STRAREX - Strategic Marketing Agency (+ 10 reviews) | Sortlist
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STRAREX - Strategic Marketing Agency

Antwerp, Belgium
Don't just target your market be part of it!
STRAREX is your full-service strategic marketing agency.    Together with you, we develop the most optimal marketing strategy for your organization towards sustainable growth and reliability.  We build more than a beautiful website or graphics, but strategic marketing that is measurable and one that really works. No nonsense, straight to it. Let’s grow your business. See what’s beyond limits for your marketing.  Strategy - Structured marketing plans based on strong data and detailed market research Work proactively and structurally on your ambitious goals by means of a strategic marketing plan A thorough marketing plan will lead to measurable results, allowing you to focus on the core of your business Digital - More than a beautiful website, but a full-fledged digital marketing plan that is measurable and one that truly works.  Our digital marketing strategy translates the long-term objectives from your strategic plan into a concrete digital approach that makes your company grow: Targeted campaigns tailored to the target groups relevant to you that lead to measurable results. Get to know your customers better and reach them with the right message on the channels most relevant to them. Creative - (Re)Branding - The human side of business, bringing your brand to life with aesthetics that make sense.  Artistry meets Strategy: visualize your business with modern & relevant aesthetics for your market & customers, while staying true to your core business & brand.  With a dedicated team of experts experienced in a wide range of design, working with both small to large businesses, we develop brands that connect you to your audience.  logo designs | brand positioning | storytelling | content branding | photography | styling | digital & print design ...  Why STRAREX? Personal contact with close follow-ups and updates  Focus on total care throughout the journey  Measurable results and a clear ROI factor  A clear structure in your tactical marketing  Transparent pricing
22 people in their team
Speaks Dutch, English, French, German
37 projects in their portfolio
2 collaborations started on Sortlist
Works remotely across the globe
Sortlist member since 2020
Founded in 2018
9 awards conferred


19 services offered by STRAREX - Strategic Marketing Agency

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  • Description
    Cut through the clutter. With a clearly developed marketing plan outlining your strategies, our dedicated team develops ideas into reality via advertising. From creation of campaigns to implementation, your marketing will be on full-force, reaching the right target at the right places through digital and print platforms that deliver the message straight to the fingertips of your customers.


    Differentieer jezelf van de concurrentie! Met een zorgvuldig uitgewerkt marketingplan waarin uw strategieën worden uiteengezet, vertaald ons team van experten ideeën tot realiteit via top-notch advertising. Van de creatie van campagnes tot de implementatie, we behalen de doelen van uw organisatie door de juiste doelgroep op de juiste plaatsen te bereiken via online en offline marketing kanalen.
    Skills in Advertising (163)
    social media promotionNative AdvertisingAdvertisingDigital AdvertisingRadio AdvertisingTV AdvertisingDisplay AdvertisingSocial AdvertisingCorporate AdvertisingFacebook Advertising+153
    Works in Advertising (27)
    STRATEGY - Strategic marketing plan focused on ROI - Advertising
    DIGITAL - Always on campaigns - Advertising
    STRATEGY - Go-to-market strategy - Advertising
    DIGITAL & STRATEGY - LBM Application Launch - Advertising
    Reviews in Advertising (3)
    Freija Van Geel
    Adrien Billiet
    Quinten Vissers
    Clients in Advertising (27)
    TifioriE-commerce | national
    MetiselectHuman Resources | national
    Vanguard LogisticsLogistics & Supply Chain | international
    PharmaboxE-commerce | international

    Learn more about Advertising

  • Description
    Our digital marketing strategy translates your long-term strategic objectives into an actionable digital approach that allows your company to grow: Targeted, measurable campaigns tailored to your target audiences relevant to you that lead to measurable results.

    Data-driven digital marketing: Truly innovative digital marketing, with no-nonsense, focused on optimal results and ROI, our dedicated team of experts at STRAREX transforms marketing in the digital age to the next level for you, from building your website to designing and optimizing your customer journey and marketing channels.

    Not only an appealing website or social media page, but a full, worthy digital marketing plan based on personalized campaigns with transparent results and dashboards. Solid data and effective results, no fluff, just the real stuff. One that really works.

    Get to know your customers better and reach them with the right message on the channels most relevant to them.

    Let’s make sure your business is on track & relevant in the digital era.


    Onze digitale marketingstrategie vertaalt uw strategische doelstellingen op lange termijn naar een bruikbare digitale aanpak waarmee uw bedrijf kan groeien: Gerichte, meetbare campagnes afgestemd op uw doelgroepen die voor u relevant zijn en leiden tot meetbare resultaten.

    Datagestuurde digitale marketing: Echt innovatieve digitale marketing, zonder excuses, gericht op optimale resultaten en de beste ROI, ons toegewijde team van experts bij STRAREX transformeert marketing in het digitale tijdperk voor u naar het volgende niveau, van het bouwen van uw website tot het ontwerpen en optimaliseren van uw customer journey en marketingkanalen.

    Een volwaardig digitaal marketingplan op basis van gepersonaliseerde campagnes met transparante resultaten en dashboards. Solide data en effectieve resultaten, geen zever, gewoon het echte werk. Eén die echt werkt.

    Leer uw klanten beter kennen en bereik ze met de juiste boodschap op de kanalen die voor hen het meest relevant zijn.

    Laten we ervoor zorgen dat uw bedrijf de bovenhand neemt in het digitale tijdperk.
    Skills in Digital Strategy (60)
    Recruitment MarketingData ReportingMarketing Benchmarkwebsite advertisingonline digital marketingdigital adsocial media consultantseo online marketingseo rankingonline marketing campaign+50
    Works in Digital Strategy (28)
    STRATEGY - Strategic marketing plan focused on ROI - Digital Strategy
    DIGITAL - Always on campaigns - Digital Strategy
    STRATEGY - Go-to-market strategy - Digital Strategy
    STRATEGY - Digital plan for pharmaceutical company - Digital Strategy
    Reviews in Digital Strategy (2)
    Jean-Baptiste Van Damme
    Peter Tans
    Clients in Digital Strategy (28)
    Magis PharmaPharmaceuticals & Biotech | national
    CURAFYTHospitals & Healthcare | national
    Magis PharmaHospitals & Healthcare | international
    Samsung AMBRAVAConsumer Electronics | international

    Learn more about Digital Strategy

  • Description
    A crucial part of digital marketing. From creation of online campaigns to implementation, your marketing will be on full-force, reaching the right target at right places, on the right time, with the right products through digital platforms such as Google and a wide range of social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, ...) that deliver the message straight to the fingertips of your customers.


    Een cruciaal onderdeel van digitale marketing. Van de creatie van online campagnes tot de implementatie, uw marketing zal op volle kracht zijn, het bereiken van de juiste doelgroep op de juiste plaatsen, op het juiste moment, met de juiste producten via digitale platforms zoals Google en een breed scala van sociale media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, ...) die de boodschap rechtstreeks naar de vingertoppen van uw klanten brengen.
    Skills in Online Advertising (92)
    social media servicescustom websiteui uxLinkedin Strategygoogle seographic design servicesinternet marketing seocontent advertisingonline adonline marketing campaign+82
    Works in Online Advertising (22)
    DIGITAL - Always on campaigns - Online Advertising
    STRATEGY - Go-to-market strategy - Online Advertising
    DIGITAL & STRATEGY - LBM Application Launch - Online Advertising
    DIGITAL - Google Ads to increase relevant traffic - Online Advertising
    Review in Online Advertising (1)
    Steffi Boucquet
    Clients in Online Advertising (22)
    ExtremisE-commerce | international
    Beaulieu International Group (BIG)Industrial Goods & Services | international
    CURAFYTHospitals & Healthcare | national
    Samsung AMBRAVAConsumer Electronics | international

    Learn more about Online Advertising

  • Description
    Content strategy guides the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. Content strategy means getting the right content, to the right people, in the right place, at the right time. Together with you, we develop the most optimal content strategy for your organization towards sustainable growth and reliability.


    Contentstrategie stuurt de creatie, levering en het beheer van nuttige, bruikbare content. Contentstrategie betekent de juiste content, bij de juiste mensen, op de juiste plaats, op het juiste moment krijgen. Samen met u ontwikkelen we de meest optimale contentstrategie voor uw organisatie, op weg naar duurzame groei en betrouwbaarheid.
    Skills in Content Strategy (53)
    twitter marketingmonetization strategyprice packaging strategyonline advertisingstrategic marketingstrategic planningmedia strategysocial mediagraphic designadvertising+43
    Works in Content Strategy (24)
    STRATEGY - Strategic marketing plan focused on ROI - Content Strategy
    STRATEGY - Go-to-market strategy - Content Strategy
    STRATEGY - Digital plan for pharmaceutical company - Content Strategy
    STRATEGY - Digital strategy for innovating scaleup - Content Strategy
    Reviews in Content Strategy (2)
    Maxime Bernaert
    Jolien Van Turnhout
    Clients in Content Strategy (24)
    TifioriE-commerce | national
    COOP ApothekenPharmaceuticals & Biotech | national
    OnlinePharmaBoxPharmaceuticals & Biotech | international
    Agora GroupRetail | international

    Learn more about Content Strategy

  • Description
    The right strategy ensures results. But what is the right strategy? On the basis of collected or supplied data, we create the optimal marketing plan for your organization with you.

    Based on a structured step-by-step plan, we determine with you which markets are most relevant and which strategies will lead to the best results.

    Our methodology has been developed in-house to guide your organization from A to Z in drawing up and implementing a strategic marketing plan. For each step in this process, we use a series of tools and templates that make it as easy as possible for you as a user. No-nonsense!

    Artistry meets Strategy: The human side of business, bringing your brand to life. Visualize your business with modern & relevant aesthetics for your market & customers, while staying true to your core business & brand.

    With the developed marketing plan, we take a strategic approach to creative translations of your most optimal brand positioning & targeting, based on detailed business rationale and strategy with a blend of art and principles of design. Aesthetics that make sense.

    With a dedicated team of experts experienced in a wide range of design, working with both small to large businesses, we develop brands that connect you to your audience.

    With an all-round, custom built (re)branding based on a hyper-structured approach, with research and analysis, our service delivers design work that brings your brand to life with implementation, tailored to your firm’s needs, rolled-out throughout the whole business and your teams. All creating consistency, building structure with a complete branding ecosystem, and leading to a strong brand.


    De juiste strategie zorgt voor resultaten. Maar wat is de juiste strategie? Op basis van verzamelde of aangeleverde data maken wij samen met u het optimale marketingplan voor uw organisatie.

    Aan de hand van een gestructureerd stappenplan bepalen we samen met u welke markten het meest relevant zijn en welke strategieën tot de beste resultaten zullen leiden.

    Onze methodologie is in eigen huis ontwikkeld om uw organisatie van A tot Z te begeleiden bij het opstellen en uitvoeren van een strategisch marketingplan. Voor elke stap in dit proces gebruiken we een reeks tools en templates die het u als gebruiker zo gemakkelijk mogelijk maken. No-nonsense!

    Kunstzinnigheid ontmoet strategie: de menselijke kant van zakendoen, uw merk tot leven brengen. Visualiseer uw bedrijf met moderne & relevante esthetiek voor uw markt & klanten, terwijl u trouw blijft aan uw core business & merk.

    Met een all-round, op maat gemaakte (re)branding, gebaseerd op een hypergestructureerde aanpak, met onderzoek en analyse, levert onze service designwerk dat uw merk tot leven brengt met implementatie, afgestemd op de behoeften van uw bedrijf. Dit alles zorgt voor consistentie, bouwt structuur op met een compleet branding ecosysteem, en leidt tot een sterk merk.
    Skills in Branding & Positioning (49)
    Brand StrategyCorporate IdentityBrand Positioningimpact brandinga brandinteractive brandingbrainstorm organisationbrand authoritybrand authenticitycity branding+39
    Works in Branding & Positioning (25)
    STRATEGY - Strategic marketing plan focused on ROI - Branding & Positioning
    STRATEGY - Digital plan for pharmaceutical company - Branding & Positioning
    DIGITAL & STRATEGY - Product launch - Branding & Positioning
    STRATEGY - Collecting sales qualified leads - Branding & Positioning
    Review in Branding & Positioning (1)
    Anna Sidibe
    Clients in Branding & Positioning (25)
    Vanguard LogisticsLogistics & Supply Chain | international
    MetiselectHuman Resources | national
    MetiselectHuman Resources | national
    VEBEnergy & Oil | national

    Learn more about Branding & Positioning

  • Description
    Smart shopping, making the experience convenient and fun. Our E-commerce service offering is more than selling you a platform. Get your business on the forefront of online retail with our team. From first planning of the user-interface and experience, we take logic and creativity to a platform built just for your business, keeping your customers and more, happy. Everything from retail, B2C, to B2B, we take web design with a strategic backbone and conversion focussed, keeping your online space optimized to stay ahead of competitors.
    Skills in E-commerce (57)
    social advertisingconversion trackingcommercial advertisinguser experience optimizationecommerce hostingdigital commercegoogle seoShopify Developmentonline ecommerceb2b ecommerce+47
    Works in E-commerce (17)
    STRATEGY - Strategic marketing plan focused on ROI - E-commerce
    DIGITAL - Google Ads to increase relevant traffic - E-commerce
    STRATEGY - Digital strategy for innovating scaleup - E-commerce
    DIGITAL & STRATEGY - Traffic Campaign - E-commerce
    Review in E-commerce (1)
    Clients in E-commerce (17)
    OnlinePharmaBoxPharmaceuticals & Biotech | international
    MetiselectHuman Resources | national
    La Belle MaisonHome Services | national
    VonkenHousehold Products | national

    Learn more about E-commerce

  • Description
    With our in-house SEO experts, we improve the quality and quantity of website traffic to your website or web page from search engines. This means your website and web pages will be getting the most relevant traffic, increasing customer engagement and sales (leads) in the process.
    Skills in SEO (15)
    Google AdsLocal SEOMobile SEOseo marketingvideo seoTech SeoOnpage SEOseo auditonline seoon page seo+5
    Works in SEO (16)
    DIGITAL - Always on campaigns - SEO
    STRATEGY - Go-to-market strategy - SEO
    DIGITAL - Google Ads to increase relevant traffic - SEO
    STRATEGY - Digital strategy for innovating scaleup - SEO
    Clients in SEO (16)
    OnlinePharmaBoxPharmaceuticals & Biotech | international
    Agora GroupRetail | international
    TifioriE-commerce | national
    TifioriE-commerce | national

    Learn more about SEO

  • Description
    At STRAREX we make sure your social media marketing delivers the message straight to the fingertips of your customers.

    With expertise in social media channels like:
    - LinkedIn
    - Facebook
    - Instagram
    - Twitter
    - Pinterest
    - TikTok
    - YouTube

    We make sure you reach your target audience with campaigns that are tailored to their needs, growing your business in the process.
    Skills in Social Media (48)
    Social Marketingtiktok advertisingfacebook marketingtiktok marketingguerilla advertisingfacebook reach optimizationfacebook applicationsocial media growthsocial media consultantpinterest advertising+38
    Works in Social Media (13)
    STRATEGY - Strategic marketing plan focused on ROI - Social Media
    DIGITAL - Always on campaigns - Social Media
    STRATEGY - Go-to-market strategy - Social Media
    STRATEGY - Digital strategy for innovating scaleup - Social Media
    Clients in Social Media (13)
    Agora GroupHousehold Products | international
    ExtremisHousehold Products | international
    Samsung AMBRAVAConsumer Electronics | international
    Samsung AMBRAVAConsumer Electronics | international

    Learn more about Social Media

  • Description
    More than a beautiful website, but a website that truly works--one(s) that will achieve your business objectives.

    Based on thorough analysis and relevant data, we develop and build complete websites that convert better and reach your goals best suited to your business needs and with no-nonsense functions that simply works . We’ll think side by side with a clear plan and UI (user interface) that is rational.

    We make sure that you score well on Google and that visitors quickly find their way to the relevant conversions. On the basis of testing, we’ll work continuously with you to keep your website up-to-date and innovative, and thanks to handy dashboards, you can always track the results yourself!
    Skills in Website Creation (19)
    website trafficwebsite optimizationconversion trackingsearch engine optimization marketingcustom websiteWebsite Redesignwebsite analyticsb2b ecommercegoogle seoEcommerce SEO+9
    Works in Website Creation (6)
    DIGITAL - New website - Website Creation
    CREATIVE - Branding - Website Creation
    STRATEGY - Masterclasses - Metiselect - Website Creation
    DIGITAL - Online ads & Ecommerce optimization - Website Creation
    Clients in Website Creation (6)
    COOP ApothekenPharmaceuticals & Biotech | national
    MetiselectHuman Resources | national
    TifioriE-commerce |
    Agora GroupRetail | international

    Learn more about Website Creation

  • Description
    The human side of business. With graphic design, we create visual content to communicate messages tailored to your target audience. By applying visual hierarchy and page layout techniques, we meet your client-specific needs and focus on the logic of displaying elements in interactive designs, to optimize the user experience in the process.
    Skills in Graphic Design (27)
    logo graphic designonline graphic designgraphic design advertisingLogo Graphic DesignDigital DesignDesignLogo DesignIdentity DesignBrand GuidelinesDesign Thinking+17
    Works in Graphic Design (9)
    DIGITAL - New website - Graphic Design
    CREATIVE - Branding - Graphic Design
    CREATIVE - Rebranding - Pharmabox - Graphic Design
    CREATIVE - Branding & Trend Magazines - Graphic Design
    Clients in Graphic Design (9)
    Agora GroupHousehold Products | international
    Fort FéliceFood | regional
    PharmaboxE-commerce | international
    MetiselectHuman Resources | national

    Learn more about Graphic Design

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22 members in STRAREX - Strategic Marketing Agency's team

STRAREX - Strategic Marketing Agency cover
StoryAt STRAREX we excel at disrupting conventional marketing and operations. With a house full of experts in each area of marketing, we’re continuously pushing the limits and genuinely helping our clients and their teams achieve the desired results.
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STRAREX - Strategic Marketing Agency was awarded 9 times

Google Partner2020-1-1SEA Marketing
Digimedia: Top 100 Digital Agency2022-4-1Digital Marketing
Marketing Partner UCLL Startminds2022-1-1
Teamleader: Top Agency Award2022-4-1

Voka: Accelero Award2021-11-30Marketing & Business
Linkedin Certified Insider2021-1-1
Google Display Certification2022-1-1
Google Search Certification2022-1-1
Google Shopping Certification2022-1-1


10 reviews for STRAREX - Strategic Marketing Agency

(10 reviews)
Adrien BillietCEO at Vonken
SectorHousehold Products
Team1 - 2

As always, the STRAREX team is simply top-notch. There is nothing they cannot handle. And apart from being great digital marketing strategists, they are very human, too, which makes the partnership unbelievably pleasant and comfortable for all. Wow!

SectorHousehold Products
Team1 - 2

Quinten VissersMarketing Manager at La Belle Maison
Team501 - 1000

Marketing-kantoor met zeer sterke digitale en creatieve realisaties. Na een aangename kennismaking met Diana en Wouter zijn wij perfect begeleid door hun jong maar ervaren team. Na enkele maanden waren de resultaten al duidelijk zichtbaar. We zijn nu meer dan een jaar verder en hebben we een onverwachte groei gekend. We hebben nog lang de top niet bereikt! Diana en Wouter zorgen voor iets extra wat elke onderneming naar een nieuw niveau kan brengen!

Team501 - 1000

Adrienowner at Vonken
Team1 - 10

What was the objective behind your collaboration?The agency provided us with an overall digital strategy and implementation to increase online sales and brand awareness.

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?The never ending positivism, professionalism and hands-on mentality.

Adrien recommends this agency

Team1 - 10

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Contact details of STRAREX - Strategic Marketing Agency


  • HeadquarterMadrasstraat 62, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium

  • Madrasstraat 62, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium