The 10 Best Social Media Optimization Agencies in Canada - 2025 Reviews

Top Social Media Optimization Agencies in Canada

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All Social Media Optimization Companies in Canada

  • 5
    (6 reviews)

    Agence des nouvelles cultures !

    Top awarded
    AGENCE INTERNATIONALE DE STRATÉGIE DE MARQUE Hula Hoop est une agence internationale de stratégie de marque multi-primée. Un véritable laboratoire stratégique et créatif référent où se croisent tous les métiers de conseil, marketing, design, publicité, digital, influence et social media. 70+ talents organisés ensemble pour répondre aux enjeux de transformation de l’époque, ouverts à toutes les entreprises et collectivités en recherche d’idées et d’innovation. AGENCE DES NOUVELLES CULTURES Hula Hoop est une agence connectée à son environnement, actrice de la culture, des cultures. Nos équipes partout dans nos agences créent et déploient avec plaisir des marques qui résonnent avec leur époque. Des marques qui portent de l’attention à leurs interlocuteurs, qui ne se moquent pas des gens, qui s’engagent avec une vision haute de la création et de la responsabilité qu’implique la prise de parole publique. Ce sont par ailleurs les conditions naturelles de la performance dans nos métiers. NOS SECTEURS PRIVILÉGIÉS : > Retail > Food & Drinks > Lifestyle > Tourisme RÉSEAU D'AGENCES : > Lyon > Paris > Nantes > Montréal > Genève > Bruxelles NOS CLIENTS : Bricomarché, Loxam, Promocash, Vorwerk, Euromaster, Tommee Tippee, TomTom, Felco, Bacardi, Cointreau, Palladium, Athena, Made in Design, Mobalpa, Socoo'c, Sanijura, Animalis, Canson, Orchestra, Tamboor, Tefal, Elior, Costa, Champion Petfoods, Bandai Namco, Square Enix, GL events, Occitanie, Paris tourisme, Finistère 360, Val d'Isère, Tignes, 3 Vallées, Figaro Emploi, Ministère de l'intérieur, Métropole de Lyon, Ratpdev, TPG de Genève, Transdev, Cooltra, Zity, Worldskills, Première Vision ... NOS EXPERTISES > Stratégie de marque > Design > Publicité > Digital > Social Média > Influence > Performance CHIFFRES CLÉS : 70+ talents 8,5 M€ de CA 300+ marques accompagnées 5x Champions de la croissance (Les Echos) 15+ Prix ces deux dernières années.
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Montreal, Canada (+3)
    From €1,000 for Social Media Optimization
    Worked in E-commerce (+16)
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (234 reviews)

    Experts in SEO, Local & Ecommerce SEO

    Highly recommended
    Top awarded
    Incrementors is an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency, 2021 Best SEO Agency by Design Rush, and Top #10 Most Reviewed SEO companies by TheManifest, also one of the fastest-growing companies, 2021 by Business Connect and Most Innovative Company, 2022 by Industry Era. Every business is different and hence the marketing needs of every business are unique to it. Incrementors specialize in providing customized marketing solutions, specific to the need of the business to cater to the growing challenges that are unique to them. Our Vision is to simplify the marketing process for everyone so that companies can focus only on their product development & stop worrying about where their next leads would come from. We believe entrepreneurs across the globe should only focus on solving problems for their customers without worrying about marketing. We help clients in generating more traffic, leads, and sales via services like SEO, PPC, Email Automation, SMO, and Web Development, etc., We handhold our clients to grow their business, outrank their competitors & dominate their niche market. We have helped many popular brands like Canva, Pexels, Benzinga, and more to fulfill their dreams. Being a Top Rated Agency on Upwork, we have served 10000+ clients all over the globe. Our Expertise: ★ Search Engine Optimization ★ Web Designing ★ Lead Generation ★ Social Media Optimization ★ Email Marketing ★ Web Development and more. For inquiry, reach out to us via: Skype: Incrementors Email:
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Toronto, Canada (+2)
    From €1,000 for Social Media Optimization
    Worked in Construction (+7)
    Speaks English, Hindi
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Your Digital Partner in Delivering Perfect Solutions

    Webblet is a digital product agency that is passionate about crafting exceptional digital experiences. We specialize in design, development, marketing and project management, helping businesses thrive in the digital landscape. At Webblet, we follow a structured and collaborative process to ensure the successful delivery of exceptional digital products. Our process combines industry best practices, creative thinking, and a client-centric approach.
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Vancouver, Canada
    From €1,000 for Social Media Optimization
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Hindi(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (9 reviews)

    Digital marketing done right ✅

    Top awarded
    GVN Marketing Co., Ltd. is a data-driven marketing firm that provides specialized services for e-commerce and businesses seeking digital transformation or optimized growth. Our team combines analytical and creative talents to develop strategies that deliver strong, high-quality results. Join us if you're a perfectionist and analytical person looking for a company that respects your time and facilitates your marketing efforts.
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Montreal, Canada (+1)
    From €1,000 for Social Media Optimization
    Worked in Real Estate (+5)
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Une agence à échelle humaine qui met tout en œuvre pour faire rayonner ses clients!

    tök communications est une agence de communications 360° née il y a maintenant 7 ans d’une passion pour les communications et d’un désir d’offrir des services personnalisés à travers une philosophie humaine. Ainsi, tök communications s’efforce d’agir comme une extension de ses clients afin de les représenter fidèlement auprès de leur cible. Plus que de simples exécutants, les membres de l’équipe se positionnent comme de réels consultants en matière de communication. La mission de tök communications est simple : offrir des services sur mesure et adaptés à chacun. Notre équipe met en oeuvre son expérience dans le milieu des communications pour identifier les besoins de nos clients et ainsi créer une stratégie personnalisée et créative fondée sur leurs objectifs et leurs besoins. RIGUEUR Chez tök communications, nous croyons que tout ce qui se doit d’être fait, se doit d’être bien fait! C’est pourquoi nous portons attention et rigueur aux moindres petits détails. PROXIMITÉ Notre proximité avec nos clients nous tient à coeur et nous nous faisons un point d’honneur de personnaliser chacune de nos relations clients et de leur donner LA priorité. RÉSULTATS Nous sommes passionnés de nos mandats et nous croyons aux retombées positives de nos actions chez nos clients. DÉPASSEMENT Nous cherchons constamment à nous dépasser et saisissons toutes les opportunités d’offrir le petit plus à chacun de nos clients.
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for Social Media Optimization
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks French, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.6
    (17 reviews)

    100% Technologie, 200% Intelligence Artificielle, 300% Créativité

    Top awarded
    🇫🇷 🏆 NOTRE MISSION : nous voulons que la technologie aide l'humanité à ne faire que des choses qu'elle aime ! 🏆 ITDM Group est une marque experte en innovation technologique ! 🚀 💻 Créée en 2013 en Belgique, elle a su se développer à l'international et acquérir une forte expérience. Notre choix a été de segmentariser nos forces en 4 entités plus que complémentaires : Adopt un Soft : Le développement de logiciels et d'applications mobiles sur mesure 👉🏼 Mme&Mr : Agence digitale de growth hacking qui vous accompagne dans votre stratégie digitale 👉🏼 Vision IA : Développement de solutions en Intelligence Artificielle 👉🏼 Future Industry : Accompagnement de la digitalisation 4.0 dans les entreprises Nous avons fait le choix de segmenter ces différents secteurs d'activités afin de proposer un accompagnement totalement personnalisé et ainsi offrir à nos clients une digitalisation complète de leur activité. De la création d'un logiciel jusqu'à la mise en place d'une IA sur leur chaîne de production, nous offrons bien plus qu'un simple produit. Nos équipes accompagnent votre entreprise jusqu'au succès de vos projets. De la start-up à la PME en passant par les grands comptes, nous œuvrons tous les jours pour aider nos clients et les faire gagner en productivité et efficacité 💪🏻 Vous pouvez télécharger notre plaquette d'entreprise juste ici : ➡️ Nos valeurs: Respect et intégrité de nos engagements et envers collaborateurs Excellence de la première rencontre jusqu'à l'achèvement de votre projet Bienveillance envers nos collaborateurs, leur bien-être étant essentiel Innovation nassant de la rencontre entre passion et audace. ➡️ Nos valeurs ajoutées: ROI rapide et garanti assurant la rentabilité des projets Multi-expertise dans différents secteurs d'activités, nous avons la capacité de vous accompagner dans vos projets de A à Z Notre présence à l'international, nous permet d'accompagner et de guider les entreprises dans leur développement. Équipe de collaborateur jeune, dynamique et créatif. Stratégie sur-mesure s'adaptant à vos besoins d'acquisition de leads qualifiés ➡️ Nos expertises: Growth hacking Inbound Marketing E-commerce Stratégie social média, Community management Stratégie digitale Référencement web SEO,SEA et SEM Création de site haut de gamme Design web App mobile Logiciel sur-mesure Assistance par IA Innovation technologique Transformation digitale Industrie 4.0 / 5.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🇬🇧 🏆 OUR MISSION: We want technology to help humanity do only the things they love! 🏆 ITDM Group is an expert brand in technological innovation! 🚀 💻 Created in 2013 in Belgium, it has been able to develop internationally and acquire a strong experience. Our choice was to segment our strengths into 4 more than complementary entities: Adopt a Soft: Development of custom software and mobile applications 👉🏼 Mme & Mr: Growth hacking agency that supports you in your digital strategy Vision IA: Development of Artificial Intelligence solutions Futur Industry: Support for digitization 4.0 in companies We have chosen to segment these different business sectors in order to offer fully personalized support and thus offer our customers a complete digitalization of their activity. From the creation of software to the implementation of an AI on their production chain. We offer much more than a simple product, our teams support your business until the success of your projects. From start-ups to SMEs via large accounts, we work every day to help our customers and make them gain in productivity and efficiency 💪 You can download our company brochure right here : ➡️ Our values: Respect and integrity on our commitments and our employees Excellence from the first meeting until the completion of your project Focus on our employees because their well-being is essential Innovation is born from the meeting between passion and daring ➡️ Our added values: Quick and guaranteed ROI in order to save the profitability of projects Multi-expertise in different business sectors, we have the capacity to support us in your projects from A to Z Our international presence allows us to support and lead companies in their development Young, dynamic and creative team of collaborators Tailor-made strategy adapted to your needs for acquiring qualified leads ➡️ Our expertise: Growth hacking Inbound Marketing E-commerce Social media strategy, Community management Digital strategy SEO, SEA and SEM web referencing High-end site creation Design web Mobile app Custom software AI assistance Technological innovation Digital transformation Industry 4.0
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Montreal, Canada (+3)
    From €1,000 for Social Media Optimization
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+23)
    Speaks French, English
    201-500 members
  • (0 review)

    Find clarity in chaos

    Major Tom is the next iteration of the agency, purpose-built for the needs of today’s complex marketing landscape. We exist to bring calm to chaos, and clarity to our partners’ digital marketing strategies. Every day there are new technologies, new opportunities, and new tactics you can employ to engage with your audience. But knowing where to be and how to act can be overwhelming – being everything to everyone isn’t always the answer. Instead, the key is to find a new perspective. To take a step back and look at the bigger picture. It’s about doing the right thing, not just anything. Major Tom works to understand the entire scope of an organization so that we can not only recommend the right solutions but execute on them at a best-in-class level consistently across all mediums. We believe in focus. In cutting through the noise to find clarity. By taking a strategic approach to each and every one of our projects, we’re able to help organizations see the whole forest before picking the right trees: identifying the channels, tactics, and technologies that will drive your business forward. Major Tom is a collective of over 70 industry-leading specialists hand-picked from across the globe. With a presence in New York, Toronto, Vancouver, and LA, we combine the top-level strategy you’d find at an established consultancy with the implementation capabilities you’d find at a leading agency.
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Vancouver, Canada (+2)
    From €10,000 for Social Media Optimization
    Worked in Luxury Goods & Jewelry (+4)
    Speaks English
    51-200 members
  • (0 review)
    Orphic agence web développe des sites internet sur mesure pour vous permettre de vous positionner en ligne, de communiquer avec vos clients, d’organiser votre équipe ou d’optimiser vos opérations ou votre production.
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Sherbrooke, Canada (+1)
    From €1,000 for Social Media Optimization
    Worked in Construction (+5)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (8 reviews)

    Notre métier: mettre en valeur le vôtre

    Top awarded
    Wink Stratégies est une jeune agence née à Montréal en 2013 et implantée en France depuis 2016. Passant de trois à près de trente employés en cinq ans, l’agence connaît une croissance soutenue qui a poussé des clients de domaines d’activité très différents à lui faire confiance, en Amérique du Nord comme en Europe. Agence de communication 360°, Wink Stratégies est composée d’une équipe pluridisciplinaire , avec notamment des chargés de projets, spécialistes de la communication et du webmarketing, graphistes, webdesigners, développeurs web, spécialistes du référencement, des réseaux sociaux, ou encore des relations publiques. La diversité des talents en interne permet d’envisager chaque projet avec une vision globale et concertée. Ce qui différencie l’agence, c’est son équipe de passionnés , conjuguant créativité et rigueur afin de développer des solutions innovantes et efficaces pour ses clients. Personnellement attaché à la réussite des projets, chaque membre de l’équipe veille à ce que le client soit pleinement satisfait des résultats autant que du contact avec l’agence tout au long du projet. Depuis 2015, l’agence a reçu plusieurs distinctions en design Web et créativité média et nominée à la catégorie Agency of the Year aux prestigieux AWWWARDS.
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Montreal, Canada
    From €1,000 for Social Media Optimization
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+13)
    Speaks French, English
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Top Web Design Agency in Toronto

    Logo Or Web is a leading Toronto firm offering end-to-end digital services, including Web Development, Creative Logo & Branding Design, Digital Marketing, and E-commerce Solutions. We pride ourselves on providing innovative and tailored strategies that empower businesses to grow and thrive online.
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Toronto, Canada
    From €1,000 for Social Media Optimization
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French(+3)
    51-200 members
  • Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Mississauga, Canada
    From €200 for Social Media Optimization
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Vestra Inet is a leading custom software development and web design company. 💻

    Vestra Inet is a leading custom software development, digital marketing, and web design company in Toronto. Specializing in custom solutions for clients in the commercial and industrial sectors, Vestra Inet offers a unique approach to all our projects. A combination of artistic design and technical functionality provides our clients with solutions optimized to meet and exceed their requirements. Utilizing the expertise of a well-rounded team, Vestra Inet propels you into a new age of creative innovation and cutting-edge solutions that are tailor-made to meet exact specifications. This dedication to embracing the individualism of each of our clients is what has made us a leader in the software and web development industry. Vestra Inet is so much more than a software company - we're a team whose philosophy revolves around our customers.
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Vaughan, Canada
    From €1,000 for Social Media Optimization
    Worked in Beverage
    Speaks English, Russian
    51-200 members
  • (0 review)

    🔥The World is Online. Your Company Should be too.

    Top awarded
    Ignite Digital is a Digital Marketing Agency with over a decade of expertise. We provide Digital Marketing solutions for medium to large brands. Our solutions include: ✅Search Engine Optimization ✅Paid Ads (Google Ads, Meta Ads, Linkedin Ads & more) ✅Social Media Management ✅Website Design & Development
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Mississauga, Canada
    From €1,000 for Social Media Optimization
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare (+1)
    Speaks English
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Giving Your Brand A Voice.

    Setlist Marketing is a dedicated team of digital marketing specialists based in Barrie, ON, who are elevating the online game. Imagine a dynamic group that becomes an integral part of your marketing team, bringing the niche skills and expertise of an agency right to your fingertips. When Setlist joins the show, they develop a digital roadmap that sets you on the path to a seamless marketing experience. Setlist’s offerings scale with your business, whether you’re a passionate entrepreneur, a growing company or an established brand. They provide personalized, custom services that foster strong client relationships. Setlist delivers a wide range of linked services on a monthly or project basis, including social media management, advertising, web development, email marketing, and content marketing. This holistic approach helps build a robust, long-term marketing strategy that evolves with your business needs.
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Barrie, Canada
    From €300 for Social Media Optimization
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    We reach for the stars. We climb mountains, adapt, and transcend the ordinary.

    We play to our strengths as a team of experts. We think creatively. We use our strengths to our advantages, and we believe we will never stop learning. We use a balanced team of designers, strategists, creatives, and analytical thinkers to build up well-rounded successful strategies, campaigns, and reach the goals of our clients. Are you ready to launch your business to the next level? We know that in order to succeed, businesses must exist with a sense of interdependence and purpose. We set and reach sustainable goals, and create lasting partnerships with our clients. We believe in putting our best foot forward. We only take on projects we we believe in. We recognize that our industry is ever-changing, and we pre-emptively adapt to new technology by keeping our team motivated, educated, and continually learning. Adaptability is one of our core values, alongside accountability. We reach for the stars, because we know we can touch them. We climb mountains, so you don’t have to.
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Victoria, Canada
    From €1,000 for Social Media Optimization
    Worked in Real Estate
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    We help small businesses win.

    Virvo Digital is a marketing agency that helps small businesses win. We offer affordable, MBA-level digital marketing solutions for service businesses. With over a decade in digital marketing for global brands and a network of award-winning creatives, we have the expertise to help small businesses become big.
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Edmonton, Canada
    From €1,000 for Social Media Optimization
    Worked in Education (+3)
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    We Deliver Top-Notch Social Media Video Marketing, Lead Gen, Landing Page, & CRM Solutions.

    At Solution4Professionals, it's not just a job; it's our way of life. We wake up each morning with laser focus on your goals, dedicated to helping you build a stronger brand. Based in Ontario, Canada., we work closely with businesses, assisting them in generating high-quality leads and ROI oriented results by enhancing their online brand visibility and reputation through proven Social Media Marketing Strategies. And through that we have generated millions of views and opportunities across multiple social media platforms for our clients. The best in the market, S4P is more than just a Marketing Agency; it's a hub of passion and dedication where we serve our clients with love and passion.
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Brampton, Canada
    From €899 for Social Media Optimization
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Hindi
    11-50 members
  • Bizfist is a digital marketing agency committed to boosting the visibility of your business in Surrey, BC. Our services include all aspects of web design and development, domain hosting, android app development, and SEO. We are a team of creative individuals ready to help your business achieve its objectives.
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Surrey, Canada
    From €1,000 for Social Media Optimization
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Leading Digital Marketing Agency

    At Bold Solutionz, we make it our mission to help businesses reach their goals by improving SEO, providing website design, increasing website traffic and more! Not only will we provide you with the results you want, but also educate you on how to receive these results. Our experienced team is located in Toronto, Ontario and specializes in a variety of topics, including SEO services, social media marketing, branding and website design, Google advertising, and so much more! Get ready to turn your business into a profitable company, and inquire with us today!
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Vaughan, Canada
    From €1,000 for Social Media Optimization
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Complete Digital Marketing Agency in Canada

    Elegant Marketing is a Canada-based agency with a decade of experience, dedicated to enhancing your brand's online presence and success. Our comprehensive services encompass crafting stunning web designs, developing robust websites, optimizing search engine visibility through SEO, managing effective Google Ads campaigns, harnessing social media marketing, implementing Online Reputation Management (ORM) strategies, and creating impactful branding solutions. Our expert team blends creativity with strategic thinking to deliver exceptional results for your business which makes us the best digital marketing agency in Canada. Elevate your brand's online performance with Elegant Marketing and unleash its true potential in the dynamic digital landscape.
    Looking for work in Social Media Optimization
    Located in Surrey, Canada
    From €350 for Social Media Optimization
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Hindi
    1-10 members

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Social Media for Ship-Building Multinational

Social Media for Ship-Building Multinational

Création logiciel et intégration IA

Création logiciel et intégration IA

La Poubelle Du Ski : Digital | Consulting | Design

La Poubelle Du Ski : Digital | Consulting | Design