Flighted, Queens | Sortlist
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Queens, États-Unis
Best-in-class performance marketing for DTC brands.
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1 services offerts par Flighted

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  • Description
    Flighted is a growth marketing agency specializing in paid social ad management, ad creative production, and growth strategy for DTC brands.
    The days of ad agencies simply pushing buttons in an ad platform are over. Success in performance marketing now relies on 3 focus areas working together interdependently:

    1. Media buying
    2. Creative Strategy
    3. Landing page/UX

    You’re competing for the same eyeballs that the Warby Parkers and the Lululemons of the world are competing for! Execution across these 3 functions must be world-class.

    That’s where we come in :)
    Compétences en Publicité (5)
    Social AdvertisingAdvertising CampaignAdvertising ProductionWeb AdvertisingDirect Advertising

    En savoir plus sur Publicité

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4 membres dans l'équipe de Flighted

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Coordonnées de Flighted



  • Siège social30-40 21st Street, Long Island City, NY, USA