The 100 Best Storytelling Agencies - 2025 Reviews

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  • 4.8
    (23 reviews)

    Born Digital creates beautiful brands and outstanding digital products.

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Born Digital creates beautiful brands and outstanding digital products like websites, mobile apps and complex tools and platforms. We help organizations unlock their full potential with bold identities and state-of the art digital products and we thrive when we're faced with complex and creative challenges. Direct interaction We believe in self-steering teams and direct interaction between our team and our customers and we don’t believe in overhead profiles. Information needs to flow directly between you and the people who design and build your project. Problem first, solution second By which we mean we always start with focussing on the needs of both our clients and their customers. We analyse and design the best possible experience first, then pick the best technology stack to turn this design into a performant, flexible and immersive digital experience. Proven methods We never pitch a solution, always an approach. We can take all the insights and experience from previous projects, but that also taught us that every client and every project is different and there’s often something seemingly small that might have a huge impact on the result. We alway rely on a proven methodology that got every single one of our clients to a great result within budget and time.
    1 work in Storytelling
    Located in Hasselt, Belgium
    From €5,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+21)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+2)
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (28 reviews)

    Empowering PR Partnerships for Lasting Success, Fullstop.

    Highly recommended
    Wir sind Fullstop Public Relations. Wir glauben, dass Kommunikation nur dann sinnvoll ist, wenn sie auch die richtigen Menschen erreicht. Wenn sie aufmerksam macht und erklärt, wenn sie anregt und begeistert. Darum arbeiten wir mit den innovativsten Unternehmen und Start-ups in ganz Europa und helfen ihnen dabei, ihre Projekte im DACH Raum erfolgreich umzusetzen und ihre Wachstumsziele zu erreichen. Wir sind eine Full-Service-Agentur mit Fokus auf Public Relations. Wir verbinden klassische Pressearbeit mit interner und digitaler Kommunikation. Seit über zehn Jahren entwickeln wir als inhabergeführte Agentur mit unseren Kundinnen und Kunden starke Markenstrategien, erzählen ihre Geschichten und begeistern ihre Zielgruppen. Kunden sind bei uns keine Nummern - persönliche Beratung und proaktives Arbeiten sind für uns selbstverständlich. Deshalb zählen sowohl Globale Player als auch lokale KMUs zu unseren Referenzen.
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in Berlin, Germany (+2)
    From €5,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+24)
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (7 reviews)

    Wij ontwikkelen krachtige communicatie-uitingen, spreken jouw doelgroep aan en helpen je vooruit

    Of je nu een merk wilt bouwen, een impactvolle campagne wilt neerzetten of op zoek bent naar een heldere website, wij helpen je van A tot Z. Studio Bureau is een allround grafisch ontwerp bureau. Wij ontwikkelen en ontwerpen krachtige communicatie-uitingen die jouw doelgroep aanspreken en je bedrijf vooruit helpen. Goed ontwerp zorgt voor positieve verandering. Bij Studio Bureau ontwerpen wij met een helder doel: het creëren van een krachtige visuele beeldtaal die een bedrijf of merk onderscheidend en zichtbaar maakt. ‍ Als allround creative agency houden wij van omvangrijke ontwerpopdrachten waarin diverse design disciplines samenkomen zoals strategie, brand design, campagnes, merkactivatie en digital design. Onze klanten variëren van culturele instanties en overheden tot corporate bedrijven en merken. Deze diverse mix houdt ons nieuwsgierig en zorgt voor een frisse aanpak met creatieve oplossingen. Grafisch ontwerp communiceert en kan elke vorm aannemen die nodig is om de boodschap over te brengen. Alles wat wij ontwerpen is communicatie. Op basis van sterke en toekomstbestendige ideeën en onze creativiteit realiseren wij dynamische ontwerpen die een verhaal vertellen en jouw bedrijf of merk laten opvallen. Om dit te bereiken, denken we proactief mee en ontwikkelen we krachtige communicatie-uitingen die voldoen aan de vraag en die jouw doelgroep aanspreken. Bij Studio Bureau beschikken wij als ontwerpers over de tools en vaardigheden om verandering te helpen formuleren, concretiseren en communiceren. Wij faciliteren verandering, positieve verandering!
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in Rotterdam, Netherlands (+1)
    From €3,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+12)
    Speaks Dutch, English
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (48 reviews)

    Vidéo corporate - Motion Design - Événement live

    Basée à Paris et à Nantes, La petite production est une agence conseil en production audiovisuelle, spécialisée dans la communication des entreprises. Depuis 15 ans , nous accompagnons les grands comptes, les ETI et les PME dans leurs enjeux de communication en produisant du contenu original et créatif : • Vidéo corporate • Motion design • Evénement live Notre force ? Une expertise audiovisuelle 360° et un accompagnement sur mesure : conseil, conception, écriture, storyboard, gestion de projet, tournage, montage et post-production.
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in Arcueil, France
    From €1,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising (+29)
    Speaks French, English
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (28 reviews)

    We help brands win online through extraordinary web design, development and marketing techniques.

    Top awarded
    Webfluencer is an award-winning, full-service digital agency based in Amsterdam. Our 'unique selling point' is that we provide high-quality work in a timely manner by using the most innovative and effective techniques. Naturally, all of our websites are made to scale right out of the box, making them future-proof. Multinational firms, SMEs, the Dutch government, and others are among our partners and clients. We like to challenge the companies we work with, because getting results often goes beyond a new website. We usually help our clients with a better overall strategy. We’re not just web designers, we’re problem solvers. Our team of pixel perfect designers, developers and growth experts we will make sure that your website performs like it has never done before.
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in E-commerce (+25)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (11 reviews)

    Jouw copiloot voor impactvolle B2B marketing 🚀

    Top awarded
    Te veel marketing blijft hangen in losse ideeën. Geen focus, geen samenhang, geen resultaat. Bij Brandimpact brengen we helderheid en actie. We verdiepen ons grondig in jouw markt, bedrijf en klanten om uitsluitend de meest waardevolle kansen te benutten. Met ons als copiloot krijg je een strategische partner die je helpt budget en sterktes optimaal in te zetten. Dus als ge eens wilt samenzitten, bel maar he.‍
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in Ghent, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in Construction (+8)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Event agency for corporate events - we operate worldwide

    SPRDLUX EVENTS is een full service evenementenbureau. We bedenken en organiseren events, meetings, incentives en congressen. Feesten waar nog lang over nagepraat wordt, zijn onze core business. We doen aan creatieve storytelling, terwijl we alle zintuigen prikkelen en uw gast onderdompelen in uw verhaal WE CREATE MEMORIES THROUGH EXPERIENCES De SPRDLUX focus ligt op service, kwaliteit en een ervaring creëren voor uw gasten. U kiest voor de totale ontzorging van uw event of u zet onze diensten in waar nodig.  In nauw overleg bepalen we uw doelstellingen en in functie van uw budget zorgen we voor een gedetailleerd concept en plan. U kiest er voor om nauw betrokken te zijn bij de organisatie of juist niet. SPRDLUX EVENTS begeleidt en adviseert u bij elke stap. Bekijk ons werk en fijne reacties van klanten op onze website. Contacteer ons voor een vrijblijvend gesprek om te zien waar we u mee kunnen helpen. Ga voor niet minder dan superdeluxe! SPRDLUX EVENTS is a full service event agency. We organise events, meetings, incentives and conferences. Parties that will be talked about for a long time are our core business. We engage in creative storytelling, while stimulating all the senses and immersing your guest in your story WE CREATE MEMORIES THROUGH EXPERIENCES The SPRDLUX focus is on service, quality and creating an experience for your guests. You opt for the total care of your event or you use our services where necessary. We determine your objectives in close consultation and, depending on your budget, we provide a detailed concept and plan. You choose to be closely involved with the organization or not. SPRDLUX EVENTS guides and advises you every step of the way. Check out our work and great feedback from customers on our website. Contact us for a no-obligation consultation to see how we can help you. Go for no less than super deluxe!    
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in Turnhout, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in Real Estate (+8)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+3)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (10 reviews)

    Wir machen Marken. Nachhaltig erfolgreich. Energy for your brand®

    Strategieberatung + Markenkommunikation für KMU, Global Player, NPOs & Start-ups. united communications® ist eine 1995 in Berlin gegründete internationale Agentur für Markenkommunikation mit den Schwerpunkten PR, Social Media und digitales Marketing. Unser 20-köpfiges Spezialistenteam bietet Kunden alles, was sie für nachhaltige Kommunikations- und Imagekampagnen, erfolgreiche Produkteinführungen, überzeugende Stakeholder-Dialoge sowie Veränderungsprozesse benötigen – auf lokaler, nationaler und internationaler Ebene. Zudem unterstützen wir sie bei der Erschließung neuer Märkte und Vertriebskanäle. Unsere Agentur ist unabhängig und bestens vernetzt. Unser Erfolgsrezept: der Pioneering-Spirit des Teams. Strategieberatung + Markenkommunikation für NPOs Mit innovativen Strategien unterstützen wir unsere gemeinwohlorientierten Kunden (NPOs, NGOs und Stiftungen), neue Handlungsfelder, Fördermöglichkeiten und Kommunikationsformate zu erschließen. Wir konzipieren Lösungen zur Stärkung werteorientierter Organisationen, identifizieren Optimierungspotenziale und bieten fachkundige Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung. Zudem helfen wir auch bei der Vermittlung von Partnerschaften sowie der Zusammenarbeit mit Sponsoren. Strategieberatung + Markenkommunikation für Start-ups Wir lieben neue Herausforderungen. Es ist diese Leidenschaft, die uns antreibt. Unser Ziel ist es, Start-ups langfristig erfolgreich zu machen. Ganz gleich, ob eine neue Marke kreiert oder eine bestehende Marke weiterentwickelt werden soll, wir helfen, potenzielle Wachstumsmärkte nachhaltig zu erschließen. Neben Unternehmensberatung, Marketing- und PR-Dienstleistungen umfasst unser Leistungsangebot auch die Entwicklung von CSR-Strategien sowie die Optimierung von Geschäftsmodellen. Seit Agenturgründung unterstützen wir Start-ups beim Markenaufbau, dem Markteintritt und der Markterschließung sowie Unternehmen bei Change-Prozessen und Stakeholder-Dialogen. Für zukunftsweisende pflanzenbasierte/vegane Geschäftsmodelle haben wir mit ' vegency by united communications ' eine Spezial-Unit etabliert. Inspiriert von der UN Global Compact Initiative verpflichten wir uns zur Umsetzung von zehn Prinzipien in den Bereichen Menschenrechte, Arbeitsnormen, Umweltschutz und Korruptionsbekämpfung. Unsere Agentur ist unabhängig, inhabergetrieben und bestens vernetzt. Unser Erfolgsrezept: der Pioneering-Spirit. Ob Digitalfotografie und LCD-Monitore Mitte der 1990er, professionelle WLAN-Lösungen und Wahlrecht für Kinder und Jugendliche zehn Jahre später oder in den 2010ern Tinnitusprävention, Allergieaufklärung, Migration und Integration, Netzwerk für weibliche MINT-Talente, VoIP, Industrial Internet of Things, Telerehabilitation, Soundpersonalisierung sowie vegetarisch/veganer Lifestyle oder in den 2020ern virtuelle Telefonanlagen, Exoskelette und Wasserstoff-Ökosysteme – unsere Mitarbeitenden verfügen über ein breites Fach- und Branchenwissen. Übrigens, viele sind bereits länger als zehn Jahre im Team. Das ist sicherlich einer der Gründe, weshalb Kunden überdurchschnittlich lange – 10, 15 oder mehr Jahre – mit uns zusammenarbeiten. Weitere Informationen:
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €10,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+15)
    Speaks German, English(+4)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (11 reviews)

    PR muss crossmedial stattfinden, kreativ sein und auffallen!

    Wir sind ein Team von PR- & Social Media Experten, die wissen, wovon sie reden. Durch unsere langjährige Expertise in der digitalen und analogen Welt, verfügen wir über ein ausgezeichnetes Netzwerk zu Journalisten, Multiplikatoren wie Blogger und Influencer, Redaktionen, Spezialagenturen sowie Prominenten aus Film und TV. Unsere Kampagnen bringen Sie, Ihre Produkte und Ihr Unternehmen in die Öffentlichkeit und damit ins Gespräch. Kommunikation muss heute crossmedial stattfinden und so ausgerichtet sein, dass sie auffällt und von den Medien und der Öffentlichkeit wahrgenommen wird. Daher sind wir der festen Überzeugung, dass PR und Social Media Management als Bestandteil einer Kampagne großen Mehrwert bietet. Sie können uns jederzeit kontaktieren und ein persönliches Treffen vereinbaren, damit wir auf Basis Ihrer Ziele und Bedürfnisse ein maßgeschneidertes Konzept entwickeln.
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in Cologne, Germany
    From €1,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in Luxury Goods & Jewelry (+4)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)


    Genug von Marketingagenturen, die ihre eigenen Prozesse und ihr Image mehr lieben als den Erfolg ihrer KundInnen? Wir auch. Deshalb bieten wir eine echte Alternative: Eine flexible und spezialisierte Marketingabteilung, die virtuell in das Unternehmen integriert wird. Wir sind eine Full-Service-Agentur, bestehend aus ExpertInnen, von denen jede/r einzelne mehr als 10 Jahre Erfahrung auf seinem Gebiet hat: Gebündelte Kompetenz für die besten Ergebnisse. Die Zusammenarbeit mit unseren ExpertInnen und eine zentrale Steuerung bieten echte Flexibilität und Know-how – alles aus einer Hand. Das macht den Unterschied. Unsere KundInnen zahlen nur für die tatsächlich erbrachte Leistung der eingesetzten ExperteInnen, dadurch bieten wir bedeutend kosteneffizientere Angebot, unser Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis ist unschlagbar. Wir decken von Influencer Marketing, über Social Media Strategien, Digital Marketing Kampagnen auf allen Kanälen, PR im B2B als auch B2C-Bereich, bis hin zu Eventproduktion, alles ab was der Marke Sichtbarkeit verleiht. Wir entscheiden Vorab in enger Abstimmung mit unseren KundInnen ob das volle Paket gebucht wird oder nur bestimmte Kanäle fokussiert werden, auf unsere Kompetenz und Erfahrung ist Verlass.
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €3,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in E-commerce (+5)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (25 reviews)

    We love to tell new stories!

    Highly recommended
    „Wir lieben es, neue Geschichten zu erzählen“ – mit dieser Philosophie erklärt die Berliner Agentur für PR und Brand Storytelling Mashup Communications Zielgruppen zu Helden und Marken zu ihren Mentoren. Neben Kundennutzen und Produktvorteilen geht es zunehmend um Werte, Erfahrungsaustausch und Glaubhaftigkeit. Dinge, die sich am besten in Geschichten transportieren lassen. Mashup Communications steht dabei Unternehmen jedes Entwicklungsstadiums mit Tools, Wissen und Support zur Seite. Gegründet 2009, teilen die Geschäftsführerinnen Miriam Schwellnus und Nora Feist ihre langjährigen Erfahrungen aus der Welt der digitalen Unternehmen mit Umdenkern aus traditionellen Branchen. Mit der Macht des Storytelling hilft das 15-köpfige interdisziplinäre Team aus Text-Talenten, TV-Profis und Strategie-Assen Unternehmen, die neue Wege gehen, ihre Markenidentität zu finden, zu gestalten und langfristig weiterzuentwickeln. Unser Buch "Storytelling für Unternehmen":ür-Unternehmen-Geschichten-Leadership/dp/3958452426 "We love to tell new stories" - with this philosophy, the Berlin-based agency for PR and brand storytelling Mashup Communications declares target groups to be heroes and brands to be their mentors. In addition to customer benefits and product advantages, it is increasingly about values, sharing experiences and credibility. Things that can best be conveyed in stories. Mashup Communications assists companies at every stage of development with tools, knowledge and support. Founded in 2009, managing directors Miriam Schwellnus and Nora Feist share their many years of experience from the world of digital companies with rethinkers from traditional industries. Using the power of storytelling, the 15-person interdisciplinary team of copywriting talents, TV pros and strategy aces helps companies exploring new ways to find, shape and develop their brand identity for the long term. Our book "Storytelling for Business":ür-Unternehmen-Geschichten-Leadership/dp/3958452426
    3 works in Storytelling
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €3,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in E-commerce (+29)
    Speaks German, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (6 reviews)

    Agence des nouvelles cultures !

    Top awarded
    AGENCE INTERNATIONALE DE STRATÉGIE DE MARQUE Hula Hoop est une agence internationale de stratégie de marque multi-primée. Un véritable laboratoire stratégique et créatif référent où se croisent tous les métiers de conseil, marketing, design, publicité, digital, influence et social media. 70+ talents organisés ensemble pour répondre aux enjeux de transformation de l’époque, ouverts à toutes les entreprises et collectivités en recherche d’idées et d’innovation. AGENCE DES NOUVELLES CULTURES Hula Hoop est une agence connectée à son environnement, actrice de la culture, des cultures. Nos équipes partout dans nos agences créent et déploient avec plaisir des marques qui résonnent avec leur époque. Des marques qui portent de l’attention à leurs interlocuteurs, qui ne se moquent pas des gens, qui s’engagent avec une vision haute de la création et de la responsabilité qu’implique la prise de parole publique. Ce sont par ailleurs les conditions naturelles de la performance dans nos métiers. NOS SECTEURS PRIVILÉGIÉS : > Retail > Food & Drinks > Lifestyle > Tourisme RÉSEAU D'AGENCES : > Lyon > Paris > Nantes > Montréal > Genève > Bruxelles NOS CLIENTS : Bricomarché, Loxam, Promocash, Vorwerk, Euromaster, Tommee Tippee, TomTom, Felco, Bacardi, Cointreau, Palladium, Athena, Made in Design, Mobalpa, Socoo'c, Sanijura, Animalis, Canson, Orchestra, Tamboor, Tefal, Elior, Costa, Champion Petfoods, Bandai Namco, Square Enix, GL events, Occitanie, Paris tourisme, Finistère 360, Val d'Isère, Tignes, 3 Vallées, Figaro Emploi, Ministère de l'intérieur, Métropole de Lyon, Ratpdev, TPG de Genève, Transdev, Cooltra, Zity, Worldskills, Première Vision ... NOS EXPERTISES > Stratégie de marque > Design > Publicité > Digital > Social Média > Influence > Performance CHIFFRES CLÉS : 70+ talents 8,5 M€ de CA 300+ marques accompagnées 5x Champions de la croissance (Les Echos) 15+ Prix ces deux dernières années.
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in Lyon, France (+3)
    From €1,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in E-commerce (+16)
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (33 reviews)

    Kickstart your journey toward higher levels of visibility, traffic, conversions, sales and ROI.

    Top awarded
    Want to give your brand a boost in visibility, traffic, conversions, sales, and ROI? Take a look at our free marketing plan right here: We're NinjaPromo and we're obsessed with helping brands like yours scale their marketing without the pain of hiring freelancers or dealing with detached agencies. As a Marketing-as-a-Service (MaaS) company, we’re your one-stop-shop for all things digital marketing. We give you access to the top 1% of marketers and creatives worldwide all for one monthly fee. We lift your brand higher with our multi-channel marketing, branding, and all things creative design. We're passionate about building brand identities, creating visually stunning content, and using the best and the latest tools and techniques to get your brand out there. We know how to make your social media buzz, get your SEO on point, create ads that actually get clicked, reach out to influencers, write emails that get opened, handle your PR, produce videos that tell your story, and design and develop websites that visitors love. And that's just scratching the surface. Here’s a snapshot of our services: Social Media SEO Paid Media & Social Influencer Marketing Email Marketing PR Video Production & Marketing Branding Community Management Website Development & Design Mobile App Development & Design Blockchain Development If you want to join the 250 ambitious brands that are already jump-starting their growth with our subscription-based model, then have a chat with our team today.
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (+4)
    From €1,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+22)
    Speaks English
    51-200 members
  • 4.6
    (6 reviews)

    Agence de création et de médiatisation de contenus

    English version below Nous sommes une agence de conseil en communication, spécialisée dans les relations presse, le marketing d’influence et les relations publiques. Concrètement, nous écoutons nos clients, analysons leurs besoins et leurs objectifs afin de les traduire en contenus médiatisables et viralisables dédiés à nos différentes cibles. Nous suivons les marchés, étudions les concurrents et scrutons les tendances afin de vous proposer des plans d’actions (annuels et/ou ponctuels) qui soient sur-mesure et différenciants. Adresser le bon contenu, au bon moment et surtout à la bonne personne afin de faire rayonner votre marque, c’est ce qui nous tient à cœur. //// We are a communication consultancy agency specialized in press relations, influencer marketing and public relations. In concrete terms, we listen to our customers, analyze their needs and objectives, and translate them into media-friendly, viral contents for our various target audiences. We monitor markets, study competitors and keep an eye on trends, so we can offer you action plans (annual and/or one-off) that are tailor-made and stand out from the crowd. Delivering the right content, at the right time, to the right person, to make your brand shine - that's what's important to us.
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in Paris, France
    From €2,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in Media (+7)
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (31 reviews)

    Per il tuo Business, scegli il team dei Mostri del Marketing!

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Se stai cercando un team di esperti di Marketing che abbiano una visione europea del business , con le attenzioni e il rapporto personale del collaboratore dell'ufficio accanto, scegli i Mostri del Marketing ! Le nostre sedi sono a Roma, Madrid.   Il nostro Staff internazionale può lavorare in 5 lingue: Italiano, Spagnolo, Inglese, Francese e Russo. SkyRocketMonster potrà aiutarti a crescere sia che tu voglia farti notare a livello locale, nazionale o internazionale. Siamo l'agenzia che permette a realtà estere di entrare nei mercati Europei e alle realtà Europee di espandersi in altri mercati dell'UE con una strategia su misura. I nostri consulenti potranno aiutarti a far crescere la tua azienda a livello nazionale o internazionale. Nonostante la visione europea dell'agenzia, il Local Marketing rimane comunque uno dei maggiori skills del gruppo, grazie alle molte aziende soddisfatte che da anni sono con noi, e sono divenute parte della " Famiglia del Mostro ". Sviluppiamo il tuo Brand dal concepit alla realizzazione grafica del logo , del sito web , del sito e-commerce , fino all'elaborazione delle strategie digitali rigorosamente su misura. Non perdere altro tempo e denaro, scegli i Mostri del Marketing !                   I nostri servizi:                                       Lead generation SEO Siti web Gestione dei Social Media                                  E-Commerce                             Growth hacking                          SEO                                             SEM                                           Social Ads                                 Sales Funnels                          Display & Remarketing                             Lead generation                          Acquisto di articoli sui Media Native Advertising Email Marketing    Inbound Marketing                     Community Management          Copywriting & Storytelling      Marketing strategico                  Marketing internazionale            Marketing automatizzato Marketing Medico/Sanitario           Branding                                     Reputazione online                   Sei un medico o una clinica? Per venire incontro alle tue esigenze abbiamo dato vita alla SkyRocketDoctor che è una Web Agency specializzata in Marketing Medico/Sanitario. Per maggiori informazioni visita
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in Rome, Italy (+1)
    From €1,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+20)
    Speaks English, Italian(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (10 reviews)

    Marketing Agency in Vietnam (Digital, Creative, Event & Character)

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    COMPREHENSIVE MARKETING SOLUTIONS, CRAFTED FOR YOUR BRAND Welcome to Minto Vietnam! As part of Minto Inc. from Japan, with offices in China, Thailand, and Vietnam, we expertly execute cross-country projects and market entry campaigns, uniquely crafted for your brand—all at prices that make sense. Our expertise covers Digital Marketing, Event & Activation, Creative Services, and Character Marketing — helping you connect with your audience through engaging stories and effective strategies. With over a decade of experience, we take pride in delivering high-quality work on time, every time. Let’s chat about what we can create together—reach out today! Contact us: | (+84) 909-868-915 (Ms. WINDY)
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in District 3, Vietnam
    From €3,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in Retail (+8)
    Speaks English, Chinese(+7)
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (15 reviews)

    We convert intelligent strategies into winning campaigns & engaging content. 🚀

    Top awarded
    Novicom Marketing Group is a creative and data-driven marketing  agency by ex-Googlers. 🚀    Our teams combine creativity, design, knowledge from data, and smart strategies into winning campaigns & engaging content for companies like  McDonald's ,  Tomorrowland ,  Filling Pieces ,  Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts ,  Hisense ,  Nike ,  MOJO , and  Justddiggit .   We work with start-ups, scale-ups, small and medium-sized companies, leading brands, non-profit, and government organizations.        STRATEGIES & CREATION   We create marketing strategies for ambitious brands and execute these strategies.  Our specialists combine creativity, data, technology, and stories into a strategic plan. We make things happen, from brand strategy or identity to content creation, social media management, and advertising.  We create and promote engaging content at the highest level. We combine all our different areas of expertise for our customers.   DATA & TECHNOLOGY   Out digital natives have a deep-rooted passion for data-driven content and advertising.  We collect, organize, analyze, and enrich data. We make data connections, and we make use of marketing automation, machine learning, predictive analytics, BI, and AI.  We make the customer journey visual and apply different attribution models to make decisions about investments, content, channels, and campaign settings.  CAMPAIGNS & INSIGHTS    We help to get brands and people moving with branding, sales, loyalty, engagement, lead generation, and awareness campaigns.    Goals are achieved through growth hacking, smart bidding, and optimized content distribution.  With our real-time dashboard, a clear overview of all data insights ​can be seen and compared at any time.    Our ultimate goal: zero friction marketing campaigns.  
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in Tilburg, Netherlands (+1)
    From €1,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+24)
    Speaks English, Arabic(+4)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (8 reviews)


    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Benvenuti nella Web Agency LIBELLULA LAB 4.0 Se siete alla ricerca di una agenzia professionale per lo sviluppo e crescita del marketing per la vostra Azienda, siete nel posto giusto! LIBELLULA LAB 4.0 è una web agency all'avanguardia, specializzata nell'applicazione dell'intelligenza artificiale al web marketing e all'e-commerce. I nostri servizi: Offriamo una vasta gamma di servizi che coprono ogni aspetto del web e dello sviluppo di ecommerce, dalla creazione di siti web responsivi e intuitivi alla progettazione di piani di social media. Inoltre, siamo pionieri nell'utilizzo dell'intelligenza artificiale per ottimizzare le strategie di marketing online e migliorare le performance delle vendite online. Il nostro team esperto di creativi, sviluppatori e esperti di intelligenza artificiale lavora in sinergia per realizzare soluzioni innovative che soddisfino le esigenze specifiche dei nostri clienti. Approccio orientato al SEO: Sappiamo quanto sia importante per voi essere trovati online. Per questo motivo, adottiamo un approccio orientato al SEO (Search Engine Optimization) potenziato dall'intelligenza artificiale per garantire che il vostro sito web raggiunga una posizione prominente sui motori di ricerca. Utilizziamo algoritmi avanzati e tecniche di machine learning per ottimizzare i contenuti, le parole chiave e la struttura del sito, migliorando così la visibilità e l'accessibilità del vostro sito web. Collaborazione strategica: La nostra filosofia si basa sulla collaborazione strategica con i nostri clienti. Prima di iniziare qualsiasi progetto, ci prendiamo il tempo necessario per comprendere appieno le vostre esigenze, gli obiettivi aziendali e il vostro pubblico di riferimento. Questo ci consente di creare soluzioni personalizzate che riflettano la vostra identità aziendale e raggiungano risultati tangibili grazie all'integrazione intelligente dell'intelligenza artificiale. Scegli LIBELLULA LAB 4.0 come partner per la vostra presenza online e scoprite come l'intelligenza artificiale può fare la differenza nel vostro successo nel web marketing e nell'e-commerce.
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in Naples, Italy
    From €1,100 for Storytelling
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare (+6)
    Speaks English, French(+2)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Experience the six legs Effect!

    At BlueAnts, our dedicated team armed with extensive experience is committed to providing unwavering support and strategic advice to propel your business towards its marketing goals. By offering tailored solutions that ensure your marketing activities run efficiently and effectively.
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in El Mukkatam, Egypt
    From €200 for Storytelling
    Worked in Real Estate (+10)
    Speaks English, Arabic
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (12 reviews)

    Generating digital, physical and human experience

    A strategic branding agency crafts brand stories by converting cultural insights into human experience. We come up with strong and distinct brand identities based on design thinking processes. Comprehensive guidance for the entire design process to spell out exactly what you need. Digital UI/UX Design/ Front-End Development/ App Design/ Web Design/ Interaction/ 3D modeling/ Info Graphic/ Generative Design/ Data Visualization/ App design/ Prototype Physical Retail/ Packaging design/ Product Design /Additive Manufacturing/ 3D printing/ Event & Exhibition Design Human experience Brand Story Telling/ Design Thinking/ 4D Process/ Brand Strategy/ Design Research/ Creative Orientation/ Brand Essence/ Design Concept/ Logo Design/ Visual Identity/ Copy Writing/ Brand Experience/ Design Developments Our generators are experienced integrated teams brought up in multidisciplinary culture to support your business passion to be heard and understood, with a wide range of interaction experience and prototype skills that will help you achieve a valuable investment with a meaningful brand experience. Website: Email:
    Looking for work in Storytelling
    Located in Heliopolis, Egypt (+2)
    From €1,000 for Storytelling
    Worked in Non-profit (+20)
    Speaks English, Arabic
    11-50 members

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Our tips for choosing the right storytelling agency

A good story can make all the difference. It can make your brand more relatable, human and ultimately, more memorable. But crafting a great story is no easy feat. It takes time, effort and a lot of creativity. That's where storytelling agencies come in. These creative powerhouses can help you develop a compelling narrative for your brand that will resonate with your audience and help you achieve your business goals. If you're looking for a storytelling agency to help you take your brand to the next level, check out our list of the best agencies in the business.

What does storytelling mean ?

Storytelling is the act of sharing a story. It can be done verbally, through writing, or via an auditory or visual medium. Storytelling is an ancient art that has been used to entertain, educate, and engage audiences for centuries. When done well, it can transport listeners or viewers to another time and place, and make them feel emotions ranging from laughter to fear.

There are many different types of stories, from folktales and fairy tales to epic poems and modern novels. And there are just as many ways to tell a story. Some stories are meant to be read aloud, while others are better suited for silent reading. Some are best when experienced firsthand, while others can be enjoyed vicariously through film or television.

No matter the form or content, all stories have one thing in common: they need a good storyteller. A good storyteller is someone who can captivate an audience and hold their attention from beginning to end. They must be able to bring the characters and world of the story to life in a way that engages the listener or viewer.

A good storyteller must also be able to understand and connect with their audience. They need to know what type of story will resonate with them and how to tell it in a way that will resonate. They must be able to gauge the reaction of the audience and make adjustments on the fly if necessary.

Ultimately, a good storyteller is someone who can take the audience on a journey, whether it's to a far-off land or simply to the past or present. They are someone who can make the ordinary extraordinary, and the impossible, believable.

The term storytelling refers to any type of creative writing. It can range from simple narratives to elaborate productions. It can be done with a mobile phone camera, a digital video camera, or a printed version. It can be a combination of different mediums, such as video and still images. It is important to make the story as original as possible, and it is imperative to avoid violating copyright laws by using public domain images.

What is a storytelling agency ?

A storytelling agency is a company that helps businesses and individuals tell their stories. They do this by creating and executing marketing campaigns, developing content, and managing public relations.

The goal of a storytelling agency is to help their clients connect with their audience on a deeper level. They do this by creating content that is interesting, engaging, and relatable.

A storytelling agency will work with their client to understand their goals and objectives. They will then develop a strategy to help the client achieve these goals. This may include creating and executing marketing campaigns, developing content, and managing public relations.

A storytelling agency can be a great asset to any business or individual who wants to tell their story in a more impactful way. By working with a storytelling agency, you can ensure that your story is told in the most effective way possible.

7 things that storytelling companies do:

  • Publish your story
  • Increase conversion rates
  • Edit and proofread your work
  • Edit and package your work for submission to publishers
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Edit and proofread your story
  • Provide ongoing support and advice

5 Questions to ask to storytelling agencies:

  • What is your experience with public relations and media relations?
  • What are the agency's key personnel?
  • What is your process for developing a story?
  • What are the different lengths you can tell a story?
  • What is the agency's billing structure?

Discover what other have done.

Get inspired by what our agencies have done for other companies.

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