The 10 Best Team Building Organization Companies in Belgium - 2025 Reviews

Top Team Building Organization Companies in Belgium

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All Team Building Organization Agencies in Belgium

  • 4.8
    (13 reviews)

    Crafting Moments, Creating Memories !

    « Everything is Design » [ O w l t h i n k ] Studio is a creative studio that sets itself apart from others by its desire for detail. Moreover, speaking of the work, it is necessary to say that the studio has two main profiles: [Event & Graphic Design] .  Mission ?    Our focus is to create memorable brand experiences that connect with people. How ?   Our aim is to help let businesses and unique ideas grow through design and creative thinking. Who are we ?   Two friends, different knowledges, a Graphic Designer & an Event Designer Our vision //  Help our clients to deliver THE message by creating, designing & implementing a new experience. Our wish //  Build long term relationships, boost the client’s image and their business. Our devotion //  Impossible doesn't exist, we create and develop every single event for you. We take care of all the aspects !
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Grez-Doiceau, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Automotive (+16)
    Speaks French, English
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Event agency for corporate events - we operate worldwide

    SPRDLUX EVENTS is een full service evenementenbureau. We bedenken en organiseren events, meetings, incentives en congressen. Feesten waar nog lang over nagepraat wordt, zijn onze core business. We doen aan creatieve storytelling, terwijl we alle zintuigen prikkelen en uw gast onderdompelen in uw verhaal WE CREATE MEMORIES THROUGH EXPERIENCES De SPRDLUX focus ligt op service, kwaliteit en een ervaring creëren voor uw gasten. U kiest voor de totale ontzorging van uw event of u zet onze diensten in waar nodig.  In nauw overleg bepalen we uw doelstellingen en in functie van uw budget zorgen we voor een gedetailleerd concept en plan. U kiest er voor om nauw betrokken te zijn bij de organisatie of juist niet. SPRDLUX EVENTS begeleidt en adviseert u bij elke stap. Bekijk ons werk en fijne reacties van klanten op onze website. Contacteer ons voor een vrijblijvend gesprek om te zien waar we u mee kunnen helpen. Ga voor niet minder dan superdeluxe! SPRDLUX EVENTS is a full service event agency. We organise events, meetings, incentives and conferences. Parties that will be talked about for a long time are our core business. We engage in creative storytelling, while stimulating all the senses and immersing your guest in your story WE CREATE MEMORIES THROUGH EXPERIENCES The SPRDLUX focus is on service, quality and creating an experience for your guests. You opt for the total care of your event or you use our services where necessary. We determine your objectives in close consultation and, depending on your budget, we provide a detailed concept and plan. You choose to be closely involved with the organization or not. SPRDLUX EVENTS guides and advises you every step of the way. Check out our work and great feedback from customers on our website. Contact us for a no-obligation consultation to see how we can help you. Go for no less than super deluxe!    
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Turnhout, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Real Estate (+8)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+3)
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (11 reviews)

    Working Behind Brands

    Top awarded
    Keep It Quiet partners with brands to organize events, brand activations or logistic marketing operations. We do everything to transform a brand contact into an experience that generates emotions, creates lasting memories and gets shared. Keep It Quiet werkt samen met merken om geweldige evenementen, merkactivaties of logistieke opdrachten te realiseren. Wij doen alles wat nodig is om een idee om te zetten in een merkbeleving die emoties opwekt, blijvende herinneringen creëert en vooral veel buzz produceert. Keep It Quiet travaille avec des marques afin de réaliser d’excellents événements, des activations de marque ou des opérations de marketing logistique. Nous mettons tout en œuvre pour transformer une idée en une expérience pertinente qui suscite des émotions, qui crée des souvenirs impérissables et, surtout, génère beaucoup de buzz.
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Mortsel, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Food (+20)
    Speaks French, Dutch(+2)
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (13 reviews)

    OFCORES - Shaping the Future of Events DiscoVR - Virtual is the new Reality

    OFCORES is your international specialist in virtual, hybrid and in-person events for corporate and institutional clients. Our team of digital natives provide one-stop-shop event management services, including comprehensive communication packages, genuine brand experiences, hybrid event studios, and effective technology and virtual solutions for your next event. Our solutions:  " No stress, high impact & maximum return on your events, our core business gives you the opportunity to focus on your core business." DiscoVR is our sister company with a focus on VR as Virtual is the new Reality. They create Extended Reality to drive your sales & marketing goals and support your virtual event, by using the latest 360° photography, 3D & VR technology.  
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Dilbeek, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Others (+12)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+2)
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (2 reviews)

    Crafting wonder with tech

    Blue Hay is co-founded by Elise D'haeseleer & Vincent Vanderbeck, both of whom have worked on different large-scale events. Vincent has a passion for technology and Elise is skilled in event management. They combine their expertise to create events like the Club of the Future at Flanders Technology and Innovation in Kortrijk in April 2024, UNWRAP Festival in October 2023 and so much more. Their core: crafting experiences with tech.
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Ghent, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+3)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)


    Top awarded
    OVAL is a creative communication agency that puts real-life experience in the heart of campaigns. With a team of more than 130 experts we work from our offices in Amsterdam, Antwerp, Brussels, Dusseldorf & Paris. We blend live, digital, content, social, technology, loyalty and media into remarkable internal and external campaigns and live events. We work with brands like Google, BMW, Proximus,, ABVV, Nintendo, Adobe, SD Worx,, Randstad, AB Inbev, adidas and many others. OVAL is a member of IDEA, ACC Belgium and awarded third place in best event agency in Europe by BEA.
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium (+3)
    From €1,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+9)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+3)
    51-200 members
  • 4
    (2 reviews)

    Full-service evenementenbureau te Antwerpen voor uw evenementen van A tot Z!

    Ductape - Event Agency is, met 10 jaar ervaring, de perfecte partner voor het volledig uitwerken van uw corporate event, personeelsfeest, klantenfeest, incentive, teambuilding, product launch, etc. van A tot Z, zowel in binnen- als buitenland. Ductape is een full service evenementenbureau. Dat wil zeggen dat wij het volledige event van A tot Z voor u opvolgen. Ook wanneer u bepaalde onderdelen zelf wenst op te volgen (locatie, catering, …) nemen wij al het overige voor onze rekening.  Alles begint bij een gesprek over het soort evenement, wat uw wensen zijn en het budget dat u vooropstelt. We luisteren zorgvuldig naar u en streven ernaar om in functie van uw budget de beste oplossingen aan te reiken om er telkens weer een geslaagd event van te maken. Samen met u zetten we de puntjes op de i. Op de dag van uw evenement coördineren wij alles van opbouw t/m afbouw. We verzorgen uw evenement tot in de puntjes en bieden een feilloze, kwalitatieve en flexibele organisatie. U hoeft zich geen zorgen te maken, u hebt meer tijd over voor uw gasten en kunt zelf ook echt genieten van het event. ------ With 10 years of experience Ductape is the perfect partner for the complete organisation of your corporate event, staff party, client event, incentive, teambuilding, product launch, etc. from A to Z, in Belgium and abroad. Ductape is a full-service event agency. This means that we provide a follow up of the entire event from conceptualisation, set up, event until dismantling. If you wish to follow up on certain parts yourself (venue, catering, etc.), we will take care of everything else. It all starts with a good talk about the type of event you wish to organise, what your needs are and the budget you have in mind. We listen carefully and strive to provide the best solutions according to your budget to make it a successful event over and over again. Together with you, we will dot the i’s. On the day of your event, we coordinate everything from set up until dismantling. We take care of your event down to the last detail and offer a flawless, high quality and flexible organisation. You don’t have to worry about different suppliers and details, you have more time left for your guests and you can really enjoy the event yourself. 
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+12)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (6 reviews)

    Votre succès est mon objectif, Votre stratégie est mon expertise.

    Je suis consultant en marketing basé à Liège, spécialisé dans l’élaboration et le développement de stratégies marketing. Fort d’une expérience solide, j’accompagne les entreprises de taille moyenne et grande dans leurs défis marketing en leur proposant des solutions sur mesure, adaptées à leurs besoins spécifiques. Je comprends les enjeux complexes auxquels sont confrontées les entreprises dans un environnement en constante évolution. C’est pourquoi je m’efforce de concevoir des stratégies innovantes, ambitieuses et orientées vers des résultats concrets. Mon objectif est de contribuer à la réussite de vos projets en travaillant à vos côtés, de manière engagée et personnalisée. Mon boulot n’est pas d’être simplement un prestataire de services en marketing. Je m’intègre à votre entreprise comme un véritable responsable marketing externalisé. Je pilote vos opérations, j’élabore votre stratégie, je vous conseille sur vos choix tactiques en vous accompagnant vers l'atteinte de vos objectifs.
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Liège, Belgium
    From €500 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Others (+2)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (13 reviews)

    Meer impact met je bedrijf dankzij een sterke strategie, gemotiveerde medewerkers en trouwe klanten

    Je groeiambities waarmaken, dat is waar wij je mee helpen. Vanuit strategisch, tactisch en/of operationeel oogpunt krijg je precies de ondersteuning die jij nodig hebt om te groeien. En dat met zo min mogelijk groeipijn. Want aan groei moet je werken. En laat JDI nu juist die aanvullende hersens, die bijkomende ervaring en die extra handjes leveren die je daarvoor nodig hebt. Of je nu groot bent of nog klein, je ambitie om te groeien en je bereidheid om in alle openheid samen te werken zullen bepalen of we de juiste match zijn. JDI gooit namelijk al zijn expertise en gedrevenheid in de strijd om ook jouw ambitie waar te maken. Vanuit ons groei-DNA, maar ook omdat wij gepassioneerd samen mooie groeiverhalen willen schrijven. Wij bieden ondersteuning bij groei met de volgende hefbomen: Strategie: Medewerkers: Klanten: Aarzel niet om ons hierover meer informatie te vragen! Dit kan door een mailtje te sturen naar of ons te bellen op +3216 88 37 55.
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Huldenberg, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Energy & Oil (+4)
    Speaks Dutch, Belgium, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (16 reviews)

    Wil je een website die klanten oplevert? Kies dan voor ESKIDOOS! Strategisch webdesign

    Val op Creëer een sterk merk, zowel online als offline. Herontdek je logo en huisstijl. Kies voor heldere tekst en tijdloos ontwerp. Groei Versterk het contact met je doelgroep. Ontvang directe feedback. Verzamel de juiste gegevens en bouw je website stap voor stap op. Boek resultaten Krijg advies en scherp je strategie aan, en zorg ervoor dat je klanten je vinden. Op platformen zoals Google, Amazon en sociale media.
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Ghent, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Pharmaceuticals & Biotech (+15)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    We create. You remember.

    Pétillante, Audacieuse, Inoubliable, Unique. ILX est une agence événementielle complète qui transforme vos envies en expériences au-delà de vos attentes. Jeune, dynamique et innovante, notre équipe écoute, comprend et donne vie à votre vision. Spécialisée dans la conception d’événements créatifs, nous gérons chaque détail de A à Z, créant des moments uniques qui laissent un impact durable. Chez ILX, nous repoussons les limites de l’organisation d’événements avec une touche de créativité, de modernité et de luxe. Nous réinventons vos événements avec des solutions sur mesure, alliant innovation et qualité irréprochable. Des événements d’entreprise aux lancements de produits, en passant par les voyages exclusifs et les célébrations privées, nous créons des moments qui marquent les esprits. Nous vous accompagnons à chaque étape du processus, façonnant des histoires à succès qui inspirent et élèvent. Événements – Communication – Voyages – Activation – Élévation de marque – Et bien plus encore. Créons ensemble l’exceptionnel.
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Verviers, Belgium
    From €500 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Non-profit (+1)
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 3.6
    (3 reviews)

    Your path to a sustainable strategy

    With our expertise in the creation and positioning of dozens of brands, we help take your business to the next level. Consider: - Strategic positioning - Website & webshop development - (Employer) Branding - Video (advertising) - Digital marketing (Social media, Google Ads, newsletters, ...) - Conversion Rate Optimization
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Turnhout, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+2)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+3)
    1-10 members
  • 4
    (5 reviews)

    Digital Marketing & Public Relations Agency in Antwerpen & Brussel

    TEAM LEWIS is een wereldwijd geïntegreerd communicatiebureau dat PR-, marketing- en digitale diensten levert om merken te helpen hun bedrijfsdoelen te bereiken. Met een aanwezigheid in belangrijke markten wereldwijd, combineren we lokale expertise met een mondiale reikwijdte om impactvolle, strategische campagnes te creëren. Onze toegewijde teams van experts zijn gepassioneerd over storytelling, creativiteit en innovatie, en zorgen ervoor dat onze klanten opvallen in een drukke markt. Bij TEAM LEWIS geloven we in het verleggen van grenzen en het behalen van meetbare resultaten voor onze klanten. We hebben twee vestigingen in België, in Brussel en Antwerpen, en spreken Engels, Nederlands en Frans. Wereldwijd hebben we 26 kantoren en meer dan 700 medewerkers. HOE WERKEN WIJ? Bij TEAM LEWIS werken we nauw samen met onze klanten om hun unieke behoeften en doelstellingen te begrijpen. Ons proces bestaat uit verschillende stappen: Strategieontwikkeling: We beginnen met een grondige analyse van de markt, concurrenten en doelgroep. Op basis hiervan ontwikkelen we een op maat gemaakte strategie die past bij de doelen van onze klanten. Creatieve Concepten: Onze creatieve teams brainstormen en ontwikkelen innovatieve concepten die resoneren met de doelgroep en de merkboodschap versterken. Uitvoering: We zetten onze plannen om in actie door middel van diverse communicatiekanalen zoals PR, social media, contentmarketing en digitale campagnes. Meten en Optimaliseren: We monitoren voortdurend de resultaten van onze campagnes en optimaliseren ze waar nodig om de best mogelijke resultaten te behalen. We gebruiken data-analyse om de effectiviteit te meten en waardevolle inzichten te verkrijgen. Samenwerking: We geloven in transparante communicatie en werken nauw samen met onze klanten gedurende het hele proces. We houden regelmatig overleg om voortgang te bespreken en strategieën aan te passen op basis van feedback en resultaten. Bij TEAM LEWIS streven we ernaar om duurzame relaties met onze klanten op te bouwen en hen te helpen hun volledige potentieel te bereiken door middel van effectieve en creatieve communicatieoplossingen. WAT WIJ DOEN: Bij TEAM LEWIS bieden we een breed scala aan diensten om onze klanten te ondersteunen: Public Relations: Versterk uw merk en bereik een groter publiek door middel van strategische PR-campagnes. Influencer Marketing: Werk samen met invloedrijke personen om uw merk op authentieke wijze te promoten. SEO: Verhoog uw zichtbaarheid in zoekmachines door middel van effectieve zoekmachineoptimalisatie. Paid Search: Maximaliseer uw ROI met gerichte betaalde zoekcampagnes. Social Media Marketing: Versterk uw aanwezigheid op sociale media en engageer uw doelgroep met strategische campagnes. Digital Marketing: Ontwikkel en implementeer effectieve marketingstrategieën die uw bedrijfsdoelen ondersteunen. Digitale Diensten: Optimaliseer uw online aanwezigheid met onze uitgebreide digitale marketingoplossingen. Contentcreatie: Creëer boeiende content die uw doelgroep aanspreekt en uw merkboodschap versterkt. Crisiscommunicatie: Bescherm uw merk door proactieve en reactieve crisiscommunicatiestrategieën. **** FR: À PROPOS DE NOUS TEAM LEWIS est une agence de communication intégrée mondiale qui offre des services de relations publiques, de marketing et de services numériques pour aider les marques à atteindre leurs objectifs commerciaux. Présents sur les principaux marchés mondiaux, nous combinons une expertise locale avec une portée mondiale pour créer des campagnes stratégiques et percutantes. Nos équipes dédiées d'experts sont passionnées par le storytelling, la créativité et l'innovation, et s'assurent que nos clients se démarquent sur un marché saturé. Chez TEAM LEWIS, nous croyons en la prise de risque et l'obtention de résultats mesurables pour nos clients. Nous avons deux bureaux en Belgique, à Bruxelles et Anvers, et nous parlons anglais, néerlandais et français. À l'échelle mondiale, nous avons 26 bureaux et plus de 700 employés. COMMENT NOUS TRAVAILLONS Chez TEAM LEWIS, nous collaborons étroitement avec nos clients pour comprendre leurs besoins et objectifs uniques. Notre processus se compose de plusieurs étapes : Développement de Stratégie : Nous commençons par une analyse approfondie du marché, des concurrents et du public cible. Sur cette base, nous développons une stratégie sur mesure adaptée aux objectifs de nos clients. Concepts Créatifs : Nos équipes créatives brainstorment et développent des concepts innovants qui résonnent avec le public cible et renforcent le message de la marque. Exécution : Nous mettons nos plans en action à travers divers canaux de communication tels que les relations publiques, les médias sociaux, le marketing de contenu et les campagnes numériques. Mesure et Optimisation : Nous surveillons en permanence les résultats de nos campagnes et les optimisons si nécessaire pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats possibles. Nous utilisons l'analyse des données pour mesurer l'efficacité et obtenir des informations précieuses. Collaboration : Nous croyons en une communication transparente et travaillons en étroite collaboration avec nos clients tout au long du processus. Nous tenons des réunions régulières pour discuter des progrès et ajuster les stratégies en fonction des retours et des résultats. Chez TEAM LEWIS, nous nous efforçons de bâtir des relations durables avec nos clients et de les aider à atteindre leur plein potentiel grâce à des solutions de communication efficaces et créatives. CE QUE NOUS FAISONS Chez TEAM LEWIS, nous offrons une large gamme de services pour soutenir nos clients : Relations Publiques : Renforcez votre marque et atteignez un public plus large grâce à des campagnes de relations publiques stratégiques. Marketing d'Influence : Collaborez avec des personnes influentes pour promouvoir votre marque de manière authentique. SEO : Augmentez votre visibilité sur les moteurs de recherche grâce à une optimisation efficace des moteurs de recherche. Recherche Payante : Maximisez votre retour sur investissement avec des campagnes de recherche payante ciblées. Marketing sur les Médias Sociaux : Renforcez votre présence sur les réseaux sociaux et engagez votre public avec des campagnes stratégiques. Marketing Digital : Développez et mettez en œuvre des stratégies marketing efficaces qui soutiennent vos objectifs commerciaux. Services Numériques : Optimisez votre présence en ligne avec nos solutions complètes de marketing numérique. Création de Contenu : Créez un contenu engageant qui attire votre public cible et renforce votre message de marque. Communication de Crise : Protégez votre marque grâce à des stratégies de communication de crise proactives et réactives.
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+16)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+2)
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Event Provider : son, lumière(s), mobilier, vidéo, stand & animations.

    MGS, votre fournisseur pour tous les domaines de l’événementiel. Nous disposons de tout le matériel et l’expertise en interne pour vous assister dans la conception et la réalisation de votre événement. Du simple besoin en équipement à la réalisation de vos projets événementiels les plus complexes, nous mettons notre expertise et créativité à votre service. Particuliers ou professionnels de l’événementiel, vos idées deviennent réalité avec MGS.
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Aywaille, Belgium
    From €100 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Others (+4)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    We Make it Happen!

    Founded in 2004, WMH Project Brussels is a 360° events and communications agency that continues to grow year on year thanks to the trust of its customers and a team of trilingual, university-educated experts. From the conceptualisation of a strategy to its implementation on the field, WMH Project Brussels is your one-stop shop in communication across all domains. In 2009, we created our pan-European network of partner agencies covering a territory from Moscow to Lisbon and from Stockholm to Dubai: WMH Network.
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Etterbeek, Belgium
    From €3,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Pharmaceuticals & Biotech (+1)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)
    We are Profirst. We design premium creative and digital experiences for the most demanding brands and individuals, locally and internationally. With passion, we create solutions that fuel vitality and brand recognition. Through moments shared, we radiate into contemporary culture. It starts with a global vision. A communications strategy. Producing a project that creates emotions and generates memories. Based on a belief of even(t) more. We are an international and agile team with a world-class partner network. We are talent curators, offering integrated creative and production capabilities. We are Profirst. We bring even(t) more
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Rixensart, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Architecture & Planning (+13)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+3)
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Let's ignite success together!

    At High5, we’re all about breaking the retail mold and delivering extraordinary experiences. We blend creativity, innovation, and data-driven strategies to revolutionize how brands engage with customers in-store. All of our specialized Retail Field Marketing services are designed to captivate shoppers and boost your bottom line. From compelling visual material to engaging product demonstrations, we have the tools to make your brand shine. In-store activities are an essential component of a comprehensive marketing strategy, especially for brands with a significant retail presence. What do we do best? --> In and front of store activations, sampling, food-trucks, festivals, fairs, roadshows, marketing and communication plans
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in La Hulpe, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising (+2)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Let's create your own #events #stories

    New Dimension est une agence d’organisation d’événements, de communication et de soutien logistique et technique. Créée en 2004 par Damien Mayart, actuel gérant et directeur créatif de l’agence, elle se présente comme un facilitateur événementiel et communicationnel et ce, tant pour les sociétés que pour le service public, les personnes privées ou les associations, par exemple. Notre agence est située à Charleroi mais nous organisons vos événements partout en Belgique et à l’étranger. Un séminaire, un team-building, une fête du personnel, un show ou encore un family day à organiser ? Nos events architects sont à votre disposition pour faire de votre événement une réussite tout en respectant votre budget ! Grâce à notre sérieux et notre discrétion, nos missions sont aujourd'hui multiples et nos clients très satisfaits !
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Pont-a-Celles, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Non-profit (+3)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Content in Motion

    MediaMixer is an allround, independant storytelling communication agency. With our in-house studio we get content moving for various communication projects. From digital to live, always tailored to your brand. LIVE: We create and organize live experiences such as trade shows, conferences, corporate radio, hybrid events, and incentives VIDEO : Our in-house team of producers, photographers, videographers, editors, and content creators brings every piece of content to life. MEDIA : We develop standout campaigns with strong concepts, social media advertising, copywriting, search marketing, PR, and more. DIGITAL : We conceive and build digital solutions, including websites, apps, and loyalty platforms. A selection of the wonderful projects we have developed in collaboration with our clients and our MediaMixers team can also be found on our website: Let’s get in touch!
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Logistics & Supply Chain (+7)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    51-200 members
  • 4.9
    (22 reviews)

    Masters of digital

    Masters of digital Figure8 is een Gents webbureau. Een team van digital natives. Wij zijn in de ban van het web en hoe mensen hiermee omgaan. We werken digitale strategieën uit en ontwerpen en ontwikkelen websites, webshops, applicaties en interfaces. Wij praten graag in een duidelijke taal: geen moeilijke woorden of technische termen zonder uitleg, en alles op tafel. Bij ons mag je jezelf zijn, en honderduit vertellen. Hoe beter we je leren kennen, hoe preciezer je online project aansluit bij je toekomstvisie. Wij zorgen ervoor dat je website, content en online marketing mooi in elkaar haken zodat je mensen raakt, overtuigt en engageert tot je bedrijf of merk. In volle puberteit bouwden wij onze eerste websites. Het waren de hoogdagen van de diskette en Napster, en het geluid van de dial-up klonk ons als muziek in de oren. We zijn opgegroeid in een tijd waarin alles plots veranderde en sindsdien zijn we verstokt aan technologische vernieuwing. Hierdoor weten we wat er trending is, maar ook wat een blijvende impact zal hebben. Sinds 2008 verstevigen wij de online positie van kleine en grote bedrijven. Gebundelde krachten We zijn ervan overtuigd dat focus op wat je graag en goed doet, je sterker maakt. Bij ons is dat het bouwen van online tools, terwijl onze partners uitblinken in branding, content creatie en online marketing. Onze partners zijn echt vrienden aan huis en net zoals ons gedreven in wat zij doen. Voor ieder project brengen we de juiste creatieve talenten en strategische experten samen. Zo krijg je een toegewijd team, en dat geeft een extra boost aan jouw project. Samen zorgen we dat je online imago klopt en je boodschap ook buiten je website of webshop verspreid wordt.  
    Looking for work in Team Building Organization
    Located in Ghent, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Team Building Organization
    Worked in Art & Handcraft (+9)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+2)
    1-10 members

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Customer reviews about Team Building Organization Companies in Belgium

HR ManagerTechnology | Brussels, BE

Our recent team building retreat organized by this top-notch Team Building Organization Company in Belgium was a game-changer for our company’s dynamics. The activities were not only fun but also skillfully woven into our company’s specific needs, improving our collaboration and communication effectively. Highly recommended if you’re looking to strengthen your team in a meaningful way.

Project CoordinatorFinance | Antwerp, BE

I was thoroughly impressed by the professional service offered by one of the leading Team Building Organization Agencies in Belgium. They handled our large group with ease, providing engaging and innovative activities that brought everyone together. Post-event, many colleagues expressed how the experience positively influenced their workplace relationships and productivity.

CEOHealthcare | Ghent, BE

Choosing one of Belgium’s finest Team Building Organization Companies to handle our annual corporate retreat was the best decision we made this year. The facilitators were experienced and empathetic, ensuring that every team member felt valued and included. The impact on our team morale was visible immediately, making it a worthwhile investment.

Insights from a Local Expert: Team Building Organization Agencies in Belgium

In Belgium, known for its diverse culture and vibrant business environment, there is a dynamic array of 56 showcased projects from various Team Building Organization Agencies. These agencies, deeply rooted in the local culture, have successfully conducted 38 client reviews reflecting their efficacy in enhancing team dynamics and productivity.

Success Stories and Prestigious Awards

High-Impact Client Engagements

Belgian Team Building Organizations have worked with a diverse set of clients including multinational corporations, local startups, and public sector entities. Their successful engagements have significantly improved workplace relationships and productivity. These collaborations often lead to long-term partnerships that foster continuous improvement in organizational culture.

Award-Winning Practices

Several agencies have earned accolades for their innovative approaches to team building, including prestigious local awards that acknowledge their commitment to creating harmonious and effective work environments. These recognitions serve as a testament to the agencies’ excellence in this specialized field.

Budgeting for Team Building Services

Defining Your Budget

When considering engaging a Team Building Organization Agency in Belgium, it’s important to have a clear budget in mind. Costs can vary widely based on the agency’s reputation, the size of your team, and the complexity of the activities planned. Typically:

  • Small to Medium-sized Businesses: For teams of a few to several dozen, activities can range from €2,000 to €10,000.
  • Larger Corporations: For bigger teams and more elaborate events, budgets can escalate to €20,000 or higher, depending on bespoke needs.

Maximizing Investment in Team Cohesion

Investing in a team building session is an investment in your company's future. It’s crucial to choose an agency that aligns with your company’s values and goals. Effective team building can lead to improved employee satisfaction, better communication, and increased productivity, which ultimately impacts the bottom line positively.

Choosing the Right Team Building Agency

Review Past Projects and Client Feedback

Examining past projects, represented through 56 works, and considering client feedback with 38 reviews can greatly assist in selecting the right agency. These assessments provide insights into the agency's creativity, effectiveness, and ability to customize experiences to a company’s unique culture.

Belgium offers a plethora of skilled Team Building Organization Agencies capable of transcending traditional team activities. These agencies apply creativity and detailed planning to turn ordinary team gatherings into extraordinary and memorable experiences. As a local expert with Sortlist, I recommend exploring the robust options within this region to enhance your team's cohesion and drive your business success.

Mahmoud Arfaoui
Written by Mahmoud Arfaoui Sortlist Expert in BelgiumLast updated on the 12-02-2025

Latest Projects Submitted to Team Building Organization Agencies in Belgium

Organisation of Corporate Team Building RetreatMid-sized Tech Firm>10,000€ | 10-2024A tech company is seeking an agency with expertise in organizing innovative and engaging team building retreats. The goal is to enhance collaboration and creativity among team members.
Annual Team Building Event for Finance ProfessionalsFinancial Services Provider>15,000€ | 10-2024This finance company requires a skilled team building agency to plan and execute an annual event that focuses on strategy development and stress management for their staff.
Outdoor Adventure Team Building for Healthcare WorkersRegional Healthcare Organization>8,000€ | 10-2024A healthcare organization aims to strengthen team bonds through outdoor adventure activities. They are looking for a provider who can offer both excitement and safety.
Creative Problem-Solving WorkshopCreative Agency>5,000€ | 10-2024A creative agency desires to host a workshop that will foster innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities within their team, requiring a facilitators with a proven track record in creative disciplines.
Team Building through Sports ActivitiesRetail Enterprise>12,000€ | 10-2024Retail enterprise seeks to boost team spirit and physical well-being through sports-oriented activities. Looking for an agency experienced in sports event management and team dynamics.

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Frequently Asked Questions.

Balancing fun activities with serious skill-building exercises is crucial for effective team building programs in Belgium. Here's how companies can achieve this balance:

  1. Understand objectives: Clearly define the goals of the team building program. Are you aiming to improve communication, boost problem-solving skills, or enhance leadership abilities? This will help determine the right mix of activities.
  2. Integrate learning into fun: Design activities that are enjoyable but also have clear learning outcomes. For example, a chocolate-making workshop (a nod to Belgium's famous chocolates) can teach teamwork and communication while being fun.
  3. Use the 70-30 rule: Aim for about 70% fun activities and 30% more serious skill-building exercises. This ratio keeps participants engaged while ensuring valuable learning takes place.
  4. Incorporate local culture: Leverage Belgian culture in your activities. For instance, a beer tasting event can be combined with a session on active listening and describing sensory experiences.
  5. Implement debriefing sessions: After each activity, conduct short debriefing sessions to reflect on lessons learned and how they apply to the workplace.
  6. Utilize outdoor activities: Belgium's beautiful parks and forests offer great opportunities for outdoor team building. Combine nature walks with problem-solving challenges or leadership exercises.
  7. Employ gamification: Use gamification techniques to make serious skill-building more engaging. Create point systems, challenges, or competitions that align with learning objectives.
  8. Tailor to your team: Consider the preferences and demographics of your team. A younger tech startup might prefer more dynamic activities, while a traditional finance firm might opt for more structured exercises.

According to a 2023 survey by the Belgian HR Association, 78% of Belgian companies that implemented balanced team building programs reported improved team cohesion and productivity. This underscores the importance of striking the right balance between fun and learning.

Remember, the key is to ensure that every activity, whether fun or serious, contributes to the overall goals of the team building program. By thoughtfully combining enjoyable experiences with meaningful learning opportunities, Belgian companies can create team building programs that are both engaging and effective in developing crucial workplace skills.

Tailoring team building activities for different company sizes and industries in Belgium requires a strategic approach to ensure maximum effectiveness and relevance. Here's how professional team building organizations in Belgium typically customize their offerings:

1. Company Size Considerations:
  • Small Companies (1-50 employees): Focus on intimate, close-knit activities that foster personal connections. Examples include escape room challenges, cooking workshops, or small-scale outdoor adventures.
  • Medium-sized Companies (51-250 employees): Blend department-specific activities with company-wide events. Consider multi-team challenges, charity projects, or themed parties that encourage cross-departmental interaction.
  • Large Corporations (250+ employees): Implement large-scale events that can accommodate hundreds of participants. This might include corporate Olympics, city-wide scavenger hunts, or multi-day conferences with various team building elements.
2. Industry-Specific Adaptations:
  • Tech Companies: Incorporate technology-driven activities like hackathons, virtual reality experiences, or robot-building competitions.
  • Creative Industries: Design artistic challenges such as collaborative murals, film-making contests, or improvisation workshops.
  • Financial Sector: Develop strategy-based activities like investment simulations or complex problem-solving scenarios.
  • Healthcare: Focus on activities that enhance communication and stress management, such as mindfulness retreats or medical simulation exercises.
3. Cultural Considerations in Belgium:

When tailoring activities, it's crucial to consider Belgium's unique cultural landscape:

  • Incorporate activities that cater to both French and Dutch-speaking employees.
  • Consider Belgium's rich history and diverse regions by organizing activities in historic locations or incorporating local traditions.
  • Reflect Belgium's reputation for diplomacy by including negotiation or consensus-building exercises.
4. Customization Techniques:
Needs AssessmentConduct surveys or interviews to understand specific team dynamics and goals.
Modular DesignCreate flexible activities that can be scaled up or down based on group size.
Industry ThemingAdapt activities to reflect industry-specific challenges or terminology.
Skill FocusTarget activities to develop skills most relevant to the company's needs.

By tailoring team building activities to company size, industry, and Belgian cultural nuances, team building organizations in Belgium can create more impactful and memorable experiences. This customized approach ensures that the activities are not only enjoyable but also contribute meaningfully to team cohesion and company objectives.

Involving leadership in team building activities is crucial for fostering a strong company culture in Belgium, but it's equally important to ensure that other employees feel comfortable and empowered. Here are some effective strategies to achieve this balance:

  1. Rotate leadership roles: During team building exercises, assign leadership roles to different team members, including executives and junior staff. This approach helps flatten the hierarchy and allows everyone to experience both leading and following.
  2. Casual dress code: Encourage a casual dress code for team building events. In Belgium, where business attire is often formal, this can help create a more relaxed atmosphere and reduce the perceived gap between leadership and employees.
  3. Mixed-team activities: Organize activities that require diverse skills, ensuring that leadership and employees are interdependent. This could include escape rooms or problem-solving challenges popular in Belgian cities like Brussels or Antwerp.
  4. Cultural sensitivity: Given Belgium's multicultural environment, choose activities that are inclusive and respectful of diverse backgrounds. This demonstrates leadership's commitment to diversity and inclusion.
  5. Mentorship pairings: Create mentorship opportunities during team building events, pairing leaders with employees from different departments. This fosters personal connections and breaks down barriers.
  6. Volunteer together: Participate in community service activities, which are highly valued in Belgian society. This puts everyone on equal footing and showcases leadership's commitment to social responsibility.
  7. Feedback sessions: Incorporate anonymous feedback sessions into team building activities. This allows employees to express themselves freely and shows that leadership values their input.
  8. Skill-sharing workshops: Organize workshops where both leaders and employees can share their expertise. This highlights that everyone has valuable skills to contribute, regardless of their position.
  9. Social activities: Include informal social activities like enjoying Belgian cuisine together or participating in a local brewery tour. These relaxed settings can help break down barriers naturally.
  10. Leadership as facilitators: Instead of participating directly, have leaders act as facilitators or coaches during certain activities. This puts them in a supportive role rather than a dominant one.

By implementing these strategies, Belgian companies can create team building experiences that are inclusive, engaging, and beneficial for all levels of the organization. Remember, the key is to create an environment where leadership presence enhances, rather than hinders, the team building process.