The 10 Best Performance Marketing Agencies in Belgium - 2025 Reviews

Top Performance Marketing Agencies in Belgium

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All Performance Marketing Services in Belgium

  • 4.8
    (11 reviews)

    Jouw copiloot voor impactvolle B2B marketing 🚀

    Top awarded
    Te veel marketing blijft hangen in losse ideeën. Geen focus, geen samenhang, geen resultaat. Bij Brandimpact brengen we helderheid en actie. We verdiepen ons grondig in jouw markt, bedrijf en klanten om uitsluitend de meest waardevolle kansen te benutten. Met ons als copiloot krijg je een strategische partner die je helpt budget en sterktes optimaal in te zetten. Dus als ge eens wilt samenzitten, bel maar he.‍
    Looking for work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Ghent, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Construction (+8)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (15 reviews)

    Seek evolution

    Top awarded
    Huble is a global HubSpot, AI, marketing & creative consultancy empowering multinational and larger national companies to dominate their markets with its HubSpot expertise and strategic consultancy across AI, marketing, creative, and sales. Committed to security and quality, Huble has certified compliance with ISO/IEC 27001:2022 and ISO 9001:2015 standards across its seven international businesses and 175+ employees . Boasting over 15 years of experience and 500+ successful HubSpot CRM implementations , Huble expertly steers clients through digital transformation with offices and consulting teams in the UK, USA, Canada, Germany, France, Belgium, Singapore, and South Africa.
    1 work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Brussels, Belgium (+2)
    From €1,800 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Others (+20)
    Speaks French, Arabic(+6)
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    We craft digital experiences

    Top awarded
    SQLI Digital Experience is a digital agency founded in 1999 with 50 people located in Ghent & Brussels and part of the international SQLI Group. We are specialized in social media content marketing, traffic, marketing automation, web & e-commerce. We work for brands such as Colruyt, Bent, Dreambaby, Nestlé, AG Insurance, Tissot, Vandemoortele, Cointreau & more...
    Looking for work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium (+17)
    From €10,000 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Luxury Goods & Jewelry (+5)
    Speaks French, Dutch(+3)
    51-200 members
  • 4.8
    (3 reviews)

    Empower your business with digital marketing / Meer resultaat met succesvolle digital marketing

    Top awarded
    Empower your business with digital marketing! Behaal met MvH Media meer resultaat uit digital marketing. Specialisten voor SEO, SEA, Social Media, Marketplaces en digitale strategie.
    1 work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Ghent, Belgium (+3)
    From €500 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Retail (+23)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    The creative & performance agency for leading brands, now & tomorrow.

    Top awarded
    Digital Leader is een strategisch online marketing bureau dat op basis van data en merkstrategie de digitale leiders van morgen creërt.
    Looking for work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Haaltert, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Home Services (+16)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    GBL Playground for serious business.

    Top awarded
    GBL ... PLAYGROUND FOR SERIOUS BUSINESS ... het is niet zomaar een lege belofte. Het is ons engagement om samen te groeien en te optimaliseren. Wat begon als West-Vlaams grafisch bedrijf, is vandaag uitgegroeid tot een full-service marketing bureau dat speelt met strategie, creativiteit en technologie. We blijven trouw aan onze wortels in de grafische wereld, maar dagen onszelf uit om meer uit elke communicatie te halen. We focussen op strategische meerwaarde en maken het verschil met service en skills. We weten wat kan en wat werkt, en willen bewijzen dat slimme marketing geen kostenpost is, maar een investering die rendeert. Meer dan 40 experten versterken jouw merk. Ze bundelen hun krachten, overleggen en delen hun expertise om méér uit elk merk te halen. Ze versterken elkaar en elke business. Zo haalt online marketing betere resultaten als het vertrekt van een optimale website, en komen brandings beter tot hun recht als ze gemaakt zijn om te werken op alle dragers. Onze experten denken voor ze doen, want enkel door te vertrekken vanuit een goede strategie, laten ze elke marketinginvestering opbrengen. Wanna play with us?
    Looking for work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Kortrijk, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Construction (+22)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.7
    (13 reviews)

    Own your journey, don't let it own you.

    Top awarded
    Dit kun je verwachten Werken veel interne processen nog zoals in de jaren '90? Denk aan Excel als beste vriend en voorraad handmatig beheren. Dan is het misschien tijd om nieuwe wegen in te slaan. We helpen je technologie af te stemmen op de bedrijfsdoelen. Denk aan webshops, websites met integraties en maatwerk software. Daarnaast kun je bij ons terecht om meer klanten te verwelkomen. Het resultaat? Teams werken efficiënter en productiever, met de flexibiliteit om op afstand de voortgang te monitoren.
    Looking for work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Hasselt, Belgium
    From €950 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Others (+16)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 4.7
    (44 reviews)

    deBottomline = resultaten door strategisch en creatief werk op een efficiënte, kostenbewuste manier.

    Top awarded
    deBottomLine = het bewijs dat uitmuntend strategisch en creatief werk op een efficiënte , kostenbewuste en resultaatgedreven manier kan neergezet worden. Onze focus ligt op resultaatgedreven communicatie vanuit een strategisch-analytische aanpak . We zijn 'full-service', maar voor PR of evenementen kan je niet bij ons terecht. Conceptueel en planmatig nemen we het mee, maar voor de uitvoering verwijzen we graag door naar collega's! Wat maakt onze aanpak anders ? Wel: 1. Aanspreekpunt Geen accounts die intern alles moeten navragen, maar korte lijnen met de mensen die werken met jouw merk en product en alle ins- en outs van het dossier kennen. Als je belt, helpen Steven, Veerle en de projectverantwoordelijke je meteen verder. Alle informatie is gedeeld, alle kennis is op niveau.   2. Creativiteit Creativiteit is belangrijk… maar niet zo belangrijk als het verhaal. Als het verhaal van jouw merk of product goed zit, kan een straffe creatie je véél meer opbrengen. Is het verhaal niet perfect, dan kan zelfs de beste creatie je geen fantastische resultaten brengen.  Daarom werken we altijd analytisch vanuit het verhaal: eerst de basis, de rest volgt wel. Is een idee geweldig maar past het niet ‘helemaal’ in het verhaal? Dan is het GEEN goed idee!   3. ROI ROI moet meetbaar en aantoonbaar zijn. Daar houden we rekening mee van bij de start van een project. De ROI moet voelbaar zijn voor de eindklant. Het gaat niet over hoeveel prijzen een bureau kan winnen met een idee!   4. Teams & Medewerkers Wij zorgen ervoor dat creatieven en specialisten gekozen worden op basis van hun profiel: passen ze bij een klant, product of opdracht? Zo zorgen we voor een snelle en efficiënte opvolging… die ook kosten scheelt.  We hebben een netwerk van meer dan 70 freelancers waaruit we steeds het best passende team samenstellen. Handig dat we ons niet moeten beperken tot een beperkt aantal personen dat op een loonlijst staat… .   5. Tarieven Uurtarieven hangen niet af van wie je bent, maar wel van wat je doet. En ofwel ben je aan het denken over iets, ofwel ben je iets aan het doen. Dat zijn dan ook onze 2 uurtarieven: denken of doen.  Want waarom zou je méér betalen omdat je ervaring hebt (of toevallig manager bent) als je bijvoorbeeld even naar een drukker belt?   6. Technologie Technologie moet bij een klant passen, niet omgekeerd. We krijgen er de kriebels van om alle klanten op 1 platform of in 1 technologie te duwen omdat we die toevallig beheersen of omdat we commissie zouden krijgen.  Het wordt pas efficiënt voor jou als je technologieën hebt die passen bij je organisatie, structuur, doelstellingen en budget… toch?   --------------------------------------------------------------   . Nous sommes une agence 'Full-Service' mais pour les RP our des événements nous vous renverrons vers un partenaire! ?   1. Point de contact Pas de commerciaux qui doivent tout demander en interne, mais une communication directe avec les personnes qui travaillent sur votre marque et produit, et connaissent tous les tenants et les aboutissants de votre dossier.  Si vous nous téléphonez, Steven, Veerle et Marlies vous aident immédiatement. Toute l’information est partagée, on est tous au courant de tout.   2. Créativité La créativité est importante… mais pas aussi importante que le récit. Si le récit de votre marque ou produit est excellent, une solide création peut vous rapporter beaucoup plus. Si le récit n’est pas parfait, même la meilleure création ne vous apportera pas de résultats fantastiques.  C’est pourquoi nous travaillons toujours de manière analytique à partir du récit : d’abord la base, le reste suivra. Une idée est excellente mais ne convient pas ‘entièrement’ au récit ? Dans ce cas, ce n’est PAS une bonne idée …   3. ROI Le retour sur investissement doit être mesurable et démontrable. Nous en tenons compte dès le début d’un projet. Le ROI est pour le client final … et ne concerne pas ‘les statistiques de la campagne’.   4. Equipe & Collaborateurs Nous veillons à ce que les créatifs et les spécialistes soient choisis en fonction de leur profil : Ils conviennent à un client, un produit ou une mission ? C’est ainsi que nous assurons un suivi rapide et efficace… ce qui fait aussi la différence au niveau des coûts.  Nous disposons d’un réseau de plus de 70 freelances et composons toujours l’équipe la plus appropriée. C’est bien pratique de ne pas devoir nous limiter à un nombre restreint de personnes figurant sur notre payroll.   5. Tarifs Les tarifs horaires ne dépendent pas de qui vous êtes, mais bien de ce que vous faites. Soit vous réfléchissez à quelque chose, soit vous faites quelque chose. Ce sont nos 2 tarifs horaires : réfléchir ou faire.  En effet, pourquoi faudrait-il payer plus parce que vous avez de l’expérience (ou êtes occasionnellement manager) alors que vous téléphonez à un imprimeur par exemple ?   6. Technologie La technologie doit s’adapter aux clients et non l’inverse. Cela nous donne des sueurs froides à l’idée d’obliger tous les clients à passer à 1 plateforme ou 1 technologie parce qu’il s’avère que nous la maîtrisons ou recevons une commission.  Il est question d’efficacité pour vous seulement lorsque vos technologies conviennent à votre organisation, votre structure, vos objectifs et votre budget… vous ne trouvez pas ?   --------------------------------------------------------------
    Looking for work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Kontich, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Education (+19)
    Speaks Dutch, Belgium, English(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (8 reviews)

    Yungo - Disrupt the Norm, Set the Standard 💥 Award-winning marketing agency

    Top awarded
    Yungo is de enige Vlaamse Agency die zich focust op Disruptive Marketing. Aandacht grijpen én vasthouden, dat is voor jouw bedrijf of merk in deze snel veranderende wereld méér dan cruciaal. Geen voor de hand liggende uitdaging, wetende dat de gemiddelde mens 377 advertentieboodschappen per dag consumeert. Maar … don’t worry, be Yungo! Want Yungo helpt je. Niet alleen met overleven, maar vooral met openbloeien, opvallen én groeien. Hoe? Door de magische mix van onze disruptieve marketingstrategieën en ons team prettig gestoorde, creatieve geesten. We zijn een straf team digitale pioniers en laat ook jouw merk pionieren . Samen met jou creëren we een slimme strategie , unieke content en de juiste tools . Zo bouwen we een solide merkbasis , veroveren we het juiste doelpubliek en jagen we je groeicijfers de hoogte in. Klaar om je brand écht te boosten? Let’s Yungo! Altijd straffere cijfers? Altijd beter communiceren? Altijd nieuwe doelen bereiken? Roep gauw je speurhonden terug, want dan is Yungo jouw betrouwbare partner de route! Yungo heeft een krachtige body die gestaag groeit en een breed arsenaal relevante expertises . Zo ontplooien we voor elke uitdaging de nodige power op het vlak van digitale marketing, performance, branding, video, conceptcreatie, design en storytelling . Met een hart voor jouw missie, een neus voor ROI en een onverschrokken vibe exploreert Yungo alle mogelijkheden om jouw resultaten exponentieel te versterken. Guerillagewijs voor directe impact en in de diepte voor langetermijngroei. In een hecht partnership. Zo groeien en bloeien we samen. Want echte pioniers vinden sterke partners. Let’s Yungo!
    Looking for work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Genk, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Energy & Oil (+22)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members
  • 4.5
    (5 reviews)

    Wij strijden voor jouw Machtige Marketing!

    Al eens gehoord van het ridderideaal? Eer. Kracht en moed. Trouw. Vrijgevigheid. Eerlijkheid. Het klinkt alvast veelbelovend. En dat was het ook, in de middeleeuwen. Ons team van Ridder hanteert een eigen riddercode. Persoonlijke aanpak. Betrokkenheid. Open communicatie. Expertise. Daadkracht. Het klinkt alvast veelbelovend. En dat is het ook. Beloofd! We trekken ten strijde om de missie, visie & waarden van jouw onderneming of merk op een creatieve, strategische en professionele manier uit te dragen.
    Looking for work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Kortrijk, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Architecture & Planning (+25)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 4.5
    (8 reviews)

    Making brands’ social media better since 2016.

    Top awarded
    WE LIKE YOU is a team of social media storytellers, community masterminds and advertising experts. Every day, we look for different ways to bridge the gap between businesses and the ir consumers by using tailored social media strategies and carefully customized creative solutions. We strongly believe that social media requires a unique skillset with little overlap from other marketing forms. We focus on one thing and we do it well. We help brands discover their unique tone of voice, in order to implement a social media plan that increases business successes. We kick off with a brilliant idea, which leads to a customized digital approach attracting your target group. Because that’s what we’re here for: to engage your audience! Anyway, we want you to be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons! Say "Hi" and let's create something great together.
    Looking for work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €3,000 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Retail (+15)
    Speaks Dutch, Belgium, English(+2)
    11-50 members
  • 4.5
    (2 reviews)

    We are your Partner in Growth

    Biggie: A hybrid agency driven by strategy and performance Biggie is a global agency for marketing strategy and performance based on an innovative methodology: hybridization. Formed by the merger of several entities within the Biggie Group, our agency brings together 300 experts worldwide. With 9 international offices, we support brands in over 150 countries through customized omnichannel solutions. These solutions combine marketing strategy, strategic planning, data and analysis, media, digital performance, and business consulting. Our ambition: To be "partners in growth" for our clients, helping them navigate their marketing mix and optimize their investments by leveraging strategic and operational excellence to enhance their performance. Our expertise: Online and Offline Advertising, Targeted Advertising, Social audit and strategy, SEA, SEO, CPA/CPL-based campaigns, Dynamic Creative Optimizations, Consulting in analytics, Data consulting, Placement, Trainings, Ad Tech, Cookieless...
    Looking for work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Brussels, Belgium (+1)
    From €5,000 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+4)
    Speaks French, Czech(+6)
    51-200 members
  • 4.5
    (3 reviews)

    Connecter, engager, transformer : Votre succès digital commence ici.

    Transformez votre vision en succès Chez G&G Digital Solutions, nous comprenons que chaque entreprise est unique. C'est pourquoi nous vous proposons des stratégies digitales sur-mesure, parfaitement alignées avec vos objectifs d'affaires, qu'il s'agisse de lancer des campagnes payantes impactantes sur Google et les réseaux sociaux, ou d'optimiser votre présence en ligne. Pourquoi choisir G&G Digital Solutions ? Parce que nous ne sommes pas juste une agence de marketing digital. Nous sommes votre partenaire de croissance, dédié à générer des résultats tangibles pour votre entreprise. Que vous soyez une association, une administration publique, une PME ou un indépendant , notre approche personnalisée et notre écoute active nous permettent de comprendre vos besoins spécifiques et de transformer vos défis en opportunités. Notre Pack 360° Devenir votre partenaire numéro 1 pour tous vos projets numériques. De la conception de sites web à l'optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche, de la définition de votre stratégie numérique à sa mise en œuvre opérationnelle. Notre souhait le plus cher est de devenir votre partenaire privilégié, et non un simple exécutant. Du conseil à la mise en œuvre, le succès de vos campagnes est le nôtre, et nous sommes là pour vous accompagner à chaque étape. Pour atteindre vos objectifs, il ne suffit pas d'avoir une belle campagne si votre site ne répond pas aux attentes de ses utilisateurs. Il est également inutile de collecter des leads si votre automatisation marketing n'est pas bien pensée et si vous n'avez pas mis en place un flux pour les traiter. C'est donc tout le processus de décision qu'il faut prendre en compte. Revoyez et reformulez votre stratégie, vos objectifs et mettez-les en adéquation avec vos actions et vos ressources humaines et budgétaires. C'est l'ensemble des maillons de la chaîne que nous examinerons avec vous pour assurer votre réussite. C'est l'ensemble de ces étapes que nous vous proposons avec le PACK 360°. Voyez-le plutôt comme un partenariat dans lequel vos objectifs commerciaux deviennent les nôtres. En bref, VOTRE SUCCÈS EST NOTRE SUCCÈS (et c'est vrai !). Nos Services Exclusifs : Campagnes Payantes Multicanal : Du Search au Display, en passant par les Video Ads sur YouTube et les campagnes sur META, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, LinkedIn, jusqu'au Programmatic/RTB, nous maîtrisons l'art de toucher votre audience cible avec précision et créativité. Analyse et Insights Google Analytics : Nous plongeons dans vos données pour vous fournir des insights précieux, vous permettant d'ajuster vos stratégies en temps réel et de maximiser votre ROI. Optimisation SEO : Avec l'accès aux outils les plus avancés, notre expert SEO travaille sur tous les fronts, du back-end au front-end, pour assurer votre positionnement optimal sur les moteurs de recherche. Conception Web : Nos sites vitrines et landing pages sont conçus pour offrir une expérience utilisateur inégalée, renforçant ainsi l'engagement de vos visiteurs et la conversion. Stratégie Digitale Intégrée : En étroite collaboration avec votre équipe, nous développons une stratégie digitale qui s'intègre parfaitement à votre communication globale, propulsant votre entreprise vers de nouveaux sommets.
    Looking for work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Schaerbeek, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Insurance (+5)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium(+2)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Ne dites pas que vous êtes le meilleur, montrez-le !

    Nous sommes une agence créative qui vous aide à gagner le cœur et l'esprit de vos clients. Nous écrivons, nous filmons, nous racontons des histoires, nous faisons de l’animation 3D et nous caressons Google dans le sens du poil. Mais ça, ce n’est que la surface. Avoir de l’excellent contenu n’est qu’une partie du process. Pour qu’il soit bon et efficace, il doit être inspiré par une fonction marketing et un objectif commercial. Il doit faire partie d’un plan. Et son effet doit être mesurable.
    Looking for work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Vise, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+10)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 4.5
    (24 reviews)

    Let's ignite your brand.

    Highly recommended
    We are a full-service branding and communication agency. We believe brands need to move people in order to be successful . Spark session: designed to ignite your brand. Is your brand still relevant in today's fast changing world? During a workshop we dive into your brand. We clarify your objectives and explore new opportunities, which will serve as a kick-start for your battle plan .  Ignite your brand with our battle plan. Do you have great ideas but you feel stuck in your daily business? Do you have a great product or service but you don’t know how to kick-off? The list of questions is loooong when you’re busy building a brand. No matter how big or small your question may be, we can help you define your tactics. Our battle plan gives direction to your brand or company. As you go through the following steps, you’re going to (re)discover where you need to go. Don’t be overwhelmed. Together we will figure out where to start. With this battle plan, we support you intensively and personally during this process to make sure you reach new heights . We are small enough to care, big enough to scale. For each project, we carefully select a dedicated brand team . Our account managers and creative minds pulling together show that different expertise working closely together on the same idea will reinforce your brand. Our team of experts will work closely with your team to achieve your goals. Teamwork makes the dream work, right? We are in for the long run. Did we say we are committed to lead you to your most ambitious and long-lasting business? And so we will, by making the best use of your budget and by maximizing our efforts . With our battle plan tactic, we offer an authentic and personal journey, where we strive to expand your business’s full potential.
    Looking for work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €4,000 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Real Estate (+27)
    Speaks Dutch, Belgium, Dutch(+2)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    Let’s perform, together.

    We are Add Value 👋🏻 Gegroeid vanuit goesting. Getekend door data. We focussen ons op growth marketing zodat jouw campagne de lucht ingaat. 💥 Nog belangrijker, we testen alles en vertalen jouw online impact in meetbare data. Naast onze performance driven aanpak hebben wij een stevige portie expertise for all things digital. 💻 Top of mind worden via social media of nood aan een nieuwe website? We’ve got you covered. 😉 Klaar voor digitale groei? Get in touch! 🚀
    3 works in Performance Marketing
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Real Estate (+3)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (13 reviews)

    Meer impact met je bedrijf dankzij een sterke strategie, gemotiveerde medewerkers en trouwe klanten

    Je groeiambities waarmaken, dat is waar wij je mee helpen. Vanuit strategisch, tactisch en/of operationeel oogpunt krijg je precies de ondersteuning die jij nodig hebt om te groeien. En dat met zo min mogelijk groeipijn. Want aan groei moet je werken. En laat JDI nu juist die aanvullende hersens, die bijkomende ervaring en die extra handjes leveren die je daarvoor nodig hebt. Of je nu groot bent of nog klein, je ambitie om te groeien en je bereidheid om in alle openheid samen te werken zullen bepalen of we de juiste match zijn. JDI gooit namelijk al zijn expertise en gedrevenheid in de strijd om ook jouw ambitie waar te maken. Vanuit ons groei-DNA, maar ook omdat wij gepassioneerd samen mooie groeiverhalen willen schrijven. Wij bieden ondersteuning bij groei met de volgende hefbomen: Strategie: Medewerkers: Klanten: Aarzel niet om ons hierover meer informatie te vragen! Dit kan door een mailtje te sturen naar of ons te bellen op +3216 88 37 55.
    Looking for work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Huldenberg, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Energy & Oil (+4)
    Speaks Dutch, Belgium, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.7
    (6 reviews)

    Helping you reach your audience

    At S1 Digital knowledge, experience and technology come together to help brands grow and succeed online.  We connect brands with their respective audiences through exclusive partnerships with fast-growing media platforms combined with advanced ad tech solutions. It all starts with the customer who’s embracing the expanding opportunities to enjoy media and online experience uniquely tailored to their own personal preferences , contexts and schedules.  Consumers are moving towards the creation of a new type of personal space by carefully selecting their preferred media platforms and experiences, one which continues to evolve by new social-media splinters and technology. The result is a rapid expansion in consumer touchpoints.  With the combination of biddable solutions, media representation and tech & insights we are able to connect your brand with the consumer where they are throughout their customer journey. Aggregating data across platforms to see the big picture while we analyze, optimize and adjust our online channels with campaign data to reach your business goals . 
    1 work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €2,500 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Pets (+12)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+5)
    11-50 members
  • 4.6
    (7 reviews)

    We've got your webshop.

    Top awarded
    Bij Generation Shop creëren we webshops op maat van uw behoeften en ondersteunen we u met slimme performance marketing . Als officieel Shopify en Shopware Partner Agency in België verzekeren we jouw online succes. Webshop Development We maken webshops op maat van jouw business needs met Shopware of Shopify . We zorgen voor een naadloze en aantrekkelijke shopping experience voor uw klanten, ongeacht het platform. Webshop Marketing Wij zijn gespecialiseerd in performance marketing die de zichtbaarheid en verkoop van je webshop verhoogt. Door middel van data-driven campagnes optimaliseren we elke stap om je online succes een boost te geven. Webshop Support We bieden uitgebreide support en maintence services voor Shopware en Shopify webshops. Ons team zorgt ervoor dat uw shop up-to-date, veilig en volledig functioneel blijft, zodat u zich kunt richten op de groei van uw bedrijf zonder technische zorgen. Contacteer ons nu voor een vrijblijvend gesprek!
    3 works in Performance Marketing
    Located in Oudenaarde, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in E-commerce (+13)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+2)
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (32 reviews)

    Une agence web pragmatique, quand vos utilisateurs récompensent la simplicité et la performance.

    Bonjour ! Notre vrai métier, c’est de transformer nos clients en Partenaires heureux. Pour atteindre ce bel objectif, nous sommes à vos côtés dans la durée pour faire du canal numérique un vrai levier de croissance pour votre activité. Notre vision holistique du web nous permet de vous accompagner de la stratégie à l’opérationnel (conseil & stratégie, sites web, e-commerce, référencement SEO / SEA). Une agence web pragmatique dans un domaine où vos utilisateurs récompensent la simplicité et la performance. Bienvenue chez Artimon Digital.  
    Looking for work in Performance Marketing
    Located in Uccle, Belgium (+2)
    From €1,000 for Performance Marketing
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+18)
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Insights from Our Local Expert: Performance Marketing Agencies in Belgium

Belgium, a pivotal hub for digital marketing innovations in Europe, offers a dynamic landscape of performance marketing expertise. Housing a significant number of agencies, Belgium stands out with 275 projects and 92 client reviews showcasing the high level of client satisfaction and agency capability.

Celebrated Achievements and Client Partnerships

Award-winning Recognition

In Belgium, performance marketing agencies have received numerous national and international accolades, reflecting their success and commitment to excellence. These awards highlight the agencies' proficiency in delivering results-driven campaigns that significantly enhance their clients’ return on investment.

Notable Client Collaborations

These agencies boost impressive portfolios featuring partnerships with leading companies across various industries. From global retail giants to local tech startups, Belgian agencies have demonstrated their ability to scale and adapt strategies that align distinctively with their client's objectives, propelling brand growth and market presence.

Budgeting for Performance Marketing

Understanding Costs and ROI

Allocating the right budget for performance marketing is crucial and can vary widely depending on your business size and campaign goals. In Belgium, small to medium businesses can initiate basic performance marketing campaigns starting from €5,000 to €25,000. Meanwhile, larger corporations might consider budgets from €50,000 to over €200,000 for more comprehensive strategies encompassing international markets.

It's vital to consider an agency that not only fits your budget but also provides a clear path to positive ROI. Transparent reporting and analytics are essential features to look out for, ensuring every Euro spent is an investment towards your business growth.

Choosing the Right Performance Marketing Agency

Assess Previous Successes

Reviewing the detailed track record of an agency’s past projects, which feature 275 works, can provide insights into the agency’s creative and strategic prowess. This is integral in ensuring they have the requisite experience to handle campaigns that resonate with your target demographic.

Agency Specializations

Many agencies in Belgium specialize in certain aspects of performance marketing such as pay-per-click (PPC), e-mail marketing, or affiliate marketing. Selecting an agency with a deep expertise in a specific service can lead to more tailored and effective marketing strategies.

Belgium’s vibrant performance marketing scene is rich with opportunities for businesses seeking to enhance their digital footprints. A wealth of experienced agencies equipped with successful case studies and an array of prestigious awards ensure that businesses can find the perfect partner for their marketing endeavors.

Mahmoud Arfaoui
Written by Mahmoud Arfaoui Sortlist Expert in BelgiumLast updated on the 23-01-2025

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Performance marketing agencies in Belgium face the crucial challenge of balancing data-driven campaign effectiveness with strict data privacy regulations, particularly the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Here's how they navigate this complex landscape:

1. Prioritizing Consent and Transparency
  • Implementing robust consent mechanisms: Agencies ensure that all data collection points have clear, specific, and unambiguous consent options.
  • Providing detailed privacy policies: Transparent communication about data usage, storage, and processing is essential for building trust with Belgian consumers.
  • Using consent management platforms (CMPs): These tools help manage user preferences and ensure compliance across digital properties.
2. Data Minimization and Purpose Limitation
  • Collecting only necessary data: Agencies focus on gathering data that's directly relevant to campaign objectives.
  • Implementing data retention policies: Regular audits ensure that data is kept only for the required duration and securely deleted afterwards.
  • Using anonymization and pseudonymization techniques: These methods help protect individual identities while still allowing for effective data analysis.
3. Leveraging Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
  • Adopting first-party data strategies: By focusing on first-party data, agencies can deliver personalized experiences while respecting privacy.
  • Implementing data clean rooms: These secure environments allow for data analysis without exposing individual user information.
  • Exploring privacy-preserving AI: Advanced technologies like federated learning enable machine learning on decentralized data, maintaining privacy.
4. Continuous Compliance Monitoring
  • Regular privacy impact assessments (PIAs): Agencies conduct PIAs to identify and mitigate potential privacy risks in their campaigns.
  • Staff training and awareness: Ensuring all team members are up-to-date with the latest GDPR requirements and best practices.
  • Appointing Data Protection Officers (DPOs): Many Belgian agencies have dedicated DPOs to oversee compliance efforts.
5. Adapting Measurement and Attribution Models
  • Moving away from third-party cookies: With the phasing out of third-party cookies, agencies are developing alternative measurement strategies.
  • Implementing privacy-friendly analytics: Using tools like Google Analytics 4, which offers more privacy-centric features.
  • Exploring probabilistic attribution models: These models infer user journeys without relying on personal identifiers.
6. Collaboration with Technology Partners
  • Vetting ad tech vendors: Ensuring all partners and tools used in campaigns are GDPR compliant.
  • Implementing data processing agreements: Clearly defining responsibilities and data handling procedures with all third parties.
  • Leveraging privacy-focused ad networks: Some networks specialize in delivering targeted ads without compromising user privacy.

By implementing these strategies, performance marketing agencies in Belgium can navigate the complex regulatory landscape while still delivering effective campaigns. The key lies in viewing privacy not as a hindrance, but as an opportunity to build trust and deliver more meaningful, respectful marketing experiences to Belgian consumers.

It's worth noting that the Belgian Data Protection Authority (Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit/Autorité de protection des données) is known for its strict enforcement of GDPR. In 2022, they issued several significant fines, including a €250,000 penalty to IAB Europe for GDPR violations related to the Transparency and Consent Framework. This underscores the importance of rigorous compliance measures for agencies operating in Belgium.

Integrating performance marketing into your overall digital marketing strategy is crucial for businesses in Belgium looking to maximize their online presence and ROI. Here's how you can effectively blend performance marketing with your broader digital efforts:

  1. Align goals and KPIs: Ensure your performance marketing objectives support your overall digital marketing goals. For example, if your main digital strategy aims to increase brand awareness, your performance marketing KPIs should focus on metrics like reach, impressions, and engagement rates.
  2. Data integration and analysis: Implement a robust analytics system that combines data from all your digital channels. Belgian businesses can leverage tools like Google Analytics 4, which offers advanced cross-channel tracking and audience insights, essential for a holistic view of your marketing performance.
  3. Customer journey mapping: Create a comprehensive map of your customer's journey across all digital touchpoints. This will help you identify where performance marketing tactics can be most effective in moving prospects through the funnel.
  4. Personalization and localization: Utilize performance marketing data to personalize content across all digital channels. In Belgium, consider tailoring your messaging to different linguistic regions (Dutch, French, and German) for more effective communication.
  5. Retargeting and remarketing: Use insights from your performance marketing campaigns to inform your retargeting strategies across other digital channels. This creates a cohesive experience for potential customers as they interact with your brand on various platforms.
  6. Content synergy: Align your content strategy across all digital channels. Use high-performing content from your performance marketing campaigns to inspire organic social media posts, blog articles, or email marketing content.
  7. Budget allocation: Use performance marketing data to inform budget allocation across your entire digital marketing mix. Invest more in channels and tactics that demonstrate the best ROI.
  8. Cross-channel attribution: Implement multi-touch attribution models to understand how different digital channels contribute to conversions. This will help you optimize your overall digital strategy and allocate resources more effectively.
  9. Mobile optimization: With mobile internet usage in Belgium at 79.6% in 2023, ensure your performance marketing efforts are mobile-friendly and integrate seamlessly with your mobile-optimized website and apps.
  10. Influencer partnerships: Leverage Belgian influencers in your performance marketing campaigns and extend these relationships across your other digital channels for a unified brand message.

By following these strategies, businesses in Belgium can create a more cohesive and effective digital marketing approach that leverages the strengths of performance marketing while supporting overall brand objectives. Remember to constantly monitor, test, and refine your integrated strategy to stay ahead in the competitive Belgian digital landscape.

In Belgium's dynamic marketing landscape, understanding the distinctions between traditional marketing and performance marketing is crucial for businesses aiming to optimize their strategies. Let's explore the key differences and when to prioritize each approach:

Aspect Traditional Marketing Performance Marketing
Focus Brand awareness and long-term image Measurable actions and ROI
Metrics Reach, frequency, impressions Conversions, clicks, sales, leads
Payment Model Upfront costs Pay-per-action (CPA, CPC, CPL)
Targeting Broad audience segments Highly targeted, data-driven
Channels TV, radio, print, billboards Digital: social media, search engines, affiliate marketing
Measurement Often challenging to measure accurately Precise, real-time analytics

When to prioritize traditional marketing in Belgium:

  • Brand building: For new businesses or those looking to establish a strong presence in the Belgian market, traditional marketing can help create widespread awareness.
  • Local penetration: In regions like Wallonia or Flanders, where local media still holds significant influence, traditional channels can be effective.
  • Targeting older demographics: Belgium has an aging population, and traditional media remains popular among older age groups.
  • Luxury or high-end products: To convey prestige and quality, especially in markets like Brussels or Antwerp.

When to prioritize performance marketing in Belgium:

  • E-commerce and digital services: With Belgium's e-commerce market growing rapidly (€11.46 billion in 2021), performance marketing is ideal for online businesses.
  • Limited budgets: Startups and SMEs can benefit from the cost-effective, results-driven nature of performance marketing.
  • Targeting specific audiences: For niche products or services catering to specific Belgian demographics or regions.
  • Quick results: When immediate, measurable outcomes are needed, such as for time-sensitive promotions or seasonal campaigns.
  • Data-driven decision making: Belgian businesses looking to optimize marketing spend based on concrete metrics should lean towards performance marketing.

Hybrid approach for Belgian businesses:

Many successful Belgian companies are adopting a hybrid approach, combining elements of both traditional and performance marketing. This strategy allows businesses to build brand awareness through traditional channels while driving measurable results through performance marketing tactics.

For example, a Belgian chocolate brand might use traditional marketing to showcase its heritage and quality in print and TV ads, while simultaneously running targeted performance marketing campaigns on social media and search engines to drive online sales and store visits.

Ultimately, the choice between traditional and performance marketing in Belgium depends on factors such as business goals, target audience, budget, and product/service type. A thorough analysis of these factors, combined with an understanding of the Belgian market's unique characteristics, will help determine the most effective marketing mix for your business.