Turana (+ reviews) | Sortlist
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Brussels, Belgium
Passionate about music (hip-hop, r’n’b and pop music) from an early age, I launched my career in sound engineering 5 years ago. After obtaining a diploma in sound engineering in the south of France, I worked as an assistant and then as an engineer at Stéréodrome Studios (south of France) and Pieuvre Studios (Brussels). These experiences enabled me to familiarize myself with analog equipment, and with acoustic music played, often live. Today, I work freelance and co-direct projects. I’ve also worked in the audiovisual sector, as an editing and mixing engineer, but also in radio and podcasting. I’m open to all projects and musical genres, except rock/metal (sorry).
1 person in their team
Speaks English, French, Spanish
Works remotely across the globe
Sortlist member since 2024


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  • Description
    Passionate about music from an early age, I launched my career in sound engineering 5 years ago. After obtaining a diploma in sound engineering in the south of France, I worked as an assistant and then as an engineer at Stéréodrome Studios (south of France) and Pieuvre Studios (Brussels). These experiences enabled me to familiarize myself with analog equipment, and with acoustic music played, often live. Today, I work freelance and co-direct projects. I’ve also worked in the audiovisual sector, as an editing and mixing engineer, but also in radio and podcasting. I’m open to all projects and musical genres, except rock/metal (sorry).
    Skills in Audio Production (5)
    MixageDesign sonoreProduction musicaleIngénieur du sonEnregistrement audio
    Review in Audio Production (1)
    Bassols Delphine

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1 member in Turana's team

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1 review for Turana

(1 reviews)
Bassols Delphineautrice-compositrice-interprète at Association Passeurs d'émotions
ServiceAudio Production

What was the objective behind your collaboration?Réalisation d'un album de chansons pop/éléctro.

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?Compétente, sérieuse et soucieuse du détail , Jeanne est très investie et fourni un travail de grande qualité. Elle fait preuve d'une bonne communication et reste à l'écoute de l'artiste, ce qui lui permet de retranscrire avec précision l'esthétique musicale attendue.

Bassols Delphine recommends this agency

ServiceAudio Production
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Contact details of Turana



  • HeadquarterRue de l'Inquisition 21, Brussels, Belgium