POMMEREL Live Marketing, Berne | Sortlist
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POMMEREL Live Marketing

Berne, Alemania
POMMEREL EVENTS Events for happier brands Events are powerful encounter formats that can give companies and brands an enormous boost in attractiveness and awareness ... if they are done correctly. POMMEREL is an event agency with great expertise in all topics related to events. Our compact team of creatives and organizational professionals has an extremely agile network of long-term partners. In addition to cost-conscious service, the perfect use of the latest technology, the hippest seating and the coolest decoration is guaranteed at all times. In short: we are always as big or small as you need us to be! POMMEREL HYBRID-EVENTS The new freedom for your event Online or would you rather live on site? What is the right event format for my company, my message and my target group? Are you asking yourself this question? POMMEREL EVENT TURBO We boost the right level! Regardless of whether you take care of making an effective decision or run your company to act: with our innovative event turbo you can also master the demands!    
7 personas en su equipo
Habla Alemán, Francés, Inglés, Neerlandés
Miembro de Sortlist desde 2020
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7 miembros en el equipo de POMMEREL Live Marketing

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  • Sede central27804 Berne, Germany