The 10 Best Design Agencies in Mechelen - 2024 Reviews

Top Design Agencies in Mechelen

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All Design Studios in Mechelen

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  • Blizzard Communication

    Blizzard Communicationcertified-flagverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    Graphic Design Web Design CNC PRINT

    Nous sommes spécialisés dans la production de contenu graphique. Nous proposons aux entreprises des solutions en termes de communication visuelle . Qu’il soit PRINT ou DIGITAL , notre travail est fait sur mesure pour permettre à nos clients d’avoir une image parfaitement adaptée à leur besoin. Notre objectif? Nous nous efforçons d’aider les entreprises à tirer parti de la technologie pour créer de nouveaux modèles commerciaux et des stratégies de marque, d’établir une relation de confiance avec vous pour gérer parfaitement votre notoriété et votre image
    13 works in Design
    Located in Wemmel, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+11)
    Speaks English, Dutch (+2)
    1-10 members
  • mainichi digital

    mainichi digitalverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Making everyday count

    Mainichi is a design and development subscription agency. We offer a flat monthly fee for all our services, with unlimited revisions.
    7 works in Design
    Located in Houthalen-Helchteren, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Food (+7)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    1-10 members
  • Beast Animation

    Beast Animationcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    No work in Design
    Located in Mechelen, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks French, Dutch (+2)
    1-10 members
  • Gintlemen Agency

    Gintlemen Agencyverified-flag

    (11 reviews)

    Votre perfect serve digital

    Gintlemen est une agence digitale spécialisée dans la création et le développement de sites web, d’e-shop sur-mesure et d’identité de marque. Nés avec la technologie, nous sommes toujours en quête de nouveaux défis ! Quel que soit votre projet, nous mettons un point d’honneur sur la communication pour vous accompagner de la meilleure manière, par étapes et en toute transparence dans le développement de votre marque et la réalisation de vos supports de communication. Que vous souhaitiez une identité visuelle digitale forte, un site web vitrine avec ou sans back office administrable, un e-shop ou un concept digital, Gintlemen se démarque en proposant et développant des solutions adaptées à votre entreprise et vos clients. Nous travaillons également avec différentes technologies et partenaires locaux de confiance, ce qui octroie une grande flexibilité dans nos services. Un projet en tête ? Challengez-nous !
    9 works in Design
    Located in Namur, Belgium
    From €450 for Design
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+8)
    Speaks French, English
    1-10 members
  • Sevendays


    (3 reviews)

    We build digital web based solutions tailored to your needs

    Sevendays is an innovative digital agency in Antwerp. Sevendays helps to answer your business challenges by creating and building performant and bespoke integrated web solutions . Our in-house developers work in an agile and pragmatic way, in close collaboration with our clients. Our PM's hold budget and timing tight. Boosting your online business is our primary focus! Our services include: web applications, configurators, portals, system integrations (API), websites and webshops . We are in it for the long run, ready to adapt whenever new challenges present itself.
    7 works in Design
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium (+1)
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+7)
    Speaks English, Dutch (+3)
    1-10 members
  • Liswood & Tache

    Liswood & Tacheverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    Laat ook jouw merk groeien.

    Brand Builders uit Hasselt. Merkenbouwers dus, gespecialiseerd in strategisch merkadvies en creatieve communicatieconcepten. Met ons team van 12 personen staan wij in voor de branding en communicatie van zowel KMO's als multinationals. Van Hasselt tot Kortrijk! Onze missie is om merken te doen groeien en daar de meest geschikte middelen - tegen het beschikbare budget - voor in te zetten. Dus vertrekkende vanuit een sterke strategie (zowel on- als offline), over creatief concept, tot het het daadwerkelijk op de wereld krijgen van alle communicatiemiddelen. Noem het hoe je wilt - naadloos geïntegreerd, 360 graden, crossover of wat dan ook - uiteindelijk gaat het erom om uw boodschap met het gewenste effect over te brengen bij de gewenste doelgroep. Dat doen we door het vertellen van uw verhaal, het bouwen van uw merk. In de loop van de jaren hebben we hiervoor een aanpak ontwikkeld, gebaseerd op onze ervaringen met grote en kleinere merken. Deze aanpak hebben we de uMerk-methode gedoopt. We maken met plezier even tijd vrij om deze methode te komen toelichten. Ps: Met trots mogen we ons een officiële Google Partner noemen. Dus voor al uw SEO en SEA gerelateerde vragen kan u ook bij ons terecht. Ps2: Liswood & Tache is een CVBA. Een coöperatieve vennootschap waarbij werknemers betrokken worden in het dagelijks bestuur en mee de vruchten mogen plukken van eventuele positieve resultaten. Een aangename en transparante werkcultuur, waar ieders mening van belang is en waar je beloond wordt voor je inspanningen.
    10 works in Design
    Located in Hasselt, Belgium
    From €4000 for Design
    Worked in Legal Services (+11)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    11-50 members
  • Nonante Cinq

    Nonante Cinqcertified-flagverified-flag

    (8 reviews)

    On a au moins 95 façons de faire parler de vous.

    Nonante Cinq est une agence de conseil en communication et relations publiques qui accompagne startups, entreprises, institutions et groupes de presse. Nous aidons nos clients à passer à la vitesse supérieure grâce à nos conseils stratégiques et nos contacts privilégiés dans les médias et auprès des leaders d’opinion. Vous avez une histoire unique à raconter : on a au moins 95 façons de faire parler de vous !
    16 works in Design
    Located in Evere, Belgium (+1)
    From €3000 for Design
    Worked in E-commerce (+20)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    1-10 members
  • Lab900


    (1 review)
    At Lab900 we build attractive web applications and mobile apps, and offer Agile coaching to enable new ways of working within organizations.   Check out our story at:   Webapplications We build attractive user-centric web applications and mobile apps. Together with our customers, we create tailor-made solutions to drive your digital transformation. Our methodology: Design: Understand your users' needs Develop: Use the latest web technologies to build attractive applications Reflect: Sense and respond accordingly Repeat: Continuously deliver value Agile coaching Introduction to Agile Training: For anyone that wants to learn about agile working and best practices. In an interactive session, you’ll discover the key ‘rituals’ and how to apply them. Agile Shock Therapy: Already have some experience with working in agile mode, but is it not going as planned? Review current practices of agile, create concrete action points to improve, or learn how to scale up the agile initiatives in your company. Liberating structures: Tired of PowerPoint or pointless meetings? Reinvent your way of working by introducing initiatives that can re-energize your meetings and foster trust, engagement and creativity throughout the company. Design Thinking Session: How do you capture what your end users truly want? On what do you focus your activities? By emphasizing with end users, we dive into their world and find out where we can solve a problem or improve their customer experience. Portfolio: Sustainable Development tracking app: Industrial energy IOT platform: Disruptive Employee Experience Platform:   Technology: We constantly evaluate all technologies on the market to be able to offer the best technological choice to our customers. Here are a few of the technologies which we support: Angular React React native Java Python Node JS We support multiple cloud platforms: Google Cloud Platform Microsoft Azure Amazon Web Services (AWS) Our solutions often integrate with large ERP systems: SAP SuccessFactors Salesforce For more details please visit
    No work in Design
    Located in Mechelen, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked inIndustrial Goods & Services
    Speaks English, Dutch (+2)
    11-50 members
  • Uptron


    (9 reviews)

    Lanceer jouw business online

    Uptron is een full-service digital agency dat zijn klanten begeleidt van A tot Z. Wij zorgen voor de online zichtbaarheid van onze klanten d.m.v. een digitale strategie dat echt werkt. Onze focus ligt op resultaatgedreven communicatie vanuit een strategisch-analytische aanpak. Onze experts gebruiken de nieuwste technologieën zodat elke product, op het juiste moment, aan de juiste persoon wordt getoond. Elke samenwerking bij UPTRON start bij het luisteren naar het verhaal van onze klant. Wij plaatsen uw bedrijf en producten centraal en zoeken samen met u de beste digitale strategie. Samen met onze experts kijken we naar Google Ads en onderzoeken we data uit Google Analytics. Op basis van de verkregen informatie creëren wij een digitale oplossing. Dankzij de expertise van onze UX-designer en web development team, maken wij een adembenemende en converterende website voor onze klant. ONLINE MARKETING AUDIT Bij 80% van onze samenwerkingen starten we met het uitvoeren van een grondige audit. We onderzoeken de huidige digitale strategie en aanwezigheid. Vervolgens brengen we op basis hiervan de nodige verbeteracties in kaart. Via de verzamelde data van jouw website en sociale media kanalen krijgen we een duidelijk beeld van wat er goed is en waar er nog ruimte is voor verbetering. Deze data en waardevolle aanbevelingen worden in een overzichtelijk rapport op maat gegoten. Als strategisch online marketing partner is het onze doelstelling om een sterk fundament te creëren voor een toekomstgericht online marketing strategie op maat van uw onderneming. Klanten stellen heel vaak gerichte vragen over de aanpak van een specifiek probleem binnen hun digitale marketing, maar bij UPTRON kijken we liever naar het grotere plaatje. We gaan een momentopname maken en analyseren de huidige situatie in z'n geheel. Zo leggen we geen pleister op de wonde, maar helpen we u echt voorruit met een digitale strategie dat werkt. ONLINE MARKETING Online marketing is van cruciaal belang voor het succes van uw website bij uw doelgroep. Ons team heeft tonnen ervaring met alle mogelijke opties. En die gezamenlijke kennis benutten we om de juiste kanalen per product, boodschap, doelgroep of doelstelling in de marketingstrijd te gooien. Google Ads, social media advertising, e-mailmarketing,... We kennen de bijzonderheden en beperkingen, voor- en nadelen van elk kanaal en nemen die dan ook mee in het creëren van de juiste marketingmix voor uw bedrijf.  WEBDESIGN U heeft gemiddeld 3 tot 5 seconden om bezoekers te overtuigen om op jouw website te blijven. Daarom ontwikkelt Uptron innovatieve websites met oog voor design en nadruk op gebruiksvriendelijkheid. Dagelijks zijn er nieuwe ontwikkelingen op het gebied van web development, maar wij staan niet stil. Wij leveren steeds adembenemende designs in een gebruiksvriendelijke omgeving waarbij de nieuwste ontwikkelingen zijn geïntegreerd.  E-Commerce Steeds meer consumenten winkelen vandaag online en dit biedt ook groeikansen voor uw bedrijf. UPTRON beschikt over een team van e-commerce experts die uw zaak analyseren en samen met u de online wereld gaan veroveren. OVERIGE DIENSTEN Wij zijn een 'full-service digital agency' en dit tonen wij dan ook van A tot Z. Kijk snel op onze website en ontdek al onze diensten.
    31 works in Design
    Located in Dilbeek, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Beverage (+18)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium (+2)
    1-10 members
  • Yungo


    (8 reviews)

    Yungo - Disrupt the Norm, Set the Standard 💥 Award-winning marketing agency

    Yungo is de enige Vlaamse Agency die zich focust op Disruptive Marketing. Aandacht grijpen én vasthouden, dat is voor jouw bedrijf of merk in deze snel veranderende wereld méér dan cruciaal. Geen voor de hand liggende uitdaging, wetende dat de gemiddelde mens 377 advertentieboodschappen per dag consumeert. Maar … don’t worry, be Yungo! Want Yungo helpt je. Niet alleen met overleven, maar vooral met openbloeien, opvallen én groeien. Hoe? Door de magische mix van onze disruptieve marketingstrategieën en ons team prettig gestoorde, creatieve geesten. We zijn een straf team digitale pioniers en laat ook jouw merk pionieren . Samen met jou creëren we een slimme strategie , unieke content en de juiste tools . Zo bouwen we een solide merkbasis , veroveren we het juiste doelpubliek en jagen we je groeicijfers de hoogte in. Klaar om je brand écht te boosten? Let’s Yungo! Altijd straffere cijfers? Altijd beter communiceren? Altijd nieuwe doelen bereiken? Roep gauw je speurhonden terug, want dan is Yungo jouw betrouwbare partner de route! Yungo heeft een krachtige body die gestaag groeit en een breed arsenaal relevante expertises . Zo ontplooien we voor elke uitdaging de nodige power op het vlak van digitale marketing, performance, branding, video, conceptcreatie, design en storytelling . Met een hart voor jouw missie, een neus voor ROI en een onverschrokken vibe exploreert Yungo alle mogelijkheden om jouw resultaten exponentieel te versterken. Guerillagewijs voor directe impact en in de diepte voor langetermijngroei. In een hecht partnership. Zo groeien en bloeien we samen. Want echte pioniers vinden sterke partners. Let’s Yungo!
    2 works in Design
    Located in Genk, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Construction (+19)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members


    (7 reviews)

    We craft digital products from idea to production. We help you to digitalize your business.

    KERN-IT est une société de développement informatique basée à Bruxelles qui assure la conception de votre identité graphique jusqu'à la réalisation de votre produit numérique sur mesure. Nous sommes une équipe soudée d’ experts passionnés par leur domaine et nous couvrons tous les aspects nécessaires à la réalisation et au succès de votre projet de développement informatique. Nous privilégions une approche pragmatique et holistique pour relever vos défis. Nos solutions sont optimisées en fonction de vos besoins. Au cours de ces 10 dernières années, nous avons pu répondre aux besoins de plus de 50 clients et nous avons réalisé ensemble plus d’une centaine de projets de toutes tailles. Nos références clients principaux sont Liberation Route Europe, VennTelecom, Cushman & Wakefield, IKOAB, Ciaco, Inseetu, Newdeal, Sambrinvest, EticWood, Pahrtners, A.fiducia, PR Print, et bien d’autres… Nous avons de l'expérience dans divers secteurs tels que: Télécommunications, Gestion locative, Agences immobilières, Histoire et Culture, Impression, Finances, Ecologie, ONG, Ressources humaines, Paramédical, Sport, Construction, Education, HoReCa… Nos spécialités / Pourquoi faire appel à nous ? Logiciel Web sur mesure CRM & ERP sur mesure Outils cartographiques Design web Développement web UX / UI design Objets connectés Data science Administration système / DevOPS / Réseaux Recherche & Développement Nos valeurs Esprit d’équipe Intégrité Passion Innovation Going The Extra Mile Tags : Python, Flask, React.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, Rich internet applications, Figma, Django, Flask, React native, SCSS, RaspberryPi, Linux, WebApp, MobileApp, UI/UX, Android Dev, IOS Dev, Software Dev, Startup Dev, Management, IoT, AWS, Wagtail, Gulp, React admin, DevOps, Ansible, Product Engineering, Product Design, Headless ------- KERN-IT SRL is a software development company based in Brussels. Our team will assist you in the design and development process. We will create and deliver your tailor-made digital product. We are a team of experts with a passion for their field and we cover all aspects necessary for the success of your software development project. We favor a pragmatic and holistic approach to your challenges, our solutions are optimized to your needs. Over the past 10 years we helped more than 50 customers and together we executed more than 100 projects of all sizes. Our customers include Liberation Route Europe, VennTelecom, Cushman & Wakefield, IKOAB, Ciaco, Inseetu, Newdeal, Sambrinvest, EticWood, Pahrtners, A.fiducia, PR Print, and more… We have experience in Telecommunications, Rental Management, Real Estate, History and Culture, Printing, Finance, Ecology, NGOs, Human Resources, Paramedical, Sport, Construction, Education, HoReCa. Our expertise Tailor-made web based software Custom CRM & ERP Geomapping tools Web design and development UX / UI Design Internet Of Things Data Science System Administration / DevOPS / Networks Research & Development Our values : Team spirit Integrity Passion Innovation Going The Extra Mile Tags : Python, Flask, React.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, Rich internet applications, Figma, Django, Flask, React native, SCSS, RaspberryPi, Linux, WebApp, MobileApp, UI/UX, Android Dev, IOS Dev, Software Dev, Startup Dev, Management, IoT, AWS, Wagtail, Gulp, React admin, DevOps, Ansible, Product Engineering, Product Design, Headless
    17 works in Design
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €3000 for Design
    Worked in Non-profit (+14)
    Speaks French, English
    1-10 members
  • Madzuli Agency

    Madzuli Agencycertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)
    RESULTAAT GERICHTE RECLAME Nog niet echt een marketingplan, nood aan een origineel concept, pakkende slogan of ben je jezelf door al het bovenstaande al aan het afvragen hoe je je offline campagnes ook slim en meetbaar kan maken? Dan zit je op de juiste site, ons ervaren conceptueel team kan samen met jouw een overkoepelende strategie opzetten, je campagne conceptueel sterk neerzetten over verschillende kanalen zoals print, social media, .... of je zelfs helpen met het vinden van een juiste copywriting. Hierbij lopen slimme interactiviteit en nieuwe technologiën als een rode draad recht naar wat voor jou echt telt, tastbare resultaten. 
    No work in Design
    Located in Mechelen, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English, Dutch (+1)
    11-50 members
  • Gaspa Agency

    Gaspa Agencycertified-flagverified-flag

    (13 reviews)

    Propulsez votre business en ligne.

    Gaspa Agency, votre agence web d'excellence à Bruxelles en Belgique. Ensemble, donnons vie à vos projets. Pourquoi choisir Gaspa Agency ? Que vous soyez en phase de lancement ou que vous cherchiez à booster votre business en ligne, Gaspa Agency est là pour vous accompagner à chaque étape. Nous propulsons vos idées pour les transformer en succès numériques. Nos Services : Création de Sites Web Chez Gaspa Agency, nous ne nous contentons pas de créer des sites web, nous bâtissons des expériences digitales sur mesure. Notre équipe d'experts travaille main dans la main avec vous pour concevoir des sites qui allient esthétique, performance et facilité d'utilisation. Que vous ayez besoin d'un site vitrine, d'une plateforme de blog ou d'un portfolio créatif, nous réalisons un projet qui vous ressemble. Solutions sur mesure Chaque entreprise a des besoins spécifiques. Chez Gaspa Agency, nous concevons des solutions personnalisées pour répondre précisément à vos exigences. Que vous ayez besoin d'un CRM (gestion de la relation client) pour optimiser vos interactions commerciales ou d'un ERP (progiciel de gestion intégré) pour centraliser vos processus métier, nous créons des outils sur mesure. Notre objectif : améliorer l'efficacité de votre entreprise grâce à des solutions logicielles puissantes et entièrement adaptées à votre environnement. Webdesign (UI / UX Design) Le design est l'âme de votre site. Nos designers talentueux élaborent des interfaces visuelles captivantes, ergonomiques et adaptées à tous les écrans. Avec un design qui reflète votre marque, nous assurons une expérience utilisateur fluide et mémorable. Solutions E-commerce Le commerce en ligne est incontournable. Nous vous aidons à déployer une boutique en ligne performante, prête à convertir vos visiteurs en clients. Du catalogue produit aux systèmes de paiement sécurisés, nous mettons en place une solution e-commerce complète et adaptée à vos besoins spécifiques. Marketing Digital Dans un univers numérique en constante évolution, il est essentiel de vous démarquer. Grâce à nos stratégies de marketing digital ciblées, nous boostons votre visibilité et vous connectons efficacement à votre audience. Du SEO aux campagnes publicitaires, nous mettons en place des actions concrètes pour générer des résultats. Web3 et Blockchain Gaspa Agency est à la pointe des nouvelles technologies. Nous vous accompagnons dans l'intégration de solutions innovantes, qu’il s’agisse de contrats intelligents, d'applications décentralisées ou de blockchain. Préparez votre entreprise à l'avenir du web.
    16 works in Design
    Located in Brussels, Belgium (+1)
    From €750 for Design
    Worked in Travel & Leisure (+18)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members

    WE LIKE YOUcertified-flagverified-flag

    (7 reviews)

    Making brands’ social media better since 2016.

    WE LIKE YOU is a team of social media storytellers, community masterminds and advertising experts. Every day, we look for different ways to bridge the gap between businesses and the ir consumers by using tailored social media strategies and carefully customized creative solutions. We strongly believe that social media requires a unique skillset with little overlap from other marketing forms. We focus on one thing and we do it well. We help brands discover their unique tone of voice, in order to implement a social media plan that increases business successes. We kick off with a brilliant idea, which leads to a customized digital approach attracting your target group. Because that’s what we’re here for: to engage your audience! Anyway, we want you to be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons! Say "Hi" and let's create something great together.
    2 works in Design
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    No budget for Design
    Worked in Retail (+15)
    Speaks Dutch, Belgium, English (+2)
    11-50 members
  • Otis Bay Studio

    Otis Bay Studioverified-flag

    (7 reviews)

    New breed digital agency. We leverage high-design with the power of low-code.

    Otis Bay Studio reshapes digital stories told by top-tier brands. We leverage high-design with the power of low-code , topping it off with over 20 years of digital experience . We help ambitious brands to outperform in the next generation of digital experiences. While working on a global scale we are the go-to Webflow Partner in The Netherlands. Are you ready to join the low-code revolution ?
    1 work in Design
    Located in Eindhoven, Netherlands (+5)
    From €5000 for Design
    Worked in Media (+4)
    Speaks English, Dutch (+1)
    11-50 members
  • Gigaweb


    (33 reviews)

    Nos talents au service de vos objectifs business !

    Nous sommes une agence digitale ayant comme seul objectif votre réussite . Notre équipe est pluridisciplinaire alliant des experts du web, du développement d'applications, du référencement, du marketing ainsi que de la gestion de projet. L'ensemble de nos compétences correspond à notre vision globale afin de délivrer la meilleure expérience à vos utilisateurs. Conseils : Conseils en stratégie business Audit pour une digitalisation optimale Web design : Site internet (design attrayant, responsive) E-commerce Applications web (développement sur mesure) Référencement : Viser le top 10 dans les moteurs de recherches (Google, Bing, etc...) Campagnes marketing Google Adwords Campagnes médias sociaux (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, etc...)
    21 works in Design
    Located in Liège, Belgium
    From €5000 for Design
    Worked in Pets (+16)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium (+2)
    1-10 members
  • Three-Sixty Media
    INTERACTIVE & DIGITAL EXPERTS: Three-Sixty develops interactive, digital solutions. Our name refers to our full-circle approach of handling each project from the very first concept until the final delivery. Our core team consists of creative developers and graphic designers, who are supported by interactive project managers. By combining true quality with thorough service, we develop unique and tailor-made solutions.
    5 works in Design
    Located in Kapelle-op-den-Bos, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Aviation & Aerospace (+3)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium (+2)
    1-10 members
  • Digital Leader

    Digital Leadercertified-flagverified-flag

    (2 reviews)

    The creative & performance agency for leading brands, now & tomorrow.

    Digital Leader is een strategisch online marketing bureau dat op basis van data en merkstrategie de digitale leiders van morgen creërt.
    6 works in Design
    Located in Haaltert, Belgium (+1)
    No budget for Design
    Worked in Sports (+7)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members
  • Top Agency

    Top Agencycertified-flagverified-flag

    (1 review)

    À l’ère du numérique, il serait temps de vivre avec son temps.

    Agence de communication digitale spécialisée dans l'identité de marque, la création de site web, l'impression et le marketing en ligne.
    1 work in Design
    Located in Tubize, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Education (+3)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    11-50 members


    (4 reviews)

    We tightly combine designers and engineers to craft innovative products.

    We are a product agency founded by designers and engineers with a passion for cutting-edge technology. Whether it is automotive, electronics, furniture, lighting, or any other type of products, our combined competences allow us to work together, gather our skills and tackle in detail every aspect in the conception of a qualitative innovative products.
    10 works in Design
    Located in Zaventem, Belgium
    From €5000 for Design
    Worked in Transportation (+3)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    11-50 members
  • BOX


    (0 review)

    BOX Internet Services - Web Design

    Een professionele website laten maken, of heeft u nood aan een online toepassing? Of het nu om een basiswebsite, een webshop of een webtoepassing gaat, bij BOX bieden wij betaalbare oplossingen. Zoals het thema van onze website al aangeeft, zijn wij een ‘renaissance’ onderneming; wij zijn vertrouwd met heel wat facetten van het internet, net zoals Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Machiavelli en Galileo ook meesters waren op vele gebieden. Dankzij onze internet-ervaring sinds 1993, bieden we naast het bouwen van websites ook andere diensten aan zoals online toepassingen, online video en live streaming, het faciliteren van webinars, ondersteuning in online marketing, webhosting, … Bekijk ons aanbod, neem vrijblijvend contact met ons op en we bekijken samen welke oplossingen we u kunnen aanbieden.
    7 works in Design
    Located in Aartselaar, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Construction (+6)
    Speaks Dutch, Belgium, Dutch (+1)
    1-10 members
  • Springbok agency

    Springbok agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Springbok is a digital and creative agency for positive growth.

    Springbok is a digital and creative agency for positive growth. Our innovative strategies drive growth and engagement, reinventing marketing by combining technology and creativity. At Springbok, we’re in it for the long term where sustainability is at the core of our way of doing business. We are obsessed with effectiveness . With a sharp focus on cutting-edge creative and digital solutions, we harness the power of data-driven insights to craft tailor-made output that resonates. Our 7 Expert Cells span across creative and digital strategy, marketing automation & platforms, performance, data, content & social media, sustainability , delivering measurable results and cultivating authentic connections with our clients’ audiences throughout all touchpoints. What makes us different? Our dedication to collaboration. We don't just work for you; our 7 connected expertise cells work with you and can integrate seamlessly alone or together into existing ecosystems. As our clients like Bridgestone, Ethias, Atlas Copco, MyFamily, JBL, Jumbo and many more will confirm, our strong relationships are built upon dedicated teams, simple processes and transparent pricing. Partner with us to unleash the full potential of your brand and embrace a future of sustained growth and innovation. Offices in Mechelen - Antwerp - Ghent - Brussels - Den Haag - Amsterdam - 's-Hertogenbosch
    No work in Design
    Located in Mechelen, Belgium (+1)
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Pharmaceuticals & Biotech (+3)
    Speaks English, Dutch (+2)
    201-500 members
  • Varamedia


    (12 reviews)

    Delivering leads and driving growth

    Varamedia, your one-stop 🚀 to your leadgeneration goals! Wij houden niet van smalltalk, wél van grootse resultaten. Samen gaan we voor een maximale groei met meer én betere offerte-aanvragen, afspraken, klanten, LEADS … Bij Varamedia draait alles om het aantrekken van waardevolle leads voor jouw bedrijf - mensen die echt geïnteresseerd zijn in jouw producten of diensten en bereid zijn actie te ondernemen. We gaan verder dan alleen het vergroten van websiteverkeer en we combineren sales en marketing om die warme leads te genereren. Met onze expertise in websiteverkeer en conversieoptimalisatie zorgen we ervoor dat meer bezoekers op je website overgaan tot waardevolle acties, zoals het aanvragen van informatie of het doen van aankopen. Bij Varamedia streven we ernaar jouw bedrijf te laten groeien door effectieve leadgeneratie, met de focus op het behalen van concrete resultaten.
    8 works in Design
    Located in Beernem, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Beauty (+11)
    Speaks English, Dutch (+2)
    1-10 members
  • Paf!


    (2 reviews)

    Together to the wow.

    Paf ! est une agence de communication visuelle & digitale . Active depuis plus de 12 ans, nous proposons un service all-inclusive . De la réflexion stratégique au développement créatif en passant par le positionnement de marque et le suivi au day-to-day. Paf ! garantit à ses clients un accompagnement ultra pointu dans tous les pôles de la communication graphique et digitale : Design graphique  : concept créatif, identitée visuelle, web design, motion design, mise en page, illustration Développement web  : site web, newsletter, API, magazines digitaux, intranet, web mastering Stratégie digitale  : SEO/SEA, acquisition, réseaux sociaux, campagne digitale, reporting, tracking, optimisation, formation. Notre volonté est de vous faire profiter de notre expertise, pour mener à bien, ensemble, votre mission qui va au-delà de la simple communication. Depuis plus de 12 ans, Paf! est à l’origine de nombreuses réalisations pour des clients de renommée nationale dans des domaines diversifiés. Toujours en apportant notre touche Paf! « out-of-the-box ». Avec l’acquisition de l’ agence Media*A , une référence dans le domaine de la stratégie digitale, Paf ! devient l’une des agences digitales les plus complètes sur le marché. L’intérêt pour vous, partenaires et clients, est de bénéficier désormais d’une offre de service digital 3.0, qui réunit l’univers de la création et celui de la stratégie digitale. Toujours à la recherche de nouveaux partenariats, nous attachons une grande importance à construire une relation forte avec nos clients.  
    10 works in Design
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €3000 for Design
    Worked in Real Estate (+12)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    11-50 members
  • e2e nv

    e2e nvverified-flag

    (0 review)

    e2e realiseert al 23 jaar performante websites en webtoepassingen op maat van onze klanten

    We zijn gespecialiseerd in de volgende diensten: uitwerken van functionele en technische analyses op basis van uw wensen en doelstellingen ontwerp en design van websites en webtoepassingen ontwikkelen van reservatietoepassingen ontwikkelen van inschrijvingstoepassingen ontwikkelen van online catalogi opzetten van integraties met interne en externe toepassingen hosten van webtoepassingen testen en bijsturen van realisaties
    7 works in Design
    Located in Ghent, Belgium
    From €3000 for Design
    Worked in Media (+7)
    Speaks English, Dutch (+2)
    11-50 members
  • Mc Arnolds

    Mc Arnoldsverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Creative fuel for your Brand

    Depuis plus de 16 ans, Mc Arnolds est réputée pour sa créativité et son expertise dans la création d'Identité visuelle (& supports identitaires), de Sites Web & Eshop sur mesure, de Photographie et de Marketing digital. Chacun de nos membres est spécialisé dans son domaine d'expertise, tout en bénéficiant d'une équipe dont l'implication et la détermination font toute la différence. L'internalisation de ces missions et leur gestion par une équipe dédiée nous permettent de construire des systèmes cohérents, minutieusement travaillés et parfaitement appliqués dans l'ensemble de nos missions. --- Mc Arnolds has been an expert in the creation of Brand Identity (& branding supports), Custom Websites, Photography and Digital Marketing for more than 16 years. Each of our members is specialised in his or her own area of expertise, while benefiting from a team whose involvement and determination makes all the difference. The internalization of these missions and their management by a dedicated team allows us to build coherent systems, meticulously worked and perfectly applied for all our missions.
    22 works in Design
    Located in Uccle, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+16)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    11-50 members
  • June20


    (2 reviews)

    Engineering Emotions, that's what we do

    June20 is a creative communications agency, with offices in Ghent and Antwerp. We believe your brand is only as strong as it is in the heart of your audience. That’s why we specialise in establishing that emotional connection you need. We call it Engineering Emotions. As engineers, we start from data and consumer insights to build your brand in every interface. We consider your brand as a system with many interfaces and, therefore, create work that connects every element with the right emotional impact at every phase of the customer journey. Our name is also emotion-driven. Did you know June 20 is regarded as the most joyous day of the year? It's the perfect name for us as it radiates the positivity and cheerfulness we stand for. We try hard to make every day as joyous as June 20, for our employees as well as for our clients. Our services We Engineer Emotions using: Strategy: We create content with a solid strategic foundation throughout the customer journey Communication: We develop campaigns, content and activations that trigger the right emotions Branding : We make your brand distinctive and recognisable in all communication Platforms & Technology: We select the best technology and communication channel Media: We find you the perfect media mix, from email marketing and SEO to online advertising PR & Content Marketing: We bring and reinforce the right messages with regard to your brand We design and build your brand consistently in every interface, to optimally connect with the power of emotions. Let’s meet!  
    11 works in Design
    Located in Ghent, Belgium (+1)
    From €5000 for Design
    Worked in Construction (+13)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium (+2)
    11-50 members
  • Fennec Group

    Fennec Groupverified-flag

    (0 review)


    Een jong Webdesign Bureau Fennec Group, een jong en dynamisch bedrijf, staat synoniem voor snelheid, kwaliteit en creativiteit. Deze drie kernwaarden gaan bij ons hand in hand. Ons team, bruisend van energie en innovatie, zet zich volledig in voor elk project, ongeacht de omvang. Of het nu gaat om een eenvoudige website voor een start-up of een uitgebreide e-commerce oplossing voor een gevestigd bedrijf, onze passie en toewijding blijven onveranderd. Elk project wordt door ons gezien als een unieke kans om iets speciaals te creëren. We kijken altijd vol ongeduld uit naar de reactie van onze klanten bij de lancering van een project. Hun enthousiasme en tevredenheid zijn voor ons de ultieme beloning. Als onze klant blij is, dan zijn wij dat ook. Bij Fennec Group geloven we dat een tevreden klant het bewijs is van ons harde werk en onze toewijding aan uitmuntendheid.
    4 works in Design
    Located in Lier, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Retail (+1)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    1-10 members
  • MediaMixer


    (0 review)

    Content in Motion

    MediaMixer is an allround, independant storytelling communication agency. With our in-house studio we get content moving for various communication projects. From digital to live, always tailored to your brand. LIVE: We create and organize live experiences such as trade shows, conferences, corporate radio, hybrid events, and incentives VIDEO : Our in-house team of producers, photographers, videographers, editors, and content creators brings every piece of content to life. MEDIA : We develop standout campaigns with strong concepts, social media advertising, copywriting, search marketing, PR, and more. DIGITAL : We conceive and build digital solutions, including websites, apps, and loyalty platforms. A selection of the wonderful projects we have developed in collaboration with our clients and our MediaMixers team can also be found on our website: Let’s get in touch!
    No work in Design
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Construction (+7)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    51-200 members
  • desent®


    (0 review)

    desent® is a full-service innovative design agency.

    For more than a decade we design and develop strong brands, creative assets and experiences, and effective marketing and communication campaigns for entrepreneurs, SMEs, start-ups, scale-ups, and organizations.
    No work in Design
    Located in Gooik, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    1-10 members


    (8 reviews)


    WE CREATE LIVE & DIGITAL BRAND EXPERIENCES & EVENTS. ZININ offers expertise in strategy, design, innovation and experience, to harness the power of brand for growth. Our Disciplines : Corporate & Consumer Branding, Content Creation, Digital & Social Brand Experiences, Live & Hybrid Brand Events. We're pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in every format: Digital, Virtual & Social, Live or Hybrid. We are convinced that you never get a second chance to make an unforgettable first brand impression. We believe that every touchpoint of a brand offers unique opportunities. We activate brands by building powerful front lines in the digital & real world. We work for both b-t-c & b-t-b clients in various sectors: High-Tech, Chemical Industry, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Human Resources, Finance, Logistics, Entertainment, Care, Education, Deco ... . A client can expect creative concepts with a flawless execution. ZININ is a flexible agency with short and direct communication lines between clients and the project team. If you're a looking for a creative brand content & conversation agency with extensive experience & network and real personal commitment, we can help you out!
    3 works in Design
    Located in Bierbeek, Belgium
    No budget for Design
    Worked in Construction (+14)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium (+2)
    1-10 members
  • &KOO


    (1 review)

    A world of entrepreneurial talents, one team

    &KOO is a platform of marketing (technology) expert companies, we work as one team with a common goal – to create 360° shared value to create a better future for your business and society. Being part of the Cronos Group, we drive your business’s growth at the intersection of creativity, technology and automation. As a full-service digital network, we use a combination of traditional and experimental marketing techniques. We’re writers, artists, strategists, developers, entrepreneurs, and data junkies. We live and breathe emerging tech, and we are always growing. We create 360° value for our clients, people and communities. From strategy to technology to communications. Futureproof. Powerful. Human.      
    20 works in Design
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium (+2)
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Beverage (+35)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    51-200 members
  • Adventure


    (4 reviews)

    Kick-ass visual content for brands

    A creative agency run by filmmakers with experience in Advertising, Film and Motion Design. Based in Luxembourg, Brussels and Paris, we specialise in high-end TV commercials and visual content for clients all across Europe.
    1 work in Design
    Located in Brussels, Belgium (+1)
    From €5000 for Design
    Worked in Technology Hardware & Equipment (+17)
    Speaks French, English
    1-10 members
  • Hilarious


    (15 reviews)

    We create experiences, we generate emotions, we get results

    Hilarious est une agence digitale, propulsée par des talents exceptionnels à votre service. Nos principaux atouts sont la création graphique sur mesure et l’intégration de sites web adaptés à tous les devices (ordinateurs, smartphone, tablette), la conception et réalisation d’actions concours en ligne, la création de campagne bannering au format HTML5, la création et la gestion d’emailing et l'analyse des résultats de chacune des expériences. Respecter votre planning fait partie de notre ADN, ainsi qu’être à l’écoute de vos défis afin de vous aider à les réussir. Nous nous amusons à repousser plus loin, l’imagination de nos talents créatifs, sans compromettre l’expérience utilisateur. Toute cette énergie positive, nous vous proposons de la découvrir, en prenant contact avec Audry Van Essche qui vous donnera un petit aperçu, de ce que peut être la création digitale avec Hilarious.
    No work in Design
    Located in Auderghem, Belgium
    No budget for Design
    Worked in Non-profit (+20)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    11-50 members
  • Add Value | Growth Marketing Agency

    Add Value | Growth Marketing Agencyverified-flag

    (5 reviews)

    Let’s perform, together.

    We are Add Value 👋🏻 Gegroeid vanuit goesting. Getekend door data. We focussen ons op growth marketing zodat jouw campagne de lucht ingaat. 💥 Nog belangrijker, we testen alles en vertalen jouw online impact in meetbare data. Naast onze performance driven aanpak hebben wij een stevige portie expertise for all things digital. 💻 Top of mind worden via social media of nood aan een nieuwe website? We’ve got you covered. 😉 Klaar voor digitale groei? Get in touch! 🚀
    No work in Design
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €3000 for Design
    Worked in Real Estate (+3)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    1-10 members
  • The Argonauts

    The Argonautsverified-flag

    (0 review)
      The Argonauts help companies remain meaningful in a rapidly changing world. Think of technological disruption, digital transformation, demographic and economical shifts, the generation gap, aging populations, mobility and climate change, to name just a few ... In our learning journeys we take you to surprising companies, startups, incubators, innovation hubs, universities and research centers. Through workshops and reflection we make the translation to your professional challenges, under the guidance of an expert lead argonaut.  We also tailor learning journeys, bootcamps and workshops to the specific needs of your organisation: co-creation with customers, design sprints, innovation bootcamps & workshops . We guide your team, in co-creation with your customers and users, to translate ideas into new products, services, business models and new ventures. Together we make your organization meaningful and ready for growth. We use tools such as design thinking and business modeling. Training : Go to work yourself with co-creation, design thinking and business modeling. Our experts teach you the skills to innovate faster and give you a creative toolset that is immediately usable in your organization. If desired, we give our open training “in company” tailored to your specific needs. The Argonauts  crew  is our pool of innovation and transformation experts, preparing your people for change and innovation. Here's a snapshot of our services: Immersive learning journeys and bootcamps "tailored" to the important strategic challenges of your company and translate the take-outs into concrete action plans. Trend research, technology dives and inspiration sessions. Develop innovation strategy / digital transformation master plan Facilitate innovation tracks and programs to engage your employees in innovation and turn ideas into concrete concepts and ventures. Translating customer and stakeholder "jobs to be done" into innovative products, services, processes or business models through co-creation, business modeling and design thinking methodologies. In-company training and coaching design thinking and business modeling Prepare organization and employees for change and innovation ("start2innovate") Guidance in the search for suitable subsidies to support innovation processes in collaboration with subsidy advisor  
    3 works in Design
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Human Resources (+4)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium (+3)
    1-10 members
  • Devcom-Media


    (8 reviews)

    Digital Growth Agency

    Devcom-Media est une agence web active dans quatre grands pôles du secteur digital . Le développement de solution web et mobile, comme des sites internet , des marketplaces , des applications mobiles ou tout type de projet web nécessitant l’expertise de nos codeurs. Ensuite, le pôle de marketing stratégique , où nous implémentons du contenu de qualité sur votre site aligné avec votre cible. Nous fournissons aussi un plan de communication stratégique et des outils d’acquisition de trafic en fonction de vos besoins. Nous mettons en place des stratégies multicanales au travers des réseaux sociaux (organique et payant SEM), de l’E-mailing, des influenceurs et du référencement gratuit et payant (SEO et SEA). Devcom-Media est aussi équipé d’un studio graphique à la pointe de la technologie, pour tous les besoins de création d’identité visuelle, de branding de votre marque, jusqu’à la retouche de visuel existant et du support à la création de web et print.   Finalement, nous proposons un service d’outsourcing , pour aider les entreprises qui cherchent une vraie expertise pour la gestion de leurs sites. Nous nous occupons de l’encodage de données sur vos sites, du maniement des bases de données et de leurs entretiens et de la gestion de vos E-commerces comme de l’analyse des données de celui-ci. Ce service s’adresse aux entreprises qui désirent avoir une gestion professionnelle et performante de leurs outils digitaux. Nous espérons pouvoir collaborer dans le futur et amener votre projet à une solution concrète et aboutie qui apportera une réelle valeur ajoutée à vos clients. ------ Devcom-Media is a web agency working over four of the main digital themes . First of all, the web and mobile development such as websites, mobile apps, marketplaces , or any type of web project needing the skills of our developers. Following up is the strategic marketing where we implement quality content that is aligned with your targeted audience on your website. We offer a strategic communication plan and traffic acquisition tools according to your business needs. We will create multi-channel strategy thanks to the social networks (SEM), e-mailing systems, organic and paid search (SEO and SEA).  Our offices are also geared with the latest graphic studio, for all your projects that would require graphic work. From the branding and the visual identity of your company to slightly modifying already existing visuals our teams will help you with graphic creation in both web and print. Last but not least, we offer outsourcing services to help companies that seek a professional management of their websites . We will encode content and data onto your websites with all the technical requirements, we will manage and maintain your databases and your E-commerce services. We will also be analysing your traffic on a daily basis and providing monthly reports with insights on your website’s performance and how to improve it. This service is aimed at businesses that desire to have a professional and efficient management of their digital tools. We hope that we will be able to work with you in the future to bring your project to a real and finished solution that will bring a real added value to both your company and your customers. ------ Devcom-Media is een digitaal communicatiebureau dat actief is in de vier belangrijkste sectoren van de digitale wereld . Wij zijn gespecialiseerd in de ontwikkeling van web- en mobiele oplossingen, zoals websites, marketplaces, mobiele applicaties of elk type project waarvoor de expertise van onze codeerders vereist is. Wij zijn ook actief op het gebied van strategische marketing waarbij we content implementeren op uw website dat is afgestemd op uw doelgroep. We bieden een strategisch communicatieplan aan en hulpmiddelen voor verkeersverwerving op uw website, afhankelijk van de behoeften van uw bedrijf. Wij creëren onze strategieën op verschillende kanalen dankzij ons expertise op het gebied van social networks (SEM), e-mailsystemen, organische en betaalde zoekresultaten (SEO en SEA).   Ons team bestaat ook uit top professionelen op het gebied van creatie , branding en het opmaken van de visuele identiteit van uw bedrijf. Ten slotte bieden we een outsourcing-service aan om bedrijven te helpen met een echte expertise in het beheren van websites . Wij zorgen voor de codering van gegevens op uw website, het beheer van de databases en uw e-commerce, evenals de cijferanalyse van uw digitale activiteiten. We hopen in de toekomst samen te werken en uw project tot een concrete en succesvolle oplossing te brengen.
    15 works in Design
    Located in Forest, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Human Resources (+16)
    Speaks French, Dutch (+3)
    11-50 members
  • Publiplus


    (0 review)

    Full service communicatiebureau.

    Publiplus is een full service communicatiebureau in Mechelen. Met veel goesting, passie en energie bouwen wij mee aan de succesvolle toekomst van onze klanten. Wij bieden een breed spectrum aan creatieve en technische vaardigheden op maat van jouw bedrijf. Met ons heb je één aanspreekpunt voor al je communicatie. Handig, toch?
    No work in Design
    Located in Mechelen, Belgium
    From €500 for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English, Dutch (+2)
    1-10 members
  • Antenna


    (9 reviews)

    Antenna zorgt voor digitale oplossingen die écht werken.

    Antenna bedenkt, ontwerpt en ontwikkelt websites, webshops en online applicaties. We zetten in op digitale oplossingen die er visueel mooi uit zien, goed werken en technisch doordacht in elkaar zitten. Het creatief bureau is opgericht in 2017 door Sven Hendrickx, een webdesigner die te vaak half werk zag bij de vertaalslag naar digitaal, en Pieter Van Peteghem, een developer die genoeg had van technisch goede oplossingen zonder oog voor gebruiksvriendelijkheid of esthetiek. De afgelopen jaren bouwden we een gedreven team uit met technisch sterke mensen die het menselijke verhaal van een website of applicatie voor de klant zien en daarover graag meedenken. Alles wat we maken, maken we voor mensen. Het accent ligt voor ons op gebruiksvriendelijke en mooie websites, webshops en webapplicaties die, ondanks de eventuele onderliggende technische complexiteit, intuïtief werken voor zowel de gebruiker als de bezoeker.
    2 works in Design
    Located in Ghent, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Government & Administration (+9)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    11-50 members
  • Propaganda Group

    Propaganda Groupcertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Driven by Data, Connected by Content

    The Propaganda Group brings together a variety of agencies in the communications and marketing spectrum. Our common ground: communication and marketing as a long-term effort, with a content-first mindset and driven by data. Together we can rely on a joint team of +100 experts, working for +100 active clients. Our agencies: Propaganda, Cypres, We Are Digital, f-twee and Content Makers. We tell inspiring stories for top national and international brands and organizations from various sectors. We offer an end-to-end service, categorized in eight working domains, both for B2C and B2B, as well as B2E. Our domains of expertise: research and insights, strategy, content marketing, performance marketing, marketing automation, tracking and reporting, creation & production and marketing governance. Some of our clients: Proximus, Carrefour, Santander, Cera, Engie, Foodmaker, Pfizer, Voka, ...
    2 works in Design
    Located in Zaventem, Belgium (+1)
    From €3000 for Design
    Worked in Government & Administration (+10)
    Speaks French, Dutch (+2)
    51-200 members
  • Moonworks


    (0 review)

    Webdesign en development

    Welkom bij Moonworks, sterk in webdesign en webdevelopment voor zelfstandigen en bedrijven met groeiambities. Meer leads, meer omzet, meer klanten? Met een uitgekiende digitale strategie geven wij uw business een instant boost. Van een sterke huisstijl tot een straffe website, van e-commerce tot online advertising. Samen stippelen we uw digitale koers uit in lijn met uw bedrijfs-DNA en uw businessdoelstellingen. Start!
    1 work in Design
    Located in Keerbergen, Belgium
    No budget for Design
    Worked in Real Estate (+3)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    1-10 members
  • Duckmotion


    (10 reviews)

    We create performant video content

    Qui sommes-nous ? Nous sommes leaders dans la création de campagnes vidéos de + en + PERFORMANTES, grâce à un modèle d’AB testing unique que nous avons développé. Duckmotion crée du contenu vidéo optimisé. L’entièreté de la production et de la diffusion se fait en interne. Nous gérons également vos budgets de campagne. Nous sommes une équipe polyvalente ! Du motion design au digital marketing. Nous offrons d'autres services complémentaires à la production de vidéo. Notre équipe crée du contenu vidéo original qui atteint vos KPIs et séduit les algorithmes. La performance ne s’improvise pas. Elle se travaille. Le processus de création: Tout au long du processus de création, nous avons une relation avec le client qui valide chaque étape! Nous ajustons la création de contenu selon vos envies/désirs, grâce à la maîtrise de nombreuses compétences (storyboard - script - copywriting - analyse marketing - illustration - graphisme - animation - musique - voix-off - bruitage - référencement). Notre objectif est de livrer le produit final en deux semaines. Nos services: La société VIVIOU a développé le projet Duckmotion en 2014. Spécialisée dans le graphisme, le motion design, l'illustration et le digital marketing, Duckmotion a vite prit une place importante dans la société pour s'imposer en 2016 en leader dans l'activité de l'entreprise.  Production vidéo : motion design, film, interview, 3D, vidéo interactive, screencast, film corporate,... Digital marketing : SEA, SEO, content strategy, community management, campagnes e-mailing,... Création d'identité visuelle, création de site web,... Ils nous font confiance : VOO, RTBF, Greenpeace, Bruxelles Formation, Huawei, Daoust, Ville de Bruxelles, Aedes, Croix-Rouge, Canada Embassy, l'UCL, Crewbooking, AF Golf, REB, MPLEO, ... Découvrez notre portfolio sur notre site web.      
    36 works in Design
    Located in Etterbeek, Belgium (+2)
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Technology Hardware & Equipment (+26)
    Speaks French, Dutch (+4)
    11-50 members
  • Mach Media Group

    Mach Media Groupverified-flag

    (7 reviews)

    We care. We inspire. We deliver.

    Mach Media is a full-service marketing and communications agency with an international results-driven team of Digital Advisors , Communications Consultants, Content Strategists, Copywriters, Project Managers, and PR Professionals developing, managing, and executing cross-media communications and strategies for multinational industry-leading companies. Most of our staff consists of native English and Dutch speakers. Mach Media is committed to creating a culture that values diversity and promotes equality . Our diverse team is part of our strength. Clients call on us when they: Need to solve a business challenge through communications Need a digital acceleration for their internal/external communications Need a truly global perspective on their ways to interact through marketing communications Mach Media is: Internationally focused Where there is a need to reach out to colleagues and customers located worldwide With experience working and leading teams in a variety of multinational settings Customer-centric From strategy to implementation and success metrics/KPIs We are an extension of your team Globally positioned Headquartered in Ghent (Belgium) with another office in Orlando, Florida (USA). You can rely on us for… Insight:  Educate, inspire and inform stakeholders Innovation and Integrated Execution:  Appeal to unique target audiences Impact:  Provoke emotion & stimulate feedback
    8 works in Design
    Located in Ghent, Belgium (+1)
    From €3000 for Design
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+5)
    Speaks English, Dutch (+1)
    11-50 members
  • All Colors of Communication

    All Colors of Communicationcertified-flagverified-flag

    (3 reviews)

    Creating success stories.

    As the leading Benelux communication agency, we have been supporting ambitious tech, mobility and HR companies all over the world with communication, public relations, digital marketing and sales for over twenty years.
    9 works in Design
    Located in Asse, Belgium (+3)
    From €5000 for Design
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+5)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    11-50 members
  • Whitecube


    (2 reviews)

    Des sites performants, agréables et ergonomiques.

    Looking for a creative digital agency ? Our versatile team builds awesome identities , impactful websites , complex applications & management systems and is always looking for the best communication strategies. Usability and accessibility are words we live by, which makes our work even more valuable for your audience. We establish lasting partnerships with our clients, based on transparency, respect (for everyone & the environment), quality and above all results that speak for themselves. - Vous êtes à la recherche d'une agence numérique originale & créative ? Nous créons des identités fortes, des sites web percutants, des applications & systèmes de gestion complexes et nous recherchons en permanence les meilleures stratégies de com'. Facilité d'usage et accessibilité sont des mots qui nous habitent et qui rendent notre travail encore plus précieux pour votre public. Nous mettons en place des partenariats durables avec nos clients, basés sur la transparence, le respect (de chacun & de l'environnement), la qualité et surtout des résultats qui parlent d'eux-mêmes. - Op zoek naar een creatief digitaal agency? Ons veelzijdige team bouwt sterke grafische identiteiten , impactvolle websites , complexe applicaties & managementsystemen en is voortdurend op zoek naar de beste communicatiestrategieën. Gebruiksvriendelijkheid en toegankelijkheid zijn woorden waar we naar op zoek zijn, waardoor ons werk nog waardevoller is voor uw publiek. Met onze opdrachtgevers gaan wij duurzame partnerships aan, gebaseerd op transparantie, respect (voor iedereen & het milieu), kwaliteit en vooral resultaten die voor zich spreken. - See you soon! A bientôt! Tot binnenkort!
    11 works in Design
    Located in Liège, Belgium
    From €400 for Design
    Worked in Travel & Leisure (+11)
    Speaks French, Dutch (+2)
    11-50 members
    No work in Design
    Located in Mechelen, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English, Arabic
    11-50 members
  • MakeWaves


    (1 review)

    Your Edge for Growth!

    Als marketeers en technologen hebben we uit de eerste hand gezien hoe belangrijk het is voor bedrijven om zich te richten op duurzame groei en nieuwe technologieën. Of je nu een startup bent die voet aan de grond wil krijgen in je markt of een gevestigd bedrijf dat zijn bereik wil uitbreiden, groei is cruciaal voor je succes. Daarom hebben we MakeWaves opgericht - om bedrijven van elke omvang te helpen hun groeipotentieel te bereiken en golven te maken in hun sector. Waarom mooie merken met ons werken? - Aantoonbare groeiresultaten voor B2B, B2C, e-commerce & apps - Een heldere groeistrategie met vernieuwende tactieken om die waar te maken - Ondersteuning van een multidisciplinair team van CRM- experten, developers, UX/UI experts, performance marketeers, designers en growth hackers. - Een leuk en ambitieus team met een no-nonsense en resultaatgerichte mentaliteit Een Growth Agency, hoe werkt dat? We zijn een Growth team dat zich inburgert in je organisatie, zoals een chameleon. Wij geloven dat groei een reis is, geen bestemming. Daarom werken we nauw samen met onze klanten om hun unieke doelen en uitdagingen te begrijpen, en zo aangepaste strategieën te ontwikkelen die zijn afgestemd op hun behoeften. Elkaar challengen en nieuwe ideeën uitwisselen om mee te experimenteren is dan ook een absolute must. Wanneer heb jij iets nieuws geprobeerd om je organisatie te laten groeien? Ready to make some waves? Ontdek ons hele verhaal op Dus, als je klaar bent om een aantal serieuze golven in uw industrie te maken, geef ons dan best een seintje. ;-) P.S. Impact maken op een betere toekomst? “Growth for good” is waar we mee bezig zijn en in geloven. Veel van onze klanten dragen actief bij aan de 17 SDG’s. Doen ze dit (nog) niet? Dan helpen en begeleiden we ze hier graag bij, zo creeëren we niet alleen impact op de bottom line maar ook op people en planet.
    9 works in Design
    Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands (+1)
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Construction (+9)
    Speaks English, Dutch (+2)
    11-50 members
  • Frametales


    (0 review)
    Ik help jou met het vinden, vormgeven en verspreiden van een visie met weerklank. Hiervoor gebruik ik storytelling en designtechnieken.
    1 work in Design
    Located in Mechelen, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare (+2)
    Speaks French, Dutch (+2)
    1-10 members
  • Zumo


    (0 review)
    Need branded content for TV or Social media? We can sort that. Creating visuals for your museum exhibition? Gladly. An idea for a 360 video that is keeping you up at night? Spill it.  Or maybe you got another challenge in store for us? Well, bring it on.    Whether you want us in from the initial brainstorming session, the first steps of the production or the final stage of adding special effects and graphics.  With zest and passion, our team is ready to come up with captivating video content.    In short, we’ve got you covered from concept to finish.
    No work in Design
    Located in Ghent, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English, Dutch (+2)
    11-50 members
  • Phanes


    (0 review)

    Welkom bij het collectief dat betere digitale ervaringen belooft!

    Phanes is een netwerk van digitale agencies met elk hun specialisatie in een digitaal domein. - PHPro bouwt Magento/Oro webshops en web applicaties op maat - Induxx helpt bij uitdagingen rond product informatie via een PIM systeem (Akeneo) en DAM (Bynder) - ontwerpt en ontwikkelt gebruiksvriendelijke websites en web applicaties via een headless CMS - Smooth is jouw partner rond digtale marketing en strategie - Gumbys implementeert CRM, warehouse, project management,... toepassingen op basis van Odoo - Sidekick is de partner bij uitstek rond branding, UX design & content creatie - Meteor bouwt flitsende webshops op basis van Shopware en Shopify - eWings bouwt Magento webshops en helpt bij digitale marketing en aansluiten van marketplaces Door onze brede expertise zijn wij dé partner van KMO's in Vlaanderen voor de verdere digitalisatie van jouw organisatie.
    1 work in Design
    Located in Mechelen, Belgium (+4)
    No budget for Design
    Worked in Retail (+2)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    51-200 members
  • Aftertouch Studio

    Aftertouch Studioverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Motion design studio based in Liège, Belgium since 2014

    Aftertouch est un studio d'animation spécialisé en motion design et en développement visuel basé à Liège. Nous proposons un service de production complet, de l’écriture à la post-production, de l'idée jusqu'au visuel animé. Nous créons des expériences visuelles intenses et engageantes pour l'image de marque de nos clients.
    6 works in Design
    Located in Liège, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Others (+11)
    Speaks French, English
    1-10 members
  • Board of Innovation
    We're on a mission to help corporates innovate like startups. Our team helps companies in developing new markets, services, and business models; and enhancing organizations' innovation capabilities with transformation and training programs. We try to avoid corporate theater at all cost (read: writing 100-page business plans & bloated financial sheets). We go for a hands-on approach based on the philosophy behind the Lean Startup. Test, learn, iterate! We have the great pleasure to innovate with enterprises like Roche, ING, Telenet, Nestlé, and Adidas.
    No work in Design
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked inTelecommunications
    Speaks English, Dutch (+1)
    11-50 members
  • Innomedio


    (1 review)

    Let's talk marketing

    Innomedio is een full-service webbureau. Wij bieden betaalbare weboplossingen met een doel en doordachte strategie aan, aan zowel verenigingen, zelfstandigen als kmo's. 
    3 works in Design
    Located in Malle, Belgium
    No budget for Design
    Worked in Construction (+2)
    Speaks English, Dutch (+1)
    11-50 members
  • Digital Leap

    Digital Leapverified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    We help scaling businesses reach measurable & predictable growth

    Get on board a team of proven experts that don't just work for you, but with you to achieve rapid growth that unlocks your full potential. We challenge you, we chase you and think along with you. We are in for the long run. Search engines get smarter each day and so do your competitors. The good thing? We know how to deploy proven strategies for your brand that have helped so many others before and want to share them with your team in the process. We help you to define your brand, your story, in words, but also in vision and visuals. We get you the brand and the strategy you need to grow your brand, your story and thus your business. Want to write the next chapter together?
    7 works in Design
    Located in Leuven, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Media (+7)
    Speaks English, Dutch (+1)
    11-50 members
  • Red Pepper Agency

    Red Pepper Agencyverified-flag

    (0 review)

    The right touch for any of your projects!

    Op zoek naar een creatieve partner die jouw bedrijf een unieke boost geeft, zonder zich te laten beperken door traditionele hokjes? Dan ben je bij ons aan het juiste adres! Wij zijn jouw one-stop-shop voor alles op het gebied van branding, contentcreatie, websites, strategische marketing en nog veel meer. Maar we zijn meer dan alleen experts op deze gebieden; we zijn de architecten van grenzeloze oplossingen. Van sales tot events, van marketing tot business development, wij gaan verder dan conventionele expertise en creëren samen met jou buitengewone resultaten. Met een vleugje creativiteit, een kwinkslag hier en daar en een hoekje af, brengen we jouw bedrijf naar nieuwe hoogten.
    No work in Design
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English, Dutch (+1)
    1-10 members
    Gratis website laten maken met enkel onderhoud kost? Sociale Media Advertentie Wij beheren jouw social media! Brand / Product design + Promo video's
    No work in Design
    Located in Kortenaken, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    1-10 members
  • Powwow


    (20 reviews)

    We’re partners that supports you at every stage of storytelling, from concept to reality.

    Our production agency is full of talented people . We handle every step of the creative process for any type of audiovisual project. We are based in Brussels . But our team works everywhere, in Belgium and abroad. We produce advertising films, documentaries, livestreams, reports, corporate video formats, TV programs… 🎥 Our services Pre-production : evaluation of your needs, location scouting, technical advice, communication advice, writing concepts/scripts, preparation of shootings, assistance and coaching, casting... Production : video, photo, sound shooting services, technical assistance, coaching, live recordings... Post-production : image & sound editing, colorgrading, sound mixing, translation, subtitling… 🎥  Our skills Creativity comes from sharing. Our multidisciplinary team is composed of many talents. Bringing together varied personalities, backgrounds and skills is part of our DNA. We constantly innovate. All of our collaborators are driven by the desire to perform a rigorous and qualitative work. We leave nothing to chance. Our deep motivation leads us to challenge ourselves and discover new horizons. Our team is flexible, agile and responsive. Our experience allows us to manage the unexpected and to adapt to complex situations. 🎥 Attitude towards the client Every customer counts. We want to build strong and lasting relationships based on mutual trust and transparency. We offer tailor-made and efficient audiovisual solutions.
    No work in Design
    Located in Schaerbeek, Belgium (+1)
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Political Organization (+17)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    1-10 members
  • BeHost


    (1 review)

    Uw strategische digitale partner

    Bij BeHost geloven we in de kracht van op maat gemaakte weboplossingen en strategische online marketing, geperfectioneerd voor uw bedrijf. We brengen uw unieke visie tot leven met een zeldzame combinatie van technische expertise, creatieve flair en strategisch denken. Laat ons uw visie vormgeven met baanbrekende designs en strategische marketing.
    3 works in Design
    Located in Ixelles, Belgium
    From €2500 for Design
    Worked in Real Estate (+3)
    Speaks English, Dutch (+1)
    1-10 members
  • Friction Films

    Friction Filmscertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    A pocket rocket in film production.

    A pocket rocket in film production. Yet, we are bold and imaginative to deliver full service in a truly bespoke way. We aren’t the 800-pound gorilla in film production, but we’re big enough to tackle any size project, which translates into better flexibility and cost-efficiency for you. At Friction Films, we hit the right spots. That is to say, our videos make the desired impact our clients need to optimize their brand. We listen. That's how we know how to make substantial, appealing, and relevant content for every budget. Featured Work Cue the lights. Cue the camera. We’re always ready for action! At Friction Films, we’re a formidable force to be reckoned with. With years of commercial production experience in the industry, we are a full-service production company to meet all your cinematic needs – from concept to camera to the craft services table. Whether you’re looking to produce a high-quality corporate video or if you’re at the helm of a burgeoning brand requiring a commercial to introduce your product or service to the world, our talented team of pros can execute your idea and bring your vision to life. Each concept is unique, requiring strategic, artistic development and detailed execution. We are an eclectic collective of industry professionals, including copywriters, storyboard artists, directors, cinematographers, editors, makeup artists/stylists, set dressers, location scouts, casting directors, and others to place your ideas in motion.
    No work in Design
    Located in Lier, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Sports (+6)
    Speaks Dutch, Belgium, English (+1)
    1-10 members
  • vision*r


    (0 review)
    vision*r  ontwerpt stijlvolle websites en huisstijlen met punch Internet is het hart van onze expertise. Een online visitekaartje of een responsive website in 24 talen, ons doel is steeds een kunstzinnige site die gebruiksvriendelijk is, die geoptimaliseerd is voor alle toestellen en die je zelf kunt onderhouden via een CMS. Door ons strikt aan de richtlijnen van Google te houden, komt je site bovenaan te staan in zoekresultaten en kan hij extra bezoekers aantrekken. We bouwen ook webshops op maat waarin klanten gemakkelijk online kunnen bestellen en betalen. Voorraadbeheer, verzendbeheer of koppelingen met boekhoudpakketten en kassasystemen zijn perfect mogelijk. Future-proof en gemakkelijk. Daarnaast zijn we van verschillende creatieven markten thuis. We ontwerpen een sterk logo en een in het oog springend merk, met duidelijke richtlijnen voor alle soorten van communicatie, zowel online als offline. Naamkaartjes, briefpapier, brochures, affiches, advertenties... volledig in lijn met het communicatieplan en de huisstijl van je bedrijf. We begeleiden ook het drukproces van A tot Z. Copywriting, fotografie, webhosting worden ook in-house geregeld. Voor andere zaken kunnen we beroep doen op een sterk netwerk van specialisten. Een offerte aanvragen, of gewoon even brainstormen bij een kop koffie? We zijn heel benieuwd naar jouw project. Contacteer ons voor een vrijblijvende afspraak.
    6 works in Design
    Located in Willebroek, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Government & Administration (+4)
    Speaks Dutch, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    1-10 members
  • WebWeiss


    (1 review)

    Become the Go-To

    WebWeiss helpt u richting de Go-To zaak worden in uw branche/regio aan de hand van websites en branding!
    2 works in Design
    Located in Kortrijk, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Automotive (+1)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium
    1-10 members
  • UX Coach

    UX Coachverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Customer analysis, user-friendly designs

    UX Coach is een UX/UI design bureau in Antwerpen dat je helpt om het gedrag van je klanten te analyseren en vertalen naar gebruiksvriendelijke designs voor websites, software, web apps en mobile apps. UX Coach verzorgt daarnaast ook opleidingen en coaching voor jonge of beginnende UX designers.
    5 works in Design
    Located in Antwerp, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Non-profit (+3)
    Speaks English, Dutch (+1)
    1-10 members
  • Vistalaro


    (3 reviews)

    One stop marketing services

    Nous participons à la croissance et à la transformation numérique de PME belges grâce à la mise à disposition de compétences en marketing digital, création de site web et l'implémentation d'ERP. Profitez d’une équipe d’experts pour gérer l’ensemble de vos besoins en marketing numériques. Un seul interlocuteur pour le conseil, la mise en place et l’analyse de vos campagnes en ligne.
    1 work in Design
    Located in Chaumont-Gistoux, Belgium (+2)
    No budget for Design
    Worked in Construction (+1)
    Speaks French, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    1-10 members
  • Perfect Serve

    Perfect Servecertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Market impact for beverage / DTC brands.

    Since 2019, Perfect Serve has specialized in providing premium marketing services tailored to the spirits industry. We support brands at every stage of their growth with expertise in brand strategy, market research, advertising, and digital marketing. Just as a perfect serve must be crafted to suit both the drink and the customer, we ensure our solutions are customized to meet the unique needs of each client.
    No work in Design
    Located in Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Others (+1)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members

    JUICY LETTERSverified-flag

    (6 reviews)

    Experts en communication créative, nous faisons briller votre marque !

    Juicy Letters est un studio de design graphique et de communication spécialisé dans la création d'univers de marque, et l'accompagnement des entreprises dans le développement de leur stratégie marketing. Au coeur de notre Digital Lab, nous aidons également les marques et les commeblob: à se déployer en ligne et sur les réseaux sociaux. blob:
    2 works in Design
    Located in Uccle, Belgium
    From €500 for Design
    Worked in Food (+2)
    Speaks English, French (+2)
    1-10 members

    RGW STUDIOverified-flag

    (6 reviews)
    RGW Studio combines design , animation, web and tailored software development to create alternative and better solutions for your business needs. We make the digital transformation of your business an easy step allowing you to do more and better.  
    2 works in Design
    Located in Machelen, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Food (+8)
    Speaks English, Dutch (+3)
    1-10 members
  • Headerpop


    (8 reviews)

    Headerpop observe les tendances et les modes de vie pour imaginer une communication qui inspire.

    Headerpop propose une approche de la communication neuve, authentique et spontanée. L'agence favorise une communication émotionnelle et ouverte qui s'inspire des nouveaux modes de vie. Pour notre équipe, la constitution d'une communauté fidèle et convaincue est la meilleure preuve d'une stratégie de branding réussie. Notre approche Mettre en avant une marque selon son caractère, valoriser son univers et appuyer les détails qui la rende unique. Accompagner des projets avec un fort storytelling, une approche collaborative, une démarche engagée et réelle. Nos forces La communication des destination ou acteurs touristiques proches, l'accompagnement de nouvelles marques lifestyle durables (mode, food, déco, culture, arts, loisirs, voyage), la valorisation des positionnements authentiques, la création de nouveaux concepts respectueux, l'accompagnement des artistes, artisans ou créateurs de demain. Ce qui nous motive Partager notre savoir-faire en communication lifestyle pour accompagner la réussite de marques créatives et attentives. Pour en savoir plus sur la communication lifestyle, Headerpop a réalisé un podcast et un livre blanc, tous les deux disponibles depuis la page d'accueil de notre site web Pour résumer, Headerpop a mis en place une approche lifestyle spécifique pour constituer et fidéliser un public grâce aux valeurs, projets, idées, et originalités de la marque. Ainsi, le public s'attache à l'univers proposé, se reconnait dans ce lifestyle, et participe à son succès dans la durée. Vous êtes une marque lifestyle attentive et créative? Une destination touristique? Rencontrons-nous, on s'occupe de tout :)
    No work in Design
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    No budget for Design
    Worked in Travel & Leisure (+5)
    Speaks French, Dutch (+3)
    11-50 members
  • Eyes-Screen


    (1 review)

    Refreshing content for refreshing eyes.

    Eyes-Screen shapes original high-end content for all screens. Through sustainable relations, strategy and advice we help to generate impact. In a time where video is omnipresent, we stand out as reference for high-qualitative video content. Keeping pace with latest trends and taking the time to understand each client’s specific needs and objectives ensures relevance and quality, both in production and distribution. Our strength lies within our team which is a fresh combination of seasoned veterans and young, enthusiastic talent. We're fortunate to have a diverse in-house team, encompassing producers, camerapersons, editors and motion designers. In addition to our core team, we have a vast network of freelancers in Brussels and beyond, each with their own unique expertise. This allows us to assemble the perfect team for every project, ensuring that we deliver the highest quality results, every time. Whether you're looking for a corporate video, documentary, advertising campaign, or animation, we're here to bring your vision to life with passion and professionalism. From script to screen, we bring fresh stories – In motion!
    No work in Design
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    No budget for Design
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+9)
    Speaks English, Dutch (+2)
    1-10 members


    (1 review)

    Smart Video Alchemists to make your Events, Elearning, Webinar, Podcast, Corporate video... smarter!

    Active depuis 2010 en captation d'événements et diffusion Live, Learnence réalise des émissions Tv pour les entreprises: duplex; événement hybrides, présentiels ou full virtuels: pour des applications de webinars, podcast ou de retransmission en direct de vos événements corporate, sportifs, médicaux, culturels. Engagez votre audience et fidélisez-là à travers nos outils et plateformes pour créer une véritable communauté autour de votre événement, formation ou webinaire ! provides convenient and intuitive solutions for hosting online events, while paying particular attention to the audience engagement dimension: - Interactions between speakers and audience via chat, Q&A, voting, etc. - Networking tools - One to one networking - Alternating plenary sessions and participatory workshops - Audience retention over time The platform has perfectly followed and anticipated the evolution of event practices during the different phases of the health crisis, justifying its use in both "Full Virtual" and "Hybrid" configurations or as a support for 100% face-to-face events. EventsHub is now a tool recognised and appreciated by many international institutions and organisations.
    4 works in Design
    Located in Brussels, Belgium (+1)
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare (+4)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    11-50 members
  • 601 prod.

    601 prod.verified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    Ce qui peut être écrit ou pensé, peut être filmé! S.K.

    Recommended est une société de production vidéo créative agissant dans différents domaines comme la publicité de marque, le film d’entreprise, l’événementiel et le domaine musical. Nous ne sommes donc pas que des exécutants, nous faisons ce travail d’accompagnement du client de la recherche créative à la production du produit final. L’agence est née de la rencontre de plusieurs professionnels du secteur de l’audiovisuel et du marketing cherchant à proposer du contenu qualitatif respectant les règles et les étapes de production tout en respectant le budget de ses clients. ON IMAGINE — VOUS ÉCOUTER ET TRANSFORMER VOS IDÉES EN PROPOSITION DE FILM Autour d’un café, dans nos bureaux ou dans vos locaux, nous écoutons vos envies et vos attentes pour ensuite en faire germer les plus belles idées créatives. Ensemble et avec notre équipe, nous définissons les points forts de votre projet ainsi que ses axes d’amélioration. ON PRODUIT — NOS COMPÉTENCES 
AU SERVICE DE VOS ENVIES Notre équipe dispose de toutes les compétences requises en matière de production vidéo ainsi que du meilleur matériel audiovisuel afin de produire les plus belles images. Quelle que soit la nature de votre projet, notre équipe de professionnels vous conseille et vous accompagne pendant toute la durée de celui-ci. ON FINALISE — VOTRE PROJET 
PREND VIE À L’ÉCRAN C’est durant l’étape de post-production que nous assemblons les différents éléments de manière cohérente et sublimons les images pour vous fournir un résultat final à la hauteur de vos attentes.
    No work in Design
    Located in Lasne, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare (+10)
    Speaks French, English
    1-10 members
  • Altavia ACT*

    Altavia ACT*verified-flag

    (4 reviews)

    End to end retail marketing by people for people.

    We’re an omni-channel communications agency We help our clients perform better by deeply understanding their customers, innovating the shopper journey and flawlessly delivering relevant materials . Combining local strength with the reliability of a global network, we offer key services that help retailers win the hearts and minds of their customers: Strategy and Innovation Brand Activation and Campaigns Content and Social Media Digital Production Omnichannel Marketing Print Management Packaging Design Contact us if you’re looking for the perfect partner , offering deep consumer knowledge , creative solutions and operational excellence . Interested in working with us? This is what we believe in: Alchemy - Our purpose is to build trust between brands, retailers and consumers. Empathy - Without understanding what others experience, creativity is a pointless task. Work - We do not strive for awards but for solutions the consumer needs. Respect - Straight talk, listening, understanding and commitment are at our heart. Collaborate - We tackle projects together with our clients, in a collaborative manner. Question - We ask why and challenge everything to create added value. Tribes - Our flat hierarchy breaks the silos and boosts participative ways of working. Move - In an ever-changing world in which nothing is fixed, we constantly adapt. Together, let’s make an impact.
    5 works in Design
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €8000 for Design
    Worked in Food (+8)
    Speaks French, Dutch (+2)
    51-200 members
  • StagHill - digital creatives

    StagHill - digital creativesverified-flag

    (1 review)

    Crafting Unforgettable Experiences

    At StagHill, we are masters at unlocking the true potential of your projects by delivering exceptional, tailored solutions with a boutique touch. Through our holistic approach, we fuse diverse expertise and professional experiences to extract the utmost value from every endeavor. Our unwavering focus on adding value and fostering conversion guarantees that we not only aim for your success, but also leave your audience utterly spellbound with unforgettable customer experiences.
    4 works in Design
    Located in Forest, Belgium (+1)
    No budget for Design
    Worked in Real Estate (+8)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium (+2)
    11-50 members
  • Digital13


    (0 review)
    We design meaningful digital experiences, identities and print materials that communicate clearly, efficiently and achieve marketing goals.
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Global Concept

    Global Concept

    (0 review)

    Advertising Services

    WHO WE ARE Based in Brussels, we are a full service communication & public affairs agency created in 2003 by experts in communication and EU policies. We solve societal, policy and communication challenges with tailor-made strategies, cutting-edge technologies and state-of-the-art communication tools. As a front-runner company, we continuously invest in top creative and technical talents. We are present locally and internationally with projects in more than 70 countries, with an emphasis on European assignments. We develop and implement communication campaigns for the United Nations, the European institutions, OECD, national cooperation agencies, foreign Embassies, leading industries and business sectors, and civil society organisations. For more than 20 years, we had the privilege to work with key entities and allowed them to reach their communication goals and beyond. This collaboration led to numerous success stories recognised by multiple nominations and awards. WHAT WE DO We provide the full range of professional communication solutions and public affairs services to support our clients at all stages of their communication, political and business strategies: – from context analysis to strategic positioning – from ideas to powerful concepts – from key messages to policy makers, mainstream press and social media – from target audiences to tailor-made online and offline tools – from shadows to the spotlight through in-person, online and hybrid events or powerful movies Every project is unique! Every detail is carefully and objectively analysed! Every solution is worked out to fulfil needs and maximise opportunities, to balance novelty and coherence and, especially, to ensure relevance and optimal impact! Outstanding results and client satisfaction is what drives us. Our number one priority is to offer our clients cutting-edge global concepts and solutions.
    No work in Design
    Located in Belgium, Belgium
    No budget for Design
    Worked inGovernment & Administration
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Web World

    Web Worldverified-flag

    (0 review)

    OpenSource IT Solutions

    Une équipe dynamique Nous utilisons les compétences de chacun de nos membres pour atteindre le meilleur résultat. Les dernières technologies Nous utilisons les meilleures technologies pour assurer la qualité de notre travail. La confiance Nous sommes transparents avec nos clients, une relation de confiance est le meilleur environnement de travail. Le meilleur prix Nous offrons la qualité de nos services au meilleur prix à chacun de nos clients.
    4 works in Design
    Located in Braine-l'Alleud, Belgium
    No budget for Design
    Worked in Others (+2)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • Hearts and Minds
    Hearts & Minds is a Brussels-based communication, branding and graphic design agency with a firm focus on European and international affairs. Our services include publication design, identities, campaigns, web, print and infographics.
    No work in Design
    Located in Belgium, Belgium
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members

    EOLIS GROUPverified-flag

    (0 review)
    No work in Design
    Located in Brussels, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English, Bulgarian (+2)
    11-50 members
  • Namahn


    (0 review)

    A human-centred design agency.

    Namahn is an independently owned human-centred design agency based in the heart of Brussels. An international team of designers from varied backgrounds and interests, we want to contribute to a better future through design.
    No work in Design
    Located in Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, Belgium
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Dezeen


    (0 review)

    The world's most popular and influential architecture, interiors and design magazine.

    Dezeen is the world's most influential architecture and design magazine. Our mission is simple: to bring you a carefully edited selection of the best architecture, design and interiors projects from around the world, and to set the agenda for the global design community. Dezeen receives over three million visitors every month, and has readers in every corner of the globe. It has over five million social media followers, with 3.2 million Instagram followers and over three million followers on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. It has won over forty awards for publishing excellence including digital publisher of the year, best use of video, best branded entertainment and commercial partnership of the year. Founded in 2006 by Marcus Fairs, Dezeen has an in-house creative team called Dezeen Studio, which produces branded content and events for partner brands. It also has Dezeen Jobs, a recruitment website; Dezeen Awards, which is the most desirable global awards programme in the design sector; the Dezeen Day conference and other services for the design community.
    No work in Design
    Located in Belgium, Belgium
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    51-200 members
  • Implift


    (0 review)

    We help scale-ups & big companies to raise, structure, improve their business for a greater impact

    Implift is a Strategy & Marketing agency. We are helping scale-ups and big companies to raise, structure, improve their business for a greater impact. How ? With a customer centric mindset, we will build, with you, a data-driven marketing & sales approach to accelerate your business growth. We will guide you and your team on the journey with training, workshops, and a hands on guidance. We will work on 1, 2, 3, ... 4 pillars. You choose ! 1. Business Strategy: Define together the best strategy to launch a new product, address a new market, or improve your existing offer to stay competitive. 2. Branding : Build a strong brand, Help you to define your mission, vision, values. Increase your brand visibility. 3. Marketing & Sales Approach : Grow your business, increase your visibility, with a structured marketing/sales plan, monitor the results, improve the marketing efficiency 4. Marketing Technology : Select, implement the most suitable CRM/marketing tools. Ensure the optimal use and full adoption. We believe in a customer centric, data driven and collaborative approach to reach success together. Would you like to "implift" your business ? or have a quick chat about Strategy, Marketing, Sales ? Feel free to contact us : Psst: Beside the main offer, Implift can support you on temporary needs as sales and/or marketing management ;-)
    No work in Design
    Located in Nivelles, Belgium
    From €1000 for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    1-10 members
  • Insilencio


    (0 review)

    Experts in employer marketing. We turn companies into employers of choice.

    People are the core of your growth as a company and an employer. You need them to innovate in your field, to handle your production, to keep your customers satisfied, but also to create a workplace that people want to be in. In short: Attracting and retaining the right people will determine your success or failure. But it's easier said than done. You're not a match for everyone, and not everyone will be a match for you. That's why you need employer marketing to find the right people for every single one of your jobs. Sounds like what you need? Insilencio is an agency filled with experts in employer marketing. We've been helping companies become an employer of choice for 20 years. How? By determining your true identity as an employer through employer branding. By detecting your strengths and weaknesses, so we can play out the first and internally improve the latter. By telling compelling brand stories that reflect your employee value proposition (EVP). By building your ideal candidate and employee experiences. By mixing the right channels to target your future colleagues. ... Basically, by creating true impact when and where it matters.
    No work in Design
    Located in Mechelen, Belgium
    From €10000 for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium (+1)
    11-50 members
  • Mediamast | Web & Branding Studio

    Mediamast | Web & Branding Studiocertified-flagverified-flag

    (0 review)

    Maak het verschil met doordacht design

    Ahoi! Kom aan boord bij Mediamast, een Web & Branding Studio in Peer. Hier neemt kapitein Dries de touwtjes in handen en zet samen met jou de juiste koers uit voor je onderneming, merk of organisatie. Denk hierbij aan het opkrikken van je uitstraling door het ontwikkelen van een doordacht logo en huisstijl met oersterk karakter. Het veroveren van meer klanten door een website te bouwen die echt kan overtuigen. En samen het juiste plan opstellen om gewoonweg slimmer te werken. Vaar vooruit met Mediamast.
    No work in Design
    Located in Limburg, Belgium (+1)
    From €1000 for Design
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+2)
    Speaks English, Dutch (+1)
    1-10 members
  • Impact Sales Marketing Belgium

    Impact Sales Marketing Belgium

    (0 review)

    We advise you and implement strong commercial operations and marketing actions.

    Impact Sales & Marketing Belux is a well-established & recognized major player in the Field Marketing market. We have a proven track record after more than 30 years in the world of operational Sales & Marketing services for major Local and Multinational clients. We are focused on activating Sales, building Brand Advocacy and delivering Retail Excellence across all Belux Retail Channels in particular Grocery, Convenience, Out of Home, DIY, Consumer Electronics & Pharma, all of which offer a high ROI. We are proud to be part of an international Field Marketing organization (IFMG) and to be the Belux partner within the European Field Marketing Partnership network (EFMP) which gives us reach, expertise, and an opportunity to share best practices as well as economy of scale across Europe. OUR MISSION Our mission is to accelerate the sales of our clients through delivering highly efficient field sales and marketing solutions, with an excellent ROI, and to constantly provide the needed support, insight & recommendations to help our client’s decision-making process. OUR VISION Our vision is to create sustainable long-term partnerships by providing permanent added-value field services, based on market knowledge, strategic and tactical experience, and a focus on KPI’s and ROI.
    2 works in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Worked in Beverage (+1)
    Speaks English
    51-200 members
  • Design Bundles

    Design Bundles

    (0 review)
    Design Bundles stock Premium Graphics for Crafters, Graphic Designers & Businesses. Download Free SVG Files, Sublimation PNGs, Clip art and Embroidery designs.
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Fabrique Fantastique Bvba
    Belgian Animation Production Company
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • All About Things
    We organise and curate cultural projects for local government and connect talented artists with leading brands through commissioned works.
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • studiomast


    (0 review)
    For ambitious people, companies and organisations
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Art Build

    Art Buildcertified-flag

    (0 review)
    ArtBuild is an architecture studio with offices in Brussels, Paris and Luxembourg. Active in all fields of the building industry, we put collective intelligence at the heart of what we do. We believe in the impact architecture can have on our collective response to the challenges of our time.
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Bruegel


    (0 review)
    The Brussels-based economic think tank
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Rotolux


    (0 review)
    We have the perfect gift wrap for every occasion. Our gift wrapping paper is developed and printed in Vichte, Belgium.
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Studio 100 Animation
    Where the entertainment is…
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Starbucks


    (0 review)
    More than just great coffee. Explore the menu, sign up for Starbucks® Rewards, manage your gift card and more.
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    10001+ members
  • Copal استوديو
    Packaging & Product Mockups for Designers, Creatives, and Brands. We create realistic packaging mockups for cosmetics, skincare, beauty, & beverage brands.
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Ingenico


    (0 review)
    From smart terminals to a cloud-based payments platform and end-to-end terminal management, our innovations are designed to help you succeed in the payments acceptance ecosystem.
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Kolchoz


    (0 review)
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Melita Studio

    Melita Studiocertified-flag

    (0 review)
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Smartpress


    (0 review)
    Smartpress offers premium online printing for creative professionals with effortless ordering and world class customer service. Print stunning, custom booklets, brochures, postcards and more. Create brilliant print.
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • FIFA Official Store
    Browse the FIFA online store for officially licensed national team kits, 2022 World Cup football shirts and FIFA branded original clothing.
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • Stova


    (0 review)
    Learn how Stova can help deliver a perfect experience using our event management solutions. Discover your next event technology partner. Book a demo today!
    No work in Design
    Unknown location
    No budget for Design
    Exploring multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members

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How to choose a Graphic Design in Mechelen?


Looking for best graphic design agencies in Mechelen? Here is a list of top graphic design agencies in Mechelen with client reviews and ratings. The need for graphic design agencies has increased in recent times. It is an important element of any marketing strategy because it helps in creating a brand identity and conveying a message. Moreover, it also helps in building the visual identity of the company. The best part is that it is cost-effective too. With Sortlist, you can find the best graphic design agencies in Mechelen.

What is Graphic Design?

Before starting to specify your requirements to your next Graphic Design project, it is important to know what it is all about. The digital age hasn't been so diversified regardless of of the particular set of skills for which our Graphic Design providers can help you with. Hiring the ideal service for your project begins with the right definition of your requirements.

A graphic design agency is a company which usually provides services to business and corporate clients, helping them develop their brand identity and overall visual appeal.

Graphic Design vs UX Design

A graphic designer will work with product design designers and marketing experts to decide a company's identity and define the look of their corporate brand. On the other hand, UX designers focus on designing user interfaces.

Graphic Design refers to the art of communicating thoughts and messages through visuals, words, graphics, and several other types of visual communication. As a graphic artist specialized in advertising, you'd help an marketing company finds its own identity, tell its story, and creatively create ads that will capture the eye of individuals and help it achieve its objectives. Graphic Design can be involved in creating logo layouts. A logo is a unique way to visually represent a company or a solution and gives a company a recognizable appearance. An effective logo design not only brings the interest of possible customers but also promotes brand loyalty.

What can Graphic Design agencies do for you?

If it comes to Graphic Design, customers may expect many types of projects or deliverables from our agencies. At Sortlist, we have seen a trending need in Mechelen for services that included:

  • Logo
  • Business Card
  • Stationery Set
  • Brochures
  • Flyers
  • Invitation Cards
  • Posters & Bill Boards
  • Digital Advertisements
  • Offline Advertisements
  • Packaging Designs