The 100 Best Business Card Design Agencies - 2025 Reviews

Top Business Card Design Agencies

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  • 4.8
    (19 reviews)

    Agencia creativa especializada en branding, diseño, desarrollos y marketing digital.

    Highly recommended
    🇪🇸 Somos una agencia creativa multidisciplinaria que transforma empresas y organizaciones usando el poder de la comunicación y las herramientas digitales. Producimos de manera integrada y nos nutrimos de profesionales especializados en cada área de trabajo, confiando en que el diálogo, la reflexión y el trabajo colaborativo, son capaces de crear nuevas oportunidades y potenciar los resultados. Desde nuestros inicios en 1999 , pensamos estratégicamente para que las marcas se conecten de forma orgánica con los ecosistemas digitales que van surgiendo. Tenemos experiencia en liderar y ejecutar ideas con un pensamiento orientado a los usuarios y las necesidades reales de cada marca , dominando las distintas herramientas y formas de comunicación. La naturaleza circundante nos inspira. Es parte de nuestra esencia, motivándonos a contemplar, cuestionarnos y usar la imaginación para enfocar nuestro pensamiento y así llegar a las mejores propuestas. ---- 🇬🇧 We are a multidisciplinary creative agency that transforms companies and organizations using the power of communication and digital tools. We produce in an integrated manner and draw from specialized professionals in each area of work, relying on the belief that dialogue, reflection, and collaborative effort can create new opportunities and enhance results. Since our founding in 1999 , we have strategically envisioned brands connecting organically with emerging digital ecosystems. We have experience in leading and executing ideas with a user-centric approach, tailoring them to the unique needs of each brand , mastering various communication tools and methods. The surrounding nature inspires us; it's part of our essence, motivating us to observe, question, and utilize our imagination to focus our thinking and arrive at the best proposals.
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Barcelona, Spain (+1)
    From €1,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+20)
    Speaks English, Spanish
    11-50 members
  • 4.7
    (18 reviews)

    You need design done. Just get it!

    Top awarded
    Your brand designs are too important to be left in the hands of unreliable freelancers or expensive creative agencies. Why not hire an experienced, full-time designer who knows you by name and your brand by heart? Since its creation, has been able to capitalize on a number of areas that currently constitute its strength: - Logo, Brand Guide, Style Guide; - Graphic Design; - Web Design; - UI/UX Prototyping; - 3D Design; - Game design; - Explainer Video, 2D Animation, GIF.
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Greater London, United Kingdom
    From €1,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+8)
    Speaks English, German(+2)
    51-200 members
  • 4.8
    (10 reviews)

    We are Supermoon. We make brands bigger & brighter.

    We do marketing, communications and advertising, but we are not a traditional agency. We are consultants, co-workers and creative partners-on-the-job, supporting our clients when and where they need our expertise. We connect customers and brands via relevant content, appealing designs and engaging communications campaigns. Our goal is to make your brand bigger and brighter, just like a supermoon. We are a core team of highly skilled advertising professionals supported by a huge galaxy of hand-picked freelance partners. We get the right experts on board to deliver the very best results for your marketing mission. We explore First think, then do. Together we define the goals of our campaigns. Where do we want to go and how do we get there? Close collaborating is key to creating smart campaigns and effective communications with outstanding results. Hence we invest strongly in acquiring a profound understanding of your challenge, product and industry.  We create Creativity, sharp messaging and high-quality communications determine how you come across as a brand and company. We help you to develop the right tone of voice, visual identity and spot-on campaigns. Whether it’s developing creative concepts, videos, brochures, company presentations, mailings or events, we’re never afraid to get our hands dirty in order to get things done. We connect Get your message out there and ensure it resonates with your target audience. Through smart media planning, tailored messaging and dedicated community management we make sure your brand will reach the audiences we’re aiming for. And of course you can always count on transparent reporting to measure the ROI.
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Boom, Belgium (+1)
    From €5,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Government & Administration (+15)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (13 reviews)

    On a au moins 95 façons de faire parler de vous.

    Highly recommended
    Nonante Cinq est une agence de conseil en communication et relations publiques qui accompagne startups, entreprises, institutions et groupes de presse. Nous aidons nos clients à passer à la vitesse supérieure grâce à nos conseils stratégiques et nos contacts privilégiés dans les médias et auprès des leaders d’opinion. Vous avez une histoire unique à raconter : on a au moins 95 façons de faire parler de vous !
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Evere, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Media (+20)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (5 reviews)

    It's our mission to boost yours

    Highly recommended
    We help purpose-driven organisations to leverage the latest digital and design trends for good . Our proven process helps organisations stand out by building memorable & impactful digital experiences (brands, projects & campaigns) in Brussels and beyond.
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €100 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Non-profit
    Speaks English
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (19 reviews)

    Power of the Bla bla

    A Branding & Creative Agency. We build brands and shape reputations. Our raw materials are insights and ideas. Our end products are strategic communication that works.
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in First New Cairo, Egypt
    From €1,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Real Estate (+26)
    Speaks English, Arabic
    11-50 members
  • 4.8
    (9 reviews)

    Seriously Creative

    Flow is a creative agency that supports organizations with their branding and digital presence in China. We create visual identities, WeChat mini programs & websites, and design marketing materials.
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Beijing, China (+1)
    From €1,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Management Consulting (+25)
    Speaks English, Chinese(+2)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (8 reviews)

    We tell your stories through design

    We are a cross-disciplinary design studio based in London offering a range of services including brand, strategy, graphic design, web design, web build, UX/UI, packaging and product/industrial design. We partner with visionary leaders to create brands, products, services and experiences that engage people and deliver results. We also work with founders and investors in innovative startups to help them realise their potential and turn their vision into reality. Creating a narrative that feeds our creative direction is at the core of our agile, design driven methodology. Curiosity, collaboration and a user-centred approach are at the heart of what we do. Our strength relies on our cross-disciplinary approach to client briefs.
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Greater London, United Kingdom
    From €5,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Education (+16)
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 4.8
    (7 reviews)

    Content-driven Digital Agency based in the UAE.

    Top awarded
    Allow us to introduce ourselves. We’re more than just a leading creative animation and Interactive Solutions studio in the heart of the UAE. We’re passionate creators of immersive digital content. Whether you’re looking for interactive mobile development, or searching for a studio to build detailed virtual experiences, Blackbird has the technology and expertise to make your project happen. As one of the top studios in the area, we are at the forefront of the latest tech development and animation. This has allowed us to cultivate an innovative production pipeline unlike any other. From 3D animation to mobile development and Interactive experience, we do it all, achieving world-class results every time. Creative studio with art & technology. At Blackbird, we’re a creative group of artists, designers, animators, and filmmakers. You can easily fit us into three main teams 01. Designers These are the fashionable artistic creative folks who make things look amazing. 02. Developers They understand how everything works at a deep level. Throw a hackathon at them, and you’ll know they’ve got your back. 03. Producers Whether virtual or in real life, they’re the public face of Blackbird, making sure you and your projects run smoothly and look perfect. Some Firsts. STEREOSCOPY When we were still in our startup days, we had the privilege of creating the first stereoscopic movie to ever be produced in the Middle East. It was a huge success and pushed us to develop new technologies just to reach that goal. The Lebanese Ministry of Education even premiered the film at a special event. MOTION CAPTURE In 2016, we built our motion capture studio, the first of its kind in Lebanon and we’re privileged to have access to this impressive technology. We’re also happy to be able to offer mo-cap services to other agencies, production houses, and animation studios in our region, and in Europe. INTERACTIVE ARCHITECTURE We created ARKiworld in 2015, one of the world’s first architectural visualization VR platforms. It allows home buyers or builders to experience a property long before it’s ever built. This is an important factor in guiding architectural decisions.
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    From €1,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+18)
    Speaks English, Arabic
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (43 reviews)

    L'agence 360 qui vous accompagne tout au long de votre projet - Stratégie digitale et création web

    🏆 GOOGLE PARTNER 🏆 CERTIFIÉ DATADOCK 🏆 LABELLISÉ FRENCH TECH Agence THRIVE est une agence digitale 360° localisée à Bordeaux. 🚀 L'agence est composée de 20 collaborateurs répartis au sein des départements design, développement, marketing et gestion de projet. Depuis 2022, l'agence structure sa vision RSE et poursuit sa démarche pour l'obtention de la certification ISO 26000. Agence THRIVE propose un ensemble de services complémentaires à destination des entreprises et de leurs projets. ▶️ Développement web ▶️ Conception d'image de marque ▶️ Création de contenu ▶️ Publicité digitale ▶️ Automatisation et implantation d'IA dans les processus métiers ▶️ Etude de marché et conseils ▶️ Formation Pour les acteurs de la finance et pour les professions réglementées, Agence THRIVE les accompagne via son pôle d'expertise hatchr. L'agence lance depuis janvier 2023 son Startups Studio afin de faire émerger de nouveaux projets innovants.
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Bordeaux, France
    From €1,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in E-commerce (+31)
    Speaks French, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (11 reviews)

    360° marketing & advertising services. Official Google Partner.

    Sparsis is an international marketing and advertising agency that provides full marketing services in all over the world. We're here to help you with Full Digital Production, Advertising and Digital Advertising, SMM Services, Design & Branding, as well as Event Organization. We are a multidisciplinary team of passionate professionals committed to understanding your business needs and turning your product into a brand, that would be hard to forget. We are devoted to creating a fun, vibrant working place and being a team our clients are genuinely happy to work with. We grow our business to grow your business. Our services are: 360° Marketing Advertising Branding & Design Event Marketing IDEA HAS A SHAPE!
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Yerevan, Armenia
    From €1,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Beverage (+29)
    Speaks English, Armenian(+2)
    51-200 members
  • 4.9
    (34 reviews)

    Donnez du pep's à votre communication et design !

    Highly recommended
    L’art & LA MANIÈRE La communication et le design dans toute leur splendeur ! Le fil conducteur de tous nos projets ? Le parcours client ! Que ce soit sur des supports de communication papier ou digital, dans un appartement, un hôtel ou un restaurant, notre rôle est d’optimiser le parcours des clients, en le rendant plus fluide, plus ergonomique, plus instinctif pour créer l’envie. Bref, nous faisons tout pour simplifier la vie de votre public et faire de son expérience avec la marque un moment fort dont il se souviendra. COMMUNICATION DE MARQUE Donner ou redonner une identité à votre société, à votre marque, la faire évoluer, en créer une nouvelle, par le biais d’un nouveau discours, d’une nouvelle image. COMMUNICATION ÉDITORIALE C'est le fondement de toute communication, couché sur du papier ou tapé sur le clavier, pour raconter votre histoire. À l’ère du digital, la communication joue entre l’écran et le papier, le webzine et le magazine. Une même histoire, mais chacun a ses règles pour que le courant passe… COMMUNICATION VISUELLE Après le fond, c’est le point d’entrée de votre image de marque. Elle commence par des règles, pour laisser, ensuite, libre cours à votre imagination et renforcer l’identité de votre marque. Mettre des images sur des mots. COMMUNICATION DIGITALE Web, mobiles et médias sociaux s’intègrent dans votre stratégie de communication globale, pour renforcer votre image, atteindre vos publics cibles ou de nouveaux, améliorer votre notoriété et soutenir votre stratégie commerciale. DESIGN La marque s'exprime jusque sur le point de vente, le restaurant, l'appartement ou l'hôtel. Le design donne du caractère aux lieux et agence les espaces intelligemment pour que le parcours client soit simple et fluide. CRÉATION Agence conseil oui, mais aussi agence créative, nous façonnons et animons tous vos outils de communication et de design. Nous agissons sur autant de supports off et on line nécessairespour répondre à tous vos besoins.   Depuis sa création en 2014, nidépices a mis ses compétences au service de clients dans différents secteurs (immobilier, banque et finance, industrie, associatif, luxe, services, médical, éducation, juridique, service public, hôtellerie, transport, automobile, bureautique) : Adagio, Groupe Advens, Apero' Boulot, Arcagy Gyneco, BNP Paribas, CIEP, Citigroup, Commerzbank, EasyBike (Solex), Emilie Brandt, Endel, Espace Métropole Immobilier, Essor, Fertil, Groupe Fiderec, H3P, Jour, La, MyLink, Orfeo, Groupe Holdinger (Locaclima, Airoclim, Renovair), Korian, Maison Le Bourdonnec, Leclo concept, Legisway, Lucky Oldstone, Mensch, Marker MC, OGIC, Pierre & vacances, Groupe Rubis, Rubis Terminal, Santé au Travail IDF, Sncf, Sogefi, Spie Batignolles, ST Dupont, Very Chantilly, Vitogaz, Timhotel, THiME, etc.
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Paris, France
    From €3,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Retail (+16)
    Speaks French, English
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (6 reviews)

    Mit frischen Ideen und viel Know-how erfolgreich kommunizieren.

    Top awarded
    Die PETER PAUL AND MARY Werbeagentur Berlin ist eine inhabergeführte Full-Service Agentur mit einem breitgefächerten Kundenportfolio. Ebenso vielfältig wie die Kunden sind auch die Ideen und Herangehensweisen der Berliner Kreativagentur. Die von PPAM Berlin entwickelten Werbemaßnahmen bringen den Kunden weiter und unterstützen ihn beim Erreichen der Unternehmens- und Marketingziele. Effekthascherei ist hier nicht gefragt, Beeindrucken und Begeistern umso mehr. PPAM verbindet Kreativität und Design mit Kompetenz und Wissen, sodass keine Wünsche offen bleiben. Dabei arbeitet PPAM stets zuverlässig, schnell, transparent und zu fairen Konditionen. Mit eigens entwickelten Workshops für Markenentwicklung, Webentwicklung und Einzelkampagnen sorgt PPAM dafür, dass von Beginn an zielführend und effizient gearbeitet wird und Kunde und Agentur stets wissen, wie das Ergebnis aussehen soll. Für PPAM ist seit jeher ein respektvoller und fairer Umgang mit Lieferanten und Kunden die Basis für eine vertrauensvolle und oft langjährige Zusammenarbeit.
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Berlin, Germany
    From €1,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+16)
    Speaks English, German(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (5 reviews)

    Digital Solutions for Impactful Tomorrow

    Highly recommended
    Lucidly embraces: the new idea, the innovative, the bold, and the different on the digital frontier of all the industries. LUCIDLY is your premier digital solutions provider based in Dubai, UAE. We provide a selection of tailored services and solution for your business. We have a dedicated skilled team which is specialized in providing solutions crafted for your specific needs and unique requirements. Our main goal is to provide excellent solutions and customer services to help our clients reach the success in the digital world. We are firm on our core values and we dedicated to our commitment to being honest and excellent while serving our clients in Dubai, across the UAE and globally.
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    From €1,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare (+10)
    Speaks English, Arabic(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (52 reviews)

    Aantrekkelijke communicatie

    Verruimende concepten, designs en content: aantrekkelijke communicatie Wij zijn Graviteit , creatieve wezens die de krachten bundelen om bij elk project het onderste uit de kan te halen. Ons doel als communicatiebureau : zorgen dat jouw bedrijf niet blijft zweven tussen de veelheid aan concurrentie. Samen plaatsen we jouw onderneming op de kaart! Maar vrees niet, we blijven met beide voetjes op de grond. Klaar om samen aan de slag te gaan met jouw communicatie? Sterke communicatie komt enkel tot zijn recht wanneer deze  op maat  van jouw bedrijf is. Niet elke aanpak werkt voor jouw onderneming. Daar is Graviteit zich van bewust. Daarom plaatsen we elke klant in het  middelpunt  van zijn eigen sterrenstelsel. We willen weten welke krachten er van werking zijn en wat er leeft in jouw omgeving. Dit is noodzakelijk voor stevig uitgebouwde communicatie. Enkel zo kan jouw bedrijf  groeien   binnen het universum . We geloven in een  open  en  transparante  manier van communiceren. Het is ons doel om boeiende en succesvolle samenwerkingen tot stand te laten komen. Het spreekt voor zich dat we steeds inzetten op een  partnership op lange termijn , en dat we als communicatiebureau werk afleveren waar we fier op zijn. Overtuigd? Of nog net dat extra duwtje in de rug nodig?  Laten we afspreken, en wie weet voel jij de aantrekking tot Graviteit!   Broadening concepts, design and content: attracting communication. We are Graviteit , creative beings combining their strengths to get the most out of every project. Our goal as a communication agency ? To make sure that your business doesn’t hover among all your competitors. Together, we pin your business on the map! But fear not, we’ll keep our feet on solid ground. We can’t wait to launch your company’s communication.  Communication only works out great when it is  customized for your business . Not every approach is fitting for each company. Graviteit is aware of this. That is why we place each customer at the centre of his own galaxy . We want to know which forces affect you, and what is going on in your field. This is necessary to develop a strong communication model . Only by doing this can we make your company  grow within the universe . We believe in  open and transparent communication . Our goal is to create fascinating and successful collaborations . It goes without saying that we are always aiming for  long-term partnerships , and that we want to deliver projects that we are proud of. Convinced? Or do you just need that extra push?  Let’s meet, and hopefully you feel the attraction to Graviteit!
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Ghent, Belgium (+1)
    From €1,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Legal Services (+29)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (12 reviews)

    We create 'Good Branding!'

    Top awarded
    We are a full service design agency specialised in branding & brand positioning. DesignRepublic is an experienced, yet young at heart, branding agency located in Brussels, Belgium. Since the creation of the agency in 2009 we work for a diverse range of customers, from multinationals, SME's and local start-ups. We create brands from scratch, develop complete corporate identities, work on re-branding or brand uplifting, create the concept and story behind the identity, translate this branding in attractive packaging design and/or look and feel of the website and social media. We have a lot of expertise in FMCG while, at the same time, we have developed a strong expertise in corporate identity branding and sustainable packaging. Our biggest strength is to combine creativity with a down to earth attitude, resulting in a design that is contemporary, attractive for its audience and has all the potential for becoming glorious.
    1 work in Business Card Design
    Located in Saint-Gilles, Belgium
    From €3,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Legal Services (+7)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+2)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (15 reviews)

    Agencia de comunicación. Gráfica, Web, Digital y Eventos. Generamos ideas para que vendas más.

    Highly recommended
    Profesionales curiosos, creativos y apasionados. Conjugamos el mundo off y el on. Nuestros principales compromisos son la innovación , la dedicación , el trabajo en equipo , la responsabilidad, el día a día y la pasión que le dedicamos a los proyectos de nuestros clientes.  Consideramos que la comunicación es un concepto muy amplio con un objetivo muy claro: hacer llegar tu mensaje para mejorar la imagen de tu empresa. En BACAAM somos expertos en proporcionarte  IDEAS PARA VENDER MÁS , tanto en el mundo físico como en el digital.
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Madrid, Spain
    From €1,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Non-profit (+22)
    Speaks Spanish, English
    1-10 members
  • 4.9
    (11 reviews)

    Wij ontwikkelen krachtige communicatie-uitingen, spreken jouw doelgroep aan en helpen je vooruit

    Of je nu een merk wilt bouwen, een impactvolle campagne wilt neerzetten of op zoek bent naar een heldere website, wij helpen je van A tot Z. Studio Bureau is een allround grafisch ontwerp bureau. Wij ontwikkelen en ontwerpen krachtige communicatie-uitingen die jouw doelgroep aanspreken en je bedrijf vooruit helpen. Goed ontwerp zorgt voor positieve verandering. Bij Studio Bureau ontwerpen wij met een helder doel: het creëren van een krachtige visuele beeldtaal die een bedrijf of merk onderscheidend en zichtbaar maakt. ‍ Als allround creative agency houden wij van omvangrijke ontwerpopdrachten waarin diverse design disciplines samenkomen zoals strategie, brand design, campagnes, merkactivatie en digital design. Onze klanten variëren van culturele instanties en overheden tot corporate bedrijven en merken. Deze diverse mix houdt ons nieuwsgierig en zorgt voor een frisse aanpak met creatieve oplossingen. Grafisch ontwerp communiceert en kan elke vorm aannemen die nodig is om de boodschap over te brengen. Alles wat wij ontwerpen is communicatie. Op basis van sterke en toekomstbestendige ideeën en onze creativiteit realiseren wij dynamische ontwerpen die een verhaal vertellen en jouw bedrijf of merk laten opvallen. Om dit te bereiken, denken we proactief mee en ontwikkelen we krachtige communicatie-uitingen die voldoen aan de vraag en die jouw doelgroep aanspreken. Bij Studio Bureau beschikken wij als ontwerpers over de tools en vaardigheden om verandering te helpen formuleren, concretiseren en communiceren. Wij faciliteren verandering, positieve verandering!
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Rotterdam, Netherlands (+1)
    From €3,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+13)
    Speaks Dutch, English
    1-10 members
  • 4.8
    (19 reviews)

    Donnez du ressort à votre business !

    COM' ETC. CONSULTING est une agence de communication indépendante trilingue dirigée par Rinske APPELO, qui vibre pour ses clients depuis 2011. Digitale et créative, fine dans la compréhension de vos besoins et ceux de vos clients, COM' ETC. CONSULTING est basée dans la région Sud-PACA (Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, Gap et Avignon). Dans les faits elle agit partout , parce qu'aujourd'hui la communication n'a plus de frontière. Nous inventons des solutions de communication limpides, cohérentes et qui déclenchent l'envie , de manière à : augmenter votre visibilité valoriser vos services et produits et par-dessus tout : répondre à votre besoin avec efficacité Boost your business! COM' ETC. CONSULTING is an independent trilingual communication agency under the direction of Rinske APPELO, and who has vibrated for its clients since 2011. Digital and creative, listening sharply to your precise needs and those of your customers, COM' ETC. CONSULTING is based in the South of France (Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, Gap, Avignon) and actually can work anywhere , because communication today has no boundaries. We design clear, consistent and inspiring communication solutions, in order to: increase your visibility promote your services and products and above all: meet your needs in an effective manner Geef veerkracht aan je business! COM' ETC. CONSULTING is een onafhankelijk drietalig communicatiebureau , onder leiding van Rinske APPELO, die al sinds 2011 veerkracht voor haar klanten garandeert. Digitaal en creatief, scherpzinnig in het begrip van je business en van je klanten, COM' ETC. CONSULTING is in Zuid Frankrijk gebaseerd (Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, Grenoble, Gap, Avignon) en feitelijk is overal actief , want communicatie is vandaag grenzeloos. Wij bedenken heldere en doelgerichte communicatie oplossingen die inspirerend werken: je zichtbaarheid vergroten je diensten en producten promoten en vooral: op een doeltreffende manier aan je vereisten voldoen
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Manteyer, France
    From €1,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare (+8)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 4.9
    (20 reviews)

    we build and rebuild brands.

    Top awarded
    Wir beraten Gründer*innen und Unternehmen dabei ihre Marke durch einen klaren Blick auf die treffende Zielgruppe, zielführende Strategien und modernstes Markendesign zu launchen oder zu relaunchen. Für uns zündet der Projektmehrwert besonders dann, wenn wir gemeinsam funktionale und wirklich einzigartige Markenerlebnisse entwickeln können.
    Looking for work in Business Card Design
    Located in Hamburg, Germany (+1)
    From €1,000 for Business Card Design
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+19)
    Speaks German, English
    1-10 members

Struggling to choose? Let us help.

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How to choose the right business card design agency for your business?

A business card is one of the most important marketing tools you have. It is often the first impression you make on a potential client or customer, so it's important to make sure your card design reflects the professional image you want to project. There are many business card design companies out there, but not all of them will provide the same level of quality or service. To help you find the right company for your needs, we've compiled a list of the best business card design companies. We've considered factors like quality of design, customer service, and value to create this list. Whether you're looking for a simple design or something more elaborate, one of these companies is sure to have what you're looking for.

What does business card design mean ?

Business card design is the process of creating a visually appealing and professional looking business card. This can be done by using a variety of different design elements such as color, typography, imagery, and layout. The goal of business card design is to create a card that is both eye-catching and easy to read.

When designing a business card, it is important to keep in mind the company's branding. The colors, fonts, and overall look of the card should match the company's existing branding. This will help to create a cohesive look for the company and make it easier for customers to remember the company.

It is also important to consider the audience that the card will be targeting. For example, if the company is targeting businesses, the card should be more formal and conservative. However, if the company is targeting consumers, the card can be more creative and playful.

The layout of the business card is also an important consideration. The layout should be clean and easy to read. The most important information, such as the company's name and contact information, should be prominently featured.

Once the basic design elements have been decided upon, it is time to start creating the actual business card. There are a variety of software programs that can be used to create business cards. In general, it is best to use a vector-based program such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape. This will allow for the highest quality printing and the most flexibility when it comes to making changes to the design.

Once the design is complete, it is time to print the business cards. There are a variety of different printing methods that can be used. The most common method is offset printing, which uses a four-color printing process. This method is typically used for larger quantities of business cards.

Digital printing is another option that can be used for business cards. This method uses a high-quality printer to print the cards. This method is typically used for smaller quantities of cards.

Finally, business cards can also be printed using a laser printer. This method is typically used for very small quantities of cards.

Once the business cards have been printed, they can be distributed to customers and clients. The most common method of distribution is through the mail. However, business cards can also be given out in person or at events.

There are several factors to consider when designing a business card. First, you must choose the proper card stock and finish. The type of paper finish will have a big impact on the overall look and feel of your card. The final coating or treatment of the paper will also affect how your design looks. The matte or glossy finish is a popular option, but there are other options as well. A gloss or matte surface is more professional and will make your cards more eye-catching.

7 things that business card design companies do:

  • Add special features like raised ink or foil stamping
  • Create a unique, eye-catching design for your business cards
  • Design unique shapes and sizes to make your business cards stand out
  • Change the color scheme of your business card
  • Design a unique and memorable business card
  • Incorporate your branding into the design
  • Design and print custom business cards for special events

5 Questions to ask to business card design agencies:

  • How much does the company charge for business card design services?
  • What is the agency's creative process?
  • What are the company's core design principles?
  • How do you incorporate user feedback into your designs?
  • What are the company's payment terms?

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