The 100 Best Pre Production Experts - 2025 Reviews

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  • 5
    (5 reviews)

    Unleash.....your ideas

    Agencia de Medios 360° y Performance Marketing con operación en México, Estados Unidos y Australia. Nuestros pilares se construyen en 3 principales vertientes, Business Intelligence, Marketing 360° y Desarrollo de Tecnología donde acompañamos a cada uno de nuestros clientes desde la planeación hasta el desarrollo de proyectos 360°.
    Looking for work in Pre Production
    Unknown location
    From €250 for Pre Production
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+10)
    Speaks English, Spanish
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (17 reviews)

    Hands-on creativity! Filmproduktion aus Berlin

    Highly recommended
    HEY NA! Filmproduktion Berlin - Wir verschmelzen die strategische Weitsicht einer Kreativagentur mit der visuellen und technischen Expertise einer Produktionsfirma und entwickeln holistische Bewegtbild-Kampagnen für alle Screens: von Strategie, Kreation, Produktion bis Distribution. Direkt für Marken und Unternehmen oder gemeinsam mit Agenturen realisieren wir Projekte für TV, Web, Social Media, DOOH und Events. Dabei sehen wir uns als Berater:innen und Macher:innen, die pragmatisch, kollaborativ und voller Tatendrang für das schönste Medium der Welt einstehen: Bewegtbild. Unsere Leidenschaft ist die kreative und nachhaltig wirkende Bewegtbild-Kommunikation. Wir entzaubern die Werbewelt durch Pragmatismus und Tatendrang und streben danach, gelernte Prozesse unserer Branche zu verändern, indem wir die Dinge hinterfragen und, wenn nötig, über Bord werfen. Konventionen empfinden wir als äußerst langweilig und sehen sie als unseren größten Feind. ‍ Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass einzig kollaboratives Arbeiten in sinnvoll zusammengestellten Projekt-Teams zu perfekten Ergebnissen führt. Perfekt heißt für uns, dass unsere Arbeit auf starken strategischen Fundamenten, sauberer Konzeption, erstklassigen Kreativen und vor allem guter Kommunikation basiert. Mit uns arbeiten Menschen mit breiten Erfahrungen, reflektierten Werten und einem Privatleben. Uns geht es nicht um Lobeshymnen und Awards. Wir wollen mittels Bewegtbild Kommunikationsziele erreichen und, wenn möglich, eine Gesellschaft mitgestalten, in der wir selbst leben wollen. Als starkes Kernteam sind wir Kumpel und Kompliz:innen mit einem riesigen Netzwerk und glauben an eine agile und interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit. Wir verstehen Bewegtbild als ein mächtiges Werkzeug unserer Zeit. Für uns braucht es Expert:innen, die dies innovativ und im Verbund sauber auf die Straße bringen.
    12 works in Pre Production
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Non-profit (+10)
    Speaks English, German
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (12 reviews)

    Hub Media Group trasformiamo le idee in strategie di successo con qualità ed esperienza

    Highly recommended
    Hub Media Group (HMG) è una realtà innovativa e dinamica, specializzata nella creazione di soluzioni creative e tecnologiche per la comunicazione e il marketing. Con un approccio integrato e un team altamente qualificato, offriamo servizi che spaziano dalla produzione video al digital marketing, fino alla gestione di campagne pubblicitarie su scala nazionale e internazionale. ### Chi siamo HMG si distingue per la capacità di unire creatività, strategia e tecnologia per aiutare le aziende a raccontare la propria storia, costruire il proprio brand e raggiungere i propri obiettivi di business. Il nostro team multidisciplinare lavora in sinergia per offrire un servizio completo, curando ogni aspetto del processo: dall’ideazione alla realizzazione, fino alla distribuzione e all’analisi dei risultati. ### I nostri servizi principali Produzione video: Dalla creazione di contenuti per i social media a produzioni complesse per spot televisivi, offriamo soluzioni su misura per ogni esigenza. Strategie di marketing e digital marketing: Sviluppiamo piani integrati che combinano canali tradizionali e digitali, con un focus sull'innovazione e l'efficacia. Gestione dei social media: Aiutiamo le aziende a creare una presenza online significativa, aumentando l'engagement e rafforzando la relazione con il pubblico. Advertising e campagne promozionali: Pianifichiamo e gestiamo campagne pubblicitarie mirate per massimizzare il ROI e ampliare la visibilità dei brand. ### La nostra mission La mission di Hub Media Group è di essere un partner strategico per i nostri clienti, aiutandoli a trasformare le loro idee in realtà e a ottenere risultati misurabili. Crediamo nell'importanza di instaurare relazioni durature basate sulla fiducia, la trasparenza e la collaborazione. ### Perché sceglierci Esperienza: Anni di attività e una vasta gamma di progetti realizzati con successo. Personalizzazione: Ogni progetto è unico e viene adattato alle specifiche esigenze del cliente. Innovazione: Utilizziamo le tecnologie più avanzate per garantire soluzioni moderne ed efficaci. Team dedicato: Professionisti appassionati e competenti, pronti a supportarti in ogni fase del progetto. Con Hub Media Group, il tuo successo è il nostro obiettivo.
    Looking for work in Pre Production
    Located in Padua, Italy
    From €3,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+15)
    Speaks English, Italian
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (9 reviews)

    Where strategy meets creativity

    From ideation to realization, we collaborate with brands and creative agencies to craft captivating narratives that resonate globally. Our comprehensive approach encompasses every stage of video production, ensuring seamless storytelling from concept to delivery. Whether you’re a brand seeking to share your story, an agency in need of end-to-end creative production or a production company that needs local service, we’re here to bring your vision to life with precision and impact.
    Looking for work in Pre Production
    Located in Sofia, Bulgaria
    From €1,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Pharmaceuticals & Biotech (+5)
    Speaks English, Bulgarian(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (15 reviews)

    Telling your Story with visual Masterpieces.

    Wir sind eine Berliner  Produktionsfirma und haben uns auf den Markenaufbau von Unternehmen spezialisiert. Mit einzigartigen  Foto- und Video-Creatives  helfen wir Unternehmen dabei, ihre Ideen  überzeugend  zu  präsentieren  und die  Qualität  ihrer Angebote  sichtbar  zu machen.
    Looking for work in Pre Production
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Media (+11)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (64 reviews)

    🎬 L'agence vidéo à prix freelance

    🎥 Des vidéos qui captent l’attention et marquent les esprits, au meilleur prix ? C’est notre spécialité chez Mazette Studio ! Basé à Paris, Mazette Studio est un collectif de vidéastes passionnés qui accompagne les entreprises et les agences de communication dans la création de contenus vidéo innovants et performants. 🚀 Depuis 2016 , nous avons réalisé plus de 600 projets pour des marques de renom, tous secteurs confondus. Notre équipe de freelances experts rassemble réalisateurs, motion designers, sound designers, et directeurs artistiques prêts à transformer vos idées en vidéos qui font la différence. _ Nos expertises : Vidéos social media percutantes Vidéos corporate engageantes Motion design 2D/3D Moodtapes inspirantes Case studies dynamiques _ Notre méthode en 3 étapes : Analyse et stratégie : Nous comprenons vos besoins, vos contraintes et vos objectifs. Création sur-mesure : Du concept à la réalisation, chaque projet est unique. Livraison et optimisation : Des délais respectés, un suivi rigoureux et un résultat impeccable. _ Pourquoi choisir Mazette Studio ? ✅ Tarifs compétitifs : La qualité premium sans exploser votre budget. ✅ Flexibilité et réactivité : Une petite équipe agile qui s’adapte à toutes vos demandes. ✅ Process simplifié : Un interlocuteur unique, une facture unique. ✅ Technologie au top : Matériel dernier cri et outils collaboratifs (annotations en ligne pour valider vos vidéos facilement). ✅ Expérience prouvée : Expertise en publicité, marketing digital et storytelling. _ Prêt à donner vie à vos idées ? 💬 Contactez-nous pour discuter votre projet : - -
    4 works in Pre Production
    Located in Paris, France
    From €3,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Education (+19)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (7 reviews)

    Agence de création spécialisée dans les sujets socio-culturels et la communication institutionnelle

    Chaï Chaï est une société de production et agence créative à haute valeur sociale ajoutée. De l’écriture à la post-production, de la création de partenariats à la mobilisation de communautés, nos métiers sont nombreux mais toujours au service de projets porteurs de sens.
    1 work in Pre Production
    Located in Paris, France
    From €1,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Government & Administration (+10)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (5 reviews)

    Making things move since 2010.

    Founded in 2010, astronaut is a creative film production based in Berlin. Led by Executive Producer Johannes and Creative Director Dave, we pride ourselves on being hands-on, passionate about storytelling and with having a keen eye for detail, maintaining the highest possible production values. We’re the one-stop-shop for all of your production needs. Working for agencies, corporate giants and small business owners alike, we transform scripts into top-notch films, or cook-up the perfect idea for your brand. Using our established network of creative minds, we handpick the perfect team that's right for the job. Let’s make things move!
    Looking for work in Pre Production
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €3,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Government & Administration (+8)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • 4.8
    (8 reviews)

    Ensemble ré-inventons la communication !

    Experts TV de la production de contenus audiovisuels réunis pour répondre à vos campagnes corporarte ! Vidéos corporate, plateaux TV, pastilles réseaux sociaux, vidéos digitales, présentations produits, micro-trottoirs, interviews, reportages, brand journalism, fond vert mobile, podcast, média training, coaching en prise de parole, animation d'évènements et + encore... au meilleur prix ! Toutes nos productions sont engagées au label ECOPROD ! Nos équipes issues de la télévision produisent des contenus impactants à fort ROI. Des milliers de vues, des spectateurs engagés, un message compris et accepté ! Nos coachs sont à vos cotés pendant les tournages pour vous accompagner dans vos prises de parole. Nos clients : Orange, BNP PARIBAS, THALES, INTERMARCHÉ, NEXITY... Des médias : BFM, LE FIGARO, LE POINT, LA TRIBUNE et des entreprises de toutes tailles et multisectorielles... de multiples agences de communication et production nous font confiance ! Contactez-nous:
    Looking for work in Pre Production
    Located in Paris, France (+1)
    From €3,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising (+22)
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (9 reviews)

    We are SOCIALLYWITHIT. Are you?

    Highly recommended
    Founded in 2023 in the heart of London - We are a data driven, result led creative agency. Talk to us about creative production, paid media marketing and SEO.
    Looking for work in Pre Production
    Located in Greater London, United Kingdom
    From €1,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising (+6)
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    SIERRA is a creative production house with offices in Barcelona and Amsterdam.

    Specialising in projects for lifestyle-driven brands, we deliver end-to-end video & photo production services worldwide. Our mission is to authentically engage audiences, ensuring every project is impactful and generates excitement.
    Looking for work in Pre Production
    Unknown location
    From €5,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Beauty (+4)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+2)
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (14 reviews)

    No-nonsense, gewoon vette designs, branding, video & animatie.

    Wij zijn Studio vibe. The new breed of creatives. Wij zijn verliefd op het creëren van vernieuwende merken. Dit doen we met passie, talent en ambitie. Positiviteit , vriendschap en vrijheid. Noem hoe je het wilt, wij noemen het onze ‘ vibe ’. Bij vibe doen we meer dan verwacht. We weten hoe we de perfecte mix van strategie, technologie, productie en creativiteit kunnen samenstellen om waarde te creëren voor jouw merk. Klanten zijn partners. We zouden er niet zijn zonder hen. Vertrouwen is voor ons daarom erg belangrijk. Een jonge groep digitale genieën geeft om uw project. We hebben geen sales team. We doen gewoon geweldig werk. Onze blik is fris en nuchter . No-nonsense, gewoon vette designs, branding, video & animatie. Het woord ‘vibe’ komt oorspronkelijk voort uit het engelse woord ‘vibration’ wat staat voor 'trilling'. Wat voor soort trillingen? Alles en iedereen trilt. Miljarden trillingen zijn verspreid over het hele universum. Deze trillingen zijn te verstaan, te voelen en over te brengen, maar ze zijn niet direct zichtbaar voor het menselijke oog. Het is bij ons van belang om onze ‘vibe’ aan iedereen door te geven en deze ook zo goed mogelijk uit te dragen. Daarom hebben we een aantal specifieke trillingen visueel zichtbaar gemaakt om te gebruiken als huisstijl-elementen. We hebben onder andere gewerkt voor: JBL, Univé, DJI, Insta 360, Harman/Kardon, Snelle, Grohe, Legamaster, Saxion Hogescholen, AT bookings, Don’t waste culture, Topicus, Traffic Today, Anne-Marie Wonen Holten, RIHO, By Sidde, Gemeente Rijssen-Holten. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- English below We are Studio vibe. The new breed of creatives. We are in love with creating innovative brands. We do this with passion, talent and ambition. Positivity , friendship and freedom. Call it what you will, we call it our 'vibe'. At vibe, we do more than expected. We know how to put together the perfect mix of strategy, technology, production and creativity to create value for your brand. Customers are partners. We wouldn't be here without them. Trust is therefore very important to us. A young group of digital geniuses care about your project. We don't have a sales team. We just do great work. Our view is fresh and down-to-earth . No-nonsense, just kickass designs, branding, video & animation. The word "vibe" originally comes from the word "vibration". What kind of vibration? Everything and everyone vibrates. Billions of vibrations are spread throughout the universe. These vibrations can be understood, felt and transmitted, but they are not immediately visible to the human eye. It is important for us to pass on our 'vibe' to everyone and to transmit it in the best possible way. Therefore, we have made a number of specific vibrations visually to use as corporate identity elements. We have worked for: JBL, Univé, DJI, Insta 360, Harman/Kardon, Snelle, Grohe, Legamaster, Saxion Hogescholen, AT bookings, Don't waste culture, Topicus, Traffic Today, Anne-Marie Wonen Holten, RIHO, By Sidde, Gemeente Rijssen-Holten.
    Looking for work in Pre Production
    Located in Deventer, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+17)
    Speaks Dutch, English
    11-50 members
  • Highly recommended
    Photolicious Productions passionately curates top-tier visual content and resources. We at photolicious encapsulate the seamless blend of retro charm and contemporary urban flair, exalting a distinctive blend of Photographic and Video graphic styles.
    Looking for work in Pre Production
    Located in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
    From €1,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Energy & Oil (+1)
    Speaks English, Arabic
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (8 reviews)

    Elevating Brands. The only agency with an Academy Award®

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    lehof is a creative consultancy dedicated to elevating brands . We work with ambitious clients who seek more than just campaigns—they want meaningful, transformative strategies that create lasting impact. From global leaders like Huawei to iconic names such as Dr. Hauschka , we’ve crafted campaigns that resonate across markets. Our work includes guiding brands like D.O. Rueda , Spain’s globally best-selling white wine, and helping Paulaner Spezi , Germany’s favorite soft drink mix, successfully adapt and launch as Paulaner Sunset in the U.S. This blend of creativity and consultancy ensures we don’t just deliver campaigns—we deliver growth. Our expertise lies in reinvigorating brands, crafting narratives that connect, and creating bold, memorable executions tailored to each market. Our founders, Jonas Lembeck and Philip Hofmann, are driven by a simple yet powerful principle: every brand holds untapped potential. At lehof, we elevate brands by crafting the right ideas and executing them flawlessly on the perfect platform.
    Looking for work in Pre Production
    Located in Munich, Germany
    From €3,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Automotive (+8)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+3)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (16 reviews)

    Video Solutions for a Connected World.

    Highly recommended
    Asteraki is a global video production company dedicated to bringing business stories to life with creativity and precision. We specialize in corporate videos, event coverage, client testimonials, product demos, and B2B campaigns. Serving industries like technology, SaaS, retail, and professional services, we deliver content that aligns with your goals and engages your audience. From the streets of Paris to the innovation hubs of San Francisco, London, Sydney, and beyond, our team ensures your brand's story shines wherever you are. With expertise in storytelling and a commitment to fast turnarounds, Asteraki is your partner in creating impactful videos that inspire and drive results. Wherever your business thrives, we’re here to capture it.
    Looking for work in Pre Production
    Unknown location
    From €10,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+7)
    Speaks English, Arabic(+5)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Become digitally involved this instant!

    We're a passionate team of digital marketing experts, here to transform your online presence. We understand the challenges of today's digital landscape, and we're obsessed with helping businesses thrive.
    1 work in Pre Production
    Located in Cape Town, South Africa
    From €1,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+1)
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    We bring your Story to Life!

    Top awarded
    We bring your story to life! ERNST is the content production house in Hamburg-Ottensen. We not only produce videos for your social media accounts, advertising campaigns, and trade fair booths, but we also translate your story into visual content, allowing you to present yourself and your company exactly as you are. For more visibility, more sales, more applications, more of you!
    Looking for work in Pre Production
    Located in Hamburg, Germany
    From €1,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Automotive (+15)
    Speaks English, German
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    Votre marque, votre histoire, interactif avec Jaspar

    Jaspar & Co est une agence spécialisée dans la création video et la publicité. Top 10 des vidéos d’entreprise à utiliser dans son marketing 1 - Video Corporate Dit aussi film institutionnel, pour révéler votre identité de marque : votre univers, votre histoire, vos valeurs, vos engagements ou encore vos équipes. Très orientée storytelling, la vidéo corporate est en plus multi-fonctionnelle. Telle une véritable carte de visite audiovisuelle, elle vous permet de vous présenter efficacement auprès de : - vos prospects qui aimeraient en savoir plus sur votre structure ; - vos fournisseurs ou autres partenaires potentiels qui seraient intéressés par une collaboration ; - mais aussi des futurs talents qui souhaiteraient rejoindre votre équipe. 2 - Reportage d'Entreprise Valorisez ainsi votre savoir-faire Avec une vidéo reportage, l’intention est de mettre en lumière une des spécificités de votre entreprise par rapport à son marché. Dans une démarche plus pédagogique, presque journalistique, vous documentez en vidéo le fonctionnement opérationnel de votre société. Vous valorisez ainsi votre savoir-faire sur un sujet en particulier. Par exemple, vous pouvez choisir de filmer les processus de fabrication de vos produits. Par ailleurs, en offrant aux internautes un droit de regard sur les coulisses de votre entreprise, vous faites preuve de transparence ! Qualité qui est aujourd’hui grandement recherchée par les consommateurs. 3 - Video de Présentation Produit Pour dévoiler votre offre. Difficile pour un prospect de passer à l’acte d’achat sans avoir un aperçu concret du produit que vous proposez. A fortiori si celui-ci n’est disponible qu’en ligne. Et les fiches produits à rallonge ne sont souvent ni très parlantes ni très portées UX (expérience utilisateur). Face à cela, la vidéo de présentation produit apporte une réponse efficace. Elle vous permet de donner un aperçu de votre produit sous différents angles et de présenter ses caractéristiques et autres fonctionnalités. Dans un but informatif, le contenu de ce type de vidéo est souvent volontairement très épuré. Le but est simple : que votre futur client ait toutes les infos produit dont il a besoin à portée de clic ! 4 - Le Spot Publicitaire Pour marquer le coup. Ce format publicitaire qui se veut court et percutant est généralement diffusé à la télévision ou sur Youtube. Là où la vidéo produit met en avant les caractéristiques brutes de votre produit, le clip publicitaire lui, met plutôt l’accent sur les bénéfices qu’il octroie. Exigeant une production plus premium, la vidéo publicitaire marque en général un temps fort de la vie de votre entreprise. Vous la diffusez par exemple lorsque vous souhaitez communiquer sur un gros événement promotionnel, le lancement de votre dernière collection ou encore le récent pivot de votre start-up. 5 - La Video Interview Pour assoir votre expertise. Il peut s’agir de votre CEO, de vos collaborateurs ou même d’intervenants extérieurs dont les compétences font échos aux vôtres. Dans un format plus long et un cadre corporate, la vidéo interview vous permet d’asseoir votre crédibilité tout en humanisant votre entreprise. 6 - La Video Témoignages Clients Pour renforcer votre preuve sociale. Saviez-vous que 9 internautes sur 10 recherchent des avis d’autres consommateurs avant de s’engager financièrement auprès d’une marque ? Face à cela, la vidéo témoignage clients est certainement votre argument de vente le plus redoutable. Souvent plus spontané et plus authentique, ce type de contenu orienté témoignage vidéo va vous permettre de gagner la confiance de vos prospects. Prospects qui seront rassurés par les retours d’expériences de personnes qui leur ressemblent. Ne l’oubliez pas, comme nous vous l’expliquons dans notre article Communication restaurant, un client satisfait est votre meilleur ambassadeur, alors autant le mettre à contribution ! 7 - La Video Tutoriel Pour conseiller vos clients et prospects. Le tutoriel vidéo fait intervenir votre produit en action. Elle est d’autant plus pertinente pour votre stratégie marketing si celui-ci est un peu technique ou bien s’il est complètement nouveau sur le marché. Grâce à cette vidéo didactique, vous êtes en mesure de communiquer sur les bases de l’utilisation de votre produit. Vous pouvez aussi apporter une réponse concrète à un problème que pourraient rencontrer vos utilisateurs. Comment exploiter telle fonctionnalité ou comment remplacer telle pièce par exemple. Véritable mode d’emploi audiovisuel, la vidéo tuto vous permet aussi de donner des idées sur les nombreuses possibilités d’emplois qu’offre votre produit. Et pourquoi pas, si vous disposez de plusieurs gammes de produits, de s’intégrer pertinemment à une stratégie de cross-selling. Bref, la vidéo tutorielle est excellent moyen d’anticiper les interrogations de vos clients, de les rassurer, de les inspirer… et de faciliter le travail du service client ! 8 - La Vidéo Évènementielle Pour fédérer votre communauté. Digitalisez vos évènements physiques ! En effet, là où les événements en présentiel sont par définition limités en nombre de participants, les perspectives qu’offrent la vidéo en termes de couverture sont infinies. Une retranscription vidéo est aussi un moyen d’offrir une visibilité supplémentaire à vos éventuels partenaires et un joli souvenir à votre communauté. En captant ces séquences, vous êtes aussi en mesure d’attiser la curiosité de votre cible et de potentiellement susciter son envie de participer aux prochains qui seront organisés. S’il s’agit d’un événement corporate, vous pouvez diffuser la vidéo sur votre réseau interne. Elle sera sans aucun doute une pierre supplémentaire dans votre team building. Pour une équipe en béton ! 9 - La Web Série Pour consolider votre image de marque Sans aucun doute le type de vidéo le plus difficile à réaliser. Le plus quitte ou double. Mais ! Si le pari est réussi, le plus engageant. Reprenant les codes de la fiction, vous suivez un scénario original en lien de près ou de loin avec votre secteur d’activité. Par exemple, vous êtes une marque de pâte à tartiner et vous réalisez une mini série web dans laquelle des candidats s’affrontent pour réaliser le meilleur dessert à base de chocolat. Scindée en plusieurs petits épisodes, la web série est un format sur-mesure pour les réseaux sociaux. Attention cependant à ne pas commettre ces erreurs si vous souhaitez qu’elle devienne virale. Sur le ton de l’humour ou de la dénonciation, son contenu n’a qu’une vocation : celle de ne pas laisser votre audience indifférente. 10 - La Vidéo en Motion Design Pour synthétiser des informations Si toutes les vidéos d’entreprise exposées ci-dessus nécessitent l’organisation d’un tournage en présence d’une équipe, il existe une dernière option pour créer un contenu audiovisuel corporate : l’animation. En 2D ou en 3D, ce type de vidéo d’entreprise fait appel aux talents d’un expert en After Effect ou Motion. Et d’une voix-off ! Libéré des contraintes qu’induit un tournage en physique, ce type de contenu n’a de limite que celle de votre imagination. La vidéo d’animation est d’autant plus pertinente si vous ne possédez pas vos propres locaux (ou s’ils ont besoin de se refaire une beauté) ou que vous êtes plutôt frileux quand il s’agit d’apparaître à l’écran. Elle vous permet par ailleurs d’apporter des explications claires sur votre activité, enrobées d’un design personnalisé au branding de votre entreprise. Une vidéo en Motion Design, c’est aussi l’occasion de donner vie à votre mascotte si vous en avez une ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jaspar & Co , c'est + de 50 coéquipiers qui représentent + de 150 clients, + de 500 cinéastes, + de 300 % de ROI N'attendez-plus, contactez-nous dès maintenant à
    Looking for work in Pre Production
    Located in Paris, France
    From €3,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Media (+8)
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    We Build Brands Better. Come Play With Us.

    Hi 👋🏼 We're Good Kids.
 We're an an independent agency based in Los Angeles, NYC & Toronto. We create evocative campaigns that connect with audiences. Our powerful marketing strategy & outstanding advertising take our clients further than ever. Want to see where we can take you?
 ✨ We help small brands become big and big brands become giant. 🏆 Our award-winning strategy is on engagement, awareness & authenticity, underlining what's important. We create evocative campaigns that connects with audiences In meaningful ways. We humanize, amplify & relate. This converts, moves the dial and makes it shareable. In Short: We Build Your Reputation & get you results. We’re very good at: 🧠 Marketing Strategy 💥 Creative Production 📱 Social Media Management 💻 Digital Marketing 🤝 Pr & Partnerships 🎪 Pop Up Events 💰 Paid Advertising & SEO - In a world where you can be anything; don’t be boring.
 We'll give 'em something to talk about!
    2 works in Pre Production
    Located in Los Angeles, United States (+1)
    From €1,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising (+5)
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    11-50 members
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    Dare to dream big.

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    For over 12 years, Neelz Media has been an unrivaled force in the digital and production realm. With offices in Cape Town, Dubai, and London, we've left our mark across continents. Our expertise spans the entire spectrum of digital services, making us the go-to full-service agency for leading brands worldwide. From mesmerizing digital campaigns to jaw-dropping videography, captivating photography to strategic PPC and SEO, our talented team of wizards has collaborated with some of the world's top brands. We blend innovation, creativity, and meticulous attention to detail to bring visions to life. At Neelz Media, we don't just deliver results; we create digital experiences that leave a lasting impact. Join us as we continue to push boundaries, shape trends, and make magic happen for brands that dare to dream big.
    1 work in Pre Production
    Located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    From €1,000 for Pre Production
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+9)
    Speaks English
    1-10 members

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How to find the perfect pre production expert ?

You need a pre-production expert to make sure your project is ready for success. We can help you with all aspects of pre-production, from story development to budgeting and scheduling. We have a team of experienced professionals who have worked on a wide variety of projects, so we know what it takes to get your project off the ground. We will work with you to develop a creative vision for your project and make sure that all the necessary elements are in place before production begins. We will also work with you to create a realistic budget and schedule that will keep your project on track. If you want to make sure your project is ready for success, contact us today. We will be happy to discuss your specific needs and develop a plan to help you achieve your goals.

What does pre production mean ?

Pre-production is the process of preparing all the necessary elements for a film or video production. This includes everything from writing the script and storyboard, to choosing locations and cast members, to arranging financing.

Pre-production is an important phase of any production, as it sets the stage for everything that will come afterwards. It is during pre-production that the creative team behind a project comes up with the overall vision for the film or video, and starts to put all the pieces together to make that vision a reality.

One of the most important aspects of pre-production is the budget. The budget will determine how much money is available for the project, and will need to be carefully managed in order to ensure that everything stays on track.

Once the budget is in place, the next step is to start putting together the team that will bring the project to life. This includes choosing the right director, cast, and crew. It is important to find people who are passionate about the project and who will be able to work well together.

Once the team is in place, the next step is to start planning out the shoot. This includes choosing locations, figuring out logistics, and making sure that everyone has what they need in order to do their job.

The last step of pre-production is the post-production plan. This is where the team decides how they are going to edit the footage, add music and sound effects, and create the final product.

Pre-production is a critical phase of any film or video production, and needs to be given careful attention in order to ensure a smooth and successful shoot.

Pre production refers to a film's initial stages, from script breakdown to casting. Script breakdown is the process by which a script is turned into lists, reports, and other elements necessary for producing a film. These elements, while crucial to the film's success, are often overlooked. Proper planning is crucial to a successful film. Fortunately, pre production can be a fun and easy process. Read on to find out how to make it a smooth process.

Pre production vs post production: which one to choose

Pre-production is the process of preparing all the elements that will be needed for a film, video, or other production. This includes things like writing the script, casting the actors, and scouting locations. Post-production is the process of putting all the pieces of the production together, including editing the footage, adding special effects, and creating the final cut of the film.

7 things that pre production companies do:

  • Assist with casting
  • Coordinating audio-visual and other event equipment
  • Handle all the logistics of the shoot
  • Conduct location scouting
  • Find and secure locations
  • Coordinate travel and accommodation for your guests
  • Coordinate locations, logistics, and permits

5 Questions to ask to pre production experts:

  • What is the company's level of experience?
  • What are your business hours?
  • How long have you been in the business?
  • Does the company have a portfolio of previous work?
  • What is the company's turnaround time?

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Effective pre-production planning is a crucial step in any successful production process, serving as a foundation that can significantly reduce risks and potential issues during both the production and post-production phases. Here's how comprehensive pre-production planning can mitigate various challenges:

1. Budget Management and Cost Control
  • Detailed budgeting during pre-production helps prevent overspending and unexpected costs.
  • Early identification of potential cost overruns allows for adjustments before production begins.
  • Proper allocation of resources ensures efficient use of funds throughout the project.
2. Timeline Optimization
  • Creating a realistic schedule during pre-production helps avoid rushed work and missed deadlines.
  • Identifying potential scheduling conflicts early allows for proactive solutions.
  • Proper time allocation for each phase reduces the risk of overtime costs and team burnout.
3. Technical Risk Mitigation
  • Equipment testing and backup plans can prevent technical failures during production.
  • Identifying and addressing potential technical challenges beforehand reduces on-set troubleshooting.
  • Ensuring compatibility between various technical elements (e.g., cameras, sound equipment, post-production software) avoids integration issues later.
4. Creative Alignment
  • Storyboarding and shot lists help align the team's vision, reducing reshoots and creative disputes.
  • Early approvals on creative elements prevent last-minute changes that can derail production.
  • Clear communication of the project's goals and style guides ensures consistency throughout all phases.
5. Logistical Preparation
  • Securing locations, permits, and necessary clearances in advance prevents production delays.
  • Organizing transportation and accommodation logistics reduces the risk of schedule disruptions.
  • Preparing contingency plans for weather-dependent shoots or other variable factors minimizes potential setbacks.
6. Team Coordination and Communication
  • Clearly defined roles and responsibilities prevent confusion and overlaps during production.
  • Establishing communication protocols ensures smooth information flow across all departments.
  • Team briefings and workshops during pre-production create a shared understanding of the project's objectives.
7. Legal and Compliance Risk Management
  • Addressing copyright, talent agreements, and insurance issues early prevents legal complications.
  • Ensuring all necessary releases and permissions are obtained avoids post-production legal challenges.
  • Compliance with industry standards and regulations is easier to manage when planned in advance.
8. Post-Production Efficiency
  • Planning for post-production needs during pre-production (e.g., file formats, storage requirements) streamlines the editing process.
  • Establishing a clear workflow for footage management and backup reduces the risk of lost or corrupted files.
  • Early discussions with post-production teams can inform shooting decisions, potentially saving time and resources later.

According to a study by the Project Management Institute, organizations that invest in proven project management practices waste 28 times less money because more of their strategic initiatives are completed successfully. This statistic underscores the importance of thorough planning in complex projects like media production.

In conclusion, effective pre-production planning is an investment that pays dividends throughout the entire production process. By anticipating challenges, aligning teams, and creating robust strategies, pre-production planning serves as a risk mitigation tool that can significantly improve the overall quality, efficiency, and success of a project. As the old adage goes, 'Failing to plan is planning to fail,' and nowhere is this more true than in the complex world of media production.

A world-class pre-production team is the backbone of any successful production project. Their expertise can make or break the entire production process. Here are the essential skills and areas of expertise that a top-notch pre-production team should possess:

1. Project Management
  • Exceptional organizational skills
  • Ability to create and manage detailed schedules and budgets
  • Strong leadership and team coordination capabilities
  • Proficiency in project management software (e.g., Microsoft Project, Trello, Asana)
2. Creative Vision and Storytelling
  • Understanding of narrative structure and visual storytelling
  • Ability to translate concepts into practical production plans
  • Creative problem-solving skills
3. Technical Knowledge
  • Familiarity with various production equipment and technologies
  • Understanding of different filming techniques and their applications
  • Knowledge of post-production processes and requirements
4. Location Scouting and Management
  • Ability to find and secure suitable filming locations
  • Understanding of logistical requirements for different types of locations
  • Knowledge of location permits and legal requirements
5. Casting and Talent Management
  • Experience in casting processes and talent evaluation
  • Understanding of talent contracts and union regulations
  • Ability to manage talent relationships and expectations
6. Budgeting and Financial Management
  • Skill in creating detailed and accurate production budgets
  • Ability to negotiate with vendors and service providers
  • Understanding of tax incentives and funding opportunities in various locations
7. Risk Assessment and Management
  • Ability to identify potential production risks and develop contingency plans
  • Knowledge of insurance requirements and safety regulations
  • Crisis management skills
8. Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Excellent verbal and written communication abilities
  • Strong negotiation and conflict resolution skills
  • Ability to work effectively with diverse teams and stakeholders
9. Legal and Compliance Knowledge
  • Understanding of copyright laws and intellectual property rights
  • Familiarity with production contracts and agreements
  • Knowledge of industry standards and best practices
10. Adaptability and Problem-Solving
  • Flexibility to handle last-minute changes and unexpected challenges
  • Quick thinking and decisive action in high-pressure situations
  • Ability to find creative solutions within budget and time constraints

According to a 2023 industry survey by ProductionHub, 87% of successful productions attributed their smooth execution to a well-prepared pre-production team possessing these key skills. Moreover, projects with experienced pre-production teams reported an average of 23% fewer on-set issues and a 15% reduction in post-production complications.

In today's rapidly evolving production landscape, it's also crucial for pre-production teams to stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies. This includes familiarity with virtual production techniques, understanding of sustainable production practices, and knowledge of remote collaboration tools, which have become increasingly important in the global production environment.

By assembling a pre-production team with this comprehensive skill set, production companies can significantly increase their chances of delivering high-quality projects on time and within budget, while also adapting to the ever-changing demands of the industry.

Successful pre-production companies employ various strategies to maintain their competitive edge in the global market. Here are some key approaches that industry leaders utilize:

  1. Embrace cutting-edge technology: Top pre-production companies invest in the latest software and hardware tools for 3D modeling, visualization, and project management. This enables them to offer more efficient and innovative solutions to clients.
  2. Foster creativity and innovation: Encouraging a culture of creativity allows companies to develop unique concepts and problem-solving approaches, setting them apart from competitors.
  3. Prioritize client relationships: Building strong, long-term relationships with clients through excellent communication, transparency, and delivering consistent results is crucial for success.
  4. Develop a diverse skill set: Successful companies ensure their teams have a wide range of skills, from technical expertise to creative vision, allowing them to handle various project types and client needs.
  5. Stay informed on industry trends: Keeping up-to-date with the latest trends in production techniques, storytelling, and audience preferences helps companies remain relevant and innovative.
  6. Offer comprehensive services: Many successful pre-production companies provide end-to-end solutions, from concept development to post-production, making them more attractive to clients seeking full-service providers.
  7. Implement efficient workflows: Streamlining processes and utilizing project management tools helps companies deliver high-quality work on time and within budget.
  8. Invest in talent development: Continual training and upskilling of staff ensures that the company's capabilities evolve with the industry.
  9. Leverage data analytics: Using data to inform decision-making, from creative choices to resource allocation, can give companies a competitive advantage.
  10. Build a strong portfolio and reputation: Showcasing successful projects and earning industry recognition helps attract new clients and retain existing ones.

By implementing these strategies, pre-production companies can position themselves as industry leaders and stay ahead in the competitive global market. It's important to note that the most successful companies often combine multiple strategies and adapt them to their specific strengths and market conditions.