The 100 Best TV Advertising Agencies - 2024 Reviews

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  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    Nothing lasts forever, even your troubles.

    Agence pluridisciplinaire de conseil en stratégie et média numériques. 20 ans d'expérience dans les domaines de la transformation digitale, des stratégies médias, et des développements techhniques pour des sociétés qui vont de la TPE aux grands groupes internationaux. Notre agence est spécialisée dans la création de stratégies digitales personnalisées pour nos clients. Notre mission est de vous accompagner dans votre transformation numérique et de vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs de visibilité, de croissance et de rentabilité. Que ce soit en digital ou en offline. Nos experts sont des professionnels expérimentés dans les domaines du marketing digital, de l’UX, du design et du développement web et mobile, du référencement, de l’IA et des réseaux sociaux. Grâce à notre expertise et notre savoir-faire, nous sommes en mesure de vous proposer des solutions innovantes et efficaces pour vous permettre de vous démarquer de la concurrence et d'optimiser votre présence en ligne. Notre approche est basée sur l'écoute attentive de vos besoins, l'analyse de votre marché et de vos cibles, ainsi que la mise en place d'actions adaptées à votre secteur d'activité et à vos objectifs spécifiques. Nous mettons en œuvre des stratégies digitales sur mesure, qui incluent : La conception et gestion de votre marketing digital : Le référencement naturel (SEO) et payant (SEA) pour améliorer la visibilité de votre site sur les moteurs de recherche et générer du trafic qualifié. Le marketing de contenu pour créer et diffuser des contenus pertinents, attrayants et optimisés pour le référencement, qui valorisent votre expertise et fidélisent votre audience. La gestion des réseaux sociaux pour développer votre communauté, renforcer votre notoriété et créer un lien de confiance avec vos clients et prospects. La création ou la refonte de sites web qui offrent une expérience utilisateur optimale sur tous les supports. La gestion des vos médias : L'analyse de données pour mesurer la performance de vos actions digitales et ajuster vos stratégies en fonction des résultats obtenus. L'achat d'espaces publicitaires en TV (linéaire, segmentée, FAST) L'achat d'espaces publicitaires en print (PQR, Magazines, portages) L'achat d'espaces publicitaires en affichage (métro, DOOH) L’accompagnement à la transformation digitale : La recherche d’opportunités d’amélioration ou de croissance de votre entreprise (Transformation digitale et innovation) Le déploiement de l’IA au service de la performance La compréhension parfaite de vos utilisateurs et de leurs attentes (Recherche UX) La conception de l’expérience utilisateur idéale pour libérer la croissance (CX) La mise en place des solutions et des développements techniques (Direction technique et développement) La production de contenus tous supports Production audiovisuelle et animations 2D/3D Contenus rédactionnels, visuels et photographiques Notre équipe est dévouée à votre succès et s'engage à vous fournir un accompagnement personnalisé et un suivi rigoureux tout au long de votre projet. Faites confiance à notre expertise pour vous guider dans la jungle numérique et vous aider à tirer le meilleur parti des opportunités offertes par le web. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour discuter de vos besoins et mettre en place la stratégie digitale qui vous permettra de réaliser vos ambitions.
    1 work in TV Advertising
    Located in Boulogne-Billancourt, France
    From €1,000 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Transportation (+6)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (26 reviews)

    Nous sommes une agence créative Vidéo & Web.

    Bienvenue chez POP Productions ! Nous sommes bien plus qu'une simple agence créative. Chez POP Productions, nous spécialisons dans la conception de sites web et la production vidéo , mais notre véritable expertise réside dans l'art de raconter des histoires. Que ce soit à travers une vidéo émotionnelle ou une expérience utilisateur (UX) web, nous nous efforçons de capturer l'essence de votre message. Ce qui nous distingue, c'est notre approche collaborative. Nous croyons en une créativité partagée, en écoutant vos idées et en les combinant avec notre savoir-faire pour créer quelque chose de vraiment unique. Nous avons travaillé avec des clients de renom, mais chaque projet avec vous est une nouvelle aventure à explorer ensemble. Au-delà de la créativité, nous sommes là pour simplifier votre présence en ligne. Nous concevons des sites web sur mesure, propulsés par WordPress, qui sont à la fois esthétiques et conviviaux. Nous nous engageons à vous soutenir à chaque étape, vous permettant ainsi de travailler de manière autonome ou de déléguer la gestion à des membres externes. POP Productions est synonyme d'engagement, d'authenticité et d'expertise. Confiez-nous vos rêves et nous les transformerons en réalité numérique. Contactez-nous dès maintenant pour explorer l'extraordinaire ensemble. Chez POP Productions, chaque histoire compte, y compris la vôtre.
    Looking for work in TV Advertising
    Located in Zaventem, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Education (+15)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (61 reviews)

    International Full-Service Multi-Award-Winning Film and Video Production Company. Creative Agency.

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    ORBIS Production is an International Sustainable multi-award-winning full-service film and video production company with an in-house creative communication agency. With over 15 years of experience in high-end video production, we undertake all kinds of complex projects in the entire marketing communications field. We help our clients to strengthen their brand concept and create an impeccable competitive market reputation. Most importantly, we’re truly in love with what we do! We guarantee the best results for your whole project, from coming up with an idea to making it come to life. Our key expertise lies in: 🎥 Creating high-end TV and Online Commercials, documentaries, corporate and branded content videos 🔥 Developing your brand and developing creative content 📷 Organizing commercial, corporate, editorial, and fashion photoshoots in Europe 🚁 Performing aerial filming from professional-grade quadcopters flown by licensed pilots⠀ We breathe life into bold creative ideas that supercharge your brand! We are headquartered in Milan, Italy, and also have offices in Rome, Vienna, Zurich, Paris, Ljubljana, Dubai, and Los Angeles. Our team is extremely mobile and can handle orders of any complexity all over the world! Read our Case Studies and News at
    Looking for work in TV Advertising
    Located in Milan, Italy (+6)
    From €10,000 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Media (+11)
    Speaks English, Arabic
    51-200 members
  • 4.8
    (10 reviews)

    Euer Luftschloss ist unsere Hüpfburg

    Highly recommended
    Wir sind „Schach zu Dritt“, ein kreatives Powerhouse aus Berlin für smarte und moderne Kreation, nachhaltige Markenkommunikation und innovative Veranstaltungskonzepte. Unter dem Motto “Euer Luftschloss ist unsere Hüpfburg” lässt das 15-köpfige Team mit viel Leidenschaft, Kreativität, Strategie, Ehrgeiz und Empathie, Kundenwünsche mit einer gewissen Portion Extravaganz wahr werden. Wir verfolgen langfristige Ziele und wollen gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden*innen ein positives Momentum erzeugen. Lasst uns einander kennenlernen!
    Looking for work in TV Advertising
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+19)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    L'agence de publicité DATA-DRIVEN

    Big Return, l’agence de publicité DATA-DRIVEN. Notre constat : la data est omniprésente dans votre écosystème : - Listing clients - Programmes de fidélisation - Achats, Visites de site web, Clics, ajouts au panier, … - Posts sur les réseaux sociaux - Géolocalisation, etc... Bien exploitée, la data devient une richesse inestimable. Chez Big Return, nous ne spéculons pas, nous ne devinons pas. Nous agissons sur base de données enrichies provenant de millions d’utilisateurs. Grâce à des outils combinant données déclaratives, statistiques et comportements d’utilisation des médias, nous élaborons une approche "logiquement créative". De la DATA au PERSONA Nous vous aidons à structurer votre First Party Data, à enrichir et à analyser vos données pour identifier des insights précis. Cela nous permet de créer des personas fiables, garants de campagnes pertinentes et ciblées. De la DATA à la CRÉA La publicité n’est pas un simple exercice artistique. Chaque création doit répondre aux attentes et besoins réels de vos cibles intentionnistes. Grâce à la Data, nous pouvons les identifier et les décliner créativement, idéal pour optimiser l’impact de vos campagnes ! De la DATA au MEDIA Touchez la bonne audience sur le bon média. Notre méthode réduit la déperdition pour concentrer votre budget là où il a le plus d’impact : TV segmentée On-Line Vidéo Réseaux sociaux Plus de répétition. Plus de mémorisation. Un meilleur ROI. Vous souhaitez en savoir plus ? Découvrez notre site :
    3 works in TV Advertising
    Located in Nivelles, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Beauty (+9)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (14 reviews)

    Gey Ready for Your Next Move

    Top awarded
    Big Move is simply a group of cool, nerdy fellows who use creativity, art, and numbers to make sure your story gets heard. We use these elements and our magic to create something amazing that takes you to a whole new level, it moves your audience and allows you to take the next Big Move toward expanding your brand.
    1 work in TV Advertising
    Located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (+3)
    From €1,000 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Telecommunications (+28)
    Speaks English, Arabic
    51-200 members
  • 4.7
    (7 reviews)

    Global integrated marketing & PR agency

    Bright8 is a creative full-service marketing and PR agency with international reach. We work with B2B and B2C clients across different industries, be it in travel, lifestyle, life sciences and everything in-between. Just pick our brain! Are you searching for a trustworthy, friendly, and creative partner to spark and realize purpose-led strategy, engaging creative work and insightful marketing and PR campaigns that put a smile on everyone’s face? Our international team of marketing, PR and creative experts brings the right knowledge, contagious enthusiasm, and dedication to the table. With us, you will always have our time and attention. How exactly do we do that? We make it our business to know your brand proposition and industry like the back of our hand. We carry all disciplines in-house and so are in full control of the project. With us, you will find a refreshing synergy between our in-house studio, marketing and PR . ------ Bright8 ist eine kreative Full-Service-Marketing- und PR-Agentur mit internationaler Reichweite. Wir arbeiten mit B2B- und B2C-Kunden aus verschiedenen Branchen zusammen, sei es in den Bereichen Reise, Lifestyle, Biowissenschaften und allem, was dazwischen liegt. Fordern Sie uns heraus! Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem vertrauenswürdigen, freundlichen und kreativen Partner, der eine zielgerichtete Strategie, ansprechende kreative Arbeit und aufschlussreiche Marketing- und PR-Kampagnen entwickelt und umsetzt, die allen ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zaubern? Unser internationales Team von Marketing-, PR- und Kreativexperten bringt das richtige Wissen, ansteckende Begeisterung und Engagement mit. Bei uns haben Sie immer unsere Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit. Wie genau machen wir das? Wir machen es uns zur Aufgabe, Ihr Markenversprechen und Ihre Branche wie unsere Westentasche zu kennen. Wir führen alle Disziplinen intern durch und haben so die volle Kontrolle über das Projekt. Bei uns finden Sie eine belebende Synergie zwischen unserem hauseigenen Studio, Marketing und PR. ------ Bright8 is een creatief  fullservice marketing en PR-bureau  met een internationaal bereik. Ben je op zoek naar een duurzame strategie, onderscheidende creatie en/of effectieve marketing en PR-campagnes? Ons team van  veelzijdige internationale marketeers, PR-managers en creatives  heeft de kennis, tijd en aandacht om niet alleen aan jouw vraag te voldoen, maar om je elke keer weer te verrassen met wat nog meer kan. Hoe we dat doen? We hebben al deze disciplines zelf in huis, inclusief een  in-house studio,  zodat we snel kunnen schakelen en controle houden over de uitvoering. We zorgen ervoor dat we jouw propositie en markt goed kennen en laten  marketing en PR  naadloos op elkaar aansluiten.
    Looking for work in TV Advertising
    Located in Haarlem, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Logistics & Supply Chain (+15)
    Speaks Dutch, Chinese
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Your Business Success Is Our Mission

    Welcome to Digital Wave X, where we ride the tide of digital marketing to empower businesses and drive remarkable growth. As a leading marketing agency, we are passionate about creating impactful online experiences that make waves in the digital realm. At Digital Wave X, we understand that in today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses need to stay ahead of the curve to thrive. That’s why our dedicated team of marketing experts combines their extensive knowledge and industry insights with innovative strategies to help businesses make a splash in the digital world. At Digital Wave X, we believe in the power of collaboration. We work hand-in-hand with our clients, forming a partnership based on trust and transparency. Your success is our top priority, and we are committed to delivering exceptional results that exceed your expectations. Join us on this exhilarating journey as we navigate the vast ocean of digital marketing together. Let us be your guiding force, harnessing the power of the digital wave to propel your business forward. Together, we’ll make a splash and leave a lasting impact on the ever-evolving digital landscape. Are you ready to ride the Digital Wave X? Contact us today to embark on an exciting digital marketing adventure.
    Looking for work in TV Advertising
    Located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    From €1,000 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Retail (+3)
    Speaks English, Arabic
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (11 reviews)

    Idee di Fatto

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Benvenuto nella nostra Agenzia di Comunicazione e Marketing Integrata . La nostra missione è supportare i nostri Clienti con consulenze strategiche e servizi professionali nei diversi ambiti della comunicazione e del marketing per sviluppare soluzioni su misura, idee credibili e rapidamente quantificabili in risultati . Lavoriamo in tutto il territorio nazionale e siamo presenti con le nostre sedi fisiche a Roma e Milano . L’esperienza di oltre 20'anni ci ha insegnato che attenzione e competenza sono alla base della costruzione di rapporti solidi e di successo reciproco con i clienti. Siamo una squadra che fonda tutto sulle relazioni, le proprie capacità e sulla formazione continua e costante del team. Su questi elementi abbiamo costruito la nostra buona reputazione. Scopri di più qui o su
    Looking for work in TV Advertising
    Located in Rome, Italy
    From €600 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare (+11)
    Speaks English, Italian
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (15 reviews)

    Lean, Nimble, Reliable, Good Value

    Top awarded
    🇬🇧 Welcome to SWC Partnership. We develop marketing strategies and campaigns to accelerate your sales and brand awareness . SWC is a full service marketing agency that works as an extension of your team . We develop brand strategies , form integrated marketing plans , produce creative ideas , creative production , media planning/buying and campaign reporting . Our services are designed to be integrated into your existing infrastructure, either as a full service partner or for a specific discipline. Our expert teams are highly experienced in working across both B2B and B2C industries; whilst delivering international , national and local marketing solutions. We’re passionate about making a commercial difference to our clients and provide measurable and accountable marketing that drives ROI . We are headquartered in the UK and operate across Europe, with a special focus on the DACH region. We are a lean and nimble team of specialists, a boutique agency , part of UP, THERE EVERYWHERE , which is the first global cloud based agency . Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden , with a further 15 bases including Hamburg , Helsinki , London , New York , Dubai , Shanghai , Switzerland , Amsterdam and Palma among others. We offer a global agency solution whilst connecting you with teams locally . Providing local insight and appreciation of country nuances, we can plan, produce and deliver your international marketing programmes in each of your targeted countries and territories, as if you would in your home market. Through multilingual marketing managers and transcreation experts , we ensure your international sales & marketing is a success . Contact our Founding Partner, Simon Cristal to discuss your requirements.
    2 works in TV Advertising
    Located in Greater London, United Kingdom (+6)
    From €1,000 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+14)
    Speaks English, Chinese
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (6 reviews)

    Bringing your vision to life

    Highly recommended
    Creative Engine is a Production focus company. Solving all the creative problems faced by the organisations from 3d Animations to Video Production, From Brand Development to Corporate Communication. Our creative teams are divided into specialized categories with their own team leads and client servicing. These departments are divided as follows: Video Production 3D Animation 2D Animation and Motion Design Brand & Graphic Design Event & Corporate Communication For more information Please visit: or contact us at: +92 349 470 4194 or email us at:
    13 works in TV Advertising
    Located in Lahore, Pakistan (+6)
    From €300 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Retail (+29)
    Speaks English
    11-50 members
  • 4.5
    (4 reviews)

    Strategic thinking. Creative solutions. Commercial impact.

    Top awarded
    We're an award-winning, multi-disciplinary, integrated marketing agency based in Cardiff, UK. We help brands and organisations to connect with their audiences, through tactical insight and strategy, bold ideas and concepts, innovative products and experiences, and smart business thinking. From video production and events management to strategic communications, content marketing and branding, we work with organisations across the globe to deliver bespoke, effective campaigns to solve their creative and commercial challenges. Collaboration is an intrinsic part of our process. We work closely with clients and partners to establish and define their brief, use insight and experience to refine the idea, and select the best specialists from our in-house team and beyond to provide effective and demonstrable results for your business. IPA members
    1 work in TV Advertising
    Located in Cardiff, United Kingdom
    From €5,000 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Food (+7)
    Speaks English, French
    51-200 members
  • 4.5
    (9 reviews)

    Maatwerk voor ieder merk

    Highly recommended
    Branding omvat meer dan louter zichtbaar zijn. En de meeste reclame-uitingen doen niets meer dan enkel informeren – als de boodschap überhaupt al beklijft. Het is niet voor niets dat slechts een handjevol merken het meest waardevolle stuk vastgoed op aarde bemachtigen: een plekje in jouw brein. En voor dat laatste ben je bij ons aan het juiste adres. Wij zijn een creatief-strategisch reclamebureau dat middelenvrij en media-objectief voor jou aan de slag gaat. Van concept tot en met creatie, zowel online als offline.
    Looking for work in TV Advertising
    Located in Ede, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Others (+8)
    Speaks Dutch, English
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (10 reviews)

    Creative strategies and strategic creations

    Proud Mary is your foothold in turbulent marketing waters. We pull out all the stops to proudly communicate the brand values of your company or product. Our mission is to help companies grow through creative strategies and strategic creations . Since pride is an important core value of us, branding is our passion. Pride makes people grow. —————— Proud Mary is uw houvast in woelige marketing wateren. Wij zetten alle zeilen bij om de merkwaarden van jouw bedrijf of product met trots uit te dragen. Want trots doet groeien. Onze missie is om bedrijven te helpen groeien door middel van creatieve strategieën en strategische creaties. Trots laat mensen groeien, trots laat mensen stralen en dat is waar het bij ons allemaal om draait.
    Looking for work in TV Advertising
    Located in Roeselare, Belgium
    From €1,000 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Food (+20)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    Una mirada diferente. A different perspective.

    🇪🇸 DILO Advertising / ANDA Events: Una Mirada Diferente en Publicidad y Eventos En DILO Advertising y ANDA Events, transformamos la forma en que las marcas se conectan con su audiencia mediante el poder de la publicidad experiencial (BTL) y la organización de eventos inolvidables. Nuestra misión es simple pero ambiciosa: crear experiencias que no solo capten la atención, sino que también inspiren y dejen una huella duradera. Fundada por Ángela Díaz y Christian Lupión, DILO es una agencia dinámica con raíces en Barcelona y Dubái y una presencia expansiva. Nos enorgullece ofrecer un enfoque único y personalizado, donde cada proyecto es una oportunidad para innovar y superar las expectativas. Nuestros servicios abarcan desde activaciones de marca y lanzamientos de productos hasta conferencias corporativas y galas de premiación. Nos especializamos en publicidad experiencial (BTL), utilizando estrategias creativas y efectivas que involucran directamente a los consumidores en experiencias memorables y auténticas. Utilizamos la última tecnología y tendencias del mercado para diseñar y ejecutar eventos que no solo se vean bien, sino que también se sientan y vivan de manera excepcional. En DILO, creemos que cada interacción con la marca es una oportunidad para crear una experiencia significativa. Nos esforzamos por ofrecer soluciones que sean tanto estratégicas como creativas, asegurando que cada campaña y evento refleje la esencia de la marca y resuene con su audiencia. Nuestra pasión por la excelencia y la innovación nos impulsa a ir más allá de lo convencional. Ya sea a través de eventos inmersivos, marketing sensorial o experiencias digitales interactivas, nuestro objetivo es siempre el mismo: conectar marcas y personas de una manera auténtica y memorable. Con DILO Advertising, no solo estás eligiendo una agencia; estás seleccionando un socio comprometido con tu éxito. Permítenos mostrarte cómo nuestra “mirada diferente” puede transformar tu marca y llevarla a nuevos horizontes. -- 🇺🇸 DILO Advertising / ANDA Events: A Different Perspective in Advertising and Events At DILO Advertising and ANDA Events, we transform how brands connect with their audience through the power of experiential advertising (BTL) and unforgettable events. Our mission is simple yet ambitious: to create experiences that not only capture attention but also inspire and leave a lasting impression. Founded by Ángela Díaz and Christian Lupión, DILO is a dynamic agency rooted in Barcelona and Dubai with an expansive presence. We pride ourselves on offering a unique and personalized approach, where every project is an opportunity to innovate and exceed expectations. Our services range from brand activations and product launches to corporate conferences and award galas. We specialize in experiential advertising (BTL), using creative and effective strategies that directly engage consumers in memorable and authentic experiences. We use the latest technology and market trends to design and execute events that not only look great but also feel and live exceptionally. At DILO, we believe that every brand interaction is an opportunity to create a meaningful experience. We strive to deliver solutions that are both strategic and creative, ensuring that every campaign and event reflects the essence of the brand and resonates with its audience. Our passion for excellence and innovation drives us to go beyond the conventional. Whether through immersive events, sensory marketing, or interactive digital experiences, our goal is always the same: to connect brands and people authentically and memorably. With DILO Advertising, you are not just choosing an agency; you are selecting a partner committed to your success. Let us show you how our “different perspective” can transform your brand and take it to new heights.
    Looking for work in TV Advertising
    Located in Barcelona, Spain
    From €3,000 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Technology Hardware & Equipment (+7)
    Speaks Spanish, Catalan
    1-10 members
  • 4.7
    (6 reviews)

    Tomorrow has already begun.

    Marketing communications, Advertising, Media planning, Media buying, People-Based Marketing , Creative, Innovation, Data et Technology We are Tomorrow, a collective dedicated to aiding brands in foreseeing and preparing for upcoming disruptive opportunities. Our mission revolves around not only predicting these potential shifts but also cultivating fresh avenues for growth within a sustainable economic framework. Our unparalleled grasp of human insights enables us to bridge the gap between brand, content, commerce, and experience, all fueled by a contemporary approach to creativity. We stand as the pioneering network poised for what lies ahead. At Tomorrow Media Group, we assemble a robust team committed to assisting brands in anticipating and strategizing for future transformative prospects. Our ultimate aim is to carve out novel routes to growth amidst a sustainable economic landscape. Distinguished by our profound comprehension of individuals, we transcend conventional agencies. This unique understanding empowers us to establish interconnections among brand, content, commerce, and experience, spotlighting avant-garde and inventive creativity. Our network is meticulously designed to remain on the cutting edge of emerging trends and technologies. Through perpetual evolution, we adapt swiftly to the latest developments. With our expertise, we guide brands in strategic positioning and seizing pioneering opportunities that arise within the market. As trusted partners, we work hand in hand with our clients, fostering close collaboration to grasp their specific objectives and needs. We're fervently dedicated to devising customized solutions that yield tangible value to their endeavors. Our approach, grounded in innovation and sustainability, serves as a compass for steering our clients toward a prosperous future, all while aligning with the prevailing environmental and societal challenges. In the realm of Tomorrow Media Group, we firmly uphold the conviction that success hinges on anticipation and readiness. We stand prepared to confront the trials of tomorrow and unlock fresh vistas of growth for brands, concurrently contributing to the shaping of a more sustainable and just world.
    2 works in TV Advertising
    Located in Tunisia, Tunisia (+1)
    From €3,000 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+12)
    Speaks French, Arabic
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Wir sind ein unabhängiges, kreatives Kraftwerk des digitalen Zeitalters.

    Die Kreativität der Menschen hat die Macht, Wachstum und Innovation zu fördern! Wir integrieren Kreativität, Technologie und Daten nahtlos, sodass du das Potenzial deines Unternehmens voll ausschöpfen kannst. Wir spezialisieren uns auf anspruchsvolle digitale Kampagnen, zukunftsorientiertes Design und modernste Entwicklung für zukunftsorientierte Unternehmen, umweltbewusste Marken und technikaffine Betriebe. Mit der Double Power aus Kreativität und Daten verwandeln wir dein Unternehmen und deine Marke und lassen sie hervorstechen. Wir sind ein internationales Kollektiv von Strategen, Designern und Creative Technologists und schaffen mit multidisziplinärer Kreativität bahnbrechende Marken und digitale Interaktionen der Spitzenklasse. Die oktopods Familie ist ein kreatives Cluster von Agenturen, das fünf Expertenbereiche umfasst – Kreation, Design, Entwicklung, CGI und Content-Produktion. Unsere Kunden können entweder eine einzelne Agentur für spezialisierte Aufgaben beauftragen oder mehrere Agenturen für komplexe Projekte integrieren. Wir bieten einen modularen Ansatz, der deine spezifischen Bedürfnisse in den Mittelpunkt unseres Geschäfts stellt.
    Looking for work in TV Advertising
    Located in Hamburg, Germany
    From €2,500 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Others (+5)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (18 reviews)

    Where Innovation meets Results!

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Welcome to Reflections, a trailblazing company founded in 2011. With our extensive range of digital services and a team of exceptional experts, we are here to empower your business and propel it to new heights. Our unwavering commitment to client excellence ensures that every interaction with us is nothing short of delightful. In this ever-evolving digital landscape, marketing has undergone a profound transformation. Every tweet, status update, and video has become an opportunity to connect with potential customers. However, the bar has been raised, and today's audiences demand more. They seek services and content that resonate with their needs, regardless of their location or activity. That's why our presence is indispensable. We go beyond the ordinary by optimizing your in-house infrastructure and implementing cutting-edge workflow automation software, ensuring that your business processes are streamlined, cost-effective, and time-efficient. At Reflections, we have a bold vision – to create valuable developments, craft innovative strategies, and deliver optimized solutions that inspire the world and keep pace with tomorrow's demands. Our mission is to provide world-class services that yield measurable results, tailored solutions that cater to your unique requirements, and ultimately ensure your utmost satisfaction. All the while, we remain deeply committed to our community, the environment, and the well-being of our exceptional team. Our goals are ambitious yet attainable. We aim to present you with a unique blend of brands that captivate your target audience. By increasing your return on investment, we help you achieve unparalleled success. Remaining relevant to your objectives is our top priority, as we strive to boost your profits and position you as a leader in the dynamic marketing industry. We are driven by purpose, constantly seeking to make a meaningful difference in the world. Through our expertise, we enhance your differentiation, improve organizational culture and alignment, and become your trusted partner on the path to success. We are passionate about educating our clients and empowering them to surpass their goals. Furthermore, we actively collaborate with startups, enabling them to reach a global audience and make their mark on the world stage. Our comprehensive range of services is designed to meet your diverse needs: - Web Development - App Development - E-commerce Development & Operations - Social Media Optimization - Search Engine Optimization - Traditional Marketing - Outdoor Events - Activations - Billboards - Radio Campaigns - TV Ads - Business Consultancy - Marketing Consultancy - Digital Marketing Strategies - Creative Services - Video Production - Content Production - Start-up Coaching Experience the Reflections difference and unlock the true potential of your business. Join us on this remarkable journey towards success and let us be the catalyst for your growth. Contact us today to embark on an extraordinary transformation that will redefine your business for the better.
    Looking for work in TV Advertising
    Located in Al Maadi, Egypt
    From €1,000 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+10)
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    The Right Agency For Your Digital Marketing Needs

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    Adapts Media is a creative marketing agency specializing in curating multi-pronged marketing strategies. Our experts will help you discover the best opportunities and execute campaigns to drive higher ROI for your business.
    Looking for work in TV Advertising
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    From €1,000 for TV Advertising
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    Leading in B2B Branding.

    Wij zijn een bureau gespecialiseerd in B2B brand building, design en digitale transformatie. Met twintig specialisten bouwen we aan nationale en internationale merken, waaronder Calex, CRH, Aliaxis, Visma Roxit en VETUS. B2B merken die groeien door onze aandacht en technische expertise. Merken die online en offline aantoonbare resultaten behalen. Omdat wij weten hoe je marketing en sales synchroniseert. Online en offline. Met BrainSells positioneren wij op wetenschappelijke wijze complexe producten of organisaties. Scientific creativity noemde een van onze klanten het ooit. Samen zoeken we onderbouwde antwoorden op jouw vraagstuk. Of verscherpen we je business case. Daar zijn we goed in, hebben we al meer dan 100 keer gedaan. Met succes. Heb je een complex vraagstuk? Spar dan eens vrijblijvend met ons, dan presenteren wij jou onze werkwijze. Zeer inspirerend en ook geheel vrijblijvend. Bel Jeroen Vermeulen: +31 6 42470525 Wil je liever eerst weten hoe tevreden onze klanten zijn, bekijk dan onze recensies. ------ We are a creative agency that specializes in B2B brand building, design and digital transformation. Our twenty specialists help build national and international brands like Calex, CRH, Aliaxis, Visma Roxit and VETUS. B2B brands that grow because of our efforts and technical expertise. These brands achieve concrete results and raise their market value, because we know how to synchronize their marketing and sales. Both online and offline. We create a strong brand positioning for complex products or organizations with BrainSells, our neuro marketing methodology. One of our customers simply calls it ‘scientific creativity’. We use it to jointly search for substantiated answers to your communications problem. Or to make your business case smarter. We are quite good at that, having done so over a 100 times. Quite successfully. Do you have any complex communication issues? And would you like to freely discuss them with us? Please contact us and we will demonstrate our unique working method as inspiration. Call Jeroen Vermeulen: +31 6 42470525 Or do you prefer to see how satisfied our customers are? Then please check out our reviews.
    Looking for work in TV Advertising
    Located in Barendrecht, Netherlands (+6)
    From €2,000 for TV Advertising
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+21)
    Speaks Dutch, English
    11-50 members

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How to find the perfect TV advertising agency ?

TV advertising is a powerful way to reach a large audience with your marketing message. But with so many options and channels available, it can be difficult to know where to start. That's where a TV advertising agency comes in. A good agency will help you navigate the complex world of TV advertising and make sure your campaign is seen by the right people at the right time. To find the best TV advertising agency for your business, start by considering your goals and budget. Then, check out reviews and case studies to get a sense of each agency's style and approach. Finally, schedule a consultation to discuss your specific needs and see how the agency would approach your campaign.

What does TV advertising mean ?

TV advertising is a form of advertising that uses the medium of television to reach out to potential customers and promote a product or service. It is one of the most popular and effective ways to reach out to a large number of people at one go. TV advertising can be in the form of commercials, infomercials, product placement, or simply a mention of a product or service on a show.

Most TV commercials are around 30 seconds long, which is just enough time to deliver a key message without boring the viewer. The key to a successful TV commercial is to make it attention-grabbing and memorable. A good TV commercial will stay in the viewer's mind long after it has finished airing.

There are a number of things to consider when making a TV commercial. The first is the target audience. It is important to make sure that the commercial is aimed at the right people. The second is the budget. TV advertising can be expensive, so it is important to make sure that the money is well spent.

The third is the message. The commercial should have a clear and concise message that can be understood by the viewer. The fourth is the call to action. The commercial should have a strong call to action that encourages the viewer to take the desired action.

TV advertising can be an effective way to reach out to potential customers and promote a product or service. However, it is important to consider the target audience, budget, message, and call to action before creating a TV commercial.

TV advertising is the process of making commercials for television programs. The process starts with a concept or ad strategy. Then the creative is developed. The production can either be done in-house or by an agency. After the creative is completed, the advertiser can secure an ad slot on the most appropriate network. The ad will be broadcasted to as many viewers as possible, and the commercial will be customized to reach its target audience.

Tv advertising vs digital advertising: which one to choose

TV advertising has been the traditional go-to for many businesses, but in recent years digital advertising has been on the rise. There are pros and cons to both methods – it ultimately comes down to what will work best for your business. Let's take a closer look at TV advertising vs digital advertising.

TV advertising offers a few key benefits. First, it allows you to reach a wide audience all at once. If you have a commercial that airs during primetime, you can be sure that millions of people will see it. TV advertising is also great for building brand awareness and creating a memorable ad that people will remember.

However, there are some drawbacks to TV advertising. It can be expensive to produce a high-quality commercial and air it during prime time. You also have less control over who sees your ad and when they see it. And finally, TV advertising is not as targeted as digital advertising.

Digital advertising, on the other hand, offers more control and flexibility. You can target your ads to specific demographics, interests, and even locations. You can also track how well your ads are performing and make changes on the fly to improve results. Digital advertising is also generally more affordable than TV advertising.

So, which is better – TV advertising or digital advertising? It really depends on your business and what your goals are. If you want to reach a wide audience quickly, TV advertising may be the way to go. But if you want more control over your ad campaigns and want to target a specific audience, digital advertising may be a better option.

What is a TV advertising agency ?

A TV advertising agency is a company that specializes in creating, planning, and executing TV advertising campaigns on behalf of their clients. TV advertising agencies work with their clients to understand their marketing goals and objectives, and then develop a strategic plan for how to best reach those goals through TV advertising. This may include developing creative concepts and ad copy, negotiating media buying contracts, and managing the production and execution of the TV ads.

TV advertising can be an effective way to reach a large audience with your marketing message. However, it can also be a very expensive endeavor. TV advertising rates vary depending on the time of day and day of week that your ad will air, as well as the size and location of your target market. TV advertising agencies typically have access to discounts and can help you get the most bang for your buck.

When choosing a TV advertising agency, it's important to find one with experience in your industry and with a track record of success. Be sure to ask for references and case studies from previous clients. You should also inquire about the agency's process for developing and executing TV advertising campaigns, as well as their media buying strategy.

The right TV advertising agency can help you reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals. However, it's important to do your homework to make sure you're choosing the right agency for your business.

7 things that TV advertising companies do:

  • Test your ad before it airs
  • Negotiate ad rates
  • Create ad campaigns
  • Create ad campaigns that target your specific audience
  • Measure the results of your tv ad campaign and make adjustments as needed
  • Buy ad time on tv stations or networks that reach your target market
  • Edit your ad

5 Questions to ask to TV advertising agencies:

  • What are the agency's core services?
  • What are the agency's processes and procedures?
  • What is the agency's approach to project management?
  • What is your agency's approach to tv advertising?
  • What are your past clients and campaigns?

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