Fifth Beat (+ 9 reseñas) | Sortlist
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Fifth Beat

Roma, Italia
We design and build digital products that change companies
Fifth Beat is a team of strategists, designers and engineers that craft innovative experiences that transform businesses and improve lives.
52 personas en su equipo
Habla Español, Inglés, Italiano
21 proyectos en su portfolio
2 colaboraciones iniciadas en Sortlist
Miembro de Sortlist desde 2023
Fundado en 2014
3 premios recibidos
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20 servicios ofrecidos por Fifth Beat

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  • Descripción
    This refers to the provision of user experience (UX) design expertise and solutions to businesses or clients. It involves offering UX design services on a project basis or through ongoing support, typically to help companies improve the usability, accessibility, and overall user satisfaction of their products, websites, or applications.

    When businesses lack in-house UX design capabilities or require additional expertise, they can engage with a UX design service provider to address their specific needs. UX design as a service can cover various aspects, including:

    User Research: Conducting user interviews, surveys, and usability testing to gather insights into user needs and behaviors.

    Information Architecture: Creating a logical and intuitive structure for the product or website to enhance navigation and content organization.

    Wireframing and Prototyping: Designing low-fidelity wireframes and interactive prototypes to visualize the user interface and test the product's usability.

    Visual Design: Developing visually appealing and consistent design elements, including colors, typography, and graphics.

    Interaction Design: Defining how users will interact with the product and ensuring smooth and intuitive interactions.

    Usability Testing: Conducting usability tests with real users to identify potential issues and make improvements.

    Accessibility: Ensuring that the product is accessible to users with disabilities and complies with accessibility standards.

    User Journey Mapping: Analyzing and visualizing the user journey throughout the product or website.

    Conversion Rate Optimization: Optimizing the user experience to increase conversion rates and achieve business goals.

    By leveraging UX design as a service, businesses can benefit from the expertise of skilled professionals, save time and resources, and ultimately deliver a better user experience, leading to higher customer satisfaction and improved business outcomes.
    (46) Habilidades en Usabilidad (UX/UI)
    UI DesignFramerFigmaDesign SprintsWireframingMiroObjective Key ResultTrial Experience OptimizationStory MappingPayment Flow Optimization+36
    (10) proyectos en Usabilidad (UX/UI)
    Standard Models by Designers Italia - Usabilidad (UX/UI)
    AGI - Redesigning a news agency's identity - Usabilidad (UX/UI)
    Copernicus - Redesigning the UX software platform - Usabilidad (UX/UI)
    Silversea-Enhance the experience of luxury cruises - Usabilidad (UX/UI)
    (6) Reseñas en Usabilidad (UX/UI)
    Maurizio Mattioli
    Chiara Caso
    Olivier Bessire
    Federico Badaloni
    (10) Clientes en Usabilidad (UX/UI)
    PHYDRecursos humanos | international
    SilverseaViajes y ocio | international
    CopernicusGobierno y administración | international
    AGILos medios de comunicación | international

    Más información sobre Usabilidad (UX/UI)

  • Descripción
    We can help corporations or small organizations providing tailored or a comprehensive and ready-to-use ecommerce platform and infrastructure without the need for them to build and manage their own ecommerce system from scratch. Key areas of our ecommerce services may include:

    Ecommerce Platform: The service provider offers a fully functional ecommerce platform that includes shopping cart functionality, product catalogs, payment gateways, and order management systems.

    Website Design and Templates: EaaS providers often offer a selection of website templates and customization options to create visually appealing and brand-consistent online stores.

    Hosting and Security: The service provider handles website hosting and ensures the security and reliability of the ecommerce site, including handling customer data securely.

    Mobile Responsiveness: EaaS platforms are designed to be mobile-responsive, providing a seamless shopping experience for customers across various devices.

    Payment Processing: EaaS platforms typically integrate with various payment gateways, allowing businesses to accept multiple payment methods.

    Inventory Management: Ecommerce as a service solutions may include inventory management tools to track and update product availability in real-time.

    Marketing and SEO: Some EaaS providers offer built-in marketing and SEO tools to help businesses promote their products and improve online visibility.

    Customer Support: Ecommerce as a service providers may offer customer support and technical assistance to help businesses address any issues or questions related to their online stores.
    (28) Habilidades en E-commerce
    Shopify DesignShopify DevelopmentOnline storeShopify MarketingE-Commerce HostingOnline EcommerceDigital CommerceEcommerce Web DevelopmentShopping Cart OptimizationMarket Launch+18
    (6) proyectos en E-commerce
    Improving the usability of the Joby website - E-commerce
    List - Design with data - E-commerce
    Silversea-Enhance the experience of luxury cruises - E-commerce
    la Repubblica - From browser to app - E-commerce
    (6) Clientes en E-commerce
    JOBYHardware de tecnología y equipo |
    SilverseaViajes y ocio | international
    la RepubblicaLos medios de comunicación | international
    AnritsuTelecomunicaciones | international

    Más información sobre E-commerce

  • Descripción
    Innovation as a service (IaaS) is a model that provides businesses with access to external expertise and resources for fostering innovation within their organization. It allows companies to leverage specialized innovation service providers or consultants to generate new ideas, develop cutting-edge solutions, and drive continuous improvement in products, processes, and services.

    Key features of innovation as a service may include:

    Ideation and Brainstorming: IaaS providers facilitate ideation sessions and brainstorming workshops to generate creative ideas and solutions to specific challenges or opportunities.

    Design Thinking and User-Centered Design: They apply design thinking methodologies and user-centered design principles to understand customer needs, pain points, and preferences to develop innovative products and services.

    Rapid Prototyping: IaaS providers create rapid prototypes and minimum viable products (MVPs) to quickly test and validate new concepts and ideas.

    Market Research and Trend Analysis: They conduct market research and trend analysis to identify emerging opportunities and industry trends that can drive innovation.

    Technology Scouting: IaaS providers monitor and scout for new technologies and innovations in the market that can be adopted or adapted to benefit the client's business.

    Open Innovation and Collaboration: They facilitate open innovation initiatives, encouraging collaborations with external stakeholders, startups, and experts to bring fresh perspectives and insights.

    Innovation Culture and Training: IaaS providers may help in fostering an innovation-driven culture within the organization by offering training, workshops, and coaching to employees.

    Funding and Support: In some cases, IaaS providers may assist in identifying funding opportunities or access to grants to support the development and implementation of innovative projects.

    By engaging with Fifth Beat, businesses can access specialized expertise and resources without the need to build and maintain a dedicated in-house innovation team. This model allows companies to be more agile, adapt to rapidly changing markets, and stay competitive by continuously exploring and implementing new ideas and technologies.
    (11) Habilidades en Innovación
    Innovation ManagementInnovation ConsultingPredictive AnalyticsOpen InnovationLeadership TrainingGraph VisualizationGlobal InnovationDisruptive InnovationCutting Edge TechnologyInternational Innovation+1
    (7) proyectos en Innovación
    List - Design with data - Innovación
    Zanichelli - Improving digital services for school - Innovación
    The perfect Puglia for every traveller - Innovación
    Qualitative research for a car rental platform - Innovación
    (1) Reseña en Innovación
    Marina Vecchio
    (7) Clientes en Innovación
    iDEAL RentAutomoción | international
    SorgeniaEnergía y petróleo | national
    SorgeniaEnergía y petróleo | national
    ListLos medios de comunicación | international

    Más información sobre Innovación

  • Descripción
    Mobile app design and development is the process of creating and building software applications specifically for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. It involves a combination of designing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of the app, as well as the actual coding and programming to bring the app to life.

    Here's an overview of the key stages involved in mobile app design and development:

    Idea and Concept: The process starts with brainstorming and defining the app's purpose, target audience, and features. This stage involves market research and competitor analysis to understand user needs and preferences.

    User Experience (UX) Design: UX designers create wireframes and prototypes to design the app's flow, layout, and navigation, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience.

    User Interface (UI) Design: UI designers focus on the visual elements of the app, such as color schemes, typography, icons, and graphics, to create an appealing and brand-consistent design.

    Development: Developers write the code to build the app's functionality and features, using programming languages like Flutter, Java or Kotlin for Android apps and Swift or Objective-C for iOS apps.

    Testing: The app undergoes rigorous testing to identify and fix any bugs, errors, or performance issues. This includes functional testing, usability testing, and compatibility testing on different devices and operating systems.

    Deployment: Once the app is tested and ready, it is submitted to the respective app stores (e.g., Apple App Store, Google Play Store) for approval and distribution.

    Maintenance and Updates: After launch, the app requires ongoing maintenance, bug fixes, and updates to ensure it remains compatible with the latest devices and operating systems and to incorporate user feedback for continuous improvement.

    Mobile app design and development can be complex and requires collaboration among a team of professionals, including designers, developers, testers, and project managers. It is essential to consider the app's performance, security, and scalability to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience for users. Additionally, the app should be optimized for various screen sizes and resolutions to accommodate the diversity of mobile devices available in the market.
    (31) Habilidades en App móvil
    Custom DevelopmentSocial Media App DevelopmentGoogle Play Store OptimizationiPhone iPad App DevelopmentApplication ModernizationWearable App DevelopmentTravel App DevelopmentSocial App DevelopmentHealth and Fitness App DevelopmentFinancial App Development+21
    (4) proyectos en App móvil
    la Repubblica - From browser to app - App móvil
    FSC app - App móvil
    MySorgenia app: redesign self care services - App móvil
    CGM: E-health service integration in one app - App móvil
    (4) Clientes en App móvil
    FSC - Forest Stewardship CouncilOtros | international
    SorgeniaEnergía y petróleo | national
    la RepubblicaLos medios de comunicación | international
    CGMHospitales & salud | national

    Más información sobre App móvil

  • Descripción
    Web application design and development is the process of creating and building software applications that run on web browsers. These applications can be accessed over the internet and do not require installation on the user's device. Web applications can range from simple websites to complex, interactive platforms with advanced functionality.

    Here's an overview of the key stages involved in web application design and development:

    Idea and Planning: The process starts with defining the purpose, scope, and goals of the web application. This stage involves understanding user needs, conducting market research, and defining the features and functionalities required.

    User Experience (UX) Design: UX designers create wireframes and prototypes to design the layout, flow, and navigation of the web application, ensuring a user-friendly and intuitive experience.

    User Interface (UI) Design: UI designers focus on the visual elements of the web application, such as color schemes, typography, icons, and graphics, to create an appealing and consistent design.

    Front-end Development: Front-end developers use React, Angular or other FE frameworks to produce HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to implement the UI design and create the user-facing part of the web application that users interact with.

    Back-end Development: Back-end developers work on the server-side of the web application, managing data storage, processing user requests, and handling business logic. They use programming languages like Elixir, Python, Ruby, PHP, or Node.js.

    Database Design: Database architects design and implement the database structure to store and manage the web application's data.

    Testing: The web application undergoes rigorous testing to identify and fix any bugs, errors, or security vulnerabilities. This includes functional testing, performance testing, and security testing.

    Deployment: Once the web application is tested and ready, it is deployed to a web server and made accessible to users over the internet.

    Maintenance and Updates: After launch, the web application requires ongoing maintenance, updates, and support to ensure it remains secure, functional, and compatible with the latest web technologies.

    Web application design and development require collaboration among a team of professionals, including designers, front-end and back-end developers, database architects, testers, and project managers. It is essential to optimize the web application for different devices and screen sizes, ensuring a responsive and accessible user experience across various platforms and browsers.
    (21) Habilidades en Aplicación Web
    DevOps ImplementationInternet of ThingsElixir DevelopmentQuantitative AnalysisEcommerce HostingWeb App DesignDevOps EngineeringDevOps AutomationPrototype DevelopmentNodeJS Development+11
    (5) proyectos en Aplicación Web
    List - Design with data - Aplicación Web
    AGI - Redesigning a news agency's identity - Aplicación Web
    Silversea-Enhance the experience of luxury cruises - Aplicación Web
    Kaaja: a platform for a real estate company - Aplicación Web
    (1) Reseña en Aplicación Web
    Dario Cardile
    (5) Clientes en Aplicación Web
    SilverseaViajes y ocio | international
    ListLos medios de comunicación | international
    AGILos medios de comunicación | international
    KaajaPropiedad inmobiliaria | national

    Más información sobre Aplicación Web

  • Descripción
    Product management as a service (PMaaS) is a business model in which companies or individuals offer product management expertise and services on a contract or consultancy basis to other organizations. Instead of hiring a full-time product manager, companies can outsource their product management needs to a specialized service provider.

    Fifth Beat offers a range of product management services that cater to the specific needs of their clients. These services may include:

    Market Research: Conducting market research to identify customer needs, market trends, and competitive analysis.

    Product Strategy: Developing product strategies, defining vision and goals, and identifying target markets.

    Product Planning: Creating product roadmaps, prioritizing features, and defining product requirements.

    User Experience (UX) Design: Collaborating with designers to ensure a positive user experience and intuitive interface.

    Development and Execution: Working with development teams to ensure successful product delivery.

    Testing and Quality Assurance: Overseeing testing and quality assurance processes to ensure product quality.

    Go-to-Market Strategy: Developing go-to-market plans, including pricing, marketing, and sales strategies.

    Post-Launch Monitoring: Monitoring product performance, gathering user feedback, and making data-driven decisions for improvements.

    Product Lifecycle Management: Managing the entire lifecycle of the product, including updates and end-of-life considerations.

    By leveraging PMaaS, companies can access specialized product management expertise without the overhead of hiring and maintaining a full-time product management team. This approach allows organizations to focus on their core competencies while benefiting from the expertise and experience of external product management professionals.

    PMaaS providers may work with multiple clients simultaneously, giving them exposure to various industries, markets, and challenges. This exposure can result in valuable insights and best practices that can be applied to different product scenarios.

    Overall, product management as a service offers a flexible and cost-effective solution for companies seeking professional product management support without committing to long-term hires or investments.
    (19) Habilidades en Gestión de Producto
    Product DesignProduct DevelopmentMinimum Viable ProductProduct ConfiguratorProduct MarketingProduct LaunchingProduct DiscoveryProduct ExplorationReturn InvestmentProduct Lifecycle Management+9
    (3) proyectos en Gestión de Producto
    List - Design with data - Gestión de Producto
    Kaaja: a platform for a real estate company - Gestión de Producto
    Improving Sorgenia’s relationship with clients - Gestión de Producto
    (3) Clientes en Gestión de Producto
    KaajaPropiedad inmobiliaria | national
    SorgeniaEnergía y petróleo | national
    ListLos medios de comunicación | international

    Más información sobre Gestión de Producto

  • Descripción
    Software development as a service (SDaaS) is a model in which software development services are provided by external service providers on a contract or subscription basis. In this approach, companies outsource their software development needs to specialized providers rather than maintaining an in-house development team.

    SDaaS providers offer a range of software development services, which may include:

    Custom Software Development: Creating custom software applications tailored to the specific needs of the client's business.

    Web Development: Building websites and web applications using various programming languages and frameworks.

    Mobile App Development: Developing mobile applications for iOS, Android, or cross-platform environments.

    Backend Development: Building server-side applications, APIs, and databases to support frontend functionalities.

    Frontend Development: Designing and implementing user interfaces and user experiences for web and mobile applications.

    Full-Stack Development: Offering end-to-end development services, encompassing both frontend and backend development.

    Software Integration: Integrating new software solutions with existing systems and technologies.

    Quality Assurance and Testing: Conducting comprehensive testing to ensure software quality and reliability.

    DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Setting up and managing development pipelines for efficient software delivery.

    Maintenance and Support: Providing ongoing maintenance and support services for the software after its deployment.

    By adopting SDaaS, companies can benefit from the expertise of external software development professionals, access specialized skills, and scale development efforts as needed without the overhead of maintaining a dedicated in-house team. It allows businesses to focus on their core competencies while delegating the software development tasks to experienced service providers.

    SDaaS can be particularly advantageous for startups, small businesses, or companies with limited IT resources, as it offers a cost-effective and flexible solution to meet their software development requirements. Additionally, SDaaS providers often stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and industry best practices, ensuring that the software developed is efficient, secure, and aligned with industry standards.
    (17) Habilidades en Desarrollo de Software
    React DevelopmentFlutter Software DevelopmentQA EngineeringReact JS DevelopmentSoftware ArchitectureCRM App DevelopmentScrum MethodologyReactJSFlutterHubSpot Integration+7
    (3) proyectos en Desarrollo de Software
    Copernicus - Redesigning the UX software platform - Desarrollo de Software
    FSC app - Desarrollo de Software
    CGM: E-health service integration in one app - Desarrollo de Software
    (3) Clientes en Desarrollo de Software
    CopernicusGobierno y administración | international
    FSC - Forest Stewardship CouncilOtros | international
    CGMHospitales & salud | national

    Más información sobre Desarrollo de Software

  • Descripción
    Website creation refers to the process of designing, developing, and building a website for online presence. It involves a combination of creative design, coding, and technical expertise to create a functional and visually appealing website that can be accessed and viewed by users on the internet.
    (13) Habilidades en Creación de Sitios Web
    Responsive Web DesignWebsite DevelopmentWebflowWixWeb DesignWebsite DesignResponsive DesignResponsive WebsiteBack-End DevelopmentMultilingual Website+3
    (4) proyectos en Creación de Sitios Web
    List - Design with data - Creación de Sitios Web
    AGI - Redesigning a news agency's identity - Creación de Sitios Web
    Kaaja: a platform for a real estate company - Creación de Sitios Web
    PHYD: a platform for career development - Creación de Sitios Web
    (1) Reseña en Creación de Sitios Web
    Andrea Mariani
    (4) Clientes en Creación de Sitios Web
    KaajaPropiedad inmobiliaria | national
    ListLos medios de comunicación | international
    AGILos medios de comunicación | international
    PHYDRecursos humanos | international

    Más información sobre Creación de Sitios Web

  • Descripción
    Digital strategy refers to the comprehensive plan and set of actions that an organization adopts to leverage digital technologies, platforms, and channels to achieve its business objectives and stay competitive in the digital age. It involves the integration of digital technologies into all aspects of a company's operations, from marketing and sales to customer service and internal processes.

    A digital strategy typically includes the following components: Vision and Goals, Customer Analysis, Market Research, Technology Stack, Content Strategy, User Experience (UX) Design, Digital Marketing, Data Analytics, E-commerce and Online Sales,
    Internal Digital Transformation, Performance Measurement and Optimization

    A well-crafted digital strategy is essential for businesses to adapt to the changing digital landscape, meet customer expectations, and capitalize on new opportunities presented by technology advancements. It enables organizations to be agile and responsive in an increasingly digital world, enhancing their competitiveness and driving sustainable growth.
    (17) Habilidades en Estrategia digital
    Digital TransformationOnline MarketingInbound MarketingSearch Engine MarketingDigital AnalyticsDigital Media MarketingDigital ConsultingDigital Marketing StrategyDigital InnovationDigital Transition+7
    (3) proyectos en Estrategia digital
    List - Design with data - Estrategia digital
    Improving Sorgenia’s relationship with clients - Estrategia digital
    CGM: E-health service integration in one app - Estrategia digital
    (3) Clientes en Estrategia digital
    ListLos medios de comunicación | international
    SorgeniaEnergía y petróleo | national
    CGMHospitales & salud | national

    Más información sobre Estrategia digital

  • Descripción
    Graphic design is the art and practice of visually communicating ideas, messages, and information through the use of typography, images, colors, and layout techniques. It is a creative process that combines artistic skills with strategic thinking to produce visual solutions for various communication purposes.

    Graphic designers use their expertise in visual elements to create designs that are aesthetically pleasing, effective, and impactful. They work across various mediums, including print, digital, and multimedia, to design a wide range of visual materials.
    (17) Habilidades en Diseño Gráfico
    Customer Centric DesignMockup DesignConceptual DesignUser Centric DesignCorporate DesignIcon DesignCreative DesignTypographyConcept DevelopmentVisual Design+7
    (14) proyectos en Diseño Gráfico
    Standard Models by Designers Italia - Diseño Gráfico
    List - Design with data - Diseño Gráfico
    RCS - A design research for the digital publishing - Diseño Gráfico
    AGI - Redesigning a news agency's identity - Diseño Gráfico
    (14) Clientes en Diseño Gráfico
    CopernicusGobierno y administración | international
    AGILos medios de comunicación | international
    RCSLos medios de comunicación | international
    ListLos medios de comunicación | international

    Más información sobre Diseño Gráfico

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52 miembros en el equipo de Fifth Beat

Fifth Beat cover
HistoriaFifth Beat is an innovation company with a passion for research, design, development and innovation management: we study, design, build, and grow products and services "with people, for people".
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Fifth Beat fue galardonado 3 veces

Sole24Ore - Leader della crescita 20242024-1-1
FT 1000: the eighth annual ranking of Europe’s fastest-growing companies2024-3-1
Interactive Key Award2022-4-1Mobile Communication & App.


9 reseñas de Fifth Beat

(9 reseñas)
Olivier BessireCRM PM en Intercultura ODV
ServicioUsabilidad (UX/UI)
SectorSin fines de lucro
Equipo51 - 200
Entrega en plazo

¿Cuál era el objetivo de la colaboración?Ergonomy /UI&UI) for mobile and desktop complex processes

¿Qué es lo que más has disfrutado durante la colaboración?Smart, professional and goal-focused guys

Olivier Bessire recomienda esta agencia

ServicioUsabilidad (UX/UI)
SectorSin fines de lucro
Equipo51 - 200

Marta DainaCo-Founder en CarPlanner
ServicioUsabilidad (UX/UI)
Equipo11 - 50
Entrega en plazo

¿Cuál era el objetivo de la colaboración?The agency was tasked with developing a new version of the website for a digital automotive player.

¿Qué es lo que más has disfrutado durante la colaboración?Very professional team, fresh ideas but open to feedback from the in-house team. Quick iterations of feedback.

Marta Daina recomienda esta agencia

ServicioUsabilidad (UX/UI)
Equipo11 - 50

Chiara CasoDesign Manager en RCS
ServicioUsabilidad (UX/UI)
SectorLos medios de comunicación
Equipo1001 - 5000

BACKGROUND I am the Design Manager of an international publisher of newspapers and magazines, active in Italy and Spain. RCS is the publisher of the most important general news daily newspaper in Italy and, among the others, of the most read sport news newspaper. OPPORTUNITY / CHALLENGE For what projects/services did your company hire Fifth Beat? One of our publications was going to completely redesign their news app. We hired Fifth Beat for helping us in the user research activities we needed for the project: an initial discovery research focalized on Personas development, and, after the design phase, a round of usability testing on the app prototype. What were your goals for this project? We wanted to investigate needs and behaviour of our readers in order to identify the functionalities of the app that could be useful for them, to increase app adoption, both in terms of new downloads and engagement on the app (time spent on visit, page views). SOLUTION How did you select Fifth Beat? We initially selected three vendors based on their expertise in the media/publishing sector and their knowledge of qualitative user research methodology. The offers were then evaluated both by our marketing department and procurement officer, who negotiated the economics side of the offer. We chose Fifth Beat because they had the best value for money offer and because of their deep knowledge of our market. Describe the project in detail. After closing the pitch, Fifth Beat set up the project team and arranged a kickoff meeting which objective was to share the research plan: target users, objectives, timing, and output. Then they conducted 14 moderated user interviews - they took charge of the recruiting and meeting room hire, and we also had the chance of following a couple of them. The raw material of the interviews was organized into 3 kinds of deliverables: Personas - which were the main output we requested. a document with the most important insights. a codebook with the transcription of all the most interesting quotes taken from user interviews, which supported the insights and personas documents, organized for the theme. The research helped us to decide which features develop (for example, a recommendation engine based on user interests and bookmark and notification features). Three months later, we completed the UI design of the new app and built an interactive mockup on Invision. Fifth Beat conducted a round of usability tests on the prototype, with 10 users. This time the main deliverable was a detailed usability report that described user difficulties and UI, navigation, and interactive elements that we should fix to improve the overall usability of the app. What was the team composition? The team assigned to the first part of the project was of 5 people: 4 researchers (head of discovery, a senior researcher, two junior researchers, and an account), while on the usability test phase worked on the project a team of 4 people (3 researchers and a senior UX designer) RESULTS & FEEDBACK Can you share any outcomes from the project that demonstrate progress or success? I'm sorry but I cannot share metrics or company results. Anyway, we noticed a general improvement of main KPI's and better reviews of the app on app stores. How effective was the workflow between your team and theirs? Fifth Beat delivered both research activities in the agreed deadlines, even though they were very tight. What did you find most impressive about this company? I really appreciated the quality of the research deliverables: rich and very practical documents that we still use as a referral two years after the research was conducted. Are there any areas for improvement? I think that an aspect that could be improved is to better detail what is included in the offer during the negotiating phase

ServicioUsabilidad (UX/UI)
SectorLos medios de comunicación
Equipo1001 - 5000

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Datos de contacto de Fifth Beat


  • Sede centralVia Ludovico di Savoia, 2b, Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, Italy

  • Viale Andrea Doria, 7, 20124 Milano MI, Italy

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