Best Software Apps and Website Developers in MENA. Egypt ☎ 00201271199354 & KSA ☎ 00966580770290
All Custom ERP Development Firms
- 5(7 reviews)
We build bespoke custom AI, web and mobile apps faster and better. We work with startups and SMBs.
Top awarded✌️ - We win if you win. Our promise. Flexi Payment: Pay as you go. No upfront commitments. Product Team : You control the team's tasks and priorities. 100% code ownership : No copy/paste code. Speed : Weekly sprints with 14 weeks v1 goals. 🚀 StartUps - We've helped build and launch 8 venture-backed web/apps in the last 14 months alone. 75% are revenue-generating. 🎯 GrownUps - We've helped big brands like Aldi, Energia, and others launch highly scalable marketing web/mobile apps in weeks. Who we are : We build delightful web and mobile apps for startup founders, agencies, and enterprise customers. We love to solve problems in the marketing tech and streaming media space. Be it building a live audio/video app for the workplace or consumer space or creating a lead generation platform or loyalty and engagement platform, we get this done in weeks and not months. We've helped our clients develop profitable SaaS web apps from zero to launch in less than 16 weeks. For our agency partners, through our white-labeled development services, we've helped them roll out software solutions faster and cheaper. How are we different : Domain understanding - We focus on what we know, better. We have built multiple SaaS and custom software products in e-commerce, marketing tech, and video verticals. We can work as your tech partner. Product mindset - We’ve built several products ourselves. We understand what it takes to make lovable products that are the right blend of design, usability, and engineering. We own it till it goes live. Engineering simplicity - We like to keep things simple so that products can be extended and can be owned by anyone beyond our team.Looking for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Dublin, IrelandFrom €5,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Automotive (+13)Speaks English51-200 members - Highly recommendedWe enhance SME performance through our business, Odoo, and technology expertise.Looking for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Brussels, BelgiumFrom €7,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Consumer Electronics (+2)Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium(+1)1-10 members
- 5(4 reviews)
Gagnez en efficacité et en croissance en externalisant le développement de vos besoins IT.
Nous sommes convaincus que ce n'est qu'ensemble que nous pouvons obtenir de grands résultats. La collaboration est l'élément clé de notre entreprise. Ici, vous pouvez échanger des idées avec d'autres membres de l'équipe qui partagent les mêmes passions. Chez iterates , vous trouverez un groupe de personnes qui vous mettront au défi et vous soutiendront, car l'objectif principal est de s'inspirer les uns les autres chaque jour ! Nous nous occupons de tout : Nous savons que votre temps et votre productivité sont précieux. C'est pourquoi nous proposons un service informatique complet à 360°. Du développement de logiciels aux tests fonctionnels pour s'assurer du bon fonctionnement, en passant par la gestion de projet et la mise en ligne des applications, nous nous occupons de tout. Faites-nous confiance pour vous fournir les meilleures solutions techniques qui correspondent à vos besoins et à votre budget, afin que vous puissiez vous concentrer sur ce qui compte le plus pour votre entreprise. Des solutions honnêtes et personnalisées: Découvrez une agence à taille humaine qui fait la différence. Chez iterates , nos fondateurs savent comment initier de nouveaux projets pour faire progresser une entreprise tout en respectant un budget établi. Nous mettons notre expertise et recherche d'excellence au service de votre réussite et de celle de votre projet. En faisant appel à nos services, vous vous assurez d'obtenir des services honnêtes, flexibles et sur mesure qui répondent à vos besoins. Nous sommes une entreprise Belge fondée en 2020 par Benoit et Rodolphe : Benoit , notre CTO. Il supervise chaque projet technique. Il applique son expérience et ses connaissances des nouvelles technologies dans tout ce qu'il fait ! Rodolphe , c'est la définition d'un serial-entrepreneur. Toujours en train de développer de nouveaux projets numériques, il vous aidera à choisir les bonnes solutions pour votre entreprise.Looking for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Etterbeek, BelgiumFrom €1,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Software & Computer Services (+12)Speaks English, Arabic(+2)11-50 members - 4.8(13 reviews)
Best Software Apps and Website Developers in MENA. Egypt ☎ 00201271199354 & KSA ☎ 00966580770290
Top awardedAre you looking for a house of expertise to build your Website, Web App, or Mobile App? So you are in the right place, we can work together to build a successful digital project. Contact Addicta today to get started! Egypt ☎ 00201271199354 - KSA ☎ 00966580770290 - Kuwait ☎ 009697135314 Who Are We? Addicta has been a software premier company since 2015 based in Cairo, Riyadh, and Kuwait City. Addicta specializes in UX & UI Design, Software Development, and Brand Identity Design. With deep experience in the design and development of websites, web applications, and mobile applications. Addicta has wide footprints and projects in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, and North America. Addicta helps your business to scale through our Digital Services : Mobile Application Design / Development. Web Application Design / Development. Website Design / Development. E-Commerce Design / Development. UX/UI Design. Hosting Services. Digital Maintenance Services. Addicta has deep experiences in these Sectors: Healthcare FinTech & Insurance Food & Beverage E-Commerce Telecom Transportation Education Commercial Retail Industrial Real Estate and Construction Banking And, many other Sectors. Addicta Team is looking forward to digitizing your business for successful market disruption. Egypt ☎ 00201271199354 - KSA ☎ 00966580770290 - Kuwait ☎ 009697135314Looking for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Qism El-Nozha, Egypt (+2)From €1,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Industrial Goods & Services (+35)Speaks English, Arabic51-200 members - 4.9(24 reviews)
Entwicklung von Plattformen, Apps & KI-Lösungen für große & mittlere Unternehmen
RecommendedTop awardedSPRYLAB ist ein führender IT-Partner für individuelle Plattform-, App- und KI-Lösungen. Unser Inhouse-Team aus über 70 Entwickler:innen, Designer:innen und Strateg:innen treibt mutige Ideen und wegweisende Softwarelösungen voran, um große und mittelständische Unternehmen in die digitale Gegenwart zu begleiten. Seit 2007 haben uns 120+ Unternehmen aus 5 Ländern Ihre kniffligsten Softwareprojekte anvertraut. Mit besonderer Expertise in den Branchen Gesundheit, Medien, Automotive und Sport. SPRYLAB betreut Kunden wie die Deutsche Bahn, Sodexo, Evonik, Daimler, Ärzte ohne Grenzen, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Johanniter, Axel Springer, Bertelsmann und die Basketball-Bundesliga. 83% unserer Aufträge entstehen aus Empfehlungen. Wir sind zuverlässig und 100% transparent Warum unsere Kunden uns ihre wichtigsten Projekte anvertrauen? Weil wir in über 16 Jahren nie versäumt haben, die Ergebnisse zu liefern, die wir versprochen haben. Wir beraten Sie mit ganzheitlicher Weitsicht Wir haben fast 100 Unternehmen von innen gesehen und wissen, woran Softwareprojekte scheitern. Deswegen analysieren wir Ihre IT-Infrastruktur und Arbeitsabläufe und helfen Ihnen, alle Voraussetzungen zu erfüllen. Wir sind der Sparrings-Partner, den Sie suchen Großartige Produkte, die Jahrzehnte lang Bestand haben, werden im Team entwickelt. Als Partner auf Augenhöhe fechten wir mittelmäßige Ideen an und sprechen auch unbequeme Wahrheiten mutig aus. Wir lösen Probleme und erfinden die Zukunft Wir glauben, dass mit Software (fast) nichts unmöglich ist. Unsere Softwareingenieur:innen lieben es, die kniffligsten und kühnsten Aufgaben zu übernehmen und komplexe Herausforderungen zu lösen. Wir arbeiten schnell, agil und kosteneffizient Unsere Projektteams wissen: Schnelligkeit und Qualität sind Trumpf bei der Softwareentwicklung. Mit Prototyping, Wireframing und kurzen Iterationszyklen können Sie schnell ein reifes Produkt an den Markt bringen und ausbauen. Kontakt: Mehr Effizienz, Umsatz oder digitale Dynamik durch Digitalisierung? Sprechen Sie uns an. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem IT-Dienstleister sind, mit dem Sie gemeinsam wachsen wollen, sind wir der richtige Partner. +49(0) 30 166 342 51 for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Berlin, Germany (+1)From €5,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Publishing (+11)Speaks English, German51-200 members - Highly recommendedTop awardedWir stehen für ganzheitliche Digitalisierung; Beratung, Design und Development aus einer Hand. Ganz egal ob für börsennotierte Unternehmen, Mittelständler oder Start-Ups. Als Webflow Enterprise & Microsoft Partner liefern wir Ihnen maßgeschneiderte Webseiten, E-Commerce Shops, Software-Lösungen, Web- & Mobile-Apps.Looking for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Berlin, GermanyFrom €5,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Management Consulting (+14)Speaks English, French(+2)51-200 members
- RecommendedSigli is een vooruitstrevend softwareontwikkelingsbedrijf dat gespecialiseerd is in digitale productontwikkeling en digitale transformatie. Onze missie, ‘ Data Science with Purpose, Innovation with Impact ’, drijft ons om innovatieve ideeën om te zetten in praktische oplossingen. Onze diensten omvatten de gehele ontwikkelingscyclus, van het eerste concept tot aan de implementatie, zodat elk product dat wij ontwikkelen van hoge kwaliteit, schaalbaar en toekomstbestendig is. Sigli helpt bedrijven te navigeren door de complexiteit van digitale transformatie, hun activiteiten te moderniseren, klantervaringen te verbeteren en het concurrentievoordeel te behouden in het steeds veranderende digitale landschap. De diepgaande expertise van ons team, gecombineerd met de toewijding om gebruik te maken van de nieuwste technologieën en best practices, zorgt ervoor dat wij impactvolle resultaten voor onze klanten leveren. Onze toewijding aan uitmuntendheid wordt verder gedemonstreerd door onze ISO/IEC 27001-certificering, de toonaangevende standaard voor informatiebeveiligingsbeheersystemen (ISMS). Deze certificering benadrukt onze toewijding aan het handhaven van de hoogste normen op het gebied van informatiebeveiliging, waardoor wij een betrouwbare partner zijn voor bedrijven die willen floreren in het digitale tijdperk.Looking for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Antwerp, Belgium (+1)From €5,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Restaurants (+10)Speaks English, Dutch(+3)51-200 members
- 5(4 reviews)
Sviluppo di software personalizzato, applicazioni web, app mobile e gestionali.
Webion SRL è un'azienda italiana che fornisce servizi di sviluppo software personalizzato. È stata fondata nel 2022 e ha sede a Modena. L'azienda offre una vasta gamma di servizi, tra cui sviluppo di siti web, sviluppo di applicazioni mobili, sviluppo di software personalizzato e consulenza informatica. Webion SRL ha un team di esperti sviluppatori e consulenti IT con esperienza pluriennale nel settore. L'azienda è specializzata nella creazione di software personalizzato per soddisfare le esigenze specifiche dei clienti. Webion SRL è un'azienda in rapida crescita che ha già acquisito una reputazione di eccellenza nel settore. L'azienda è stata selezionata per partecipare a diversi progetti importanti e ha ricevuto numerosi premi per i suoi lavori. L'azienda ha un team di esperti con esperienza pluriennale nel settore e offre una vasta gamma di servizi per soddisfare le esigenze specifiche dei clienti.Looking for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Modena, ItalyFrom €3,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Others (+12)Speaks English, Italian11-50 members - Top awardedA digital transformation company offering full-stack mobile app development solutions for startups and enterprise-level clients. TekRevol has been listed as one of the best mobile app development solutions providers on various industry review websites. Moreover, we are also listed in the list of 5000 fastest-growing firms globally by Inc. After US and Ukraine, we have also laid our footprints in the GCC region and have an office in Dubai, UAE.Looking for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (+6)From €1,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Video games (+18)Speaks English, Arabic(+1)201-500 members
- RecommendedLa experiencia previa de los integrantes unido a su juventud trata siempre de salir de lo tradicional y abrirte hueco en un mundo cada vez más digitalizado, garantizandote el uso de las mejores prácticas y tecnologías en la actualidad.Looking for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Madrid, SpainFrom €2,900 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Education (+4)Speaks English, Spanish1-10 members
- 5(3 reviews)
Impulsamos tu transición digital con soluciones tecnológicas de calidad. Software / MVPs / Ecommerce
RecommendedEn Synkross, impulsamos tu transición digital con soluciones tecnológicas a medida. Nos especializamos en el desarrollo de software de calidad, incluyendo aplicaciones web, aplicaciones móviles, páginas web y tiendas online. Todas nuestras soluciones son rápidas, escalables y seguras, con un enfoque ágil y cercano que garantiza los mejores resultados. Nuestro equipo combina experiencia, pasión e innovación para acompañarte en todo el proceso: desde la idea inicial hasta la entrega final. Además, ofrecemos soporte continuo para garantizar que tu proyecto siempre esté en su mejor versión. ¿Necesitas lanzar un MVP, mantener tu proyecto o reforzar tu equipo de desarrollo? En Synkross, estamos listos para convertir tus ideas en realidad y ayudarte a alcanzar tus objetivos digitales.Looking for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Madrid, SpainFrom €1,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Retail (+1)Speaks English, Spanish1-10 members - Top awardedTurnK est une agence d'intégration, nous accompagnons les entreprises dans l'intégration, le bon paramétrage, l'automatisation de leurs outils-métier. L'objectif de TurnK : faciliter la vie des entreprises en éliminant les tâches manuelles, et libérer du temps aux équipes pour qu'elles se concentrent sur leur cœur de métier. Nous intervenons sur deux grands pôles : - Intégration : CRM, ERP (Facturation), Service Client, Marketing Automation - Création : Création d'application 100% sur-mesure, création de site internet (vitrine, e-commerce...) Nous avons déjà aidé Michelin, Barnes, Café Joyeux ou encore le PSG à optimiser et automatiser leurs process opérationnels interne. Nous sommes une agence partenaire avec plus de 50 éditeurs comme Hubspot, Salesforce, Webflow, Zendesk, Bubble...Looking for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Bordeaux, FranceFrom €1,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Sports (+11)Speaks English, French11-50 members
- Top awardedWe’re GRM Digital, an award-winning, full-service web development and digital marketing agency based in Leeds, London, Sarajevo, Amsterdam and Islamabad. Since 2009, we've been helping world-leading brands grow by providing high-quality, robust web development, SEO and digital consultancy, backed by in-depth research and analysis.Looking for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in West Yorkshire, United Kingdom (+4)From €1,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Education (+6)Speaks English, Croatian(+2)11-50 members
- Highly recommendedTop awardedTous les projets méritent notre attention. Nous sommes une agence web basée à Bruxelles et nous transformons vos idées en projets concrets et réussis, en y intégrant votre vision. Nous sommes spécialisés dans la création de sites internet de haute qualité adaptés aux besoins de nos clients. Nous comprenons que votre présence en ligne est essentielle à la réussite de votre entreprise, et nous travaillons sans relâche pour nous assurer que votre site web reflète le caractère unique de votre marque. Notre équipe de développeurs et de designers web expérimentés travaillent ensemble pour créer des sites web sur mesure qui sont visuellement impressionnants, faciles à naviguer et optimisés pour les moteurs de recherche. Nous utilisons les dernières technologies et les meilleures pratiques de l'industrie pour garantir que votre site web est rapide, sécurisé et réactif sur tous les appareils. Nous offrons une gamme de services de création de sites web, y compris la conception responsive, les solutions de commerce électronique, les systèmes de gestion de contenu et bien plus encore. Notre processus est collaboratif, et nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec vous pour nous assurer que votre site web répond à vos exigences spécifiques et dépasse vos attentes. Au sein de notre agence web, nous sommes fiers de fournir des résultats exceptionnels, et notre engagement envers la qualité est évident dans chaque projet que nous entreprenons. Nous avons les compétences et l'expertise pour créer un site web qui vous aidera à atteindre vos objectifs en ligne. Donc, si vous cherchez une agence web professionnelle et fiable pour créer un site internet de qualité pour votre entreprise, ne cherchez pas plus loin que notre équipe d'experts. Contactez-nous aujourd'hui pour discuter de votre projet et voir comment nous pouvons vous aider à améliorer votre présence en ligne !Looking for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Brussels, BelgiumFrom €500 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in E-commerce (+28)Speaks English, French1-10 members
- 5(8 reviews)
🇪🇦 Convertimos datos en Conocimiento enTurning data into knowledge 🇩🇪 Daten in Wissen verwandeln
📊 Somos Databay Solutions , tu partner tecnológico de confianza especializado en ayudar a las organizaciones a aprovechar al máximo sus datos ofreciendo soluciones personalizadas y servicios de análisis , inteligencia artificial y visualización de datos . 🎯 Nuestro objetivo es impulsar la toma de decisiones informadas y el crecimiento empresarial a través de la utilización estratégica de la información. 👉 Transformamos consistentemente datos brutos en conocimiento perspicaz, construyendo desde aplicaciones o herramientas de datos hasta sistemas de Big Data, BI e IA. Nuestra sede se encuentra en España, sirviendo a empresas europeas con una perspectiva global . Hacemos realidad las visiones de nuestros clientes. Nuestro equipo multidisciplinario ofrece una amplia gama de capacidades internas : ✅Gestión de datos ✅ Servicios AWS y GCP ✅ Servicios de ciberseguridad ✅ Ingeniería de red ✅ Desarrollo de software y aplicaciones. Todo con un firme enfoque en la experiencia del usuario y el diseño corporativo. 📲 Construimos prototipos de alta calidad como la base de nuestros proyectos, demostrándose como una excelente herramienta para demostrar el valor del producto antes del escalado comercial y el inicio del desarrollo. ✔️ Empleamos las últimas tecnologías, aprovechando al máximo nuestra experiencia en Big Data e IA. Nuestro equipo es competente en la creación de soluciones que funcionan sin problemas en varias plataformas y para todos los stack de datos disponibles, centrándose principalmente en AWS, GCP, aunque hemos desarrollado soluciones relacionadas con Azure también. 📈 Nuestras herramientas ayudan a día de hoy a múltiples empresas a crear ventajas competitivas aprovechando el potencial de la toma de decisiones basadas en datos. Confía en Databay Solutions, tu socio para navegar el complejo panorama de datos y llevar tu negocio a nuevas alturas. 🎯 ¿ Estás preparado para impactar en tu negocio y convertir en realidad tu visión de futuro? Contáctanos y nuestro equipo estudiará la mejor manera con la que podemos ayudar a tu negocio . 🖥️ ✉️ 📞 +34 606 21 91 11 _____________________________________________ 📊 At Databay Solutions , we focus on helping organisations make the most of their data by providing customised solutions and services in analytics , artificial intelligence and data visualisation . 🎯 Our goal is to drive informed decision-making and business growth through the strategic use of information . 👉 We consistently transform raw data into insightful knowledge, building from data applications or tools to Big Data, BI and AI systems. We are based in Spain, serving companies across Europe with a global perspective . We make our clients' visions a reality. Our multidisciplinary team offers a wide range of in-house capabilities : ✅ From data management ✅ AWS and GCP services ✅ Cybersecurity services ✅ Network engineering to software and application development. All with a firm focus on user experience and corporate design. 📲 We build high-quality prototypes as the foundation of our projects, proving an excellent tool for demonstrating product value prior to commercial scale-up and early development. ✔️ We employ the latest technologies, making the most of our expertise in Big Data and AI. Our team is proficient in creating solutions that work seamlessly across multiple platforms and for all available data stacks, focusing primarily on AWS, and GCP, although we have developed solutions related to Azure as well. 📈 Today, our tools help many companies to create competitive advantages by harnessing the potential of data-driven decision-making. Trust Databay Solutions, your partner to navigate the complex data landscape and take your business to new heights. 📩 Contact us and our team will study the best way we can help your business . 🖥️ ✉️ 📞 +34 606 21 91 11Looking for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Benalmádena, Spain (+1)From €1,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Education (+17)Speaks English, German(+1)11-50 members - RecommendedTop awardedThe Web is our playground, and we don’t play nice. Time to Call Out the Web Development Industry's Bullshit We're a Bucharest-based agency offering Custom Development, Web and Mobile apps, MVPs, product discovery, business software and more. Our global partners support us as your go-to external CTO, focusing on true business growth, not just measuring who has the biggest tech stack. Our motto, The No Bullshit Web Agency, showcases our commitment to tackling the Web Development industry's enduring obstacles Clients frequently struggle with problems such as inaccurate estimations and deadlines, which directly impact their business and go-to-market strategies. The potential for long-term partnerships is often undervalued, and inflexible tech stacks and project management methodologies limit progress. In addition, slow and inefficient communication further hampers success. We refuse to be another cog in the machine. We're on a relentless quest to confront and take responsibility for these issues, foster enduring partnerships, and improve communication for successful digitally-driven business growth.Looking for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Bucharest, RomaniaFrom €3,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Beverage (+9)Speaks English, Romanian11-50 members
- 5(4 reviews)
Ihre Full-Stack Agentur mit Kompetenz und Leidenschaft: Spezialisiert auf Web- und Mobile-Apps
Über uns Wir sind Taikomedia - eine im Herzen des Ruhrgebiets ansässige Software-Agentur, die sich darauf spezialisiert hat, komplexe digitale Produkte wie SaaS-Lösungen, Plattformen und Mobile-Apps für Startups und KMU zu verwirklichen. Unser 3-köpfiges Team hat bereits mehr als 40 Softwareprojekte für Kunden aus der gesamten DACH-Region erfolgreich umgesetzt und 5 Startups beim Product-Launch begleitet. Wir verstehen uns nicht nur als Dienstleister, sondern sind für viele unserer Kunden ein Sparringspartner, der von Anfang an mit viel Leidenschaft und eigenen Ideen zum Erfolg eines Softwareprojekts beiträgt. Unsere Leistungen Wir bieten Ihnen ein umfassendes Leistungsspektrum, das von der Konzepterstellung bis zum Launch alles beinhaltet, was Sie für den Erfolg Ihres Softwareprojekts benötigen. Unsere Kernkompetenzen umfassen: Full-Stack Webentwicklung mit Schwerpunkt auf Laravel und React Mobile-App Entwicklung für iOS/Android (auch Hybrid-Apps mit React Native) Entwicklung von RESTful-APIs und anderen Schnittstellen Kreatives UI-Design für Web- und Mobile-Apps Managed Hosting mit Uptime-Garantie Wartung und DevOps Beratung und Erstellung von Softwarekonzepten Interessiert? Wir freuen uns, Sie kennenzulernen! Klicken Sie jetzt auf "Taikomedia kontaktieren" und ein Experte unseres Teams wird sich innerhalb von 24 Std. bei Ihnen melden. Oder buchen Sie direkt ein unverbindliches Erstgespräch unter for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Bochum, GermanyFrom €1,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Insurance (+2)Speaks English, German1-10 members - 5(6 reviews)
Custom SW Development 💻 IT Outsourcing ✅ Data Science & AI 🔎 BI & DWH ⚙️ Application Development
Top awardedProfinit is one of the leading companies in Custom Software Development, AI & Data Science, Consulting and IT Outsourcing. IDC Research ranked Profinit as the 3rd largest custom application developer in the Czech Republic . Key clients: Erste Group, O2, BNP Paribas, KBC Group, Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom, Raiffeisenbank, Allianz, Société Générale, Prague Airport, CEZ Group, VIG (Vienna Insurance Group), Edenred, ING, NN, Darag, M.M. Warburg, Amplifi Capital, Confirmo, Bottomline, Nord/LB, Berenberg Profinit's services: - Custom software development - IT Outsourcing & Nearshore services - Application management outsourcing - BI/DWH design & development - Data science and AI - Enterprise integration Profinit's primary clients include banking, insurance, pharmaceutical and telecommunications companies in Central and Western Europe . The company also services a number of other private and public-sector organisations. Clients use Profinit's services and products in Germany, Austria, Benelux, the UK, and other countries , where Profinit operate in the nearshore mode . The company develops and maintains vital Internet banking systems and other bank applications, insurance policy management systems, B2B and B2C portals, EPM systems, fraud prevention solutions and even a mission-critical software system for an international airport. For more information visit the following websites : - - - https://systemsmodernization.com1 work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Hlavní město Praha, CzechiaFrom €5,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Banking & Financials (+3)Speaks English, Czech(+2)501-1000 members - Highly recommendedTop awarded⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ IT leader awards winner specializing in bespoke software development, business process automation and AI. For almost 14 years, we've stood at the forefront of the software development industry. Our legacy is marked by adaptability, unwavering commitment to excellence, and a distinct expertise in ushering startups to success with their digital endeavors. Why Choose Leaware?: 🟢 Startup Advocates: Beyond established brands, Leaware has a profound commitment to aiding startups, understanding their distinct challenges and providing digital strategies to ensure their success. 🟢 Seasoned Innovators: Leaware's longstanding presence in software development showcases its consistency, adaptability, and innovative spirit. 🟢 Robust Client Portfolio: Leaware's collaborations span from global giants like Microsoft, SAP, and AXA to innovative startups and regional businesses, granting them a comprehensive perspective on diverse industry needs. 🟢 Upholding Excellence: Trusted by renowned brands, Leaware's dedication to quality, data security, and professional standards stands out in the industry. 🟢 Adaptable Expertise: Whether it's cutting-edge financial applications or user-friendly platforms, Leaware's expertise remains versatile and updated. 🟢 Global Insight with Local Sensibility: Leaware's vast global experiences are complemented by an intrinsic understanding of local cultures and regulations, making their solutions universally relevant. Services ⚫️ Mobile App Development 📱: Leaware crafts intuitive and efficient mobile apps tailored to user needs, ensuring seamless functionality across various devices and platforms. ⚫️ Web App Development 🌐: From interactive websites to intricate web applications, Leaware designs and develops digital solutions that engage users and drive results. ⚫️ Business Process Automation (BPA) 🤖: Streamline operations and boost productivity with Leaware's BPA solutions, turning repetitive tasks into automated processes. ⚫️ Team Extension/Developers Outsourcing 👩💻👨💻: Expand your team's capabilities on-demand with Leaware's expert developers, ensuring project goals are met efficiently and effectively. How does Leaware compares to the average software house? 🔵 1. Years of Experience: Leaware: With almost 14 years in the software development industry, Leaware has had the time to mature, refine processes, and build a robust portfolio. This kind of experience means a better understanding of both legacy systems and the latest technological trends. Average Software House: Many software houses may not have been in the market for as long. They might still be in the growth phase, learning from industry dynamics and establishing their brand. 🔵 2. Client Portfolio: Leaware: The diversity of clients, ranging from global giants like Microsoft, AXA, SAP to startups and regional enterprises, indicates versatility, adaptability, and a proven track record. Average Software House: While many software houses do boast a diverse clientele, few can claim experience working with such globally recognized names, especially in tandem with supporting startups. 🔵 3. Specialization in Startup Support: Leaware: Demonstrated expertise in assisting startups with their digital products gives Leaware an edge, showcasing not just technical prowess but also an understanding of startup dynamics, market entry strategies, and agile development suitable for budding enterprises. Average Software House: Not all software houses emphasize or have the experience in supporting startups. While many might offer software development services, the nuanced approach needed for startups might not be a core competency. 🔵 4. Range of Services: Leaware: With experience spanning across more than 20 industries, Leaware offers a comprehensive blend of services. The portfolio includes mobile and web app development, business process automation, and team extension. This broad spectrum of services not only showcases adaptability but also underscores readiness to cater to diverse client needs with a holistic approach. Average Software House: Many software houses offer a range of services, but they may lack the extensive industry experience that Leaware brings. Furthermore, not all provide specialized services like BPA or maintain a dedicated model for team extension. 🔵 5. Quality and Professional Standards: Leaware: Leaware's collaboration with globally recognized brands, coupled with their proven track record in aiding startups like Trooper in Belgium to significant success, speaks volumes about their stringent quality assurance and commitment to top-tier professional standards. Average Software House: While many maintain commendable quality standards, the depth of their processes might not always match. Few can claim the distinction of having both collaborated with major global brands and significantly influenced the success trajectories of startups.Looking for work in Custom ERP DevelopmentLocated in Berlin, Germany (+3)From €1,000 for Custom ERP DevelopmentWorked in Insurance (+33)Speaks English, Dutch(+3)51-200 members
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