Global Media Ltd, Nairobi | Sortlist
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Global Media Ltd

Nairobi, Kenya
Love technology? Here at Global Media we have a passion & reputation for DIGITAL SERVICES, BUSINESS SUPPORT and RESOURCE BUILDING. Global Media Ltd is a trusted provider of technology-enabled learning solutions that improve business productivity. We are one of the fastest growing digital agencies in Kenya. With expertise in all areas across digital marketing, we help our clients optimize their online spend and maximize their revenues. We work with the most sophisticated tools to analyze users’ behaviors and improve our clients’ online presence by optimizing their websites, digital ads, social media marketing, and more. Since 2012, we have advised senior learning, marketing and sales executives on how to design, deliver and measure the effectiveness of their education and training programs. We partner with our clients to develop their marketing plans, and set up winning strategies to generate and convert leads. From designing, developing, and optimizing websites, to increasing sales through tactical digital marketing activities, we work with our clients to raise their brand awareness, generate more sales opportunities, and maximize their marketing budget ROI. Because learners’ needs are multi-faceted, we believe learning should be too. That means delivering the right information, in the right format, at the right time. Global Media can help you harness new technologies to deliver award-winning learning solutions across multiple platforms — from the classroom to the Web to mobile devices. But technology is just one enabler of success. That’s why our consultants combine technology savvy with expertise in strategy, instructional design, development, operations and measurement. Our consultants are dedicated learning practitioners, many having led or managed large-scale learning initiatives themselves prior to joining Global Media.
150 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais, Swahili
Membre Sortlist depuis 2020
Fondée en 2011
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4 services offerts par Global Media Ltd

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    Compétences en Publicité (1)
    Brand Awareness

    En savoir plus sur Publicité

  • Description

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    En savoir plus sur Marketing

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    Compétences en Réseaux sociaux (1)
    Social Media Marketing

    En savoir plus sur Réseaux sociaux

  • Description

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    Compétences en Relations publiques (RP) (1)
    Online PR

    En savoir plus sur Relations publiques (RP)

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150 membres dans l'équipe de Global Media Ltd

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Coordonnées de Global Media Ltd


  • Siège socialChiromo Road Nairobi KE Nairobi KE, Nairobi, Kenya