The 10 Best Email Marketing Automation Agencies in Amsterdam - 2025 Reviews

Top Email Marketing Automation Agencies in Amsterdam

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All Email Marketing Automation Companies in Amsterdam

  • 5
    (9 reviews)

    Waar jouw merk vleugels krijgt

    Van omzetgroei tot efficiëntere personeelswerving, bij Mediabirds brengen we jouw doelen tot leven. Met op maat gemaakte platformen en krachtige multi-channel campagnes realiseren we dagelijks jouw ambities. Wat zijn jouw doelstellingen?
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands (+1)
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in Automotive (+12)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (32 reviews)

    Groei beter met Leapforce: jouw partner in HubSpot en growth marketing.

    Top awarded
    Leapforce is een toonaangevend Nederlands online marketing bureau dat bedrijven helpt om datagedreven, schaalbare groei te realiseren, ondersteund door HubSpot en met RevOps als aanpak. Als een van de snelst groeiende bedrijven in Nederland, bekroond met prijzen zoals de Gazelle 2022 en 2023 en opgenomen in de Top 250 Scaleups 2023, biedt Leapforce een breed scala aan diensten en oplossingen. Wij vertalen de bedrijfsdoelen, uitdagingen en ambities van onze klanten naar op maat gemaakte customer journeys, HubSpot-implementaties, growth marketing strategieën en RevOps-oplossingen. Onze aanpak helpt bedrijven om maximaal te groeien in het digitale tijdperk. Ervaring en Resultaten - Meer dan €20 miljoen aan gegenereerde omzet - Meer dan 100 CRM-implementaties - Meer dan 100 websites - Meer dan 150 integraties - Meer dan 175 klanten - Meer dan 150 certificeringen - Meer dan 35 specialisten Expertise en Diensten - HubSpot implementaties - CRM integratie en maatwerk - RevOps & Go-To-Market (GTM) strategieën - Datamigratie - Tracking - Webdesign en ontwikkeling - SEO - Online marketing - Adverteren (SEA & sociale advertenties) - Growth marketing
    1 work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in Technology Hardware & Equipment (+13)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (18 reviews)

    Kom verder.

    Top awarded
    Bij Brandfirm worden we niet alleen blij van groei, maar ook van de klik die het met onze klanten teweegbrengt. Het één kan volgens ons niet zonder het ander. Zo creëren we positieve energie; zo creëren we een cultuur van doorpakken. Zo komen we verder met elkaar. -------------- At Brandfirm it's not only growth that excites us, it's about bonding with our clients. One cannot exist without the other. That is how we create positive energy and a culture of perseverance. It's how we get further; together.
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in Retail (+10)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    51-200 members
  • 4.8
    (12 reviews)


    Top awarded
    Wij zijn Key Agency en wij zijn een full service digital bureau uit Amsterdam. Waar wij goed in zijn? Bedrijven laten groeien met digital. Met onze mix van digital, marketing en media hebben wij alle kennis en skills in huis om ook jouw bedrijf te laten groeien . Zullen we samen gaan bouwen aan jouw succes ? Benieuwd hoe we dat doen? -> Stuur ons een briefing , dan vertellen wij hoe wij jouw bedrijf kunnen laten groeien. Wat wij doen in het kort: 1. We bereiden jou voor op de volgende stap in jouw digitale groei. Hiervoor zetten we een solide basis neer: een strakke merkidentiteit , een doordachte digitale strategie , een conversiegerichte website en uiteraard een slimme inrichting van jouw analytics . 2. Groeien doen we door jouw doelgroep te bereiken, te engagen, te converteren en te servicen. Dit doen we met een bruisende mix van contentcreatie , advertising , marketing automation en webcare . Dit kan in twee samenwerkingsvormen: als 'normaal' project met een begin- en einddatum of a.d.h.v. onze unieke Always-On aanpak voor een vast bedrag per maand.
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+27)
    Speaks Dutch, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (7 reviews)

    Start. Scale. Grow.

    Top awarded
    Elevator is een digital marketing bureau voor ondernemers, marketeers en directeuren met eindeloze ambitie, zonder eindeloos budget. Wij creëren en optimaliseren digitale groei. We organiseren een data- en klantgerichte manier om jouw campagnes, product, website en app te meten, verbeteren en groeikansen te benutten. Elevator is a digital marketing agency for entrepreneurs, marketeers and directors with endless ambition, without an endless budget. We create and optimize digital growth. We organize a data- and customer-centric way to measure user behaviour and seize growth opportunities.
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+3)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.7
    (27 reviews)

    Explore today, conquer tomorrow

    Top awarded
    In the dynamic world of digital marketing and technology, Endeavour stands as a beacon of knowledge, creativity, and innovation. Our team of driven professionals fearlessly push the boundaries of what's possible. "Explore today, conquer tomorrow" isn't just a promise; it's our mantra. Every strategy, every platform, every groundbreaking design, and every successful advertising campaign is the result of an exploratory journey we embark on with our clients. For us, it's not just about reaching the goal but also about the journey itself. Our adventurous and ambitious entrepreneurial spirit has taken us far. In the spirit of explorer James Cook, we eagerly venture off the beaten path and confront challenges head-on. No nonsense, always grounded. We strive for excellence in quality, not only in our results but also in how we collaborate. We believe that we can help not only brands grow but also people. Our clients, our employees, and other like-minded individuals seeking continuous improvement. Our own people are given ample space to develop their talents, acquire knowledge, and grow personally. The knowledge we gain along the way is then shared with our clients, partners, students, and other marketing professionals. We're critical and challenge people to look beyond and explore other possibilities. We aim not only for the best but also for the extraordinary. By challenging the standard, we can redefine the digital realm.
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Haarlem, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in Automotive (+21)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (6 reviews)

    Offering expertise and services in digital strategy and communication.

    Our purpose at Instict is to offer high quality services for our clients to help them strengthen their brand image and build a solid reputation. Our clients work hard to create great products or services and we believe that they deserve to be surrounded by experts that help them be seen. At Instict, we keep focus on the bigger picture to highly perform. The success of our work lies in: 1. Analyzing and understanding the market and user needs. 2. Transforming the Unique Selling Point of our clients into creative strategies. 3. Monitoring and improving every single strategy we carry out. 4. A professional and quality service offered to our clients.
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in Beauty (+2)
    Speaks English, Spanish
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (10 reviews)

    Creative Digital Heroes

    Top awarded
    Doop maakt werk van je bedrijf. Met een combinatie van creativiteit en techniek geven we het een nieuwe definitie. We geven je bedrijf een ziel, een verhaal en een eigen gezicht. Maar wat we ook bedenken, we zorgen dat het werkt. Op elk medium en elk platform laten we creativiteit, techniek en data voor je werken. Voor bedrijven die relevant én connected willen zijn en dat nog heel lang willen blijven. Misschien ook goed om te weten: wij denken niet in hokjes. We werken niet met schuttingen waar je als discipline iets overheen gooit naar de volgende partij in de keten. Wij durven het best aan om creatieven en techneuten bij elkaar in een ruimte te zetten. Rood bij blauw. Linkerhersenhelft bij rechterhersenhelft. Sterker nog: dat hebben we allang gedaan. En dat gaat uitstekend, dankuwel. Omdat we niet uitgaan van wat ons anders maakt, maar van wat ons verenigt: het geloof in de combinatie van creativiteit en techniek. In techniek die creatie versterkt en creatie die meer uit techniek haalt. Doop rekent af met die vervelende mythe dat technische mensen niet creatief kunnen zijn en creatieven niks van techniek begrijpen. Zet ze vroeg genoeg aan tafel, geef ze een gezamenlijk doel en kijk toe hoe er gave dingen ontstaan. Een product, een dienst, een site, een ervaring die sterker is dan de som der delen. Omdat de delen niet optellen, maar samenwerken. --------ENGLISH-------- Doop does wonders for your company. Using a smart mix of technology and creativity, we redefine it. We give your company a soul, a story and its own face. But whatever we come up with, we make sure it works. We let creativity, technology and data work for you on every medium and platform. For companies that want to be relevant and connected and want to stay that way for a long time. Maybe also good to know: we hate pigeon holes. We eat cubicles for breakfast. We don’t like to view our departments as separate offices that hand projects down to the next one as soon as they’ve done their bit. We’re not afraid to put creatives and engineers in one room. To mix red with blue. To have left brainers sit next to right brainers. Even better: we’ve already done it. And the results are great, thank you very much. Because we don’t care about what makes us different from each other. We care about what unites us. And that’s our firm belief in the combination of creativity and engineering. Technology empowering and boosting creativity and the other way around. Doop makes short work of that annoying myth about engineers not being creative and creatives not understanding one bit about technology. Put them together early on in a project, give them a common goal and watch some serious magic happen. Magic that fuels projects, services, sites and experiences that are better and stronger than the sum of all parts. Because those parts don’t just add up; they work together.
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Enschede, Netherlands (+2)
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+27)
    Speaks Dutch, English(+1)
    51-200 members
  • 4.7
    (16 reviews)

    Wij zijn LAAIEND. Enthousiast. Over marketing.

    Highly recommended
    Alles om samen te groeien Met een flinke dosis ervaring binnen online marketing werken wij op vele klanten. Voor elk denkbaar online marketing kanaal hebben wij onze specialist in huis. Onze specialisten op het gebied van SEA en SEO, E-mail marketing, Social marketing, Marketplaces marketing etc. weten precies aan welke knoppen zij moeten draaien om het gewenste resultaat te behalen.
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Utrecht, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+19)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Lead Today is jouw partner in digitale groei!

    Lead Today zorgt voor resultaat uit marketing en sales! Wij zijn Lead Today, een online marketing bureau gelegen in het hart van Rotterdam. Aangenaam kennis te maken! Ons team van digital consultants en online marketeers bruist van de kennis en ambities. Samen helpen we jou om de online groeipotentie van jouw organisatie optimaal te benutten. In al onze werkzaamheden zijn wij gericht op het realiseren van resultaat en het ondersteunen van onze klanten in het behalen van gestelde marketingdoelen en ambities. Schouder aan schouder delen wij de verantwoordelijkheid voor het behalen van jouw ambities! Met meer dan 15 jaar ervaring op het gebied van online marketing, durven wij te zeggen dat we weten waar we het over hebben. Onze expertise heeft zich over de jaren steeds verder ontwikkeld tot de innovatieve aanpak die we nu aanbieden. Hieronder een overzicht waar wij specifiek goed in zijn. Marketingstrategie Wil jij een toekomstbestendinge marketingstrategie schrijven die jouw groeiambitie realiseert? Aan de hand van ons Groeimodel signaleren we kansen om van jouw marketing en sales een groeimotor te maken! Online marketing Wil jij een nieuwe doelgroep aanspreken of jouw aanbod beter onder de aandacht krijgen bij de bestaande doelgroep? Wij helpen je graag bij het maken van de juiste keuzes te voor je kanalen, doelgroep, boodschap en strategie! Marketingtechnologie Onze tech-experts staan klaar om jou te ondersteunen met alle vraagstukken rondom het techniek marketing & sales. Of het nu gaat over een (nieuwe) website, e-mailmarketing, meetbaarheid of het ontwikkelen van – wij zijn er voor je!
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Rotterdam, Netherlands
    From €500 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in Non-profit (+4)
    Speaks Dutch, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (4 reviews)

    We make Growth work.

    Top awarded
    Chary is een Amsterdam based Senior Only growth agency. We specialiseren ons in growth strategieën voor E-commerce merken.
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €3,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in Household Products (+7)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 4.5
    (7 reviews)

    Doet het je niks. Dan is het niks. Maak iets los.

    Top awarded
    We zijn ZUID Creatives. Noem ons gerust een reclamebureau, creative agency, digital agency of strategisch-creatief marketingbureau (zo omschrijven wij onszelf het liefst). ZUID is het allemaal en meer, want al 20 jaar passen we niet in één hokje. Waar het ons om gaat, is dat we jouw business strategy vertalen naar krachtige merken, campagnes met impact en onderscheidende content marketing. Hoe ziet jouw Mount Everest eruit? Wil je je marktaandeel vergroten, heb je tientallen nieuwe medewerkers nodig of is het tijd om een nieuwe markt aan te boren en te internationaliseren? Dan ben je bij ZUID Creatives aan het juiste adres. Jouw top van de Mount Everest wordt ons doel. En het liefst blijven we de hele reis aan je zijde om samen die top te bereiken. Hoe jouw Mount Everest er ook uitziet, we zorgen voor een uitgestippelde route naar de top waarin business en creativity samen optrekken. Wij noemen die route het ZUID BrandPlan. Goed uitgerust, gidsen we je met het BrandPlan door drie gebieden: Brand, Image en Impact. Brand In het Brand-domein creëren we alles wat nodig is om jouw merk stevig neer te zetten. Denk aan een merkstrategie, merkidentiteit, brand assets, bijbehorende beeldtaal en antwoorden op al je merkstrategische vraagstukken. Image Het Image-domein bestaat uit tools en plannen om intern en extern over je merk te communiceren. Denk aan een communicatieconcept, merklancering, brand movie, maar ook een employer branding-plan. Impact In het Impact-domein bepalen we de reis die we gaan afleggen om jouw merk succesvol te maken. Dat doen we met een marketingcommunicatieplan, een campagnestrategie, campagnemanagement en de uiteindelijke campagnes. Zo hielpen we al verzekeringsgigant ZLM, powerhouse Essent, de altruïstische Zonnebloem, wereldverbeteraar Oxfam Novib, keuzecadeauwinkel, IT-aanjager Aces Direct, petfood-professional CaroCroc en regionale accountancygrootheid Van Oers. Dus, hoe ziet jouw Mount Everest eruit? Bel of mail ons. We staan in de startblokken om samen de reis te maken naar de top die jij voor ogen hebt. Om er vol trots je vlag te planten.
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Tilburg, Netherlands (+1)
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in Energy & Oil (+23)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    51-200 members
  • 4
    (1 review)

    Het data driven marketingbureau van Nederland

    Top awarded
    Wij zijn Sellvation Marketing. Met ruim 20 jaar aan ervaring het data driven marketingbureau van Nederland. Wij zijn Marketeers en software ontwikkelaars die de kracht van beide werelden bundelen om de maximale waarde uit jouw data te halen. Ons startpunt is een diepgaand begrip van je huidige klanten – hun gedragingen, behoeften en wensen. In combinatie met en onze innovatieve technologie zijn we in staat nieuwe klanten efficiënter te werven en bestaande klanten effectiever te bedienen. Wie wij zijn! Wij zijn pragmatische denkers en doeners. We geloven in de kracht van kleine, consistente stappen vooruit in plaats van te wachten op die ene grote sprong. Met deze filosofie helpen we retail- en e-commerce bedrijven transformeren, startend bij een diepgaand begrip van de huidige klanten – hun gedragingen, behoeften en wensen. Op basis hiervan creëren we impactvolle klantcontactmomenten met onze innovatieve technologie. Wij combineren strategische marketing kennis met technologische innovatieve oplossingen . Sellvation, opgericht in 2002 en gevestigd in Ede, is ontstaan uit een samensmelting van de termen "Salvation" (redding) en "Sell" (verkopen), wat onze missie weerspiegelt: bedrijven helpen hun commerciële doelen te optimaliseren. Met een sterke focus op de retail- en e-commerce sectoren, waar grote hoeveelheden klanten, producten en datastromen samenkomen, bieden wij een unieke combinatie van marketing- en IT-expertise. Onze eigen tooling, waaronder (CCMp) software voor 360° campagnebeheer en (Qiri) AI-gestuurde productaanbevelingen, stelt ons in staat om op maat gemaakte dataoplossingen te leveren. Waarom kiezen voor Sellvation? Wij hebben ons volledig toegelegd op retailers en e-commercebedrijven en alle oplossingen zijn maximaal op deze bedrijven afgestemd. Als technisch marketingbureau combineren wij diepgaande kennis met geavanceerde tools om op maat gemaakte oplossingen te leveren. Door gebruik te maken van de nieuwste technologieën, zetten wij jouw data om in waardevolle inzichten en actiegerichte strategieën, waardoor persoonlijke marketing op schaal mogelijk wordt. Dit resulteert in maximale bedrijfsresultaten en verhoogt het werkplezier van marketeers. Onze top 5 USP’s 1. Wij zijn een all-in-one partner die IT en marketing combineert, wat tijd en geld bespaart door minder partners en meer efficiëntie. 2. We hanteren een vast en competitief uurtarief, ongeacht de discipline—van strategie en ontwikkeling tot campagnemanagement. 3. Onze pakketten bevatten flexibel inzetbare supporturen, in te zetten op jullie specifieke behoeften. 4. Samenwerking op basis van jullie organisatie en capaciteit, waarbij activiteiten flexibel kunnen worden uitbesteed. 5. Wij zijn eigenaar van de tooling en bieden, in tegenstelling tot andere softwareleveranciers, uitgebreide maatwerkmogelijkheden Wil je meer over ons of onze werkwijze weten, neem dan contact met ons op!
    3 works in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Ede, Netherlands
    From €199 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in Food (+3)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (6 reviews)

    Een Brabant based branding en concepting agency.

    Wij zijn er voor de merken die écht iets toevoegen en werken niet voor wegwerpmerken. Dus wat voeg jij toe?
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Tilburg, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising (+6)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Putting your brand in the spotlight.

    Social Experts. Trend spotters. Content Creators. YOUR New Hype Squad! We are Dawning Digital, a global team of dynamic creatives here to support all of your digital marketing goals! From increasing your brand awareness and driving sales to staying #trending and shining a light on your brand, we’re here to work our marketing magic.
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in Beverage
    Speaks English, Spanish
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Make digital easier.

    We help organisations to establish their digital branding. And produce everything a modern brand needs to move forward. This Page Amsterdam is your one-stop-shop for digital needs. Digital branding Digital branding is the digital representation of your brand. The way your brand looks, and the way it communicates, should be consistent and smart. Solid branding helps you scale and grow your business. Digital realisation We help you to realise any digital assets required to make your brand standout, stay visible and get ahead. Whatever you need, we deliverOn top of branded material we integrate and connect your digital platforms and tools. What we can do for you? Digital branding : brand positioning, brand strategy, branded guidelines Digital advertising : display ads, rich media ads, social ads Social : social media post design, social media assets, animated graphics Web : landing pages, corporate website, newsletters & email, campaigns, blog
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in Beverage (+8)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (13 reviews)

    Growing your business online can be hard & time-consuming. We help, unburden and boost your sales!

    Top awarded NL - (English below) WIJ ZIJN PERFORMANCE BASED - Hé ondernemer, Lukt het je niet om te blijven groeien? Wil je sneller groeien? Of wil je je marketing uitbesteden zodat je je op andere zaken kunt richten? We begrijpen je. Een bedrijf laten groeien is niet gemakkelijk. Het kost tijd, moeite en expertise. Wat we vaak zien is dat ondernemers alles zelf proberen te doen en er niet in slagen om uit te blinken. Tenzij je bovenmenselijk bent, kun je niet overal expert in zijn en zul je zeker kansen laten liggen. Bovendien zien we dat bedrijven duur personeel inhuren of slecht presterende, budget verspillende bureaus inschakelen. Bij Mind for Business geloven we in prestatiegerichte marketing. We analyseren je hele bedrijf en richten ons op wat nodig is om te groeien en je potentieel te bereiken. We hebben vertrouwen in ons vermogen om dit te doen en garanderen daarom betere prestaties dan je status quo of je betaalt ons niet. Klaar om te groeien? ENG WE ARE PERFORMANCE BASED Hey Business owner, Do you fail to keep growing? Do you want to grow faster? Or do you want to outsource your marketing so you can focus on other things? We understand you. Growing a business is not easy. It takes time, effort and expertise. What we often see is that business owners try to do everything themselves and fail to excel. Unless you are superhuman, you can’t be an expert in everything and will for sure waste opportunity. Moreover, we see businesses hire expensive staff or poor performing, budget wasting agencies. At Mind for Business we believe in performance driven marketing. We analyze your entire business and focus on what is needed to grow and reach your potential. We are confident in our ability to do so and therefore guarantee better performance than your status quo or you don’t pay us. Ready to grow?
    1 work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Leiden, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in E-commerce (+10)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    We’re a growth marketing agency with double the drive

    At Double we help tech companies do better marketing, and drive explosive user growth. We're a close-knit team of experts from around the world, who are obsessed with building systems that drive growth on autopilot. Since we’re a full-stack growth marketing agency, you’re in the right place whether you’re looking to hire a paid ads expert, a sales funnel architect, or a product marketer. Our services typically focus on at least one of the following areas: Strategy Infrastructure Creative Performance Explore our services page on our website to find out what each of these areas entail or simply have a look at the case studies to see how all this looks in practise. We invite you to pick our brains on our growth marketing blog and to get in touch to find out how we'd get your business to the next level. Talk to you soon!
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Dutch(+6)
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    We help marketing teams achieve goals with reliable and available data

    Top awarded
    From our previous work for Google and various marketing agencies, we noticed that data and analytics are often neglected. Often, the knowledge was lacking or there was simply no time made for it. The technical side of digital marketing is what gives us energy. We started New North to help others solve these technical puzzles and make marketing truly data-driven again. Our goal is to get data & analytics at the top of every marketer's to-do list. With our northern roots, we bring a healthy dose of common sense. Saying it like it is, that's how we get to the best results the fastest. Does this sound like something for you?
    Looking for work in Email Marketing Automation
    Located in Groningen, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Email Marketing Automation
    Worked in E-commerce (+3)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    1-10 members

Struggling to choose? Let us help.

Post a project for free and quickly meet qualified providers. Use our data and on-demand experts to pick the right one for free. Hire them and take your business to the next level.

Insights from Amsterdam's Email Marketing Automation Scene

Amsterdam stands as a beacon of digital marketing innovation, particularly in the area of email marketing automation. With its rich history of tech advancements and creative solutions, the city has proven to be a fertile ground for brands looking to enhance their digital communication strategies.

Awards and Recognitions

Local Agencies Making Global Waves

Amsterdam's email marketing automation agencies have not only supported local businesses but have also catered to international clients, earning them numerous awards. Agencies here pride themselves on campaigns that have fetched global accolades, enhancing their reputation for quality and innovation in email marketing automation.

High-Profile Clientele

Diverse Portfolio

The versatility of Amsterdam's agencies is showcased through their diverse portfolio of clients. They have executed successful campaigns for a wide range of sectors including retail, technology, and the non-profit sector. Their ability to tailor unique strategies to each client stands testament to their expertise and commitment to delivering impactful results.

Budget Considerations for Email Marketing Automation

Aligning Costs with Business Goals

Setting a realistic budget is crucial for any email marketing automation strategy. In Amsterdam, the cost can vary significantly depending on the agency's profile and the campaign’s complexity. Here's how businesses on different scales can approach their investment:

  • Small businesses and startups might find cost-effective solutions with smaller, more niche agencies. As these businesses generally require basic automation services, initial budgets can range from approximately 1,000 to 5,000 euros.
  • Medium-sized enterprises stand to benefit from agencies that offer a blend of creativity and tech. Budgets here may vary between 5,000 to 20,000 euros, reflective of a more detailed strategy that might include A/B testing, comprehensive analytics, and multilingual capabilities.
  • Larger corporations seeking sophisticated, integrated campaigns that might involve cross-channel marketing should expect to invest from 20,000 euros upwards, going up to 100,000 euros, depending on the breadth and depth of the automation needed.

For businesses operating in Amsterdam, harnessing the power of email marketing automation could be transformative. With an array of top-tier agencies having proven their mettle by winning international accolades and working with prestigious clients, companies have a rich selection of partners to choose from. Strategic budgeting remains key, as it ensures substantial ROI from email marketing efforts. Embrace the expertise of Amsterdam's email automation world to redefine your digital outreach.

Ray Baijings
Written by Ray Baijings Sortlist Expert in AmsterdamLast updated on the 14-02-2025

Discover what other have done.

Get inspired by what our agencies have done for other companies.

300+ leads! Ver boven benchmark

300+ leads! Ver boven benchmark

Bootstrapping The Basky Company

Bootstrapping The Basky Company

Email marketing for second-hand eCommerce in Italy

Email marketing for second-hand eCommerce in Italy

Frequently Asked Questions.

Integrating email marketing automation with other digital marketing channels is crucial for creating a cohesive B2B brand experience, especially in a tech-savvy and internationally-oriented market like Amsterdam. Here's how businesses in the Dutch capital can effectively achieve this integration:

1. Implement a robust CRM system

Start by implementing a comprehensive Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that can act as the central hub for all customer data. Popular choices among Amsterdam businesses include Salesforce, HubSpot, and locally-developed solutions like Teamleader. This will ensure that all channels have access to the same up-to-date customer information.

2. Utilize marketing automation platforms

Employ marketing automation platforms that offer multi-channel capabilities. Tools like Marketo, Pardot, or ActiveCampaign are widely used in Amsterdam's B2B sector. These platforms allow you to create unified campaigns across email, social media, and web channels.

3. Develop a consistent content strategy

Create a content strategy that maintains consistency across all channels. For instance, if you're running a campaign about sustainable business practices (a hot topic in Amsterdam), ensure that your email content, social media posts, and website articles all align with this theme.

4. Implement cross-channel tracking

Use tracking pixels and UTM parameters to monitor user behavior across different channels. This allows you to see how customers interact with your brand on various platforms and tailor your email marketing accordingly.

5. Personalize based on multi-channel data

Leverage data from all channels to personalize email content. For example, if a prospect from an Amsterdam-based tech startup has been viewing your case studies on LinkedIn, use this information to send them a targeted email with relevant success stories.

6. Create omnichannel customer journeys

Design customer journeys that seamlessly transition between channels. For instance, a B2B lead might discover your brand through a LinkedIn ad, visit your website, and then receive a series of automated emails based on their interactions.

7. Utilize retargeting and remarketing

Implement retargeting strategies that complement your email campaigns. If a prospect from the Amsterdam business district doesn't engage with an email, consider showing them targeted ads on platforms like Google or LinkedIn.

8. Integrate social media

Incorporate social media elements into your email marketing. For example, include social share buttons in your emails or use email to promote your latest LinkedIn thought leadership content, which is particularly effective in the Netherlands' professional network.

9. Implement progressive profiling

Use progressive profiling techniques across channels to gradually build comprehensive customer profiles. This allows you to gather data points through various touchpoints, enriching your email segmentation and personalization capabilities.

10. Provide a consistent brand voice

Ensure that your brand voice remains consistent across all channels. Whether it's an email, a tweet, or a whitepaper, the tone should be recognizably yours, adapted to the local Amsterdam business culture - professional yet approachable.

ChannelIntegration with Email Marketing
WebsiteUse pop-ups or embedded forms for email sign-ups; personalize website content based on email engagement
Social MediaShare email content on social platforms; use social data to segment email lists
Content MarketingUse email to distribute content; tailor email content based on downloaded resources
Paid AdvertisingUse email lists for lookalike audiences; retarget email non-openers with ads

By implementing these strategies, Amsterdam-based B2B companies can create a seamless, integrated digital marketing ecosystem where email marketing automation plays a central role in delivering a cohesive brand experience. Remember, the key is to maintain consistency, leverage data effectively, and always provide value to your audience across all channels.

Email marketing automation can significantly help B2B companies in Amsterdam create a more customer-centric brand image by enabling personalized, timely, and relevant communication with their audience. Here's how:

  1. Personalization at scale: Amsterdam-based B2B companies can use email marketing automation to tailor content based on individual customer data, preferences, and behaviors. This level of personalization shows that the company values each customer's unique needs, enhancing the perception of a customer-centric approach.
  2. Lifecycle-based communication: Automation allows businesses to send targeted emails at different stages of the customer journey. For instance, a software company in Amsterdam's Zuidas business district can send onboarding emails to new clients, feature updates to active users, and re-engagement campaigns to dormant accounts.
  3. Timely and relevant content delivery: With automation, B2B companies can deliver content when it's most relevant to the recipient. For example, an Amsterdam-based marketing agency could send tips on leveraging Dutch holidays in marketing campaigns just before the holiday season begins.
  4. Behavioral triggers: By setting up automated emails based on specific customer actions, companies demonstrate attentiveness to customer needs. A B2B SaaS provider in Amsterdam could send a helpful tutorial video when a user accesses a new feature for the first time.
  5. Segmentation for targeted messaging: Email automation platforms allow for sophisticated segmentation. A B2B company serving the port of Rotterdam could create separate email streams for logistics companies, shipping lines, and customs brokers, each addressing their unique challenges and opportunities.
  6. Feedback collection and implementation: Automated surveys and feedback requests show that the company values customer opinions. Follow-up emails demonstrating how feedback has been implemented further reinforce a customer-centric image.
  7. Proactive customer service: Automation can trigger emails based on potential issues or upcoming needs. For instance, an IT services provider in Amsterdam could send preventive maintenance reminders or security update notifications, showcasing their proactive approach to customer care.
  8. Consistency in communication: Automation ensures that all customers receive timely and consistent communication, regardless of the size of the customer base. This consistency is crucial for building a reliable and customer-focused brand image.
  9. Educational content distribution: B2B companies can use automation to distribute valuable, educational content regularly. An Amsterdam-based fintech company could send weekly insights on the Dutch and European financial markets, positioning itself as a thought leader and valuable partner to its clients.
  10. Multichannel integration: By integrating email automation with other channels like social media or customer support platforms, B2B companies can create a cohesive, omnichannel experience that puts the customer at the center of all interactions.

According to a recent study by Emailmonday, marketing automation on average drives a 14.5% increase in sales productivity and a 12.2% reduction in marketing overhead. For B2B companies in Amsterdam, leveraging these advantages can significantly enhance their customer-centric approach and brand image.

By implementing these strategies, B2B companies in Amsterdam can use email marketing automation to create a more customer-centric brand image, fostering stronger relationships with their clients and standing out in the competitive Dutch and European markets.

For B2B companies in Amsterdam looking to measure the success of their email marketing automation efforts in terms of branding, it's crucial to focus on specific metrics that reflect brand awareness, engagement, and perception. Here are the key metrics to monitor:

  1. Open Rate: This indicates how many recipients are opening your emails, reflecting brand recognition and subject line effectiveness. The average open rate for B2B emails in the Netherlands is around 20-25%, but aim higher for better brand visibility.
  2. Click-Through Rate (CTR): Measures engagement with your content and brand. A good B2B CTR in Amsterdam typically ranges from 2-5%. Higher rates suggest strong brand resonance and content relevance.
  3. Forwarding/Sharing Rate: This shows how often recipients share your content, indicating brand advocacy. While there's no standard benchmark, any increase is positive for brand amplification.
  4. Unsubscribe Rate: Keep this below 0.5% to ensure your brand remains positively perceived. A higher rate might indicate misalignment with your audience's expectations or overexposure.
  5. Brand Recall: Conduct surveys to measure how well recipients remember your brand after email campaigns. Aim for at least 60% recall rate among your target audience.
  6. Social Media Mentions: Track increases in social media mentions or followers that correlate with your email campaigns, indicating extended brand reach.
  7. Website Traffic from Emails: Monitor the quality of this traffic through metrics like time on site and pages per session. Higher engagement suggests strong brand interest.
  8. Lead Quality Score: Assess how email-generated leads perform in your sales funnel compared to other channels. Higher quality leads indicate strong brand positioning.

Remember, in the competitive Amsterdam B2B market, it's not just about quantity but quality of engagement. Use tools like Mailchimp, HubSpot, or local favorite Spotler to track these metrics effectively. Additionally, consider the following:

  • Segment your data by industry sectors prevalent in Amsterdam (e.g., finance, tech, creative industries) for more targeted insights.
  • Compare your metrics against both Dutch and international benchmarks to gauge your global competitiveness.
  • Regularly survey your audience to gather qualitative feedback on brand perception, complementing your quantitative metrics.

By focusing on these metrics, B2B companies in Amsterdam can gain a comprehensive understanding of their email marketing automation's impact on branding, allowing for data-driven improvements and stronger market positioning.