Interlock Marketing Consultancy, Chikkagubbi | Sortlist
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Interlock Marketing Consultancy

Chikkagubbi, Inde
We are an integrated IT Industry focused - Marketing Communication firm providing Public Relations, Marketing Consultancy, Event Management and Digital Marketing. Head quartered in Bangalore with presence in key Metros and Middle East. Its leadership team has professionals with 18-20 years of experience in IT marketing & PR with track record of holding senior position in various technology MNC companies.
14 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais, Hindi
Travaille à distance à travers le monde
Membre Sortlist depuis 2018
Fondée en 2014
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    14 membres dans l'équipe de Interlock Marketing Consultancy

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    Coordonnées de Interlock Marketing Consultancy


    • Siège socialChikkagubbi Main Rd, Chikkagubbi Village, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560077, India