Anais Digital (+ 11 reviews) | Sortlist
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Anais Digital

Brussels, Belgium
At Anais Digital, we help you innovate like startups. Building digital solutions that work is not an easy task! It requires experience to successfully transform ideas into projects and teams into squads. Our clients trust us because we deliver impactful digital projects on time, on budget and with excellent quality. It's our promise, and we fulfill it. We offer the talents, tools and methods you need to create products users love, and to innovate like a startup. User experience Drawing on scientific UX methods, research data and user feedback, we devise smart solutions that generate optimum results for clients and users. Delivering the only Belgian accredited UX course at the ULB University, Anais Digital is a leading player in User Experience Reasearch and Design. Types of UX solutions: Copywriting Prototyping User testing Information architecture Accessibility Training Design The Anais design team scratches below the surface of a client’s identity, to truly understand it. They can adapt or create something new, always designing eye-catching, memorable, seamless interfaces that speak to audiences and customers. Types of Design solutions: Style guides Design systems Interactive prototype UX Design UI Design   Development Our development team thrives on pooling all resources together to create the perfect solution for clients. Experience, market knowledge, creative ideas and the right tools underpin all our developments. Types of development solutions: Web & Mobile apps (HTML/CSS, Angular, ReactJS…) CMS (Wordpress, Craft CMS, DatoCMS) Complex SAAS/cloud GraphQL Coaching & training The training encompasses a variety of coaching, learning, mentoring and practical activities, all tailored to the client's digital needs, for any level in an organisation, from entry to executive. Anais is also the only company providing university UX courses in Belgium, at the renowned ULB. This reflects our unmatched level of knowledge and expertise, and enviable reputation on the market.
40 people in their team
Speaks Dutch, English, French, Romanian
22 projects in their portfolio
13 collaborations started on Sortlist
Works remotely across the globe
Sortlist member since 2015
Founded in 2005


23 services offered by Anais Digital

Service name
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  • Description
    The solution we build leverage the best technologies that suit to your needs, no matter their nature or complexity: web apps, hybrid mobile apps, SAAS platforms and many more.
    - Our software engineers master the latest technologies : AngularJS , Node.JS, Docker, Ionic2, Xamarin, Msoft/IBM AI services, …
    - From Single Page Applications to MVC, hybrid mobile or even desktop solutions, we master tailor made solutions
    - Expert of complex solutions and architectures with many back-end integrations, we strive for simplicity
    - SAAS platforms and cloud infrastructure has no secret for us even if we don’t forget more simple on-premise architecture
    - We build robust, maintainable, scalable solutions as we engage ourselves to maintain them in production without any stress
    - Strongly concerned about the UX quality of our apps, we collaborate daily with our UX-R/UX-Design teams for smooth projects & high quality deliverables
    - Delivery model : Fixed price, Time & materials project or service contracts //Dedicated teams or resources
    - Corporate process compliant we are flexible and agile & support pragmatically all our customers, startups too !

    .Net (Web API, MVC, …)
    PHP Zend, …
    Angular, React, Node.JS
    Mobile : Xamarin, Ionic
    WPress, Drupal

    SQL : MySQL, MariaDB, SQLSRV, Amazon Aurora/RDS,…
    No SQL: MongoDB, …
    Elastic Search
    AI: Semantic search (Sinequa, …), IBM/Msoft AI services

    Cloud & on-premise infrastructures : Amazon, Axure, Docker, VMWare, Xen…, Win & Linux
    Caching, CDN, …
    OWASP compliance
    Pen testing

    Peer review, continuous integration (Jenkins,…)
    Automated testing (cucumber, Sellenium, …)
    Perf. & pen tests
    Skills in Web Application (81)
    Développement MySQLPhp DevelopmentDéveloppement LinuxIngénierie d'InfrastructureScrum MethodologyNode Js DevelopmentIngénierie DevOpsDéveloppement PostgreSQLDéveloppement AgileDéveloppement AngularJS+71
    Works in Web Application (21)
    Befimmo website - Web Application
    AKKA technologies global sales platform - Web Application
    Global Covenant of Mayors website redesign - Web Application
    STIB/MIVB Mobile App - Web Application
    Clients in Web Application (21)
    VOOTelecommunications | national
    Administration Publique Bruxelles Economie & EmploiGovernment & Administration | regional
    Marsh InsuranceInsurance | international
    BeobankBanking & Financials | national

    Learn more about Web Application

  • Description
    - By deeply understanding user needs and our strong knowledge of ergonomy, we create simple; intuitive interfaces that help users easily achieve their goals with a high level of happiness.Ergonomy is not art. Our job is to reduce subjectivity and ensure adoption. Therefore, we scientifically conceive and test interfaces according to hundreds of ergonomy rules.
    - Seniors experts dedicated to design the user experience of your digital interface (ENGL/FR/ NL)
    - More than 50 years cumulatred experience in understanding user's behaviour
    - Scientific proven, pragmatic and creative method to ensure adopted interfaces thansk to collective intelligence
    - Last success stories: Beobank, Delhaize, Marsh, Brussels Airlines, Monizze, Takeda, ...
    -Daily collaboration with technical teams
    - Top UX influencers in Belgium (FLUPA presidence, Responsible for the UX design & Research certification at ULB, Member of GTA Accessiweb, Member of Feweb, Agoria
    Our capabilities:
    - Audit & Inception: Ergonomics, personas, customer journey, mapping (touchpoints), euser experience canvas, benchmarking
    - Conception: Prototyping, Visual Design, Co-creation, UX Guidelines
    - Evaluation: User testing, Eyetracking, clicktracking, Emotional Tracking, A/B testing, Mobile Flows
    - Improvement: Conversion, Information Architecture (Tree Testing, Card Sorting), Product Roadmap, MVP, Accessibility, UX Copywriting, Taxonomy, Conversion Funnel, A/B Testing
    - UX Training: Usability, Acessibility, Ergonomics, Copywriting
    Skills in Ergonomy (UX/UI) (70)
    google partnerergonomicsfront enduiUXUser InterviewsMVPFirebaseTaxonomyA/B Testing+60
    Works in Ergonomy (UX/UI) (22)
    Bruxelles Environnement website - Ergonomy (UX/UI)
    Befimmo website - Ergonomy (UX/UI)
    AKKA technologies global sales platform - Ergonomy (UX/UI)
    Global Covenant of Mayors website redesign - Ergonomy (UX/UI)
    Reviews in Ergonomy (UX/UI) (4)
    veronique marichal
    Yann Lebout
    Benjamin Bostoen
    Alice Tranchant
    Clients in Ergonomy (UX/UI) (22)
    Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and EnergyGovernment & Administration |
    STIB / MIVBTransportation | local
    Administration Publique Bruxelles Economie & EmploiGovernment & Administration | regional
    Marsh InsuranceInsurance | international

    Learn more about Ergonomy (UX/UI)

  • Description
    We create amazing apps that connects brands with their customers! Help your business to engage the clients on their most personal devices – phones; tablets.
    Depending on your list of functionalities, our agency can develop customised mobile apps. In short, we can help you have your own mobile or desktop app by handling your project from an end-to-end perspective.
    - Audit &Inception: Ergonomics, personas, customer journey, mapping (touchpoints), euser experience canvas, benchmarking
    - Conception: Prototyping, Visual Design, Co-creation, UX Guidelines
    - Evaluation: User testing, Eyetracking, clicktracking, Emotional Tracking, A/B testing, Mobile Flows
    - Improvement: Conversion, Information Architecture (Tree Testing, Card Sorting), Product Roadmap, MVP, Accessibility, UX Copywriting, Taxonomy, Conversion Funnel, A/B Testing
    - UX Training: Usability, Acessibility, Ergonomics, Copywriting

    Our software engineers master the latest technologies : AngularJS , Node.JS, Docker, Ionic2, Xamarin, Msoft/IBM AI services, …
    From Single Page Applications to MVC, hybrid mobile or even desktop solutions, we master tailor made solutions
    Expert of complex solutions and architectures with many back-end integrations, we strive for simplicity
    SAAS platforms and cloud infrastructure has no secret for us even if we don’t forget more simple on-premise architecture.
    We build robust, maintainable, scalable solutions as we engage ourselves to maintain them in production without any stress
    Strongly concerned about the UX quality of our apps, we collaborate daily with our UX-R/UX-Design teams for smooth projects & high quality deliverables
    Delivery model :
    Fixed price, Time & materials project or service contracts
    Dedicated teams or resources
    Corporate process compliant we are flexible and agile & support pragmatically all our customers, startups too !
    Skills in Mobile App (32)
    Desarrollo AngularJSiOSAndroidIonicAngularXamarinMobile Application DevelopmentMobile appMobile App DevelopmentUser Testing+22
    Works in Mobile App (18)
    STIB/MIVB Mobile App - Mobile App
    Site et plateforme web subsides de BEE - Mobile App
    Marsh XSELL platform - Mobile App
    Beobank PRO Centers website - Mobile App
    Clients in Mobile App (18)
    BeobankBanking & Financials | international
    Serious FundingBanking & Financials | international
    ADLOGIXInternet | international
    InfobelOthers | international

    Learn more about Mobile App

  • Description
    We guide you through each step to the most intuitive and efficient software solutions!
    Save time and money by having a custom software solution that ensures full compatibility with your business process. By working with our professional teams, your software project can be successfully delivered with a minimum of effort, excellent results and the safety that each phase of the project is carried out as planned.
    We have expertise in developing software apps like Library; Project Management, CMSs, e-commerce& online shops, different mobile or web applications and many others, with more than 50 projects successfully developed and implemented using the latest methodologies and procedures in the software development industry.
    Skills in Website Creation (46)
    reactjspluginsvuejsNodeJSjirawebserviceshtml/cssodooHosted PlatformThemes+36
    Works in Website Creation (22)
    Bruxelles Environnement website - Website Creation
    Befimmo website - Website Creation
    AKKA technologies global sales platform - Website Creation
    Global Covenant of Mayors website redesign - Website Creation
    Clients in Website Creation (22)
    VOOTelecommunications | national
    Bruxelles EnvironnementGovernment & Administration |
    BefimmoOffice/Room/Space Renting |
    AKKA technologiesSoftware & Computer Services | international

    Learn more about Website Creation

  • Description
    Thanks to proven scientific methodology, we partner our clients to develop a pragmatic digital strategy based on user interviews, needs analysis, benchmark and wireframing.
    Skills in Digital Strategy (30)
    IntrapreneurshipDigital TransformationDigital StrategyAssumption TestingPrototypingCorporate InnovationLean StartupDesign SprintConseil en stratégie SaaSMarketing Multicanal+20
    Works in Digital Strategy (18)
    STIB/MIVB Mobile App - Digital Strategy
    Site et plateforme web subsides de BEE - Digital Strategy
    Marsh XSELL platform - Digital Strategy
    Beobank PRO Centers website - Digital Strategy
    Clients in Digital Strategy (18)
    STIB / MIVBTransportation | local
    Administration Publique Bruxelles Economie & EmploiGovernment & Administration | regional
    Marsh InsuranceInsurance | international
    BeobankBanking & Financials | national

    Learn more about Digital Strategy

  • Description
    At Anais Digital, we help you innovate like a startup!
    We are a team of dreamers, builders, artists and engineers and we are in the pursuit of authentic and innovative ideas in order to reach the excellence.
    Forget about exnovation, welcome innovation!
    It is time to achieve your business ambition thanks to a disruptive Lean UX approach.
    Skills in Innovation (27)
    GamificationConseil Lean StartupDigitalDesignConsultant StartupLeanChatbotAIE-learningBusiness Model+17
    Works in Innovation (18)
    STIB/MIVB Mobile App - Innovation
    Site et plateforme web subsides de BEE - Innovation
    Marsh XSELL platform - Innovation
    Beobank PRO Centers website - Innovation
    Review in Innovation (1)
    Emilie Delacroix
    Clients in Innovation (18)
    BeobankBanking & Financials | national
    InfobelE-commerce | international
    City of BrusselsTravel & Leisure | international
    Ville de MonsTravel & Leisure | international

    Learn more about Innovation

  • Description
    Graphic Design
    Skills in Graphic Design (27)
    User AnalyticsInteractive DesignWeb DesignUX DesignUI DesignDigital & Web DesignUI/UX DesignAdobe PhotoshopAdobe IllustratorResponsive Web Design+17
    Works in Graphic Design (22)
    Bruxelles Environnement website - Graphic Design
    Befimmo website - Graphic Design
    AKKA technologies global sales platform - Graphic Design
    Global Covenant of Mayors website redesign - Graphic Design
    Clients in Graphic Design (22)
    Bruxelles EnvironnementGovernment & Administration |
    Ville de MonsTravel & Leisure | international
    VOOTelecommunications | national
    BeobankBanking & Financials | national

    Learn more about Graphic Design

  • Description
    Customize your site, manage shipping and payments, and list your products on Amazon, Ebay, and Facebook with our ecommerce customizable platform.
    No matter what size your business, Anais has a solution that will help you sell more!
    Skills in E-commerce (2)
    Développement d'une Boutique en LigneERP
    Works in E-commerce (18)
    STIB/MIVB Mobile App - E-commerce
    Site et plateforme web subsides de BEE - E-commerce
    Marsh XSELL platform - E-commerce
    Beobank PRO Centers website - E-commerce
    Clients in E-commerce (18)
    VOOTelecommunications | national
    BeobankBanking & Financials | national
    VOOTelecommunications | national
    VOOTelecommunications | national

    Learn more about E-commerce

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Works in Data Consulting (18)
    STIB/MIVB Mobile App - Data Consulting
    Site et plateforme web subsides de BEE - Data Consulting
    Marsh XSELL platform - Data Consulting
    Beobank PRO Centers website - Data Consulting
    Clients in Data Consulting (18)
    STIB / MIVBTransportation | local
    Administration Publique Bruxelles Economie & EmploiGovernment & Administration | regional
    Marsh InsuranceInsurance | international
    BeobankBanking & Financials | national

    Learn more about Data Consulting

  • Description

    No description provided for this service.

    Skills in Social Media (1)
    Marketing d'Influence B2B
    Works in Social Media (18)
    STIB/MIVB Mobile App - Social Media
    Site et plateforme web subsides de BEE - Social Media
    Marsh XSELL platform - Social Media
    Beobank PRO Centers website - Social Media
    Clients in Social Media (18)
    VOOTelecommunications | national
    STIB / MIVBTransportation | local
    Administration Publique Bruxelles Economie & EmploiGovernment & Administration | regional
    Marsh InsuranceInsurance | international

    Learn more about Social Media

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40 members in Anais Digital's team

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Anais Digital was awarded 0 times


11 reviews for Anais Digital

(11 reviews)
Emilie DelacroixCSR & INNOVATION at Befimmo SA
SectorReal Estate
Team51 - 200

What was the objective behind your collaboration?Réflexion & développement de projets digitaux

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?Qualité du service, respect des délais très courts, efficacité

Emilie Delacroix recommends this agency

SectorReal Estate
Team51 - 200

Benjamin BostoenDirecteur Informatique at Thomas & Piron
ServiceErgonomy (UX/UI)
Team1001 - 5000

What was the objective behind your collaboration?Approche UX/UI pour la refonte du site internet.

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?Les profils proposés n'étaient pas conventionnels. Ceci a permis d'éviter de reproduire des évidences "par habitude". Cela a impliqué une remise en question des modes de communication.

Benjamin Bostoen recommends this agency

ServiceErgonomy (UX/UI)
Team1001 - 5000

Alice TranchantDigital Studio Manager at SOLVAY
ServiceErgonomy (UX/UI)
Team10001 - 10002

What was the objective behind your collaboration?Dans le cadre du développement interne d'applications (web et mobiles) au sein du Studio Digital de Solvay, Anais Digital a assuré le design sprint (UCD Canvas, KPI, interviews utilisateurs, personaes, prototype) ainsi que le design final d'une dizaine de projets.

What did you enjoy the most during your collaboration?- Qualité et expertise des profils proposés, tant au niveau de l'expertise UX / UI que de la facilitation de workshops et la capacité à gérer des stakeholders seniors au sein de notre entreprise. - Qualité de conseil & collaboration : J'ai énormément apprécié la relation constructive de partenaire (vs "sales"). Alexandra a toujours fait le maximum pour répondre à mes besoins dans des délais très courts et a eu l'honnêteté de me le dire quand elle n'avait pas le bon profil à me proposer (vs autres agences qui poussaient à tout prix leurs profils même en cas de mismatch). - Maturité : vraie expertise UX et cela se sent en tant que client, Anais Digital pousse à l'innovation et challenge les pratiques habituelles (quand cela fait sens!). - FUN ! Très belle relation humaine & aventure partagée : MERCI Anais Digital !

Alice Tranchant recommends this agency

ServiceErgonomy (UX/UI)
Team10001 - 10002

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Contact details of Anais Digital


  • HeadquarterBrand Whitlocklaan 87, 1200 Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe, Belgium

  • Calea Floreasca 169X, București, Romania