softisticated consulting GmbH (+ reseñas) | Sortlist
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softisticated consulting GmbH

Fráncfort, Alemania
We provide all our knowledge and service with a single purpose in mind: to arouse enthusiasm
Are you looking for an expert partnership in the development of software solutions – from business analysis to a quality-tested end product? Or do you want to place the management of the project, an application or a rollout in capable hands? softisticated consulting GmbH will carry out your projects in any field with the greatest care and using state-of-the-art technology. We are very much at home in infrastructure services and cloud solutions as highly available subsystems, and indeed in the digital transformation of entire business processes. Working in those domains is very much one of the core skills of softisticated consulting. Perhaps it would be good to meet?
5 personas en su equipo
Habla Inglés
Fundado en 2008
Este perfil no está gestionado por el propietario de la agencia. ¿Eres el propietario? Reclamar esta agencia


1 servicios ofrecidos por softisticated consulting GmbH

Nombre del servicio
Nivel de experiencia

Reseñas relacionadas
A partir de

  • Descripción
    Software Development
    (1) Habilidades en Desarrollo de Software
    Software Engineering
    (1) Reseña en Desarrollo de Software
    Roland Goeckler

    Más información sobre Desarrollo de Software

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5 miembros en el equipo de softisticated consulting GmbH

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1 reseña para softisticated consulting GmbH

(1 reseñas)
Roland GoecklerSenior Development Engineer en Vodafone Gmbh
ServicioDesarrollo de Software

After nearly a decade of working together with softisticated consulting, I'm extremely grateful for the experience with this partner. I'm also very satisfied when I look back at our many successes of our collaboration, which has been profitable at all times. My colleagues and I have always found the owners and staff at softisticated consulting to be highly reliable and solution-focused, and we've always felt we were in good hands and have had excellent advice and support. Working within the highly dynamic environment of telecommunications and IT, we've always benefited from the constructive inspiration, the considerable expertise and the flexible and committed support of softisticated consulting. I'm looking forward to many more years of successful collaboration.

ServicioDesarrollo de Software
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Datos de contacto de softisticated consulting GmbH


  • Sede centralFrankfurt, Germany