Bell Creek Consulting, Washington | Sortlist
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Bell Creek Consulting

Washington, États-Unis
Bell Creek Consulting is a growing mission-­‐driven firm launched by alumni of top­‐tier strategy consultancies. We help organizations that matter make change that matters. And, we are looking for independent consultants to join our team. We work with mission­‐driven organizations (federal, state and local governments, and not-­for-­profit institutions) and for‐profit companies with a mission focus often at the intersection of strategy, organization, and operations. Bell Creek’s staffing model helps us to connect alumni of top-­tier consulting firms with the kind of meaningful work that they’ve always wanted to pursue, in a way that keeps each person in the driver’s seat of his/her career. So, whether you are looking to transition into more mission-­driven work, have already made a home in the independent consulting space, or are just looking for a meaningful experience between more traditional work, we’d love to find a way of working together!
4 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais
Fondée en 2012
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4 membres dans l'équipe de Bell Creek Consulting

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Coordonnées de Bell Creek Consulting


  • Siège socialundefined, Washington, DC, 20002, US