Design Tokens & NFTs — ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155, DEX, dApps, DAO, KYC/KYB, Geth, Infura Smart contract — Solidity, Rust, Vyper, Node.js, Truffle, Wafflele, Manual on testnets Leading Digital Asset practice Whilst many agencies claim expertise in the digital asset space without actual experience, our team has invested and managed Tier 1 projects as well as providing clients with crypto-native solutions for many years and has expansive industry connections to field a top team for your projects. Thank you for reading 🙇‍♂️
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Tokyo, Japan
    From €1000 for VueJS Development
  • 40/60 UX, CX et développement - Agrée CII

    40/60 UX, CX et développement - Agrée CIIcertified-flagverified-flag

    (30 reviews)

    Design et développement de sites web et apps digitales boostant acquisition, conversion et rétention

    Agence 40-60 Studio, votre partenaire pour dynamiser l'espace digital. Spécialisés en CX, UX/UI, nous transformons vos challenges en conversions accrues, rétention et upselling améliorés, grâce à des interfaces intuitives. Sites web, marketplaces B2B/B2C, plateformes SaaS ou apps mobiles , nous assurons une présence digitale remarquable et conforme à votre vision stratégique. Notre équipe, mêlant l'agilité d'une startup digitale à la profondeur d'accompagnement des ETI et grands comptes, est dédiée à l'excellence. Depuis 2016, notre expertise s'étend sur plus de 190 projets dans divers secteurs, prouvant notre aptitude à innover et à personnaliser nos solutions selon vos besoins spécifiques. Engagez-vous vers une transformation digitale efficace, où chaque interaction est une opportunité de croissance. Votre vision, notre mission : matérialiser efficacement vos ambitions digitales. 40/60, c’est l’agence stratégie, UX/UI, développement & Innovation dont vous avez besoin. Plus d'informations sur notre site internet Retrouvez-nous sur Paris et sur Nantes 📍 Nos clients : Stellantis | Eiffage | SNCF | Arte | ADN Data | Heineken | LVMH | Simplon
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Paris, France
    From €5000 for VueJS Development
  • Rload Studio

    Rload Studiocertified-flagverified-flag

    (55 reviews)

    Estudio creativo, premiado internacionalmente, especializado en el desarrollo de productos digitales

    ✸ Somos un estudio creativo especializado en el desarrollo de productos 100% digitales que permiten a las marcas posicionarse y diferenciarse a través de la creatividad y el diseño. Desarrollamos servicios de diseño y desarrollo Web & Apps, diseño UX/UI; creación de vídeo y Motion Graphics; contenido 3D; ilustración y diseño gráfico; branding y estrategia de marca. Pero ante todo, somos una agencia joven, cercana y vitalista. Nos mantenemos informados sobre las nuevas tendencias y tecnologías. Acompañamos a nuestros clientes durante todo el proceso. Ponemos cada día nuestra pasión y esfuerzo en aportar un servicio ágil y personalizado. ¡Y lo estamos consiguiendo! Nuestros proyectos han sido premiados internacionalmente y ocupamos los primeros puestos del ranking de mejores agencias de Madrid. — Anímate a descubrir #TheRloadExperience🚀
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Madrid, Spain
    From €1000 for VueJS Development
  • iseo Digitalagentur

    iseo Digitalagenturcertified-flagverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Innovation einfach umsetzen.

    Deine Ziele sind unsere Leidenschaft. Wir sind ein interdisziplinarisches Team von Digital-Experten, die in der Welt der Softwareentwicklung und des Online-Marketings zu Hause sind. Seit 2008 verfolgen wir unsere Leidenschaft für die Entwicklung individueller und cloudbasierter Software-, App- und Weblösungen in einer breiten Vielfalt von Branchen und Sektoren. Unsere Mission: Die Grenzen der digitalen Möglichkeiten zu expandieren, damit die Ziele unserer Kunden Realität werden. Ob Projektideen, die Übernahme von laufenden Digitalprojekten oder die Entwicklung einer gemeinsamen Vision, wir sind dein Ansprechpartner. iseo – Wo Kreativität auf Technologie trifft. Leistungen: Beratung und Konzeption für digitale Projekte Individuelle Entwicklung für App- und Softwarelösungen Individuelle Portallösungen für Web-, App- und Softwarelösungen UX und UI Design für digitale Projekte Software Service & Wartung Online Marketing E-Mail: Tel: +49(0) 451 479 865 – 0
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Lübeck, Germany
    From €1000 for VueJS Development
  • The Brink Agency

    The Brink Agencycertified-flagverified-flag

    (38 reviews)

    Experience design agency specialized in Identity, Development, 3D technology and Ai Content creation

    Step into our world, step into The Brink. We turn your business into a meaningful digital experience with identity, development, and immersive 3D technology in order to have a wider audience engage with your message. Turn your ideas into reality with bold & effective Dutch design. Our mission is to make your business look and feel authentic, so it can cut through the competition's noise. Therefore, one case at the time, we will make the crowded digital space more beautiful. The Brink Agency's AI-powered content service offers an unprecedented opportunity to revolutionize content creation, unleashing boundless creative possibilities. Our solution empowers brands to swiftly generate top-quality, captivating materials across diverse formats, elevating marketing strategies and fostering deeper customer engagement. Experience how our innovative service transforms the way businesses communicate and stand out in today's digital landscape. We are committed to your digital evolution with astonishing experiences that will make your business more successful. Expand your digital imagination Our services include but are not limited to: Web Design & Development Ai Powered Content (new) Digital Strategy & Branding (Content production) UX / UI Design Visual production (Art direction) App Development (IOS & Android) 3D solutions (Technology and renders) Sortlist Success Stories: The Brink, a multi-award-winning Amsterdam based European studio, boasts a talented team with a history of jury efforts for prestigious institutes like Webby Awards, FWA, and Awwwards. Garnering four consecutive Sortlist Awards, including 2022's "Top Performer," they've earned their place among Europe's elite agencies. Their commitment to creativity and excellence is evident through their "Most Creative Works," "Top Performer NL," and "Prix D'excellence" awards. As an fast growing company we got the Fd gazelle award for 2022, and are on the shortlist for 2023.
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €3000 for VueJS Development
  • WADM | Agency

    WADM | Agencycertified-flagverified-flag

    (38 reviews)

    Leading in B2B Branding.

    Wij zijn een bureau gespecialiseerd in B2B brand building, design en digitale transformatie. Met twintig specialisten bouwen we aan nationale en internationale merken, waaronder Calex, CRH, Aliaxis, Visma Roxit en VETUS. B2B merken die groeien door onze aandacht en technische expertise. Merken die online en offline aantoonbare resultaten behalen. Omdat wij weten hoe je marketing en sales synchroniseert. Online en offline. Met BrainSells positioneren wij op wetenschappelijke wijze complexe producten of organisaties. Scientific creativity noemde een van onze klanten het ooit. Samen zoeken we onderbouwde antwoorden op jouw vraagstuk. Of verscherpen we je business case. Daar zijn we goed in, hebben we al meer dan 100 keer gedaan. Met succes. Heb je een complex vraagstuk? Spar dan eens vrijblijvend met ons, dan presenteren wij jou onze werkwijze. Zeer inspirerend en ook geheel vrijblijvend. Bel Jeroen Vermeulen: +31 6 42470525 Wil je liever eerst weten hoe tevreden onze klanten zijn, bekijk dan onze recensies. ------ We are a creative agency that specializes in B2B brand building, design and digital transformation. Our twenty specialists help build national and international brands like Calex, CRH, Aliaxis, Visma Roxit and VETUS. B2B brands that grow because of our efforts and technical expertise. These brands achieve concrete results and raise their market value, because we know how to synchronize their marketing and sales. Both online and offline. We create a strong brand positioning for complex products or organizations with BrainSells, our neuro marketing methodology. One of our customers simply calls it ‘scientific creativity’. We use it to jointly search for substantiated answers to your communications problem. Or to make your business case smarter. We are quite good at that, having done so over a 100 times. Quite successfully. Do you have any complex communication issues? And would you like to freely discuss them with us? Please contact us and we will demonstrate our unique working method as inspiration. Call Jeroen Vermeulen: +31 6 42470525 Or do you prefer to see how satisfied our customers are? Then please check out our reviews.
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Brussels, Belgium
    From €2000 for VueJS Development
  • Techcronus Business Solutions

    Techcronus Business Solutionsverified-flag

    (67 reviews)

    Your Digital Transformation Partner

    Techcronus is a full-service digital agency helping businesses with innovative web, mobility, cloud, AI and data analytics solutions since 2013. Brands like Starbucks, Unilever, IKEA, Fererro trust us for their digital transformation needs. We have successfully delivered more than 500 projects across Retail/eCommerce, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Travel, Sports & Gaming, Finance and Education industries. Our business offerings include: - Business Applications (ERP, Accounting and CRM Solutions) - Custom Web and Mobility Solutions - Cloud Migration - Data and AI Solutions - Product Development & Support - Staff Augmentation Our technology expertise includes: Full-stack Development .NET, PHP, Angular, React, Node, React Native Ruby on Rails Python, OpenAI, and ChatGPT Azure and AWS Cloud Dynamics 365 ERP and CRM Power BI, Power Apps Please visit our portfolio to see our work samples: D&B D-U-N-S Number : 91-519-0599 For free consultation regarding your software development needs, please write to us on or connect on Skype (techcronus). Our Global Locations: 1. Techcronus Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 821, Stratum @ Venus Ground, Nehrunagar, Satellite Road, Ahmedabad - 380015, Gujarat, India 2. Techcronus Inc. 3705 W Pico Blvd, Unit #606, Los Angeles, CA 90019, United States 3. Techcronus Australia Pty Ltd. 81-83 Campbell Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010
    15 works in VueJS Development
    Active in the Los Angeles, United States
    From €1000 for VueJS Development
  • Tingis Web : Software Development & Digital Marketing

    Tingis Web : Software Development & Digital Marketingverified-flag

    (7 reviews)

    Your Partner in Improving Customer Experience (CX) and Commercial Success using AI 🤝

    Tingis Web is your dedicated partner for elevating customer experiences (CX) and driving business success with the power of AI. With headquarters in the vibrant city of Tangier, Morocco, and additional offices in dynamic hubs like Amsterdam and Dubai, we specialize in crafting digital solutions tailored to your unique needs. Our exceptional team comprises seasoned experts with over 15 years of international experience in web development, online marketing, and AI. We are passionate about helping you achieve your goals by delivering top-tier services. Our diverse clientele spans various industries, from e-commerce, retail, real estate, and hospitality to tourism, government, industry, automotive, education, fashion, beauty, and more. We excel in enhancing your customer journey with a comprehensive suite of services, including cutting-edge application development, website creation, mobile app development, and dynamic digital marketing solutions designed to optimize CX and harness the power of AI. Our expertise extends to creative content generation, SEO optimization, social media management, and branding that resonate with your audience and enhance their CX. For clients beyond Morocco's borders, we offer outsourcing and nearshore services to meet your global needs, leveraging AI to create intelligent solutions. At Tingis Web, we prioritize cultivating enduring client relationships. We are committed to delivering exceptional customer service and unwavering support, ensuring that every interaction with your brand enhances CX with the integration of AI. Let us empower your business to thrive. Contact us today, and let's embark on a journey to redefine your customer experience (CX) with the cutting-edge capabilities of AI and achieve unparalleled success together.
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
    From €3000 for VueJS Development
  • glueglue


    (5 reviews)

    Creiamo i prodotti digitali di domani.

    Siamo un’ agenzia di prodotto digitale. Progettiamo e realizziamo applicazioni web e mobile di alta gamma. Dal 2007 lavoriamo con  startup di successo e famose multinazionali, Il nostro portfolio è diversificato ed include lavori creati per un’ampia gamma di clienti  B2B e B2C:   dalle principali aziende  high-tech  ad aziende del  settore fashion.  
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Pavia, Italy
    From €10000 for VueJS Development
  • Josh Digital

    Josh Digitalcertified-flagverified-flag

    (27 reviews)

    AGENCE TΞCH FRANÇAISE 🇫🇷 Nous construisons le futur de la TΞCH dans le monde depuis + de 10 ans 🚀

    Partez à la conquête du digital et boostez votre activité numérique ! Avec plus de 10 ans d'expérience dans l'IT, Josh Digital fait partie des meilleures Agences TΞCH françaises, de nouvelle génération, soutenue par BPI FRANCE, BNP PARIBAS & la CCI DE PARIS IDF. Basée sur une approche agile, immersive, collaborative et responsable, nous mettons à disposition un savoir-faire numérique de haut niveau grâce à notre équipe passionnée de nouvelles techno, pour le développement sur-mesure d'applications numériques en amélioration continue : - Applications métier : ERP / CRM / Extranet / Intranet - Applications mobiles / tablettes (iOS & Android) - Plateformes e-Commerce / Marketplace - Webservices - IoT Composés de talents créatifs & techniques aux compétences fullstack avec une expérience solides (UX/UI Design & Développement informatique), nous avons la volonté d’être une vraie extension de votre équipe, en s’adaptant à vos besoins dans un cadre collaboratif, en s’impliquant pleinement dans votre projet. Josh Digital, en quelques chiffres, c’est : +20 Collaborateurs +95 Clients +300 Projets numériques +50 Applications mobiles +30 Business app Aujourd'hui, nous collaborons avec de grandes entreprises prestigieuses ou startups innovantes, comme par exemple : BNP Paribas, Nicolas Feuillatte, SNCF, ISS France, Welkeys, Arioneo, Samboat... Et beaucoup d'autres qui ont choisi de nous faire confiance ! Toujours à la recherche de l'innovation, nous conseillons nos clients dans les choix technologiques et la mise en ​œuvre de leurs projets numériques. Un Projet Tech à nous confier ? Gagnez dès maintenant en productivité et compétitivité numérique ! #WEARETΞCH #WEAREJOSH
    1 work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Paris, France
    From €1000 for VueJS Development
  • Versus Byte - Agente Digitalizador Autorizado

    Versus Byte - Agente Digitalizador Autorizadocertified-flagverified-flag

    (35 reviews)

    Nuestra misión es buscar la mejor solución para nuestros clientes

    Somos una empresa dedicada a coger el teléfono en todo momento y especializados en cumplir los plazos de entrega . Otra de nuestras mayores especialidades es no meternos en aquellos trabajos que vemos que no vamos a poder realizar en plazos y calidad. Esta práctica, conocida técnicamente por "no meterse donde no le llaman a uno", no ha sido un aprendizaje innato, sino adquirido. ¿Adquirido cómo? Pues como siempre se aprenden las cosas, a base de golpes. Esas son nuestras principales habilidades, en lo que destacamos. Luego, como seguramente todas las demás empresas, somos los mejores en: Diseño web Desarrollos a medida Desarrollo en WordPress Marketing online (SEO/SEM) E-commerce Aunque sabemos que deberíamos trabajar las RRSS, no sabemos hacerlo y aunque sea algo arrogante, no queremos aprender. Es la mejora en lo que ya sabemos hacer lo que nos hace crecer. En palabras del tenista Roger Federer: Entrevistador: Usted siempre ha tenido un gran servicio, una mejor derecha, una buena volea, al igual que variedad en los cortados. Su punto débil parece ser el revés. R. Federer: Yo tenía dos opciones: potenciar mis cualidades o mejorar mis debilidades. Si hacía lo segundo me convertía en un tenista demasiado previsible. Al final, lo que paga las facturas son mis virtudes.  A él no le ha ido mal, así que seguimos su ejemplo. Nuestro principal objetivo es conseguir que nuestros clientes crezcan, ya que sabemos que esa también es la base fundamental de nuestro crecimiento. Estamos orgullosos de poder decir que hemos  ayudado, a más de 350 empresas a hacer crecer sus negocios, muchas de las cuáles siguen trabajando hoy con nosotros. Esperamos poder seguir complaciendo a mucha gente y que vosotros os encontréis entre ellos.
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Madrid, Spain
    From €1000 for VueJS Development
  • Wess Soft

    Wess Softcertified-flagverified-flag

    (7 reviews)

    Transformez vos idées en réalité !

    Wess Soft est une entreprise de développement de logiciels qui se concentre sur la création de solutions innovantes pour les entreprises. Avec une équipe de développeurs expérimentés et une expertise en matière de technologie de pointe, Wess Soft est en mesure de fournir des produits de qualité supérieure et des services professionnels pour répondre aux besoins de ses clients. Wess Soft est reconnue pour sa capacité à créer des solutions sur mesure pour les entreprises de tous les secteurs, en utilisant les dernières technologies pour garantir des résultats efficaces et durables. Nous pouvons créer ce dont vous avez précisement besoin, par exemple (mais non limité à) : - portail web - plateforme e-commerce - système CRM interne - réseau social - GED sur mesure - uberisation - marketplace NFT - smart contracts sur blockchain - experiences VR Profitez de nos compétences multiplateformes pour développer vos solutions pour une large palette de terminaux numériques, et d’être ainsi présent sur tous les marchés : Web, iOS, Android. Nous travaillons à la conception de vos produits et applicatifs à destination du public ou à usage interne. Nous vous aidons à mûrir vos projets, à regarder plus loin. Une architecture souple, de qualité, et intimement liée à vos besoins est gage de sérénité : elle vous garantit une grande fiabilité, une maintenance aisée et des coûts maîtrisés.
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Lyon, France
    From €10000 for VueJS Development
  • DigiTransform


    (12 reviews)

    IT Digitalization, SAAS Development, Digital Marketing, Open ERP Odoo, Cloud Computing...

    | Site : | M : 00 212 6 63 13 95 95 | F : 00 212 5 37 79 99 26 | En pleine dynamique de croissance, nous sommes soucieux d'accompagner nos clients tout au long de leurs projets informatiques. L’agence DigiTransform met à votre disposition une équipe de professionnels qualifiés et expérimentés qui sont en mesure de vous proposer une panoplie de prestations, en ce qui concerne : La création de sites sur-mesure, La création d’applications web sur-mesure (Saas), La création d’applications mobile IOS ou Android, Le design graphique, La gestion de ressources cloud (serveurs, services, data,…), L’hébergement et le stockage (web, documentaire,…), La gestion de la donnée (visualisation, modélisation, conceptualisation, cloud computing,...). Notre richesse se compose avant tout de nos collaborateurs, mais aussi de notre capital d'expérience. Essentiellement issus de grandes écoles d'ingénieurs ou d'universités, de formation Bac+5, chez DigiTransform nous avons le goût de l'effort, le sens du service et le perpétuel souci du travail bien fait. Nous excellons dans des domaines d'activités variés où la compréhension du métier est un élément clé de leur réussite. Nous ne sommes donc pas de « simples » informaticiens mais des interlocuteurs crédibles qui comprennent très vite le besoin du client. Pourquoi faire appel à notre agence DigiTransform ? Spécialisée dans la création d'applications web/mobile et de référencement SEO, l’agence DigiTransform met au service des entreprises de toutes tailles sa polyvalence, son savoir-faire, son expertise et s’engage à vous assurer : Un accompagnement personnalisé et un suivi sur-mesure, Un conseil avisé et une assistance complète, Des prestations clés en main, Un devis gratuit et détaillé, Une équipe dynamique, disponible et à l’écoute, Une maîtrise des dernières technologies web… Notre mission ? Vous apporter entière satisfaction à travers des services de qualité à la hauteur de vos attentes. ...DigiTransform est votre partenaire digital idéal.
    No work in VueJS Development
    Active in the Rabat, Morocco
    From €1000 for VueJS Development

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Steps to find you the best vueJS development company

Vue. js is an open-source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It was created by Evan You, and is maintained by him and the rest of the active core team members. The framework is designed to be incrementally adoptable, meaning that you can use as much or as little of it as you need. In this article, we'll take a look at the top Vue. js development companies, according to data from Clutch. co.

What does vueJS development mean ?

VueJS is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It was created by Evan You, and is maintained by an open-source community. VueJS is a lightweight framework that is designed to be easy to use and extensible.

VueJS development refers to the process of using the VueJS framework to create web applications. This can include creating custom components, directives, and plugins for use in your application. VueJS development is typically done in a text editor or IDE, with a build process used to transpile the code into JavaScript that can run in the browser.

The VueJS framework is composed of a number of different libraries that work together to provide the functionality needed for building web applications. The core library is focused on the view layer, and provides the declarative rendering API, reactivity system, and template compiler. The v-runtime library provides support for server-side rendering and virtual DOM. Other libraries in the Vue ecosystem include the vue-router for routing, vuex for state management, and vue-cli for scaffolding projects.

When developing with VueJS, you can choose to use either the provided template syntax or JavaScript expressions to define your component templates. The template syntax is based on HTML, and uses special Vue-specific tags and directives to add interactivity to your components. JavaScript expressions can be used anywhere in your templates, and are typically used for more complex logic or for accessing data from external sources.

VueJS provides a variety of ways to extend and customize your application. Components can be registered locally or globally, and there are a number of ways to load external components. Directives can be used to add custom behavior to your components, and plugins can be used to add global-level features.

When developing a VueJS application, it is important to keep the size of your application in mind. VueJS is designed to be used in small-to-medium sized applications, and as such it is not well suited for large applications. If you find that your application is starting to become too large or complex, it may be time to consider breaking it up into smaller pieces or using a different framework altogether.

In the world of web development, VueJS is a popular choice. This framework and library is very scalable. It has a large developer community, with active forums on GitHub and Discord. The IDEs that support Vue include Visual Studio Code, Atom, Sublime Text, and Nuxt. It is also compatible with JavaScript code editors. But it can be difficult to get started.

Vue js vs angular: what's the difference

There are a number of key differences between Vue.js and Angular when it comes to how they handle templating, data binding, directive creation, dependency injection, and more. Here's a quick rundown of some of the most notable distinctions:

Templating: Angular uses HTML templates whereas Vue.js uses an HTML-based template syntax. This means that you can put Angular directives in your templates to control how they are rendered, while you can only use Vue.js directives if you are using the render function.

Data binding: Angular uses two-way data binding by default whereas Vue.js uses one-way data binding. This means that when you change a value in your Angular template, the corresponding model value will automatically update, but when you change a value in your Vue.js template, you will need to explicitly tell the Vue.js instance to update the model value.

Directive creation: In Angular, directives are created using custom HTML tags or attributes (e.g. ). In Vue.js, directives are created using kebab-case (e.g. v-model).

Dependency injection: Angular has a built-in dependency injection system whereas Vue.js does not. This means that you can inject services into your Angular components, but you will need to use a third-party library like Vuex if you want to use dependency injection in your Vue.js components.

These are just some of the most notable differences between Vue.js and Angular. There are many more, but these should give you a good idea of how they differ in terms of their core functionality.

7 things that vueJS development services do:

  • Vuejs development can help you create user interfaces and single page applications.
  • Vuejs development companies can help you optimize your application for performance.
  • Connect to backend apis
  • Optimize and improve performance
  • Integrate with third-party libraries and frameworks
  • Develop single page applications
  • Vuejs development companies can help you integrate with other frameworks and libraries.

5 Questions to ask to vueJS development companies:

  • Where is the company located?
  • What do you think are the best use cases for vue.js?
  • What do you think are the worst use cases for vue.js?
  • What are the most important libraries for vue.js development?
  • What are the company's products or services?

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