Studio Erwin Sala (+ 4 reviews) | Sortlist
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Studio Erwin Sala

Woerden, Netherlands
Brand design en -ontwikkeling voor start-ups en scale-ups
Studio Erwin Sala is een bureau voor merkontwerp en -ontwikkeling dat gespecialiseerd is in het helpen van start-ups bij het creëren en begrijpen van hun merk. Actief sinds 2006 en met een kantoor in Nederland en in Israël, werken we met klanten en partners van over de hele wereld. Onze missie is om organisaties te helpen hun merkpotentieel te maximaliseren door het merk dat eigenlijk al binnen hun organisatie bestaat te ontdekken en vorm te geven.
3 people in their team
Speaks Dutch, English
5 projects in their portfolio
Sortlist member since 2023
Founded in 2010


13 services offered by Studio Erwin Sala

Service name
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  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Branding & Positioning (8)
    Logo OntwikkelingMerk StrategieNamingDesignBrand StrategyBrand DesignB2B BrandingStart Up Consultancy
    Works in Branding & Positioning (5)
    Kite Magnetics Brand Idenity - Branding & Positioning
    Dutch Lions FC Branding - Branding & Positioning
    Ervaringsvraagstukken Branding and UX/UI - Branding & Positioning
    Vectis Ai Brand Identity and Landing Page - Branding & Positioning
    Reviews in Branding & Positioning (4)
    Mike Mossel
    Joey Braem
    Noa-Ruth Passchier
    Ben Rodnisky
    Clients in Branding & Positioning (5)
    Kite MagneticsIndustrial Goods & Services | international
    Vectis AiBanking & Financials | international
    Dutch Lions FCSports | international
    MovisieNon-profit | national

    Learn more about Branding & Positioning

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Graphic Design (5)
    Logo OntwerpGrafisch Ontwerpbrand identity ontwerpBrand DesignDesign
    Works in Graphic Design (3)
    Kite Magnetics Brand Idenity - Graphic Design
    Dutch Lions FC Branding - Graphic Design
    Ervaringsvraagstukken Branding and UX/UI - Graphic Design
    Clients in Graphic Design (3)
    Kite MagneticsIndustrial Goods & Services | international
    Dutch Lions FCSports | international
    MovisieNon-profit | national

    Learn more about Graphic Design

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Website Creation (8)
    WebdesignWordPressui designReactJSui ontwerpVueJSErgonomie (UX / UI)Responsive Design
    Works in Website Creation (2)
    Vectis Ai Brand Identity and Landing Page - Website Creation
    Sellavie Branding Web Design - Website Creation
    Clients in Website Creation (2)
    SellavieHousehold Products | regional
    Vectis AiBanking & Financials | international

    Learn more about Website Creation

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Graphic Identity (2)
    online advertentieDigitale Advertentie
    Works in Graphic Identity (2)
    Kite Magnetics Brand Idenity - Graphic Identity
    Sellavie Branding Web Design - Graphic Identity
    Clients in Graphic Identity (2)
    SellavieHousehold Products | regional
    Kite MagneticsIndustrial Goods & Services | international

    Learn more about Graphic Identity

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Innovation (2)
    DesignStart Up Consultancy
    Work in Innovation (1)
    Ervaringsvraagstukken Branding and UX/UI - Innovation
    Client in Innovation (1)
    MovisieNon-profit | national

    Learn more about Innovation

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Ergonomy (UX/UI) (1)
    Works in Ergonomy (UX/UI) (2)
    Dutch Lions FC Branding - Ergonomy (UX/UI)
    Ervaringsvraagstukken Branding and UX/UI - Ergonomy (UX/UI)
    Clients in Ergonomy (UX/UI) (2)
    Dutch Lions FCSports | international
    MovisieNon-profit | national

    Learn more about Ergonomy (UX/UI)

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Print (2)
    DesignGrafisch Ontwerp
    Work in Print (1)
    Dutch Lions FC Branding - Print
    Client in Print (1)
    Dutch Lions FCSports | international

    Learn more about Print

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Work in Motion Design (1)
    Kite Magnetics Brand Idenity - Motion Design
    Client in Motion Design (1)
    Kite MagneticsIndustrial Goods & Services | international

    Learn more about Motion Design

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Works in Advertising (2)
    Dutch Lions FC Branding - Advertising
    Sellavie Branding Web Design - Advertising
    Clients in Advertising (2)
    Dutch Lions FCSports | international
    SellavieHousehold Products | regional

    Learn more about Advertising

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Works in Video Production (2)
    Dutch Lions FC Branding - Video Production
    Sellavie Branding Web Design - Video Production
    Clients in Video Production (2)
    Dutch Lions FCSports | international
    SellavieHousehold Products | regional

    Learn more about Video Production

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3 members in Studio Erwin Sala's team

Studio Erwin Sala cover
StoryBij Studio Erwin Sala geloven we dat een gezond en authentiek merk begint bij de mensen die het runnen, en het is onze taak om dat merk te ontdekken en te presenteren aan de wereld. Onze aanpak houdt in dat we samenwerken met klanten om het merk dat al binnen hun organisatie bestaat te ontdekken en vorm te geven.
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Studio Erwin Sala was awarded 0 times


4 reviews for Studio Erwin Sala

(4 reviews)
Ben RodniskyCEO at SightKnight
ServiceBranding & Positioning

What I liked about this studio is that their service is very flexible. Through them I had several logos for my Amazon brands developed. But also packaging designs, websites, copywriting, and – most importantly – golden advice on brand strategy. You can really get the whole package for your business in one place. I have worked with them on many occasions and you can tell you're working with a skilled studio that can easily and skillfully create all desired products. Plus there is a lot of thought behind their work with your brand. They really think with you. Really recommended!

ServiceBranding & Positioning

Noa-Ruth PasschierEigenaar at Vectis Ai
ServiceBranding & Positioning

Studio Erwin Sala heeft geholpen met het brand design en de landingspage voor Vectis Ai. De communicatie verliep heel soepel en binnen no-time waren de eerste schetsen gemaakt. Ze zijn heel proactief en denken graag mee maar hielden de visie van Vectis Ai continu voor ogen om zo het bedrijf goed te positioneren. Al met al zijn we heel tevreden en bevelen we de studio zeker aan!

ServiceBranding & Positioning

Mike MosselCEO at Dutch Lions FC
ServiceBranding & Positioning

Studio Erwin Sala heeft onze organisatie vanaf het begin helpen opbouwen en we zijn zeer tevreden met hun werk. Hun toewijding en creativiteit hebben onze visie tot leven gebracht. We raden Studio Erwin Sala ten zeerste aan aan iedereen die op zoek is naar professionele branding- en ontwerpdiensten

ServiceBranding & Positioning

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Contact details of Studio Erwin Sala


  • HeadquarterTrasmolenlaan 12, 3447 GZ Woerden, Nederland