Donutz Digital (+ 4 reviews) | Sortlist
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Donutz Digital

Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
Take a bigger bite!
Performance marketing agency that helps you get a bigger bite out of your paid search, paid social, SEO and website in Europe.
20 people in their team
Speaks English, French, Lithuanian
4 projects in their portfolio
1 collaboration started on Sortlist
Sortlist member since 2023
Founded in 2016


10 services offered by Donutz Digital

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  • Description
    To achieve effective SEO, there are several key areas to focus on:

    1. **Keyword Research**: Identifying the most relevant and popular keywords for your site is essential. These are the terms that your target audience is searching for. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush can help you find the right keywords.

    2. **On-Page SEO**: This involves optimizing individual web pages to rank higher. It includes using the right keywords in your titles, headings, and throughout the content, optimizing meta tags (title tag and meta description), and ensuring that your website’s structure is search engine friendly.

    3. **Content Creation**: High-quality, relevant, and informative content is king in SEO. Your content should provide value to your audience and incorporate the keywords you want to rank for naturally.

    4. **Technical SEO**: This involves improving technical aspects of your website to increase the ranking of its pages in the search engines. This includes improving page load speed, making your site mobile-friendly, creating an XML sitemap, and implementing SSL for a secure connection.

    5. **Backlinks**: These are links from other websites to yours. Backlinks from high-authority and relevant sites can significantly boost your site's credibility and rankings. You can gain backlinks through outreach, guest blogging, and creating shareable content.

    6. **Local SEO**: If you have a physical location or serve a specific area, local SEO is crucial. This includes claiming your business on Google My Business, getting listed in local directories, and ensuring your name, address, and phone number (NAP) are consistent across the web.

    7. **Monitoring and Analytics**: Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track your SEO performance. Monitor your traffic, rankings, and other metrics to understand what works and where you can improve.

    8. **User Experience (UX)**: Search engines favor websites that provide a good user experience. This includes having a clean design, intuitive navigation, and ensuring users can find what they're looking for quickly and easily.

    9. **Mobile Optimization**: With the increasing use of mobile devices to access the internet, having a mobile-friendly website is crucial. Google uses mobile-first indexing, which means it predominantly uses the mobile version of the content for indexing and ranking.

    10. **Regular Updates and Maintenance**: SEO is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Search engines frequently update their algorithms, so it's important to stay informed and adjust your strategy accordingly.
    Skills in SEO (10)
    SEO ConsultingMultilingual SEOSEO Content CreationOrganic TrafficLink BuildingOn-Page SEOSEO AuditSEO StrategyTechnical SEOSEO Copywriting
    Works in SEO (3)
    Growth Advertising for Feeli - +221% in one year - SEO
    SEA Acquisition for Loavies - SEO
    SEO, SMA, SEA for Decathlon - SEO
    Review in SEO (1)
    Clients in SEO (3)
    DecathlonClothing & Accessories | national
    LoaviesClothing & Accessories | international
    FeeliHospitals & Healthcare | national

    Learn more about SEO

  • Description
    Creating strategies to drive more revenue through your website involves a combination of marketing, user experience optimization, and analytics. Here are some steps you can take to enhance your website's revenue-generating potential:

    1. **Understand Your Audience:**
    - Conduct market research to understand your audience's needs, preferences, and behaviors.
    - Create buyer personas to tailor your content and offerings.

    2. **Optimize for Conversion:**
    - Use a clear and compelling value proposition.
    - Implement strong calls-to-action (CTAs) that guide users towards making a purchase or taking another revenue-generating action.
    - Simplify the checkout process and ensure it is secure.

    3. **Improve User Experience (UX):**
    - Ensure your website is easy to navigate and aesthetically pleasing.
    - Optimize your website for mobile devices.
    - Improve page load speeds to reduce bounce rates.

    4. **Search Engine Optimization (SEO):**
    - Conduct keyword research to understand what potential customers are searching for.
    - Optimize on-page elements like titles, headings, and meta descriptions.
    - Produce high-quality, relevant content that targets those keywords.

    5. **Content Marketing:**
    - Create valuable content that addresses your audience's questions and pain points.
    - Use a blog to drive traffic and establish authority in your niche.
    - Employ content upgrades to capture leads.

    6. **Social Media Marketing:**
    - Engage with your audience on the platforms they use most.
    - Share content that promotes your products/services and drives traffic back to your website.
    - Use social media advertising to reach a larger or more targeted audience.

    7. **Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising:**
    - Invest in PPC campaigns like Google Ads to drive targeted traffic to your website.
    - Use retargeting ads to reach people who have visited your site but didn't convert.

    8. **Data Analysis and A/B Testing:**
    - Use analytics tools to track website performance and user behavior.
    - Conduct A/B testing to optimize landing pages, CTAs, and other key elements for conversion.
    Skills in Growth Marketing (17)
    PPCLead GenerationSEASearch Engine MarketingGoogle AdsConversion Rate OptimizationCustomer AcquisitionB2B Lead GenerationAmazon PPCMicrosoft Advertising+7
    Works in Growth Marketing (3)
    Comment doubler le montant de ses devis sur Google - Growth Marketing
    Growth Advertising for Feeli - +221% in one year - Growth Marketing
    SEA Acquisition for Loavies - Growth Marketing
    Clients in Growth Marketing (3)
    LoaviesClothing & Accessories | international
    FeeliHospitals & Healthcare | national
    StelloInsurance | national

    Learn more about Growth Marketing

  • Description
    We craft comprehensive digital marketing strategies that span the entire sales funnel, utilizing the power of Meta, TikTok, and Pinterest advertising to boost your presence.
    Skills in Social Media (5)
    Youtube AdvertisingTikTok AdvertisingInstagram AdvertisingFacebook AdsPinterest Marketing
    Works in Social Media (2)
    SEA Acquisition for Loavies - Social Media
    SEO, SMA, SEA for Decathlon - Social Media
    Clients in Social Media (2)
    DecathlonClothing & Accessories | national
    LoaviesClothing & Accessories | international

    Learn more about Social Media

  • Description
    We offer a suite of services designed to amplify your brand's online presence and drive targeted traffic to your website. Our approach is data-driven and tailored to meet the unique needs of your business, ensuring that every ad dollar is spent effectively.

    Our service includes:
    • Search Engine Marketing (SEM): We create and manage pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns that are optimized for the highest conversion rates, ensuring your brand appears prominently on search engine results pages.
    • Social Media Advertising: We harness the power of social platforms by crafting compelling ads that engage your target audience on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
    • Display and Retargeting: We strategically place eye-catching display ads across websites and retarget to recapture the attention of users who have previously interacted with your brand.
    Skills in Online Advertising (13)
    SEAGoogle ShoppingDigital AdvertisingPerformance MarketingPaid Search MarketingOnline Video AdvertisingPaid MediaProgrammatic AdvertisingGoogle AdsMobile Advertising+3
    Works in Online Advertising (4)
    Comment doubler le montant de ses devis sur Google - Online Advertising
    Growth Advertising for Feeli - +221% in one year - Online Advertising
    SEA Acquisition for Loavies - Online Advertising
    SEO, SMA, SEA for Decathlon - Online Advertising
    Review in Online Advertising (1)
    Clients in Online Advertising (4)
    LoaviesClothing & Accessories | international
    DecathlonClothing & Accessories | national
    StelloInsurance | national
    FeeliHospitals & Healthcare | national

    Learn more about Online Advertising

  • Description
    To run ads across the internet and tap into a market as large as Google Ads and Meta (formerly Facebook) Ads combined, you would need to utilize a variety of programmatic advertising platforms. Programmatic advertising uses automated technology for buying and placing ads, and it allows advertisers to reach a wide audience across many networks.

    1. **Defining Your Goals and Audience**: Before you start, we define what you want to achieve with your ads (e.g., brand awareness, conversions) and understand who your target audience is.

    2. **Choosing the Right Platforms**: To match the scale of Google and Meta Ads, you'll need to use multiple platforms.

    3. **Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs)**: Utilize DSPs to automate the purchasing of digital ad inventory across multiple platforms. This can include mobile, display, video, and social media advertising.

    4. **Data Management Platforms (DMPs)**: We target your audience, use DMPs to collect and manage data, which can then be used to tailor your advertising to specific segments.

    5. **Creative Optimization**: We develop engaging and relevant ad creatives.

    6. **Cross-Channel Strategy**: Don't limit yourself to one type of ad or platform. Use a mix of display, video, mobile, and native ads across various ad networks and publishers to maximize reach.

    7. **Tracking and Analytics**: We implement robust tracking and analytics to measure the performance of your campaigns. We use this data to optimize your ad spend and improve ROI.

    8. **Budget Allocation**: We allocate your budget across different platforms and channels.

    9. **Compliance and Privacy**: We ensure that your advertising practices comply with data privacy regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and others.
    Skills in Advertising (2)
    ProgrammaticProgrammatic buying
    Works in Advertising (3)
    Growth Advertising for Feeli - +221% in one year - Advertising
    SEA Acquisition for Loavies - Advertising
    SEO, SMA, SEA for Decathlon - Advertising
    Clients in Advertising (3)
    DecathlonClothing & Accessories | national
    LoaviesClothing & Accessories | international
    FeeliHospitals & Healthcare | national

    Learn more about Advertising

  • Description
    Full-Funnel digital strategy: Paid social, Paid Search, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Display, Retargeting
    Skills in Digital Strategy (4)
    Inbound MarketingDigital Marketing StrategySearch Engine MarketingTraffic Acquisition
    Works in Digital Strategy (4)
    Comment doubler le montant de ses devis sur Google - Digital Strategy
    Growth Advertising for Feeli - +221% in one year - Digital Strategy
    SEA Acquisition for Loavies - Digital Strategy
    SEO, SMA, SEA for Decathlon - Digital Strategy
    Clients in Digital Strategy (4)
    FeeliHospitals & Healthcare | national
    DecathlonClothing & Accessories | national
    LoaviesClothing & Accessories | international
    StelloInsurance | national

    Learn more about Digital Strategy

  • Description
    Our data visualization services encompass a comprehensive suite of tools and techniques designed to transform complex data into accessible and insightful visual representations. These services are tailored to help businesses and organizations make informed decisions based on actionable insights derived from their data.

    Here's a description of our services:

    1. **Custom Dashboard Creation:**
    - We design interactive dashboards that provide a real-time overview of your key performance indicators (KPIs).
    - Our dashboards are customizable to fit the specific needs of your business, allowing you to monitor the metrics that matter most to you.
    - We ensure that the dashboards are user-friendly, enabling users with varying levels of expertise to navigate and understand the data with ease.
    - Dashboards can be integrated with various data sources, including databases, spreadsheets, and cloud services, to provide a unified view of information.

    2. **Web Analytics:**
    - Our web analytics services involve the collection, measurement, and analysis of web data to understand and optimize web usage.
    - We help you track website traffic, user behavior, conversion rates, and other relevant web metrics.
    - We provide insights into user engagement and identify patterns that can lead to improved website performance and customer satisfaction.
    - Our team assists in setting up and configuring web analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, or custom analytics solutions to fit your needs.

    3. **Data Visualization Tools and Techniques:**
    - We utilize a variety of tools like Tableau, Power BI, Looker, and custom visualization libraries (e.g., D3.js) to create compelling visualizations.
    - Our team is skilled in creating charts, graphs, heatmaps, geographic maps, scatter plots, and more to represent data in a visually appealing and informative way.
    - We focus on clarity, accuracy, and aesthetics to ensure that the visualizations convey the right message and are accessible to the intended audience.

    4. **Interactive Reports and Infographics:**
    - We craft interactive reports that allow users to drill down into the specifics of the data for deeper analysis.
    - Our infographics are designed to summarize complex data sets in a visually engaging format that is easy to understand and share.

    5. **Consultation and Strategy:**
    - We offer expert consultation to help you define your data visualization goals and strategies.
    - Our team advises on best practices for data management, visualization techniques, and how to effectively communicate data-driven insights.

    6. **Training and Support:**
    - We provide training sessions for your team to help them make the most of the dashboards and visualization tools.
    - Ongoing support is available to assist with any questions or updates needed as your business and data evolve.

    7. **Integration and Automation:**
    - We work on integrating data visualization solutions with existing business systems to streamline workflows.
    - Automation services are offered to ensure that data feeds into the dashboards and reports are updated automatically, providing the most current insights.

    By leveraging our data visualization services, clients can expect to gain a clearer understanding of their data, uncover hidden trends, and communicate findings effectively to stakeholders. Whether it's through dynamic dashboards, detailed web analytics, or engaging reports, our goal is to help you harness the power of your data to drive decision-making and achieve business objectives.
    Skills in Web analytics/Big data (1)
    Data Visualization
    Works in Web analytics/Big data (4)
    Comment doubler le montant de ses devis sur Google - Web analytics/Big data
    Growth Advertising for Feeli - +221% in one year - Web analytics/Big data
    SEA Acquisition for Loavies - Web analytics/Big data
    SEO, SMA, SEA for Decathlon - Web analytics/Big data
    Clients in Web analytics/Big data (4)
    DecathlonClothing & Accessories | national
    StelloInsurance | national
    FeeliHospitals & Healthcare | national
    LoaviesClothing & Accessories | international

    Learn more about Web analytics/Big data

  • Description
    Banner Design
    Motion Design
    Skills in Graphic Design (8)
    Banner AdvertisingCreative AdvertisingTikTok AdvertisingInstagram AdvertisingClip Motion DesignPinterest AdvertisingFacebook AdsCreative Design
    Work in Graphic Design (1)
    SEO, SMA, SEA for Decathlon - Graphic Design
    Client in Graphic Design (1)
    DecathlonClothing & Accessories | national

    Learn more about Graphic Design

  • Description
    Content for SEO that ranks high on Search engine
    Skills in Content Strategy (2)
    Search Engine OptimizationSEO Strategy
    Work in Content Strategy (1)
    Growth Advertising for Feeli - +221% in one year - Content Strategy
    Client in Content Strategy (1)
    FeeliHospitals & Healthcare | national

    Learn more about Content Strategy

  • Description
    Search Engine Marketing (SEM): We create and manage pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns that are optimized for the highest conversion rates, ensuring your brand appears prominently on search engine results pages.
    Skills in Marketing (3)
    Bing AdsGoogle AdsPaid Search Marketing

    Learn more about Marketing

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20 members in Donutz Digital's team

Donutz Digital cover
StoryWe are a performance marketing agency focused on increasing our clients’ ROI through search and social media channels. Nothing new so far… but it gets interesting from here. Our model is somewhere between a traditional agency and a freelance platform. We take the best of both worlds to deliver more value to you.
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4 reviews for Donutz Digital

(4 reviews)
CothenetFondateur at Hopupu
ServiceOnline Advertising
Team1 - 10

What was the objective behind your collaboration?Génération de leads et amélioration de la visibilité

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?La réactivité et le professionnalisme de tous les intervenants

Cothenet recommends this agency

ServiceOnline Advertising
Team1 - 10

DostesBusiness Developer at Hopupu

What was the objective behind your collaboration?Mener à bien des campagne ads avec différents objectifs

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?Le professionnalisme, la flexibilité et l'écoute

Dostes recommends this agency

Barbara ScharschHead of Marketing Performance at Le Collectionist

What was the objective behind your collaboration?Donutz Digital Team worked with us on our digital acquisition strategies, mostly on SEA and SMA channels. They helped Le Collectionist grow from a start up to the scale up level with a lot of motivation and professionalism.

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?Donutz Digital is a rather small agency in terms of size, but their account managers are senior experts that you can rely on and that will work with you on the long term. They will act as an extension of your internal team with great implication in the business and growth strategy. They show a lot a flexibility to adapt to your needs and advise you the best way.

Barbara Scharsch recommends this agency

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Contact details of Donutz Digital


  • HeadquarterNeuilly-sur-Seine, France