Moqod (+ reviews) | Sortlist
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Bussum, Netherlands
Nederlands: Moqod is een full-service IT bureau met de focus op Apps en Webapps.  IOS. Android. Web. Back-end. Big Data. AI.  AR Wij ontwikkelen onder meer voor UBER, Rijkswaterstaat, McDonalds en Roche als ook voor diverse startups. Wij zijn gespecialiseerd in zowel het opzetten van complete SCRUM teams voor complexe projecten, als ook het opleveren van MVP's voor startups op projectbasis; en alles ertussen.  Dankzij ons kantoor in Bussum vanuit waar onze Consultants and Solution Architects hun best doen u zo goed mogelijk van dienst te zijn, kunnen wij u snel en altijd tot tevredenheid helpen. En, dankzij het ontwikkelkantoor in Oost Europa en het alleen werken met sr. developers, kunnen wij zeer snel en professioneel werken tegen erg aantrekkelijke tarieven.  Wij helpen met: Software concept en design → Moqod is een design gedreven, volle service software ontwikkelaar. Het ontwikkelen van geweldige software begint bij een duidelijk, gebruiker gefocussed design. Ons design team adviseert klanten op gebied van UI en UX implementatie. Ontwikkeling van web- en mobiele apps → Het ontwikkelproces bij Moqod is gebaseerd op Agile principes, tools en de hoogste industrie standaarden. Bewezen door vele jaren ervaring en honderden opgeleverde apps. Daarnaast zorgt onze QA (Quality Assurance) afdeling zorgt ervoor dat we bug-vrije producten afleveren. Nearshore ontwikkelingscentrum → Bespaar kosten door het inhuren van het beste IT talent in Oost-Europa. Moqod helpt met het inhuren en managen van een team van ontwikkelaars die gepositioneerd zijn in een van onze kantoren. AI, Voice, Machine Learning → Wij beschikken over de juiste kwaliteiten en ervaring die nodig zijn om complexe oplossingen voor video en audio herkenning, machine learning, en smart chatbots te maken. Daarnaast zijn wij ook experts in Amazon, Google Cloud, en andere complexe AI en Machine learning software oplossingen. Digitale transformatie → Moqod optimaliseert organizationele processen en kosten door middel van het integreren van mobiele en cloud-based software oplossingen. Deze applicaties kunnen gebruikt worden bij het openen van nieuwe sales kanalen, customer engagement, of het algemeen stroomlijnen en verbeteren van interne processen. Minimum Viable Product (MVP) → Met een MVP worden uw verwachtingen gevalideerd en is het mogelijk uw product aan te passen op de markt binnen een korte periode en minimale investering. Moqod helpt bij het vormgeven en de oplevering van uw MVP, van concept tot productuitgave. English: Moqod is a full-service IT agency with a focus on Apps and Web apps. IOS. Android. Web. Back end. Big Data. AI. AR We developed for UBER, Rijkswaterstaat, McDonald's, and Roche, as well as for various startups. We specialize in setting up complete SCRUM teams for complex projects, as well as delivering MVPs for project-based startups; and everything in between. Thanks to our office in Bussum, our Consultants and Solution Architects do their best to serve you the best way possible. Moreover, due to the development office in Eastern Europe and working only with senior developers, we work very quickly and professionally at attractive rates. We help you with: Software concept and design → Moqod is a design-driven, full-service software developer. The development of great software starts with a clear, user-focused design. Our design team advises clients on UI and UX implementation. Development of web and mobile apps → The development process at Moqod is based on Agile principles, tools, and the highest industry standards. Proven by many years of experience and hundreds of developed apps. In addition, our QA (Quality Assurance) department ensures top quality of delivered products. Nearshore development center → Save costs by hiring the best IT talent in Eastern Europe. Moqod helps with the hiring and management of a team of developers who are positioned in one of our offices. AI, Voice, Machine Learning → We have the right qualities and experience needed to provide sophisticated solutions for video and audio recognition, machine learning, and to create smart chatbots. We are also experts in Amazon, Google Cloud, and another complex AI and Machine learning software solutions. Digital transformation → Moqod optimizes organizational processes and costs through the integration of mobile and cloud-based software solutions. These applications can be used when opening new sales channels, customer engagement, or generally streamlining and improving internal processes. Minimum Viable Product (MVP) → With an MVP, your expectations are validated, and it is possible to adjust your product to the market within a short period of time and minimum investment. Moqod helps with the design and delivery of your MVP, from concept to product release.
60 people in their team
Speaks Dutch, English, German, Russian
6 projects in their portfolio
5 collaborations started on Sortlist
Works remotely across the globe
Sortlist member since 2019
Founded in 2012


18 services offered by Moqod

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  • Description
    Moqod levert de beste mobiele apps voor IOS, Android en elk andere mobiel apparaat. Dankzij onze snelle en flexibele aanpak ontwikkelen we apps van elke omvang en complexiteit en bieden we de BESTE MOBIELE ERVARING voor uw klanten. Native, Hybrid, Responsive en Progressive Web App (PWA); we gebruiken de meest innovatieve technologieën voor de beste mobiele prestaties

    Moqod biedt topkwaliteit aan tevreden klanten zoals, en zelfs UBER.

    We stoppen niet na het ondersteunen met de technische expertise, we denken ook met u mee vanuit andere perspectieven zoals financieel, marketing, bedrijfsstrategie, enz. Wanneer u voor ons kiest, kunt u er zeker van zijn dat u een toegewijde partner krijgt die doorgaat waar anderen stoppen. Bekijk onze geweldige projecten op

    Moqod delivers the best mobile apps for IOS, Android, and any other mobile device. Thanks to our fast and flexible approach, we develop apps of every size and complexity, and we offer the BEST MOBILE EXPERIENCE for your customers. Native, Hybrid, Responsive and Progressive Web App (PWA); we use the most innovative technologies for the best mobile performance

    Moqod offers top quality to satisfied customers such as,, and even UBER.

    We do not stop after supporting technical expertise, we also think along with you from other perspectives such as financial, marketing, business strategy, etc. When you choose us, you can be sure that you get a dedicated partner who continues where others stop. View our great projects on
    Skills in Mobile App (35)
    Mobile App DevelopmentHybriede Mobiele App OntwikkelingVR-AR OntwikkelingDesarrollo de ChatbotReact Native DevelopmentApplicatie OntwikkelingAndroid App OntwikkelingiOS OntwikkelingReact Native OntwikkelingBot Development+25
    Works in Mobile App (4)
    Shypple  - MVP app for container shipment - Mobile App
    EZ Factory - App for the factory floor - Mobile App
    Whoppah - E-commerce Marketplace - Mobile App
    Bittiq - Fintech app for fintech startup - Mobile App
    Clients in Mobile App (4)
    ShyppleLogistics & Supply Chain | national
    BittiqBanking & Financials | national
    Whoppah B.VE-commerce | national
    EZ Factory B.VIndustrial Goods & Services | international

    Learn more about Mobile App

  • Description
    Wij ontwikkelen geavanceerde webapplicaties, SaaS-oplossingen en innovatieve cloud-applicaties. Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van de nieuwste technologieën, waaronder React, Vue, Python, NodeJS, MongoDB; evenals de nieuwste online streaming-databases.

    Onder onze klanten van webapps bevinden zich marktleiders zoals,, en

    Met Moqod bent u verzekerd van een succesvol ontwikkelingsproces, release, en onderhoud van uw applicatie. Wij helpen u door alle fasen van de ontwikkeling, maar stoppen daar niet. Onze expertise is breder dan alleen de technische markt, en we doen ook alles om de juiste vaardigheden en partners te vinden die u nodig zult hebt voor andere gebieden zoals marketing, financieel, online strategie, enz.
    Bij ons kunt u rekenen op VOLLEDIG- service, van A tot Z.

    We develop advanced web applications, SaaS solutions, and innovative cloud applications. The latest technologies are used, including React, Vue, Python, NodeJS, MongoDB; as well as the latest online streaming databases.

    Our web app customers include market leaders such as,,, and

    With Moqod, you are assured of a successful development process, release, and maintenance of your application. We help you through all phases of development but do not stop there. Our expertise is broader than just the technical market, and we also do everything to find the right skills and partners you will need for other areas such as marketing, finance, online strategy, etc.
    With us, you can count on FULL service, from A to Z.
    Skills in Web Application (59)
    Responsive Website OntwikkelingJavaScript ES6FirebaseAngular 2Django DevelopmentNode.js DevelopmentMobile HTML5 WebsiteDigital Product Developement (Web/Mobile)PHP, Laravel, ASP.NET, eal-time web application frameworks (SignalR & Node.js)Amazon AWS+49
    Works in Web Application (4)
    Digitalization for Rijkswaterstaat - Web Application
    Whoppah - E-commerce Marketplace - Web Application
    Bittiq - Fintech app for fintech startup - Web Application - Online platform for Agile HR - Web Application
    Clients in Web Application (4)
    BittiqBanking & Financials | national
    RijkswaterstaatGovernment & Administration | national
    Whoppah B.VE-commerce | national
    Learned.ioHuman Resources | national

    Learn more about Web Application

  • Description
    We ontwikkelen online marktplaatsen, zoals peer-to-peer handelsplatformen, multi-seller marktplatformen, online veilingen, meertalige omgevingen, e-commerce-oplossingen voor bedrijven, etc.

    Moqod biedt een systematische aanpak voor de ontwikkeling van e-commerce platformen, inclusief concept ontwerp, ontwikkeling en onderhoud van databases, systemen en applicaties van derden, enz. We maken gebruik van de meest recente e-commerce technologieën waar o.a rekening gehouden wordt met met voorraadbeheer, mobielvriendelijke functies, betalingssystemen, etc.

    Onze topservice is goed terug te zien in blije succesvolle klanten zoals o.a Whoppah

    We develop online marketplaces, such as peer-to-peer trading platforms, multi-seller market platforms, online auctions, multilingual environments, e-commerce solutions for companies, etc.

    Moqod offers a systematic approach for the development of e-commerce platforms, including concept design, development, and maintenance of third-party databases, systems, and applications, etc. We use the most recent e-commerce technologies that take into account, among other things, inventory management, mobile-friendly functions, payment systems, etc.

    Our top service is clearly reflected in happy, successful customers such as Whoppah.
    Skills in E-commerce (14)
    MongoDBShopify OntwikkelingShopify OntwerpWooCommerce OntwikkelingWebshop OntwikkelingpaymentsWebstoreConceptEcommerceWebshop+4
    Works in E-commerce (2)
    Whoppah - E-commerce Marketplace - E-commerce - Online platform for Agile HR - E-commerce
    Clients in E-commerce (2)
    Whoppah B.VE-commerce | national
    Learned.ioHuman Resources | national

    Learn more about E-commerce

  • Description
    Moqod levert de beste websites, inclusief up-to-date ontwerpen die volledig gericht zijn op uw doelgroep en een aangepast CMS van waaruit u uw website en bezoekers kunt beheren.

    Onze innovatieve, toekomstgerichte focus komt terug in de algemene uitstraling van ons ontwerp: glad, toekomstbestendig, up-to-date, disruptief. Dit zijn de core-values waarop we ons richten tijdens het maken van uw op maat gemaakte website.

    Tevreden klanten zoals Nuocanvas, Bittiq en nog veel meer zijn je voorgegaan.

    Ons toegewijd ontwerp-team zorgt ervoor dat vanuit elk perspectief uw online doelen worden bereikt, of het nu gaat om het genereren van leads, werving, of gewoon informatief, met een website gemaakt door Moqod, kunt u verzekerd zijn van succes. Dankzij onze partnerships kunnen we u de volledige website-creatie-service bieden, inclusief SEO.

    Moqod delivers the best websites, including up-to-date designs that are fully focused on your target audience and a customized CMS from which you can manage your website and visitors.

    Our innovative, future-oriented focus is reflected in the overall appearance of our design: smooth, future-proof, up-to-date, disruptive. These are the core values ​​that we focus on when creating your customized website.

    Satisfied customers such as Nuocanvas, Bittiq, and many more have preceded you.

    Our dedicated design team ensures that your online goals are achieved from any perspective, whether it is lead generation, recruitment, or simply informative, with a website created by Moqod, you can be assured of success. Thanks to our partnerships, we can offer you the full website creation service, including SEO.
    Skills in Website Creation (13)
    Technisch OntwerpDjangoWebsite HerontwerpBack-End DevelopmentCMSPHPLaravelJoomlaWebAppDrupal+3
    Works in Website Creation (2)
    Bittiq - Fintech app for fintech startup - Website Creation - Online platform for Agile HR - Website Creation
    Clients in Website Creation (2)
    Learned.ioHuman Resources | national
    BittiqBanking & Financials | national

    Learn more about Website Creation

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Works in Graphic Design (4)
    EZ Factory - App for the factory floor - Graphic Design
    Whoppah - E-commerce Marketplace - Graphic Design
    Bittiq - Fintech app for fintech startup - Graphic Design - Online platform for Agile HR - Graphic Design
    Clients in Graphic Design (4)
    Learned.ioHuman Resources | national
    Whoppah B.VE-commerce | national
    EZ Factory B.VIndustrial Goods & Services | international
    BittiqBanking & Financials | national

    Learn more about Graphic Design

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Innovation (4)
    ConsultancyAugmented RealityMachine LearningAugmented Reality Development
    Works in Innovation (6)
    Shypple  - MVP app for container shipment - Innovation
    Digitalization for Rijkswaterstaat - Innovation
    EZ Factory - App for the factory floor - Innovation
    Whoppah - E-commerce Marketplace - Innovation
    Clients in Innovation (6)
    ShyppleLogistics & Supply Chain | national
    BittiqBanking & Financials | national
    Learned.ioHuman Resources | national
    Whoppah B.VE-commerce | national

    Learn more about Innovation

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Ergonomy (UX/UI) (1)
    UX Optimalisatie
    Works in Ergonomy (UX/UI) (4)
    EZ Factory - App for the factory floor - Ergonomy (UX/UI)
    Whoppah - E-commerce Marketplace - Ergonomy (UX/UI)
    Bittiq - Fintech app for fintech startup - Ergonomy (UX/UI) - Online platform for Agile HR - Ergonomy (UX/UI)
    Clients in Ergonomy (UX/UI) (4)
    BittiqBanking & Financials | national
    EZ Factory B.VIndustrial Goods & Services | international
    Whoppah B.VE-commerce | national
    Learned.ioHuman Resources | national

    Learn more about Ergonomy (UX/UI)

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Works in Data Consulting (4)
    Shypple  - MVP app for container shipment - Data Consulting
    Digitalization for Rijkswaterstaat - Data Consulting
    EZ Factory - App for the factory floor - Data Consulting
    Whoppah - E-commerce Marketplace - Data Consulting
    Clients in Data Consulting (4)
    Whoppah B.VE-commerce | national
    EZ Factory B.VIndustrial Goods & Services | international
    RijkswaterstaatGovernment & Administration | national
    ShyppleLogistics & Supply Chain | national

    Learn more about Data Consulting

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Digital Strategy (3)
    Web StrategieDigitale TransformatieMarketing Automation
    Works in Digital Strategy (3)
    Shypple  - MVP app for container shipment - Digital Strategy
    Digitalization for Rijkswaterstaat - Digital Strategy - Online platform for Agile HR - Digital Strategy
    Clients in Digital Strategy (3)
    ShyppleLogistics & Supply Chain | national
    Learned.ioHuman Resources | national
    RijkswaterstaatGovernment & Administration | national

    Learn more about Digital Strategy

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Works in Web analytics/Big data (3)
    EZ Factory - App for the factory floor - Web analytics/Big data
    Whoppah - E-commerce Marketplace - Web analytics/Big data - Online platform for Agile HR - Web analytics/Big data
    Clients in Web analytics/Big data (3)
    Learned.ioHuman Resources | national
    Whoppah B.VE-commerce | national
    EZ Factory B.VIndustrial Goods & Services | international

    Learn more about Web analytics/Big data

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60 members in Moqod's team

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1 review for Moqod

(1 reviews)
Farzin Fardin FardCEO at 3F MUSIC

After searching more than 10 IT companies, I have found this company at the top of the line. Very professional team and highly recommended to everyone looking for the best. Thanks !

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Contact details of Moqod


  • HeadquarterDe Nieuwe Vaart 32, 1401 GR Bussum, Netherlands

  • Stationsplein 45, 3013 AK Rotterdam, Netherlands

  • Duivendrecht, Netherlands

  • Amsterdam, Netherlands