Tengo Design, Varsovia | Sortlist
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Tengo Design

Varsovia, Polonia
Creating spaces that inspire, energize, and impress
We are suppliers of ergonomic and representative furniture as well as interior designers. We are the official dealer of global furniture brands from the B2B sector such as Herman Miller, Framery, Profim, Narbutas and Cascando. We supply not only functional furniture, but also soft, upholstered and custom furniture, as well as all the necessary accessories. What distinguishes TENGO on the interior design market: - Our work is fast and effective - We are flexible and adapt to the needs of the end customer - We know more than just design and furniture - we approach each project comprehensively - If necessary, we provide comprehensive design documentation - Our visualizations will make you see what the whole thing will look like in reality - We run the project together and support you at every step, helping you create a perfect interior for the client!
10 personas en su equipo
Habla Inglés, Polaco, Ruso
Miembro de Sortlist desde 2024
Fundado en 2023
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2 servicios ofrecidos por Tengo Design

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  • Descripción
    We are suppliers of ergonomic and representative furniture as well as interior designers. We are the official dealer of global furniture brands from the B2B sector such as Herman Miller, Framery, Profim, Narbutas and Cascando. We supply not only functional furniture, but also soft, upholstered and custom furniture, as well as all the necessary accessories.

    What distinguishes TENGO on the interior design market:
    - Our work is fast and effective
    - We are flexible and adapt to the needs of the end customer
    - We know more than just design and furniture - we approach each project comprehensively
    - If necessary, we provide comprehensive design documentation
    - Our visualizations will make you see what the whole thing will look like in reality
    - We run the project together and support you at every step, helping you create a perfect interior for the client!
    (5) Habilidades en 3D
    3D Rendering3D Design3D ArchitectureSketchUp3ds Max

    Más información sobre 3D

  • Descripción

    No hay ninguna descripción para este servicio.

    Más información sobre Diseño Gráfico

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10 miembros en el equipo de Tengo Design

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  • Sede centralWspólna 75/79, 00-687 Warszawa, Poland