The 100 Best Motion Graphics Companies - 2024 Reviews

Top Motion Graphics Companies

Top motion graphics companies excel in visual storytelling. Whether enhancing your brand's identity, creating engaging ads, or producing captivating videos, these experts deliver stunning results. Explore the best motion graphics companies to elevate your projects with cutting-edge animations and designs.

Top Featured Motion Graphics Companies

  • PrezLab


    (5 reviews)

    Think Design.Think PrezLab

    A digital design firm delivering a full suite of creative and visual solutions to empower businesses, one idea, and one design at a time. Visit our website to learn more. Offering clear and persuasive presentations and infographic designs, engaging videos, and transformative brand digital solutions, in multiple languages at the highest quality standard
    No work in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    From €1000 for Motion Graphics


    (30 reviews)

    You need design done. Just get it!

    Your brand designs are too important to be left in the hands of unreliable freelancers or expensive creative agencies. Why not hire an experienced, full-time designer who knows you by name and your brand by heart? Since its creation, has been able to capitalize on a number of areas that currently constitute its strength: - Logo, Brand Guide, Style Guide; - Graphic Design; - Web Design; - UI/UX Prototyping; - 3D Design; - Game design; - Explainer Video, 2D Animation, GIF.
    No work in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Greater London, United Kingdom
    From €1000 for Motion Graphics
  • SQLI Digital Experience

    SQLI Digital Experiencecertified-flagverified-flagfeatured-flag

    (1 review)

    We craft digital experiences

    SQLI Digital Experience is a digital agency founded in 1999 with 50 people located in Ghent & Brussels and part of the international SQLI Group. We are specialized in social media content marketing, traffic, marketing automation, web & e-commerce. We work for brands such as Colruyt Laagste Prijzen, Collect&Go, Xtra, Dreamland, Dreambaby, Nestlé, AG Insurance, Tissot, Vandemoortele, Cointreau & more...
    4 works in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium
    No budget for Motion Graphics

All Motion Graphics Studios

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  • Supermoon


    (9 reviews)

    We are Supermoon. We make brands bigger & brighter.

    We do marketing, communications and advertising, but we are not a traditional agency. We are consultants, co-workers and creative partners-on-the-job, supporting our clients when and where they need our expertise. We connect customers and brands via relevant content, appealing designs and engaging communications campaigns. Our goal is to make your brand bigger and brighter, just like a supermoon. We are a core team of highly skilled advertising professionals supported by a huge galaxy of hand-picked freelance partners. We get the right experts on board to deliver the very best results for your marketing mission. We explore First think, then do. Together we define the goals of our campaigns. Where do we want to go and how do we get there? Close collaborating is key to creating smart campaigns and effective communications with outstanding results. Hence we invest strongly in acquiring a profound understanding of your challenge, product and industry.  We create Creativity, sharp messaging and high-quality communications determine how you come across as a brand and company. We help you to develop the right tone of voice, visual identity and spot-on campaigns. Whether it’s developing creative concepts, videos, brochures, company presentations, mailings or events, we’re never afraid to get our hands dirty in order to get things done. We connect Get your message out there and ensure it resonates with your target audience. Through smart media planning, tailored messaging and dedicated community management we make sure your brand will reach the audiences we’re aiming for. And of course you can always count on transparent reporting to measure the ROI.
    No work in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Boom, Belgium
    From €5000 for Motion Graphics
  • Legend1st Marketing & Mobile Apps

    Legend1st Marketing & Mobile Appscertified-flagverified-flag

    (28 reviews)

    Design ➡️ Development ➡️ Marketing ➡️ Results🚀

    We are a top digital marketing agency based in Dubai offering a variety of following services: Graphic Design 🎨 Website Design 🖥️ Mobile App Development 📱 SEO 🚀 Content Writing ✒️ Social Media Marketing 📢 Advertising (PPC) 📣 3D Videos 🎥
    No work in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    From €1000 for Motion Graphics
  • Hugin and Munin

    Hugin and Munincertified-flagverified-flag

    (11 reviews)

    Tienes talento, nosotros también. ¿Trabajamos juntos?

    ¿Qué sería de Mario sin Luigi?, ¿de Jobs sin Wozniak?, ¿de John Lenon sin Yoko Ono?, ¿de Batman sin Robin?, ¿de Holmes sin Watson?, e incluso ¿de Tortilla sin Cebolla? La respuesta es NADA . Son duplas que no tienen sentido el uno sin el otro; que se necesitan y se complementan para hacer grandes cosas. Así es como se origina nuestra agencia: inspirados en los legendarios cuervos de la mitología nórdica, Hugin y Munin. Y así es como lo adaptamos a nuestra forma de entender nuestro trabajo: Hugin, el vínculo con tu marca Nos fusionamos contigo, actuando no solo como una agencia, sino como un verdadero partner. Hemos colaborado exitosamente con una amplia gama de clientes, desde startups innovadoras hasta multinacionales y organismos públicos, como: Hugin and Hitachi Cooling & Heating Hugin and Siemens Mobility Hugin and Fundación Orange Hugin and Paradores de Turismo Hugin and Penguin Random House Munin, el talento de la agencia Adaptamos nuestra experiencia y creatividad para potenciar tus proyectos: Diseño and Munin Estrategia and Munin Branding and Munin Animación and Munin Social Media and Munin UX/UI and Munin Sabemos que tu potencial como marca y nuestro talento como agencia se complementan a la perfección.
    No work in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Madrid, Spain
    From €1000 for Motion Graphics
  • La petite production

    La petite productioncertified-flagverified-flag

    (44 reviews)

    Vidéo corporate - Motion Design - Captation live

    Basée à Paris et à Nantes, La petite production est une agence conseil en production audiovisuelle, spécialisée dans la communication des entreprises. Depuis plus de 14 ans, nous accompagnons les grands comptes, les ETI et les PME dans leurs enjeux de communication en produisant du contenu original et créatif : vidéos corporate motion design films événementiels Notre force ? Une expertise audiovisuelle 360° et un accompagnement sur mesure : conseil, conception, écriture, gestion de projet, storyboard, tournage, montage et post-production.
    2 works in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Arcueil, France
    From €1000 for Motion Graphics

    LES TÊTES DE PUBcertified-flagverified-flag

    (47 reviews)

    "Your brand is the space that your business occupies in the heart and mind of people".

    Nés de la rencontre impromptue entre luxe et mode connectée, pop et urbanité, animés d’une volonté de réinventer la publicité, LES TÊTES DE PUB, ce sont différents horizons qui, ensemble, apportent de nouvelles dimensions à la Marque.
    2 works in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Paris, France
    From €1000 for Motion Graphics
  • Fullframe Creative Agency

    Fullframe Creative Agencycertified-flagverified-flag

    (27 reviews)

    Spark up your Image!

    English (veuillez voir ci-dessous pour le français): Fullframe Creative is a creative agency based in Geneva and Lausanne, Switzerland, that provides a cutting-edge communication service: original concepts; clear, creative and concise content delivered competently. In other words, we help you get your message across through the following tools and services: • Video Production & Animation – corporate video, social media video, drone, interviews, interactive, video marketing, explainer videos, infographics, motion graphics and lots more. • Design & Branding – digital concept development & strategy, web & interactive design, visual identity, graphic design. • Digital & Social Media Marketing – campaign strategy, design & management, copy & content writing, blogs & SEO. • Virtual-hybrid Events & Tours / Video-conferencing – webinars, full event development & management, moderation & hosting, virtual visits. • Media Training - public speaking & coaching, look & sound great on camera. • Green-screen Production Studio – large video & photo production studio, 100% soundproof, professionally equipped 360o green-screen. Fullframe has 10+ years of experience, 100+ satisfied customers and 1,000+ successful productions. We help you Spark up your Image! Let’s talk. En français: Fullframe Creative est une agence créative, basée à Genève et Lausanne, en Suisse, qui propose un service de communication complet : concepts originaux et intelligents ; contenu claire, concis et créatif livré de manière compétente à travers les services suivants : • Production de vidéos & films d’animation – films d’entreprise, vidéo pour les réseaux sociaux, drone, interviews, vidéo marketing, vidéo interactives, vidéos explicatives et bien + • Design & branding - développement & stratégie de concept numérique, design web & interactif, identité visuelle, graphisme. • Marketing digital & réseaux sociaux – stratégie, conception & gestion de campagnes, rédaction de contenu, blogs & référencement (SEO). • Événements virtuels & hybrides / vidéoconférences – webinaires, développement & gestion d'événements complets, modération & hébergement, visites virtuelles. • Médias training - parler en public, coaching à la prise de parole face caméra. • Studio de production écran vert - grand studio de production vidéo & photo, 100 % insonorisé, équipé par des professionnels, fond vert 360o. Fullframe Creative a plus de 10 ans d'expérience, plus de 100 clients satisfaits et passé 1,000 productions réussies. Nous sommes à votre service.
    1 work in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Lausanne, Switzerland
    From €1000 for Motion Graphics
  • Robler


    (159 reviews)

    "Construyendo marcas para un mundo digital"

    Uno de los objetivos principales de una agencia de marketing y publicidad es ofrecer servicios de asesoramiento, pero sobre todo funcionar como un apoyo a empresas, emprendedores e incluso organizaciones que necesiten una gestión correcta de su marca. Por este motivo, en Robler Agency, profesionales en Marketing y publicidad, nos enfocamos en cumplir con cada uno de los objetivos de este tipo de agencias con un enfoque totalmente diferente, brindando a su vez nuestra alta experiencia realizando eventos corporativos y multinacionales. Nuestro equipo de trabajo está integrado por profesionales de diferentes países que harán que tus deseos se ajusten a las diferentes culturas existentes en el mundo. Es esta diversidad lo que nos caracteriza como empresa porque nos adaptamos a cualquier requerimiento de nuestros clientes. Pensamos, creamos, diseñamos y hacemos realidad cada una de tus ideas para maximizar el posicionamiento de tu empresa, emprendimiento u organización. El asesoramiento consiste en un estudio que se le hace a cada proyecto en particular, no generalizamos nuestros métodos porque nos adaptamos al estilo de cada empresa. Profesionales en el mundo digital que te ayudan a conectar con verdaderos clientes potenciales en el entorno online. No solo ofrecemos asesoramiento, sino que nos convertimos en parte de tu equipo. Un buen equipo obtiene resultados increíbles.
    No work in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Valencia, Spain
    From €400 for Motion Graphics
  • PURE BLACK STUDIO ★ Paris + Bruxelles + Hambourg

    PURE BLACK STUDIO ★ Paris + Bruxelles + Hambourgcertified-flagverified-flag

    (40 reviews)

    Communication de caractère pour marques d’exception ★ Audacious Branding for Smashing Brands

    Notre mission : vous assurer de toucher vos cibles de manière audacieuse et percutante, et de rayonner grâce à votre singularité dans un monde sans cesse en mouvement. Nos expertises répondent à vos problématiques et à vos attentes : branding, UI/UX Design, Développement Web, identité visuelle, graphisme, cybersécurité, etc. — CE QUE NOUS FAISONS ••• Identité de marque > Naming | Identité visuelle | Storytelling ••• Studio Web > UI/UX Design | Développement Web | Cybersécurité ••• Studio graphique > Direction artistique | Design graphique | Motion Design ••• Iconographie > Photographie | Illustration | Achat d’art ••• Marketing digital > Rédaction Web | Stratégie SEO & SEA | Stratégie de contenu — QUELLE STRATÉGIE ADOPTER POUR TOUCHER VOS CIBLES DE MANIÈRE AUDACIEUSE ET PERCUTANTE ? NOTRE MISSION Le rôle du branding est d’attribuer à une entreprise une personnalité et une identité uniques. Nous allons plus loin : grâce à un accompagnement stratégique subtil et précis, nous vous permettons de vous différencier de votre concurrence en sublimant votre univers et de trouver le ton juste dans votre communication, cela dans le but de vous adresser à vos cibles avec pertinence et finesse. Conscients que chaque organisation doit valoriser son identité, ses savoir-faire et son offre, nous revendiquons la pertinence d’une communication sémantique et visuelle à la fois sensible, audacieuse et profondément singulière. Pour ce faire, nous vous proposons une approche stratégique ayant pour but de construire un dispositif de communication performant et percutant. Notre ouverture sur le monde nous a immédiatement permis de développer notre clientèle à l'international : en Europe mais aussi en Afrique et aux États-Unis. — COMMENT VOUS ASSURER DE RAYONNER GRÂCE À VOTRE SINGULARITÉ DANS UN MONDE SANS CESSE EN MOUVEMENT ? NOTRE VOCATION Animés par la conviction que l’esthétique est un puissant vecteur d’adhésion, nous cultivons l’amour du bel ouvrage au service de votre rayonnement. Nous soutenons vos valeurs, vos engagements et vos objectifs en prenant le parti esthétique de l’élégance. Nous n’imaginons pas qu’une marque d’exception comme la vôtre puisse faire l’impasse sur l’audace et le raffinement. Travailler avec nous, c’est faire le choix d’une image de marque contemporaine et séduisante dans le but de vous permettre de rayonner sur votre territoire, à l’échelle nationale et internationale. Par ailleurs, nous accompagnons les marques éthiques et responsables depuis 2005 (et cela depuis le lancement de notre activité), ce qui fait de nous des pionniers en matière d’accompagnement des organisations participant aux transitions écologiques et sociétales. — Nous vous invitons à visiter l'ensemble de notre portfolio créé à votre attention sur notre profil Sortlist ou bien évidemment sur notre site Internet. - > — — — We create glamorous yet sophisticated works that stand out from the crowds through boldness. Our team, founded by a Franco-Belgian duo, is dedicated to fine and elegant work and rich from the crossing of our two cultures. Our openness to the world immediately enabled us to develop our clientele internationally: in Europe but also in Africa and the United States. Our team is completed by native English-speaking copywriters, in order to maximize the reach of your brand's communication across international channels. We have been supporting ethical and sustainable brands, and this since the launch of our activity in 2005. — Our key areas of focus are: ••• Branding > Naming | Visual Identity | Storytelling ••• Web Studio > UI/UX Design | Web Development | Cybersecurity ••• Graphic Studio > Art Direction | Graphic Design | Motion Design ••• Iconography > Photography | Illustration | Art Buying ••• Digital marketing > Web Writing | SEO & SEA Strategy | Brand Content — We invite you to visit our entire portfolio created for you on our Sortlist profile. For more information please visit our Website. - > — — — FRANCE & OTHER COUNTRIES +33 (0)6 11 31 83 09 — BELGIUM +32 (0)460 21 61 19 — — —
    12 works in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Paris, France
    From €3000 for Motion Graphics


    (30 reviews)

    You need design done. Just get it!

    Your brand designs are too important to be left in the hands of unreliable freelancers or expensive creative agencies. Why not hire an experienced, full-time designer who knows you by name and your brand by heart? Since its creation, has been able to capitalize on a number of areas that currently constitute its strength: - Logo, Brand Guide, Style Guide; - Graphic Design; - Web Design; - UI/UX Prototyping; - 3D Design; - Game design; - Explainer Video, 2D Animation, GIF.
    No work in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Greater London, United Kingdom
    From €1000 for Motion Graphics


    (48 reviews)

    YOTTA, l’agence créative responsable

    La communication engagée et alignée avec vos valeurs. YOTTA vous accompagne dans votre stratégie de communication (de la stratégie à la diffusion) tout en veillant à votre impact sociétal. De la redéfinition de votre positionnement et image de marque jusqu’à la création de contenus. 💬 C’est quoi une stratégie de communication responsable ? Communiquer de manière responsable, c’est promouvoir des messages compatibles avec les problématiques actuelles de la société. Une entreprise qui communique de manière responsable montre qu’elle est consciente de son impact et de son influence, et travaille à diffuser des messages plus éthiques/responsables. 🎥 C’est quoi une vidéo éco-conçue ? Éco-concevoir une vidéo c’est réinventer les processus de production : stocker, archiver autrement, valoriser l’énergie qu’elle génère. Ainsi, les dépenses énergétiques liées à la production de la vidéo sont optimisées pour minimiser son impact environnemental. Vous souhaitez échanger en visio sur votre projet ? Appelez-nous au : 01 43 15 09 08 Ou en suivant ce lien : À très vite ! 🙌
    5 works in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Paris, France
    From €1000 for Motion Graphics
  • Ajax Creative Inc.

    Ajax Creative Inc.certified-flagverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Working with brands to create emotionally compelling campaigns, commercials & branded content.

    Ajax Creative is a dynamic and innovative commercial production company that creates visually stunning and emotionally compelling moving images. Rooted in the principles of boldness and bravery, Ajax Creative thrives on taking creative risks and pushing the boundaries of storytelling through film, commercials, and video content.
    4 works in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Ottawa, Canada
    From €1000 for Motion Graphics
  • George Moussa

    George Moussaverified-flag

    (20 reviews)

    george moussa, designer, offering logo & brand design for small business, sydney.

    george moussa, designer, offering logo & brand design for small business, sydney. 25 years graphic design experience, attributing to simple, memorable, timeless, affordable & quick design. click to find out more... You may read my reviews at: You may see my logo folio at:, 0410 656 926 or 1 o’connell sydney.
    33 works in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Sydney, Australia
    From €2200 for Motion Graphics
  • PrezLab


    (5 reviews)

    Think Design.Think PrezLab

    A digital design firm delivering a full suite of creative and visual solutions to empower businesses, one idea, and one design at a time. Visit our website to learn more. Offering clear and persuasive presentations and infographic designs, engaging videos, and transformative brand digital solutions, in multiple languages at the highest quality standard
    No work in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    From €1000 for Motion Graphics
  • Schrodinger


    (6 reviews)


    Schrodinger is a boutique content creative studio . WE CREATE THE IMAGES TO TELL EXCEPTIONAL STORIES. We are not a fast agency. We believe in our unique mix of artistic personalities and creative profiles. Creation is our core . We create bespoke images and films. All the hype content you need, from a one-shot campaign to a continuous flow of visual communication. Our previous and current clients come from different universes but with a common goal: the research of quality and exigence in telling their unique story.
    No work in Motion Graphics
    Unknown location
    From €3000 for Motion Graphics
  • Pixels Trade

    Pixels Tradecertified-flagverified-flag

    (21 reviews)

    Your digital partner in Mobile App development and Marketing.

    Pixels is a group of digital agencies focused on innovation and multi-channel marketing. Pixels is headquartered in Switzerland and active since 2011. We are specialists in digital strategy consulting, omnichannel marketing, e-event, design and branding, mobile and web application development, websites, and e-commerce platform development. We continuously invest in research and development to ensure the use of the latest technologies and the most adapted solutions to serve the most ambitious strategies. The group also includes specialized communication agencies: -Pixels Health ( focuses on healthcare. -Pixels Banking ( focuses on banking and finance. Specific to our healthcare branch: Pixels Health offers medical writing services. We are certified IQVIA, VEEVA, Salesforce, Adobe, and ISO 27001. We also benefit from a number of partnerships in place to offer the best e-event and services across our offering. Some of our references: Sanofi, Merck, Pierre-Fabre, Servier, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Diabetes patient association, and multiple start-ups and SME. Specific to our Banking branch: We offer a number of solutions including which a workflow solution and a mobile and internet banking solution. Some of our references: Lombard Odier, Pictet, Octogone Management SA, Square stone Capital, BT, STB, Credit Mutuel, Acolin, and a number of start-up. Pixels Trade also serves other industries with innovative solutions (including AI, VR, IoT). Some of our references: Franck Muller, Cote Magazine, United Nations, SGS, Cargill, Total. _______________ Pixels est une agence digitale axée sur l'innovation. Le siège de Pixels est en Suisse et est activité depuis 2011. Nous sommes spécialisés dans le conseil en stratégie digitale, le marketing multicanal, l'e-événement, le design et le branding, le développement d'application mobile et web, le développement de sites web et de plateformes e-commerce. Nous investissons continuellement dans la recherche et le développement afin de garantir l'utilisation des dernières technologies et des solutions les plus adaptées pour servir les stratégies les plus ambitieuses. Le groupe compte des agences de communication spécialisées : -Pixels Health ( spécialisée sur le domaine de la santé. -Pixels Banking ( spécialisée dans le secteur bancaire et finance. Spécifique à notre branche santé : Pixels Health propose des services de "medical writing". Nous sommes certifiés IQVIA, VEEVA, Salesforce, Adobe et ISO 27001. Nous bénéficions également d'un certain nombre de partenariats afin d'offrir les meilleurs services et événements électroniques dans l'ensemble de notre offre. Quelques-unes de nos références : Sanofi, Merck, Pierre-Fabre, Servier, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Association de patients diabétiques et de nombreuses start-ups et PME. Spécifique à notre branche bancaire : Nous offrons un certain nombre de solutions dont une solution de workflow et une solution de banque mobile et internet. Quelques-unes de nos références : Lombard Odier, Pictet, Octogone Management SA, Square stone Capital, BT, STB, Crédit Mutuel, Acolin et un certain nombre de start-up. Pixels Trade propose également des solutions innovantes à d'autres secteurs d'activité. Quelques-unes de nos références : Franck Muller, Cote Magazine, Nations Unies, SGS, Cargill, Total...
    No work in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Geneva, Switzerland
    From €1000 for Motion Graphics
  • Hi - Agence de publicité créative et média

    Hi - Agence de publicité créative et médiacertified-flagverified-flag

    (33 reviews)

    Agence de publicité créative et média indépendante - Human above all

    Fondé en 2019, par Maxime Maldent & Guillaume Duclay, Hi est aujourd'hui basée à Lille (France 🇫🇷) et Nyon (Suisse 🇨🇭). 3 entités qui animent les projets : Direction marketing externalisée Plateforme de marque / Expérience immersive en entreprise, audit / Plan Marketing et stratégie de communication / Marque employeur Entité publicité, création et production Branding / Identité visuelle / Production de contenus (shooting, tournage, 3D, Motion design) / Snack content / Reels & Shorts / Capsules créatives / Social media Entité média et performance digitale Plan média / Régie publicitaire / Diffusion des contenus (affichage, TV, radio, social media ads, cinéma, display….) / SEA Notre volonté ; vous offrir l'expérience la plus complète et authentique possible. Human Above All
    1 work in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Lille, France
    From €3000 for Motion Graphics
  • Instasamy Agenzia di Social Media Marketing

    Instasamy Agenzia di Social Media Marketingcertified-flagverified-flag

    (44 reviews)


    Instasamy è una Agenzia di Social Media Marketing con sede a Milano specializzata nell ’aumento della notorietà del marchio, delle vendite, nella generazione di lead attraverso l’elaborazione di strategie innovative, produzione di contenuti creativi e tecniche di online advertising avanzate. Tutte le strategie ideate da InstaSamy si basano sulla scienza delle interazioni umane nel mondo del digital. ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ Il team ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ Noi di Instasamy siamo un piccolo team multidisciplinare, composto da circa 13 risorse con una formazione T-SHAPED e con un focus sulle performance , sui risultati . In Instasamy siamo fortemente orientati al successo. Lavoriamo con passione e determinazione i tuoi obiettivi diventano i nostri e, vogliamo raggiungerli con te! Siamo un team esterno che pensa e agisce come se fosse il tuo team interno. ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ La crescita ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ Instasamy nasce come agenzia di social media marketing specializzata nel settore moda e ha sede a Milano. Per tanti anni l’agenzia lavora come fornitore di altre agenzie di marketing, comunicazione e social media marketing. Nel 2018 Instasamy crea un caso di successo con la rivista di moda Grazia Arabia Qatar e inizia a lavorare direttamente con i brand, continuando a operare anche come fornitore di agenzie competitor. Negli anni, Instasamy ha ampliato e affermato la propria specializzazione in nuovi settori e si è espansa con successo in altri mercati, come il Middle East . I settori in cui opera oggi con successo sono l’alta gioielleria , il food , il design , fieristico , dell’editoria , dell’arte , i matrimoni , le startup , gli e - commerce , il politico e il governativo . Clienti ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ Bata - Polaroid - Duravit - Qd Magistro- Febal Casa - 4gift - Venchi - Fabbri - Micam - Galup - Cosmoprof - Gruppo Hearst Italia - MaxMara - PINKO - Vivetta - Ermanno Scervino - Stroili - Regione Lazio - Comune di Prali - La Caramella Buona Onlus - Special Olympics Italia Prali - Leo Pizzo - Boucheron - Grazia Arabia - Harper's Bazaar Qatar (Arabia e Saudi)- Esquire Qatar - Paris Fashion Week - Haibao China - Simona Corsellini - Jelmini Store - Ulyana Sergeenko - Romans Club - Franco Curletto - Manzoni24 - Bardour e agenzie digitali - artisti, musicisti e personaggi pubblici. Cosa facciamo ᕦʕ; •`ᴥ•´ʔᕤ Raggiungiamo i vostri obiettivi . E lo facciamo offrendovi soluzioni efficaci , che otteniamo grazie a strategie di social media marketing avanzate. Noi di Instasamy siamo specializzati nella gestione social media di TikTok , Instagram , Facebook , Linkedin , Snapchat , Pinterest , Spotify e YouTube . Come agenzia di marketing ci occupiamo dell’identificazione di strategie di business development , di produzione di contenuti per i social , di online advertising . E, ancora, di AR marketing (filtri Instagram), dell’analisi dei dati, di digital PR , Influencer Marketing , e della produzione di musica per i social media. Creiamo strategie che mirano a ottenere costante brand awareness e che ti aiutano a mantenere un trend di crescita duraturo e misurabile . E questo anche quando le campagne pubblicitarie a pagamento sono inattive.
    No work in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Milan, Italy
    From €3000 for Motion Graphics
  • Studio Meta

    Studio Metaverified-flag

    (26 reviews)

    C'est quoi une bonne agence ?

    Chacun a ses critères : l'expertise, la vision, les budgets, les délais. Tout dépend de vos besoins, ou de vos expériences passées, ou des deux. Et pourtant il y a un point sur lequel tout le monde s'accorde : l'important, c'est d'être compris . C'est sentir cette étincelle lors d'une réunion ou à la fin d'un mail, qui naît lorsque vous avez confiance dans la réussite du projet , parce que l'agence se mobilise pour ce qui compte vraiment pour vous : Être prêt pour votre grande annonce ; respecter votre budget sans déception à la fin ; conquérir de nouvelles opportunités ; et même apporter ce petit truc en plus que certains appellent « l'effet wahou » ! Bref. Sentir qu' ensemble on va faire de grandes choses . Et les faire bien. Choisir une agence c'est avant tout une rencontre. Nous ne croyons pas à la perfection mais à l'implication, et nous ferons tout pour être pour vous la bonne agence . Rencontrons-nous :) Jérémie Werner, Fondateur +33 (0)6 43 30 97 04 PS: On est peut-être la bonne agence pour vous pour : Stratégie digitale, UX Design   Research & UX Analytics Test utilisateur Personas Arborescence Production de contenus Wireframing & Prototyping Moodboard Design UI, UX & Direction artistique Développement Web & E-commerce Analyse technique Développement sur-mesure Intégration de sites Web/CMS Plateforme E-commerce Mobile et progressive Web App Applications interactives Développement extranet, CRM et ERP SEO, SEA & Growth Hacking Architecture des données Analytics & attribution Référencement naturel (SEO) SEA et Display Architecture des données Analytics & attribution Référencement naturel (SEO) SEA et Display Accompagnement TMA Maintenance applicative et corrective Maintenance évolutive
    66 works in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Paris, France
    From €1000 for Motion Graphics
  • Agence Nest

    Agence Nestcertified-flagverified-flag

    (25 reviews)

    Fabrique à sentiments

    Nous sommes des créateurs d’images exaltées, des façonneurs d’insights passionnés, des concepteurs de rêves éveillés. Branding : Imaginer des marques et les révéler. Comprendre ce qui les fait vivre, sentir ce qui les définit. Traduire ce qu’elles sont en des identités sur-mesure. Brand Content : Prendre la parole de la façon la plus juste et la plus mémorable. Définir les meilleures stratégies éditoriales, imaginer des concepts cohérents avec ce qu'elles sont et leur donner le vocabulaire le plus adapté à ce qu'elles veulent transmettre. Publicité : Diffuser le bon message à la bonne personne. Répandre des concepts créatifs pour communiquer assez fort, au bon endroit, au bon moment. Digital : Créer des formats adaptés aux objectifs de notoriété, d'acquisition ou de fidélisation. Considérer les contraintes pour mieux concevoir les concepts et analyser leurs retombées. Nous sommes situés à Bordeaux mais nous travaillons partout en France et en Europe. 
    No work in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Le Bouscat, France
    From €1000 for Motion Graphics
  • MFM Digital

    MFM Digitalcertified-flagverified-flag

    (19 reviews)

    Créons ensemble un site web qui vous ressemble.

    Créée en 2010, MFM DIGITAL est une agence spécialisée dans la création de sites web et e-commerces, le design, l'UX/UI, et la création d'applications. Chez nous, la satisfaction de nos clients est notre priorité absolue ! 🤝 Nous sommes convaincus que la clé du succès réside dans la simplicité et la convivialité de nos créations. Nous nous engageons à fournir des solutions de qualité supérieure pour répondre aux besoins de nos clients. Voici ce que nous pouvons vous offrir : 🌟 Des sites web et des applications esthétiques et fonctionnels qui reflètent l'identité de votre marque. 🌟 Une équipe passionnée et expérimentée qui travaillera en étroite collaboration avec vous pour comprendre vos besoins et vos objectifs. 🌟 Des solutions innovantes et adaptées à chaque projet , pour vous démarquer de la concurrence. 🌟 Un service client exceptionnel , avec un suivi personnalisé tout au long du processus de développement. Nous accompagnons les demandes de bout en bout : ✔️ Aide à la réalisation du cahier des charges et définition des spécifications ✔️ Création de charte graphique et d'identité visuelle ✔️ Design, intégration et développement du site Web 📩 Alors, si vous cherchez une agence de développement web passionnée, créative et efficace pour réaliser votre projet, ne cherchez plus ! Contactez-nous dès maintenant pour un rendez-vous GRATUIT et sans engagement.
    No work in Motion Graphics
    Active in the Watermael-Boitsfort, Belgium
    From €1000 for Motion Graphics

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Choosing a motion graphics company : what you need to know

A good motion graphics company will have a strong understanding of the latest design trends and techniques, and will be able to translate your ideas into a visually stunning reality. The best companies will also have a solid understanding of branding, and will be able to create graphics that not only look good, but also reinforce your brand identity. When choosing a motion graphics company, it's important to look at their portfolio to get a sense of their style and capabilities. You should also ask for references from past clients to get a better idea of their level of service and customer satisfaction. Once you've narrowed down your options, it's time to start talking to companies and getting quotes. Be sure to ask about their process, timeline, and pricing so you can find the best fit for your needs.

What does motion graphics mean ?

Motion graphics are animations and visual effects used in various forms of media, including films, television programs, commercials, video games, music videos and websites. The term encompasses a wide range of styles, including 2D and 3D animation, stop-motion, and traditional cel animation.

Motion graphics are often used to create the illusion of motion or to add visual interest to a scene. They can be used to create an opening title sequence for a film or television show, or to provide visual effects for a video game. Motion graphics can also be used in advertising, to create an animated commercial or product demonstration.

Most motion graphics are created using computer-based animation and visual effects software, such as Adobe After Effects or Autodesk Maya. However, some artists still prefer to create their work using traditional animation techniques, such as hand-drawn cel animation or stop-motion.

Motion graphics is an art form in which graphic design elements are used to create a moving composition. It borrows elements of illustration, photography, and typography to create visuals that can engage audiences. Many people associate motion graphics with marketing videos and advertisements. This style of design is particularly effective in conveying complex ideas in a short amount of time. To learn more about the benefits of motion graphics, check out the video below. This article will explain some of the different types of motion graphics.

Motion graphics vs graphic design: which one to choose

There are a few key differences between motion graphics and graphic design. First, motion graphics are designed to be moving, while graphic design is static. This means that motion graphics often incorporate animation and video, while graphic design does not. Additionally, motion graphics are often more concerned with the overall look and feel of a piece, while graphic design is more concerned with the individual elements and how they work together. Finally, motion graphics are typically shorter and more to the point than graphic design, which can be more detailed and complex.

What is a motion graphics company ?

A motion graphics company is a business that specializes in creating motion graphics for clients. This can include anything from simple animations to complex visual effects. Many motion graphics companies also offer other services such as video editing, sound design, and 3D modeling.

The term “motion graphics” is relatively new, but the concept has been around for centuries. The first examples of motion graphics can be seen in early silent films, where simple title cards were used to introduce the characters and plot. In the 1950s, graphic designers began experimenting with film and animation to create more complex visuals. This led to the development of new techniques such as rotoscoping ( tracing over live-action footage ) and cel animation ( painting individual frames by hand ).

With the advent of computer-generated imagery (CGI) in the late 20th century, motion graphics became even more sophisticated. Today, motion graphics are used in a wide variety of contexts, from commercials and music videos to video games and feature films. Many motion graphics companies have emerged in recent years to meet the growing demand for this type of content.

So what exactly does a motion graphics company do? The answer depends on the specific client and project. Some companies may simply create basic animations, while others may produce entire commercials or corporate videos. In most cases, the client will provide a script or concept, and the motion graphics company will be responsible for bringing it to life. This may involve storyboarding, designing characters and backgrounds, creating animations, and adding visual effects.

The best motion graphics companies are those that have a strong understanding of both design and technology. In order to create truly stunning visuals, they must be able to combine artistic creativity with technical expertise. This is why many motion graphics companies are made up of teams of designers, animators, and programmers who work together to produce the final product.

If you're looking for a motion graphics company to create content for your next project, it's important to find one that has a portfolio that matches your style and needs. Take some time to browse through the work of different companies and see which ones you feel most drawn to. Then, contact them to discuss your specific project requirements.

7 things that motion graphics studios do:

  • Help you communicate your message clearly and effectively through the use of creative visuals and animation.
  • Develop an engaging and visually appealing motion graphic that tells your story and sells your product
  • Produce explainer videos that educate your audience and promote your products or services
  • Create explainer videos
  • Work with you to understand your specific needs and requirements in order to create customised motion graphics solutions.
  • Create stunning visuals that capture your audience's attention
  • Work with you to create a storyboard for your motion graphics project, ensuring that all your ideas are communicated clearly and effectively.

5 Questions to ask to motion graphics companies:

  • What is your company's pricing structure?
  • What is your company's creative process?
  • What is your company's motion graphics customer service policy?
  • What are your company's biggest challenges?
  • What is your company's approach to motion graphics?