The 10 Best Drone Shooting Companies in the Netherlands - 2025 Reviews

Top Drone Shooting Companies in the Netherlands

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All Drone Shooting Firms in the Netherlands

  • 4.7
    (13 reviews)

    Storytelling for innovative and ambitious brands

    We are Counter Collective We are storymakers, we build stories, we tell stories and we spread stories. Stories that touch, that influence people and move them to action.   Our stories help brands, businesses and other types of organisations with their visibility, customer awareness, and profile building. In short: with tangible results and new business leads. Two agencies in one In 2019 we merged two agencies, counter content & counter creatives, into one. Combining both teams, their experience and their skills. Our agency is led by Raymond Bresching and Barry Menger. It relies on a core team of professionals with decades of combined experience. In addition, the agency has access to a carefully selected pool of preferred professional partners, highly skilled freelancers and seasoned advisors. Counter Content strategy, pr, storytelling, content marketing, communication, content creation, social media, events & workshops. for more information. Counter Creatives strategy, branding, creative concepts, campaigns, visual design, video production, animations, website development & digital marketing. for more information.
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Zaandam, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+17)
    Speaks Dutch, English(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (18 reviews)

    Wij connecten ambitieuze merken met hun doelgroep.

    Top awarded
    Of zoals wij het liever zeggen: we creëren communities. Dit doen we door onze unieke mix van creativiteit, strategie, design en techniek. We zijn jong, ontzettend ambitieus en worden helemaal wild van resultaat. Wij zijn ON THE ROCKS. Een award-winning video agency met een jong team in de oudste stad van Nederland. Met de beste professionals op het gebied van video. Sinds 2019 helpen we hiermee merken te connecten met hun communities. Waarom communities? Een community bouwen rond een merk is dé bewezen manier voor exponentiële groei en bouwt langdurige relaties op.
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Nijmegen, Netherlands
    From €2,400 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Beverage (+13)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (14 reviews)

    No-nonsense, gewoon vette designs, branding, video & animatie.

    Wij zijn Studio vibe. The new breed of creatives. Wij zijn verliefd op het creëren van vernieuwende merken. Dit doen we met passie, talent en ambitie. Positiviteit , vriendschap en vrijheid. Noem hoe je het wilt, wij noemen het onze ‘ vibe ’. Bij vibe doen we meer dan verwacht. We weten hoe we de perfecte mix van strategie, technologie, productie en creativiteit kunnen samenstellen om waarde te creëren voor jouw merk. Klanten zijn partners. We zouden er niet zijn zonder hen. Vertrouwen is voor ons daarom erg belangrijk. Een jonge groep digitale genieën geeft om uw project. We hebben geen sales team. We doen gewoon geweldig werk. Onze blik is fris en nuchter . No-nonsense, gewoon vette designs, branding, video & animatie. Het woord ‘vibe’ komt oorspronkelijk voort uit het engelse woord ‘vibration’ wat staat voor 'trilling'. Wat voor soort trillingen? Alles en iedereen trilt. Miljarden trillingen zijn verspreid over het hele universum. Deze trillingen zijn te verstaan, te voelen en over te brengen, maar ze zijn niet direct zichtbaar voor het menselijke oog. Het is bij ons van belang om onze ‘vibe’ aan iedereen door te geven en deze ook zo goed mogelijk uit te dragen. Daarom hebben we een aantal specifieke trillingen visueel zichtbaar gemaakt om te gebruiken als huisstijl-elementen. We hebben onder andere gewerkt voor: JBL, Univé, DJI, Insta 360, Harman/Kardon, Snelle, Grohe, Legamaster, Saxion Hogescholen, AT bookings, Don’t waste culture, Topicus, Traffic Today, Anne-Marie Wonen Holten, RIHO, By Sidde, Gemeente Rijssen-Holten. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- English below We are Studio vibe. The new breed of creatives. We are in love with creating innovative brands. We do this with passion, talent and ambition. Positivity , friendship and freedom. Call it what you will, we call it our 'vibe'. At vibe, we do more than expected. We know how to put together the perfect mix of strategy, technology, production and creativity to create value for your brand. Customers are partners. We wouldn't be here without them. Trust is therefore very important to us. A young group of digital geniuses care about your project. We don't have a sales team. We just do great work. Our view is fresh and down-to-earth . No-nonsense, just kickass designs, branding, video & animation. The word "vibe" originally comes from the word "vibration". What kind of vibration? Everything and everyone vibrates. Billions of vibrations are spread throughout the universe. These vibrations can be understood, felt and transmitted, but they are not immediately visible to the human eye. It is important for us to pass on our 'vibe' to everyone and to transmit it in the best possible way. Therefore, we have made a number of specific vibrations visually to use as corporate identity elements. We have worked for: JBL, Univé, DJI, Insta 360, Harman/Kardon, Snelle, Grohe, Legamaster, Saxion Hogescholen, AT bookings, Don't waste culture, Topicus, Traffic Today, Anne-Marie Wonen Holten, RIHO, By Sidde, Gemeente Rijssen-Holten.
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Deventer, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+17)
    Speaks Dutch, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.7
    (16 reviews)

    Wij zijn LAAIEND. Enthousiast. Over marketing.

    Highly recommended
    Alles om samen te groeien Met een flinke dosis ervaring binnen online marketing werken wij op vele klanten. Voor elk denkbaar online marketing kanaal hebben wij onze specialist in huis. Onze specialisten op het gebied van SEA en SEO, E-mail marketing, Social marketing, Marketplaces marketing etc. weten precies aan welke knoppen zij moeten draaien om het gewenste resultaat te behalen.
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Utrecht, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+19)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Pinchhitters Creëert Leert, Presteert

    Pinchhitters zijn spelers die altijd op de juiste plek staan; daar waar ze kunnen scoren. Het zijn diegenen die kansen creëren en direct presteren. Die daardoor nog tijdens de wedstrijd het verschil kunnen maken. Zij krijgen de handen op elkaar, het publiek op de banken. Want Pinchhitters hebben scoringsdrift. Net als wij. Pinchhitters is dé teamplayer voor meer scoringsdrift in jouw mediamix. En brengen altijd iets nieuws. Wij activeren jouw doelgroep, of die van je klanten, met innovatieve en locatiegerichte mediacampagnes; van TV tot telefoon, van social tot streamingdienst.
    1 work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Others (+6)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (31 reviews)

    Born to Create - We are Digital Masterminds

    Top awarded
    Digital Marketing has grown immensely in the past few years, but fear not! We're here to guide you through it. Promoguy is more than a marketing company: We are a collective of marketing professionals who excel in our areas of expertise. From the dry, analytical number-crunching most companies are afraid of to the creative ad copy and content design that has people clamouring to learn more about you, we provide everything a company needs. We take pride in crafting that perfect message that resonates with your audience. Our services encompass a wide range of marketing fields and we tailor our scope of work to your precise needs. We are adept in building and optimising websites, running social media campaigns, content strategy, analytics, and so much more. We promise one thing above all: No Bullshit! This value is important because, whether it's the client or their customers, being upfront and getting the job done trumps everything else. These days, customers can be discerning and hard to attract, which creates a need to craft your communication properly, share the right content and convert a passive audience into an avid fanbase. Promoguy is not just about promotion, but also about creating a cohesive digital marketing story that emphasizes your brand's identity. We work closely with brands  AND PEOPLE  to understand their needs, convert them into effective strategies, and bring out the full potential of your business with measurable results that speak for themselves. Our Solution: We... ...not only consult our clients on what is the best marketing strategy for their market and audience, but we also educate them on the importance of tracking everything that is being done by their company online. Our work centres around the idea of creating a self-sustaining marketing ecosystem that runs itself once we establish the basics. ...become part of their team and we take full responsibility for thinking one step ahead in terms of strategy and marketing approach and all the twists and turns that come with our line of work. all this affordably. We give you the best bang for your buck because burning budgets into thin air is totally against our company culture. What do we do? We grow businesses by creating an all-in-one ecosystem approach! Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Digital Marketing Consulting Instagram Growth Management (Being active) Linkedin Activity &  Linkedin Marketing / Advertising Social Media Management Content Strategy (Website & Social) Data Analytics (Website, Social, App, Email etc) Facebook/Instagram Marketing / Advertising Twitter Marketing / Advertising TikTok Advertising Linkedin Marketing / Advertising Email Marketing  CRM implementation Platform Development
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Others (+19)
    Speaks English, Bulgarian(+4)
    1-10 members
  • 4.5
    (7 reviews)

    Doet het je niks. Dan is het niks. Maak iets los.

    Top awarded
    We zijn ZUID Creatives. Noem ons gerust een reclamebureau, creative agency, digital agency of strategisch-creatief marketingbureau (zo omschrijven wij onszelf het liefst). ZUID is het allemaal en meer, want al 20 jaar passen we niet in één hokje. Waar het ons om gaat, is dat we jouw business strategy vertalen naar krachtige merken, campagnes met impact en onderscheidende content marketing. Hoe ziet jouw Mount Everest eruit? Wil je je marktaandeel vergroten, heb je tientallen nieuwe medewerkers nodig of is het tijd om een nieuwe markt aan te boren en te internationaliseren? Dan ben je bij ZUID Creatives aan het juiste adres. Jouw top van de Mount Everest wordt ons doel. En het liefst blijven we de hele reis aan je zijde om samen die top te bereiken. Hoe jouw Mount Everest er ook uitziet, we zorgen voor een uitgestippelde route naar de top waarin business en creativity samen optrekken. Wij noemen die route het ZUID BrandPlan. Goed uitgerust, gidsen we je met het BrandPlan door drie gebieden: Brand, Image en Impact. Brand In het Brand-domein creëren we alles wat nodig is om jouw merk stevig neer te zetten. Denk aan een merkstrategie, merkidentiteit, brand assets, bijbehorende beeldtaal en antwoorden op al je merkstrategische vraagstukken. Image Het Image-domein bestaat uit tools en plannen om intern en extern over je merk te communiceren. Denk aan een communicatieconcept, merklancering, brand movie, maar ook een employer branding-plan. Impact In het Impact-domein bepalen we de reis die we gaan afleggen om jouw merk succesvol te maken. Dat doen we met een marketingcommunicatieplan, een campagnestrategie, campagnemanagement en de uiteindelijke campagnes. Zo hielpen we al verzekeringsgigant ZLM, powerhouse Essent, de altruïstische Zonnebloem, wereldverbeteraar Oxfam Novib, keuzecadeauwinkel, IT-aanjager Aces Direct, petfood-professional CaroCroc en regionale accountancygrootheid Van Oers. Dus, hoe ziet jouw Mount Everest eruit? Bel of mail ons. We staan in de startblokken om samen de reis te maken naar de top die jij voor ogen hebt. Om er vol trots je vlag te planten.
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Tilburg, Netherlands (+1)
    From €1,000 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Energy & Oil (+23)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (6 reviews)

    Een Brabant based branding en concepting agency.

    Wij zijn er voor de merken die écht iets toevoegen en werken niet voor wegwerpmerken. Dus wat voeg jij toe?
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Tilburg, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising (+6)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • 4.8
    (33 reviews)

    Jouw online marketing partner. Wij zijn creatief, betrokken en resultaatgericht.

    Top awarded
    Asociaal Marketing is een jong en creatief team dat jouw onderneming of merk de online zichtbaarheid geeft die het verdient. Wij kennen alle geheimen op het gebied van online marketing , content creatie en online advertising . Social Media strategie op Facebook/Instagram of TikTok, Content creatie, beter zichtbaar en meer conversies met Google of wil jij meer omzet uit je klantenlijst halen? Dan ben je bij ons aan het juiste adres! Een goede video nodig die niet alleen mooi eruit ziet maar ook geoptimaliseerd is om online meer engagement op te krijgen? Onze creatives kunnen je hierbij helpen! Wij werken graag samen met bedrijven, merken en ondernemers . Wij hebben namelijk allemaal één ding gemeen, het maximale uit de business halen en resultaten boeken. English // Asociaal Marketing is a young and creative team that gives your business or brand the online visibility it deserves. We know all the secrets in the field of online marketing, content creation, and online advertising. Need a social media strategy for Facebook/Instagram or TikTok, content creation, better visibility, and more conversions with Google, or do you want to get more revenue from your customer list? Then you've come to the right place! Need a great video that not only looks good but is also optimized to get more engagement online? Our creatives can help you with that! We love to work with businesses, brands, and entrepreneurs . We all have one thing in common, getting the most out of the business and achieving results.
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Gouda, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Education (+17)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (10 reviews)

    Frame your story, craft the future.

    Wij geloven dat een verhaal mensen kan raken, inspireren en in beweging kan brengen. Wij staan altijd klaar om je visie tot leven te brengen en je boodschap op een heldere en aansprekende manier over te brengen, direct vanuit onze studio in het hart van Limburg. Met klanten verspreid over Limburg, Maastricht, Roermond, Eindhoven, en Heerlen zorgen wij ervoor dat je boodschap op een heldere en aansprekende wijze wordt overgebracht. Of je nu een bedrijfsfilm of video wilt laten maken, een start-up bent die zijn bedrijf wil introduceren, of een gevestigd MKB bedrijf dat zijn boodschap wil versterken, Citral Studios staat klaar om je te helpen.
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Geleen, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Human Resources (+8)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Let Us Tell Your Story

    Studio FOREVERNESS is een creatief bureau, gevestigd in Amsterdam en Leiden, dat gespecialiseerd is in campagnes en hoogwaardige contentcreatie. Als contentmarketeers creëren we advertenties en sociale campagnes, en als filmmakers maken we commercials, bedrijfsfilms, documentaireportretten, enz. Onze aanpak voor het promoten van merken, producten of diensten draait voornamelijk om emotionele storytelling. Onze communicatiestijl is oprecht en cinematografisch.
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+12)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Voor de merken van morgen

    Wij zijn Fresh Currents. Iedere dag vertalen we merkstrategie naar eigentijdse communicatie. Dat doen onze specialisten met veel plezier voor merken met ambitie.
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Leeuwarden, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Logistics & Supply Chain (+9)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (5 reviews)

    Empower your digital presence with D3 Studio, your strategic partner in design and development.

    Highly recommended
    From bold Dutch designs to comprehensive web development, our dedicated team is committed to elevating your online presence. Whether you're looking to launch a new website, revamp your digital strategy, or showcase your portfolio with elegance, D3 Studio is your partner in navigating the digital landscape.
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Utrecht, Netherlands
    From €500 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Architecture & Planning (+12)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    We love making videos.

    Avalon stands as a premier video production company, dedicated to crafting top-tier video content. Whether the goal is to showcase a product, introduce a new service, or elevate brand awareness, we excel in assisting organizations in the creation of captivating visual productions. Our commitment to communication, honesty, and unwavering quality forms the essence of our work. Immersive and impactful, our productions adhere to the highest standards, catering to a diverse array of clients worldwide. We firmly believe that effective communication, transparent collaboration, and a relentless pursuit of excellence are the cornerstones of our approach. Experience the caliber of our work by exploring our showreel at watch our showreel right here:
    4 works in Drone Shooting
    Located in Eemnes, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Travel & Leisure (+9)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (9 reviews)

    Manifest your growth!

    Global performance marketing agency with a true focus on the social first brands. We love to build brands and scale them beyond every status quo. Not just by 'trying' to follow a gut feeling, but scaling by proven / data-driven social-first marketing systems. Magnifying the brands' aura with necessary knowledge along the way. Social first at the core - from building up enhanced 360-degree client profiles - by utilizing advanced MARtech software - up to mining your most relevant trends. We love to combine the newest technologies with advanced and proven marketing strategies to enhance every brand that dares to challenge us. MA - "Creating the 'unfair' advantage every brand is secretly hoping for".
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €3,000 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+10)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 4.7
    (7 reviews)

    Global integrated marketing & PR agency

    Bright8 is a creative full-service marketing and PR agency with international reach. We work with B2B and B2C clients across different industries, be it in travel, lifestyle, life sciences and everything in-between. Just pick our brain! Are you searching for a trustworthy, friendly, and creative partner to spark and realize purpose-led strategy, engaging creative work and insightful marketing and PR campaigns that put a smile on everyone’s face? Our international team of marketing, PR and creative experts brings the right knowledge, contagious enthusiasm, and dedication to the table. With us, you will always have our time and attention. How exactly do we do that? We make it our business to know your brand proposition and industry like the back of our hand. We carry all disciplines in-house and so are in full control of the project. With us, you will find a refreshing synergy between our in-house studio, marketing and PR . ------ Bright8 ist eine kreative Full-Service-Marketing- und PR-Agentur mit internationaler Reichweite. Wir arbeiten mit B2B- und B2C-Kunden aus verschiedenen Branchen zusammen, sei es in den Bereichen Reise, Lifestyle, Biowissenschaften und allem, was dazwischen liegt. Fordern Sie uns heraus! Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem vertrauenswürdigen, freundlichen und kreativen Partner, der eine zielgerichtete Strategie, ansprechende kreative Arbeit und aufschlussreiche Marketing- und PR-Kampagnen entwickelt und umsetzt, die allen ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zaubern? Unser internationales Team von Marketing-, PR- und Kreativexperten bringt das richtige Wissen, ansteckende Begeisterung und Engagement mit. Bei uns haben Sie immer unsere Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit. Wie genau machen wir das? Wir machen es uns zur Aufgabe, Ihr Markenversprechen und Ihre Branche wie unsere Westentasche zu kennen. Wir führen alle Disziplinen intern durch und haben so die volle Kontrolle über das Projekt. Bei uns finden Sie eine belebende Synergie zwischen unserem hauseigenen Studio, Marketing und PR. ------ Bright8 is een creatief  fullservice marketing en PR-bureau  met een internationaal bereik. Ben je op zoek naar een duurzame strategie, onderscheidende creatie en/of effectieve marketing en PR-campagnes? Ons team van  veelzijdige internationale marketeers, PR-managers en creatives  heeft de kennis, tijd en aandacht om niet alleen aan jouw vraag te voldoen, maar om je elke keer weer te verrassen met wat nog meer kan. Hoe we dat doen? We hebben al deze disciplines zelf in huis, inclusief een  in-house studio,  zodat we snel kunnen schakelen en controle houden over de uitvoering. We zorgen ervoor dat we jouw propositie en markt goed kennen en laten  marketing en PR  naadloos op elkaar aansluiten.
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Haarlem, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Logistics & Supply Chain (+15)
    Speaks Dutch, Chinese(+9)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    The creative partner for future oriented businesses

    We believe that there is more to a sustainable future than technical solutions. Consumers, businesses and governments need to understand, implement, and adapt to new technologies. We understand the working principles of innovative solutions, and translate complex ideas into compelling stories. By raising awareness, and increasing implementation and adoption, we create impact. We combine our engineering background (TU Delft) with a creative team to achieve this mission. Our team consists of a unique blend of engineers and creatives, dedicated to creating impact.
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Delft, Netherlands
    From €700 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare (+10)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Creatieve professionals met een missie.

    Onze missie is om de beste content voor onze klanten te leveren. Door middel van mooie videoproducties, foto’s, social media beheer en sprekers zijn we in staat om over een heel breed spectrum van de mediawereld te opereren; hoe vet is dat? SV Productions B.V. is een creatief, dynamisch en professioneel mediabedrijf, specifiek gericht op het maken van hoogwaardige videoproducties. Ook zijn we fan van spreken in het openbaar, dronevliegen, social media beheer, livestreams, fotografie en noem maar op!
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Lelystad, Netherlands
    From €500 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Media (+3)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Online strategie en campagnes voor merken met een missie

    The Creators Hive is een kleine studio met een groot hart Van idee tot oplevering maken we bewogen campagnes en spraakmakende content. We combineren creativiteit met innovatie zodat je boodschap er niet alleen goed uitziet maar in beweging komt. Samen met onze opdrachtgevers brengen we merk en missie tot leven met design, animatie, 3D en video.
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Art & Handcraft (+4)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    At Creative Union, Story Studio, ideas come together to create seductive and appropriate creative wo

    Creative Union has been a versatile communication agency since 2007, delivering high-quality solutions for corporate brands such as HEMA, Albert Heijn, ABN AMRO, Achmea, and Philips. Our services: Copywriting: We offer a wide range of writing services, specializing in packaging copy. We have extensive experience in developing campaigns, pay-offs, SEO copy, social content, and brand writing styles. Clients like Albert Heijn (10 years), Etos (5 years), HEMA, and RAI Amsterdam trust our expertise. Video & Animation: Through our platform, we create original animations and video productions, from concept development to script, voice-overs, and full production. We collaborate with major names like ABN AMRO TV (preferred supplier), HTC, Exact, Philips, and Rabobank. Real Estate Marketing: We provide comprehensive real estate marketing services, from branding and graphic design to 3D visualizations and online marketing. For more information, check our cases on Our expertise includes brand proposition development, real estate strategy, and dynamic pricing. Branding: We assist brands in developing strong brand propositions and values. Our branding services have been used by companies like Cockware Company and Royal Van Kempen & Begeer. Graphic Design: We create visual identities, logos, brand styles, and brochures that align with the brand values and message of our clients. Websites: We develop and maintain websites, including projects for Obbotec and real estate projects such as Picaz, Allure, and Amulet. Explore our real estate websites on With our extensive experience and expertise, we can deliver nearly any communication product, fully tailored to meet the needs of our clients.
    Looking for work in Drone Shooting
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Drone Shooting
    Worked in Real Estate (+13)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members

Struggling to choose? Let us help.

Post a project for free and quickly meet qualified providers. Use our data and on-demand experts to pick the right one for free. Hire them and take your business to the next level.

Insights from Our Local Expert: Drone Shooting Agencies in the Netherlands

The Netherlands, renowned for its innovative approach and high-tech landscape, is also a hotspot for drone shooting services. With a plethora of companies specializing in aerial photography and videography, the Dutch market is vibrant and highly competitive. Featuring agencies with 130 published works and 13 client reviews, the prospects for exceptional drone footage in the Netherlands are extensive.

Highlighting Key Players and Their Achievements

Top Performing Drone Agencies

Dutch drone shooting firms have catered to a diverse clientele ranging from government bodies to high-profile corporations in sectors like real estate, tourism, and event management. These agencies not only provide stunning aerial views but also ensure compliance with the stringent drone regulations in the Netherlands, showcasing their commitment to professionalism and safety.

Nationally and Internationally Recognized Projects

The superior quality of work delivered by Dutch drone shooting companies is evident in both the national and international accolades they’ve received. This includes prestigious mentions and awards at various film and photography festivals worldwide, highlighting their outstanding contributions to digital media.

Guidance for Selecting a Drone Shooting Agency

Understanding Your Budget

Cost consideration is critical when selecting a drone shooting agency. In the Netherlands, prices for drone services can range based on project complexity and the agency's market reputation. For basic aerial photography, prices might start from around €500 and can go up to €2,000 or more for intricate video productions including post-production edits.

Reviewing Agency Portfolios

Assessing previous works is crucial when choosing a drone shooting provider. 130 projects showcased across various agency profiles serve as a substantial basis to gauge creativity and execution quality, aiding in finding an agency whose artistic approach aligns with your vision.

Drone Service Expertise

Each drone shooting agency often specializes in different types of projects, such as live events, real estate, or cinematic productions. Identifying an agency that excels in the specific type of drone service you need ensures tailored outcomes that directly address your project requirements.

The landscape of drone shooting in the Netherlands provides a fertile ground for businesses and creative professionals looking to elevate their projects through breathtaking aerial footage. Consulting with local expert agencies available through Sortlist can significantly streamline the process, ensuring a match with the most skilled and reliable service providers in the industry.

Ray Baijings
Written by Ray Baijings Sortlist Expert in the NetherlandsLast updated on the 12-02-2025

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Frequently Asked Questions.

When selecting a drone shooting company for your project in the Netherlands, there are several crucial factors to consider. These will help ensure you choose a professional and reliable service that meets your specific needs:

  1. Legal Compliance and Certifications: Ensure the company is fully compliant with Dutch aviation laws and regulations. They should have the necessary permits from the Dutch Civil Aviation Authority (ILT) and be registered with the RDW (Netherlands Vehicle Authority).
  2. Experience and Portfolio: Look for a company with a strong track record in drone shooting, particularly in projects similar to yours. Review their portfolio to assess the quality of their work and their expertise in various environments.
  3. Equipment and Technology: Check if the company uses modern, high-quality drones and cameras. They should have a range of equipment suitable for different types of shoots, including 4K or even 8K cameras, various lenses, and drones capable of stable flight in Dutch weather conditions.
  4. Insurance Coverage: Verify that the company has comprehensive insurance that covers potential damages or accidents during the shoot. This is crucial for protecting both parties in case of unforeseen events.
  5. Local Knowledge: A company familiar with the Dutch landscape, regulations, and potential filming locations can be invaluable. They should be aware of local restrictions, especially in urban areas or near sensitive sites.
  6. Post-production Capabilities: If you need edited footage, ensure the company offers post-production services or can recommend reliable partners in the Netherlands.
  7. Communication and Customer Service: Choose a company that communicates clearly, responds promptly, and is willing to understand and adapt to your project's specific requirements.
  8. Pricing and Transparency: While not the only factor, pricing should be competitive and transparent. Ask for a detailed quote that breaks down all costs involved in the project.
  9. Reviews and Recommendations: Look for client testimonials or ask for references. You can also check online reviews on Dutch business directories or social media platforms.
  10. Environmental Considerations: With the Netherlands' focus on sustainability, consider a company that demonstrates environmental responsibility in their operations.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can select a drone shooting company in the Netherlands that will deliver high-quality results for your project while ensuring compliance with local regulations and industry best practices.

The drone shooting industry in the Netherlands is experiencing rapid technological advancements, reshaping the landscape of professional aerial cinematography and photography. Here are some key equipment and technology trends that are defining the future of drone shooting in the Dutch market:

  1. High-resolution cameras: The integration of 8K and even 12K cameras on drones is becoming more common, allowing for stunning, ultra-high-definition footage. This is particularly valuable for capturing the intricate details of Dutch landscapes and architecture.
  2. AI-powered flight systems: Advanced artificial intelligence is enhancing drone autonomy, enabling complex flight patterns and obstacle avoidance. This technology is crucial in the Netherlands' diverse urban and rural environments.
  3. Extended flight times: Improved battery technology is increasing drone flight durations, allowing for longer shooting sessions without interruption – essential for capturing expansive Dutch polders or coastal scenes.
  4. LiDAR integration: Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology is being incorporated into drones, offering precise 3D mapping capabilities. This is particularly useful for surveying and monitoring the Netherlands' unique water management infrastructure.
  5. Thermal and multispectral imaging: These technologies are expanding the applications of drone shooting beyond cinematography, into areas such as agriculture and environmental monitoring – key sectors in the Dutch economy.
  6. Foldable and compact designs: Drone manufacturers are focusing on portability without compromising on performance, making it easier for professionals to transport equipment to various locations across the Netherlands.
  7. Advanced stabilization: Gimbal technology and electronic image stabilization are continually improving, ensuring smooth footage even in challenging weather conditions common in the Netherlands.
  8. 5G connectivity: As the Netherlands continues to roll out 5G networks, drones are being equipped with 5G capabilities, allowing for real-time high-quality video transmission and enhanced control over long distances.
  9. Noise reduction technology: Quieter drones are being developed, which is particularly important in the Netherlands' densely populated areas and nature reserves.
  10. FPV (First Person View) systems: High-performance FPV drones are gaining popularity, offering immersive and dynamic shooting capabilities for action sports and events.

These advancements are not only improving the quality and capabilities of drone shooting but also expanding its applications across various industries in the Netherlands. As drone regulations in the country continue to evolve, professional operators are leveraging these technologies to deliver cutting-edge aerial content while ensuring compliance with Dutch and EU drone laws.

It's worth noting that the adoption of these technologies in the Netherlands is also influenced by the country's strict privacy laws and environmental regulations. As such, drone shooting firms in the Netherlands are at the forefront of balancing technological innovation with responsible and sustainable practices.

In the Netherlands, reputable drone shooting firms should possess specific qualifications and certifications to ensure legal compliance, safety, and professional quality. Here are the key qualifications and certifications to look for:

1. ROC-light or ROC Certificate:
  • ROC-light (Regeling Onbemande Luchtvaartuigen - Light) for basic drone operations
  • Full ROC (Regeling Onbemande Luchtvaartuigen) for more complex operations
2. Pilot Certifications:
  • European drone pilot license (as of December 31, 2020)
  • Theoretical and practical exams passed for the appropriate category (A1/A3 or A2)
3. Insurance:
  • Valid liability insurance for drone operations
4. Technical Qualifications:
  • Expertise in operating various types of drones and camera equipment
  • Knowledge of aerial cinematography techniques
  • Proficiency in video editing and post-production software
5. Safety Training:
  • Completion of safety courses specific to drone operations
  • First aid certification for on-set safety
6. Industry-Specific Certifications:
  • Memberships in professional organizations like the Dutch Drone Association (DDA)
  • Specialized certifications for specific industries (e.g., infrastructure inspection, precision agriculture)
7. Privacy and Data Protection:
  • Understanding of GDPR and local privacy laws
  • Data handling and protection certifications

When hiring a drone shooting firm in the Netherlands, it's crucial to verify these qualifications and certifications. Additionally, reputable firms should be able to provide a portfolio of their work, client testimonials, and a clear understanding of local regulations and no-fly zones. Always ensure that the firm you choose is compliant with the latest Dutch and EU drone regulations, which are subject to frequent updates.