Dapper - the growth agency (+ 10 reviews) | Sortlist
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Dapper - the growth agency

Rotterdam, Nederland
Experts in Demand Generation.
Around 97% of your prospects are currently not looking for your product or service. This group of people needs education and nurturing. So that when the need arises for your offer, they understand the problem that you solve, and you are on top of mind in your category. With Demand Generation , you create interest and demand for the product/service you sell. You define your audience and serve your prospects (high-quality) content that helps them understand that 1) they have a problem to be solved and 2) you are the one to solve that problem! The goal is to create inbound leads: prospects who come to you with a request for a demo or proposal. However, setting up a proper Demand Generation strategy takes time and you might not have the right Demand Generation experts in your team. That’s where Dapper comes in. We create the team you need to set up your demand generation machine. From copywriters to designers and paid advertising experts, we complement your team where you miss expertise. Every marketer on our team is a seaned Demand Generation specialist with each their own specialism. Instead of hiring one generalist or five specialists, hire a Demand Generation Team at Dapper. For the same price as one Senior Marketer, you’ll have access to a full-blown Demand Generation team with all the specialists you need.
30 mensen in hun team
Spreekt Duits, Engels, Frans, Grieks, Nederlands... Zie meer
23 projecten in hun portfolio
1 samenwerking gestart via Sortlist
Werkt op afstand over de hele wereld
Sortlist lid sinds 2019
Opgericht in 2019
5 awards gewonnen
Website openen


4 diensten aangeboden door Dapper - the growth agency

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Gerelateerde beoordelingen

  • Beschrijving
    In the B2B marketing landscape, most prospects are currently not looking for your product or service.

    This group of people needs education and nurturing first, so that when the need arises for your offer, they understand the problem that you solve, and you are on top of mind in your category.

    We can help you set up a demand generation strategy to nurture and educate your leads with valuable content. In the last part of the process, we help you capture this generated demand.
    Skills in Growth Marketing (17)
    Lead GenerationLead NurturingB2B Lead GenerationB2B Social MediaB2B BrandingB2B MarketingInbound Lead GenerationLead AcquisitionB2B Digitale MarketingB2B Digital Marketing+7
    Projecten in Growth Marketing (18)
    A Lead-Generating Content Engine for Bluebird - Growth Marketing
    Reducing Logitech's CPL with 70% on the B2B market - Growth Marketing
    400% ROI increase in SEA in 2 Months - Growth Marketing
    178% Increase in Total Deal Value with Demand Gen - Growth Marketing
    Review in Growth Marketing (1)
    Machiel Kunst
    Klanten in Growth Marketing (18)
    Xebia AcademyOnderwijs | national
    ChannextSoftware & Computer Services | international
    UltimakerConsumer Electronics | international
    Lizard GlobalPersoneelszaken | regional

    Meer informatie over Growth Marketing

  • Beschrijving
    Based on thorough ICP research and online presence research, social media channels are selected for paid advertising purposes.

    In most B2B contexts, the channel of focus will be LinkedIn, where we can use thought leadership ads, video ads, and still image ads, among others.

    Additionally, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube can be very successful channels to use for retargeting purposes.

    Besides social media, search engines also play a major role in B2B marketing. Dapper is specialised in:

    1. Search engine optimization (SEO):
    Recent studies indicate that over 70% of clicked search results are organic. But search engines are growing more intelligent daily and the competitive landscape is only increasing. How can you ensure that your website is shown for the right search queries? Dapper has helped both start-ups and Fortune 500 companies to strengthen their SEO. We’ve developed a step-by-step process.

    First, we conduct keyword research to identify vital terms that the company wishes to be found on. Based on the outcome of these keywords, we create a content plan: what will we write and when? Following this, we conduct an audit and prioritization of technical improvements for the website. Lastly, we plan how to build the website and webpage authority through link-building.

    It takes about 4-6 months for SEO to demonstrate an effect. We believe that organic traffic is one of the most sustainable marketing investments a company can make.

    2. Search Engine Advertising (SEA):
    Your target audience is looking for products and services on Google. SEA campaigns ensure that your page pops up at the right place at the right time. You’ll be presented as a solution to a moment of inquiry, at the top of a Google, Bing, or Yahoo search page. SEA is a popular solution due to its instant results and scalability.

    3. Display advertising:
    Display advertising allows us to promote your brand on websites and social media platforms belonging to the Google Network. Using Google data, display advertising provides interesting targeting possibilities. Google Display campaigns are renowned for their low prices and are therefore ideal for reaching a large audience, such as for an awareness campaign.
    Skills in Online Advertising (51)
    Thought Leadership AdsSEO AdvertisingB2B ReclameSocial Media AdvertisingLinkedIn ReclameYoutube AdvertentiesVideoreclameLinkedIn-InfluencersLinkedIn AdvertenstiesMeta Adverteren+41
    Projecten in Online Advertising (21)
    A Lead-Generating Content Engine for Bluebird - Online Advertising
    Reducing Logitech's CPL with 70% on the B2B market - Online Advertising
    400% ROI increase in SEA in 2 Months - Online Advertising
    Reaching digital maturity with demand cap and gen - Online Advertising
    Reviews in Online Advertising (3)
    Julian Streuper
    Timo Dammer
    Machteld van der Does
    Klanten in Online Advertising (21)
    Xebia AcademyOnderwijs | national
    SOPHIA MAERetail | national
    ChannextSoftware & Computer Services | international
    Boxspring TwijfelaarRetail | national

    Meer informatie over Online Advertising

  • Beschrijving
    On average, people spend 145 minutes per day on social media. Therefore, this will be an essential part of your B2B demand generation or general marketing strategy.

    Based on thorough ICP research and online presence research, social media channels are selected on which the company and personal employee brands (so-called ‘thought leadership’) are built, both with organic and paid content.

    In most B2B contexts, the channel of focus will be LinkedIn. However, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are very successful channels to use for retargeting purposes.
    Skills in Social media (31)
    Meta advertentiesYouTube advertentiesThought LeadershipB2B Lead GenerationGoogle AdvertentiesTikTok adverterenB2B Social MediaB2B BrandingB2B MarketingLinkedIn adverteren+21
    Projecten in Social media (13)
    Reducing Logitech's CPL with 70% on the B2B market - Social media
    178% Increase in Total Deal Value with Demand Gen - Social media
    233 New Conversations via Demand Generation Plan - Social media
    4,000+ quiz results with research-based Meta ads - Social media
    Reviews in Social media (2)
    Angela Hordijk
    Sammie Perkins
    Klanten in Social media (13)
    Xebia AcademyOnderwijs | national
    SOPHIA MAERetail | national
    ChannextSoftware & Computer Services | international
    Boxspring TwijfelaarRetail | national

    Meer informatie over Social media

  • Beschrijving
    The marketing strategies we design for you are based on extensive growth research because we’re convinced that every hour spent on research and strategy has a multiplying effect on eventual results for your business. Almost every collaboration, therefore, starts with a data collection. This data collection phase differs per client, but almost always consists of:

    1. Evaluating your existing assets. We will ask you and your most important stakeholders (like your sales team for example) many questions, look at your competitors, evaluate key marketing channels, review existing user research, and conduct technical assessments.
    2. Identifying your ideal customer profile, based on available research, or from scratch. We will map out the most desirable customer to sell your product to, together with their pains and gains.
    3. Define core messaging. Based on the insights from the previous steps, we will help you identify the topics you want to discuss in your content and which will most resonate with your audience. This will help you put together a coherent messaging strategy.
    4. Define formats, frequency, processes, and distribution. When the content and channels are set in stone, you are going to decide how, where, and when you want to distribute the content.

    With this strategy in place, you can start executing and iterating.
    Skills in Digital Strategy (22)
    B2B-positioneringInbound MarketingSearch Engine MarketingDigital Marketing StrategyB2B Lead GenerationB2B Social MediaB2B MarketingB2B Marketing StrategyCompetitor ResearchStakeholder Interviews+12
    Projecten in Digital Strategy (15)
    Reaching digital maturity with demand cap and gen - Digital Strategy
    233 New Conversations via Demand Generation Plan - Digital Strategy
    4,000+ quiz results with research-based Meta ads - Digital Strategy
    Becoming the local-savvy full-stack marketing team - Digital Strategy
    Reviews in Digital Strategy (3)
    Mariah Shannon
    David Schermerhorn
    Josha Riemens
    Klanten in Digital Strategy (15)
    Reizen Naar Je WerkVervoer | regional
    Xebia AcademyOnderwijs | national
    Rotterdam in a BoxAnderen | national
    SOPHIA MAERetail | national

    Meer informatie over Digital Strategy

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30 leden in Dapper - the growth agency's team

Dapper - the growth agency cover
VerhaalDapper is made up of growth fanatics. Each with their own specialization and area of expertise within Demand Generation. At heart, we’re pioneers who love what we do. The bulk of the Dapper team is based in Rotterdam with other team members working abroad. We’re always aiming to grow, even as we help others to grow.
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Dapper - the growth agency heeft 5 awards gewonnen

Member of Meta Business Partner 20222022-6-1Online Advertising

Member of Facebook Business Partner 20212021-5-31Online Advertising

Google Partner 20222022-5-31Online Advertising

Google Partner 20212021-6-1Online Advertising
Google Partner 20202020-6-1Online Advertising



(10 reviews)
Machiel Kunst
Machiel KunstFounder bij Bluebird
ServiceGrowth Marketing
Team11 - 50

We were looking for a partner who could help us with our marketing and increase the number of inbound leads. Dapper seemed a great cultural fit. Tycho seemed knowledgeable and trustworthy (several people in the company know him personally) and Dapper was visible on LinkedIn & YouTube. They were basically doing what I wanted to do. Dapper helped us with Google & LinkedIn advertising, LinkedIn organic thought leadership posting, SEO, and video production. In general, this helped us to gather more inbound leads. We went from 1 to 5 inbound leads per month approximately.

ServiceGrowth Marketing
Team11 - 50

Josha RiemensDirector Jobmarketing & Outreach bij Blue Beach
ServiceDigital Strategy
Team1 - 10

At Blue Beach, we aim to speed up the process to get people in the right working environment, and, with that, make good companies even greater. We ask Yvo, one of the founders of Dapper for advice and tactics on how to market ourselves in an inspiring way instead of being just another job marketing company on a regular basis. Yvo and I have regular calls during which we go through my growth goals and how to achieve them using Growth Marketing. We end up with concrete actions that I can implement to support my marketing activities. Having Yvo give clarity on what to do next is a big help in the interesting but complicated process of starting up.

ServiceDigital Strategy
Team1 - 10

Mariah ShannonCEO bij Muse Tans
ServiceDigital Strategy
SectorLuxe Goederen en Juwelen
Team1 - 10

Muse spray tan is an offspring of an LA-based spray tan company. One year ago, we decided to open a studio in the Netherlands and asked Dapper to help us build our client base and define our go-to-market (GTM) in the Netherlands. The goal was to get a first client base as soon as possible. Dapper conducted research on how to best approach the GTM. Afterward, they brainstormed to come up with experiments that would get in the first clients. Then, they selected the highest potential experiments, which were campaigns for Google and Meta. They started running these experiments and took care of every aspect: from strategy to design to setting up and optimizing the campaigns. They also helped to set up a process for the follow-up of leads that came from the campaigns. The most noteworthy are the Meta campaigns. Dapper tested many different messaging, propositions, visuals, videos, and audiences. Eventually, we scaled a funnel that offered new customers a discount on their first spray tan. These campaigns got us about 70% of our total clientele.

ServiceDigital Strategy
SectorLuxe Goederen en Juwelen
Team1 - 10

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Contact gegevens van Dapper - the growth agency


  • HoofdkantoorStationsplein 45 E1.184, 3013 AK Rotterdam, Netherlands

  • Av. Duque de Loulé 12, 1050-093 Lisboa, Portugal

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