Cupido Portugal, Lisbonne | Sortlist
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Cupido Portugal

Lisbonne, Portugal
Return on Branding
GO (Communication is not as it used to be anymore. It doesn’t make sense for a brand to communicate in a monologue any longer. It is like throwing money away. Today, one who is not talking to the consumer ends up talking to himself. The consumer is more distracted, harder to please, more focused on his own interests, more 2.0. It is amidst this conversation, when it is necessary to captivate the consumer’s attention, that Cupido feels like a fish in water. Carrying the bow and arrow, we are ready to hit the target. Ready to be efficient. Ready to return your investment) AND COME. If you want to win the battle for awareness and return of your investment, get in touch. You'll see that our marriage works. And the return of your investment as well. At Cupido, we develop the Integrated Communication Strategy of your Brand and we design effective tactical actions that will allow you to add value and achieve your goals We are multi-specialists and defenders of the effectiveness of an Integrated Communication approach. Carrying the bow and arrow, we are ready to hit the target. Ready to be effective. Ready to give you the return on your investment.
7 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais, Espagnol, Portugais
1 projet dans leur portfolio
Travaille à distance à travers le monde
Membre Sortlist depuis 2017
Fondée en 2005
3 prix décernés
Aucun avis client pour le momentSoyez le premier à en ajouter un


7 services offerts par Cupido Portugal

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  • Description

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    Projet en Publicité (1)
    Bonduelle Corn Summer Campaigns - Publicité
    Client en Publicité (1)
    BonduelleAlimentaire | national

    En savoir plus sur Publicité

  • Description
    Communicating your business successfuly require a careful integration of concept, design and execution. We give you a clear vision of what your brand needs to become a leader in your industry.

    En savoir plus sur Image de marque & branding

  • Description
    Digital experts who deliver standout work across SEO, Paid Media, Content Marketing and Design & Development. We create simple & meaningful digital experiences to help attract and engage their customers.

    En savoir plus sur Stratégie digitale

  • Description
    WOW Websites Development

    En savoir plus sur Création de site internet

  • Description
    Optimizing Media Budgets on selected Investments.
    Projet en Planification médias (1)
    Bonduelle Corn Summer Campaigns - Planification médias
    Client en Planification médias (1)
    BonduelleAlimentaire | national

    En savoir plus sur Planification médias

  • Description
    Creating memorable Events through new creative formats.

    En savoir plus sur Evénementiel

  • Description

    Aucune description n'est fournie pour ce service.

    En savoir plus sur Marketing

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7 membres dans l'équipe de Cupido Portugal

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Cupido Portugal a été récompensé 3 fois

Advertising Effectiveness Award2012-2-1Institutional
Online SAPO Awards2012-6-30Media and Education
SINO Awards2011-2-1Transportation

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Coordonnées de Cupido Portugal


  • Siège socialR. Cova da Moura, 1350-177 Lisboa, Portugal