The 100 Best Video Testimonial Recording Companies - 2025 Reviews

Top Video Testimonial Recording Companies

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All Video Testimonial Recording Firms

  • 5
    (1 review)

    Singapore's leading Film and TV production services company.

    Please contact us directly via email/ website.   Aasia Productions is a full service, award-winning production company that can help guide a client from initial concept to a great final product. Whether you are looking for  Professional Video production or consulting for your project,  we are budget-minded and are always happy to work within the parameters set by our clients. As  S.E. Asia's leading production services company , we provide some of the best fixers, scouts, crew and services you can find in the region. Among our loyal clients are some of the world's leading content providers, studios and production companies. Our relations with both governments and the private sector is second to none, and assures our clients will always have the locations and logistics they're looking for with a painless film permits process. In addition to crewing and services, we regularly produce  EPK  (Behind-the-scenes, interviews and set photography) for Hollywood and European film productions on their sets throughout Asia - Pacific.    Not all production companies are alike . We pride ourselves on the high standards and dedication we put in all our work. The projects we produce will be ones you will be proud to have represent you and your company.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Singapore, Singapore (+1)
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Automotive (+4)
    Speaks English, Chinese(+2)
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Accompagnement global en communication et en stratégie d'entreprise.

    En symbiose avec vous.... Nous conseillons, formons, concevons et fabriquons et aidons à la commercialisation de vos idées....
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Montgiscard, France
    From €1 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Real Estate (+14)
    Speaks English, French
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Revolutionize Your Narrative: RABSTER LAB

    Introducing RABSTER LAB – your ultimate partner for cinematic excellence and impactful storytelling. From concept to creation, we specialize in pre-production, production, and post-production services, delivering compelling advertising films and marketing content that captivate audiences and elevate brands. With our team of creative experts and cutting-edge technology, we bring your vision to life with precision and flair. Let's craft your next unforgettable narrative together.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Doha, Qatar
    From €3,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Travel & Leisure (+1)
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    jouw video partner

    Een vooruitstrevend familiebedrijf. Da’s VEODI in een notendop. Wij zijn Maxim, Joey en Boris. Drie broers met passie voor video en al het creatieve wat daarbij komt kijken. Sinds 2013 hebben wij onze krachten gebundeld om samen online video content te creëren voor talloze bedrijven, merken en evenementen. Op het gebied van video is niets te gek. We bedenken daarom graag creatieve concepten om nog nét even een stap verder te gaan. We zetten maar al te graag alle mogelijke middelen in om de klant een zo tof mogelijkheid eindresultaat voor te schotelen. Van drone’s tot super slowmotion camera’s. Veodi is zowel in het mooie Scheveningen als in Amsterdam gevestigd. Waardoor we overal in de randstad snel ter plekken zijn. Maar als vanzelfsprekend werken we met veel gemak door het hele land. En zelfs daarbuiten.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Aalsmeer, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+8)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Creemos un increíble Proyecto Digital juntos

    Somos un equipo apasionado y totalmente dedicado que cree convertirse en el mejor de la industria. La atención al detalle es nuestra mentalidad subyacente; somos pixel perfect y un equipo funcionalmente orientado. Nuestra pasión y dedicación desde 2015 están creciendo exponencialmente a medida que adoptamos nuestro futuro. La tecnología y el diseño siempre nos emociona, y solo elegimos el futuro que nos lleva a la felicidad y la alegría.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Barranquilla, Colombia
    From €200 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Government & Administration (+9)
    Speaks English, Spanish
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (1 review)


    Société indépendante de conseil et de production audiovisuelle, notre siège social est basé à Toulouse. Nos films répondent aux projets de communication et d’information, des plus conventionnels aux plus impertinents. De la scénarisation à la diffusion, nous réfléchissons, conseillons et donnons vie aux productions audiovisuelles.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Toulouse, France
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Pharmaceuticals & Biotech (+5)
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Walbeir is a visual powerhouse led by Niels Van Roy & Killian De Sitter

    At Walbeir, we specialize in visuals that iginte. Whether it's through our striking photography, mind-bending video productions, virtual wizardry, 3D animation or graphic/motion design with an edge -we're the creative force you've been looking for. We're a visual powerhouse led by Niels Van Roy & Killian De Sitter. Unleash the extraordinary!
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Boom, Belgium
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Media (+2)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Agence de production audiovisuelle créative.

    Basée à Paris, nous accompagnons les marques et les entreprises sur la création de contenus vidéo/photo et sur leur stratégie de communication.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Paris, France
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Automotive (+3)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Vous avez un objectif, on s'occupe de le remplir !

    Spécialisé dans les vidéos corporates pour les besoins des entreprises (que ce soit pour de la communication en interne ou en externe). Vous avez du mal à faire connaître votre entreprise et à vous démarquer des autres sur les réseaux ? Vous savez que la vidéo est l’outil numéro 1 pour acquérir de nouveaux prospects mais vous n’avez pas les compétences ? Nous vous proposons des vidéos au rendu professionnel, basées sur un storytelling captivant couplé à une stratégie de communication et de diffusion efficace afin de maximiser votre ROI et multiplier vos ventes ! Besoin de contenu pour communiquer sur les réseaux ? D’une captation pour vos séminaires ? Du Book Photo à la fiction-publicitaire, on s’occupe de tout : photo, vidéo, montage, étalonnage ! Contactez-nous pour qu’on parle de votre projet en détail !
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Vénissieux, France
    From €250 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Beverage (+6)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    #videomaker #videopersocial #passione #creatività #videoproduction #videoinstagram

    La Rejoy è una casa di produzione e post-produzione, che nasce da una passione ventennale in continua evoluzione che offre ad aziende e agenzie video per fiere e convention, video istituzionali, corporate, video industriali e video tutorial ,senza tralasciare la nostra passione per video di animazione grafica, come toon infographic logoanimation 2D e 3D, avvalendosi di professionisti con consolidata professionalità ed esperienza per soddisfare ogni esigenza dei nostri clienti. Esperti di nuove tecnologie e con la capacità di gestire campagne promozionali su tutti i canali che la rete mette a disposizione come social network e canali come Youtube, Instagram, Vimeo etc. Aiutando i nostri clienti ad aumentare in modo esponenziale la loro visibilità. Curando il prodotto dalla creatività alla produzione sempre disponibili ad ascoltare e soddisfare le aspettative e le necessità di ogni singolo cliente adattandoci di volta in volta per offrire il prodotto più consono alle personali esigenze aziendali.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Cermenate, Italy
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories (+2)
    Speaks English, Italian
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    We create audiences

    Wij zijn taalpuristen, videofanaten, strategen, designers en planners. Als showrunners kijken we naar jouw merk als een onbeperkte successtory. We willen samenwerken om een contentuniversum te creëren dat boeiend genoeg is voor jouw publiek om uit te kijken naar de volgende update. Samen gaan we (allereerst) ontdekken wie jouw publiek is en gebruiken we Joseph Campbell's "The Hero's Journey" hierbij als leidraad. De vorm van de content kan variëren, of het nu gaat om tekst, video, podcasts, design of live streams - alles is mogelijk. Op welke manier kunnen wij jou van dienst zijn? Wil je meer weten over de voordelen van contentmarketing voor jouw bedrijf? Zou je graag een afspraak maken om elkaar beter te leren kennen onder het genot van een kop koffie? Of heb je andere vragen? Neem dan gerust vrijblijvend contact met ons op. We are language purists, video enthusiasts, strategists, designers, and planners. As showrunners, we view your brand as an unlimited success story. We want to collaborate to create a content universe that is engaging enough for your audience to look forward to the next update. Together, we will (firstly) discover who your audience is and use Joseph Campbell's "The Hero's Journey" as a guideline. The form of the content can vary, whether it be text, video, podcasts, design, or live streams - anything is possible. In what way can we be of service to you? Would you like to learn more about the benefits of content marketing for your business? Would you like to make an appointment to get to know each other better over a cup of coffee? Or do you have other questions? Please feel free to contact us without obligation.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Zwolle, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Non-profit (+4)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Creamos, gestionamos y aceleramos marcas sostenibles, responsables y rentables.

    En Iconbetha, somos especialistas en branding y diseño de marcas para la industria alimentaria, cosmética y laboratorio. Trabajamos con nuestros clientes para crear una identidad visual coherente y efectiva que les permita destacar en un mercado cada vez más competitivo. Ofrecemos una amplia gama de servicios, desde el diseño de logotipos y la creación de identidad corporativa hasta el diseño de envases (packaging) y etiquetas de productos. Además, nos encargamos de la producción audiovisual, fotografía de alimentos y diseño de stands para ferias y eventos. Nuestro equipo de diseñadores gráficos altamente capacitados y experimentados se asegura de que cada proyecto refleje la esencia y valores de la marca. Creemos que el diseño de marcas es un proceso colaborativo, y trabajamos de cerca con nuestros clientes para entender sus necesidades y objetivos. Si estás buscando una agencia de branding y diseño de marcas especializada en la industria alimentaria, cosmética y laboratorio, no busques más. Contáctanos hoy para empezar a construir una marca única y memorable.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Sant Joan Despí, Spain
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services (+4)
    Speaks English, Spanish
    1-10 members
  • 4.7
    (1 review)

    Durf voorop te lopen

    Vastberaden, eerlijk, betrokken en met lef. Dat is UBO, full-service marketing agency dat gelooft in jouw onderscheidend vermogen. In echte verhalen van bedrijven en merken die elke dag de beste versie van zichzelf willen zijn. Altijd bezig om verder te komen, overtuigd dat je achteruitgaat als je stilstaat. Wij helpen bedrijven groeien in omzet en mensen, bouwen succesvolle merken en geven jou een digitale voorsprong.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Bunschoten-Spakenburg, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Consumer Electronics (+2)
    Speaks Dutch, English
    11-50 members
  • 4.7
    (2 reviews)

    The Digital Artist

    DESENO Media Agency aims to become a leading global branding, marketing, and advertising agency by providing innovative and strategic solutions that drive real results for our clients. We strive to foster a culture of creativity, collaboration, and excellence, and to attract and retain the best talent in the industry. Our goal is to exceed our clients' expectations and deliver measurable success through a customer-centric approach, cutting-edge technology, and a deep understanding of their unique needs and goals.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Nashik, India
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Technology Hardware & Equipment (+6)
    Speaks English, Hindi
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Réveillez votre potentiel

    L'agence Coq Noir est une société de production audiovisuelle basée à Montpellier dans l’Hérault. Nos équipes de tournage interviennent sur la France entière (Lyon, Marseille, Paris, Toulouse…), pour tout projet de réalisation vidéo. La mission de notre boite de production est d'accompagner les entreprises dans leur communication à travers la réalisation de leur film professionnel et/ou de leur vidéo de présentation corporate.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Montpellier, France
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Travel & Leisure (+3)
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    The game changers!

    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Zamalek, Egypt
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Pharmaceuticals & Biotech (+3)
    Speaks English, Arabic
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Studio de production audiovisuel expert en animation 2D, 3D, vidéo et contenu immersif/interactif

    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Lyon, France
    From €3,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Media
    Speaks French, English
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Because we're here to think of everything, just for you!

    Turn your events into special moments with tailor-made solutions. Welcome to the fascinating world of Morpheus Events, the events agency based in Lisbon and Paris that turns dreams into reality. Our mission is to create unique and unforgettable experiences, whether for private, corporate or cultural events. We are specialists with an exceptional address book, enabling us to achieve the impossible for our clients. 🤸‍♀️ Leader in Portugal 1st French-speaking company on the Portuguese market, offering a secure gateway between France and Portugal for individuals and event agencies based in France, as well as internationally. 🤸‍♀️ Personalised follow-up Our team of multilingual project managers provides personalised support throughout your project. 🤸‍♀️+15 years' experience in the events industry 🤸‍♀️ Creating solutions that meet your needs, surprise many and make your project or event effective and memorable. We are a veritable toolbox, adding value through our market knowledge and presence. At Morpheus Events, we believe that every event should be unique and tailored to the needs and desires of our clients. That's why we work closely with our clients to understand their vision and create a bespoke event that reflects their personality and style. Our expertise and know-how enable us to offer top-of-the-range services, venues, transfers, catering, entertainment and much more..... Artistic productions, shows, galas, branding strategies... Tailor-made and turnkey services are our strength. Contact us today to find out more! (We're not called Morpheus Events for nothing 😉)
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Lisbon, Portugal
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Aviation & Aerospace (+5)
    Speaks French, English(+2)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (4 reviews)

    Inventons ensemble votre univers !

    Digital Jouss’ vous propose un accompagnement complet et sur-mesure pour tous vos projets. Notre agence saura vous appuyer dans différents domaines : création d’un site internet à votre image, réalisation d’une identité visuelle forte, communication pertinente sur vos réseaux sociaux et prestations d’audit, de conseil et de maintenance de votre site e-commerce.  Étant anciennement fondateurs d’une entreprise dans le e-commerce, nous nous sommes rapidement rendus compte de l’importance que possédait la communication digitale.  Nous privilégions l’humain, la bonne humeur et l’écoute pour vous rendre un projet qui vous correspond !
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Bordeaux, France
    From €400 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Storypower !

    OTAGO est le partenaire idéal pour tous vos projets audiovisuels. Nous offrons un service complet, allant de la planification à la production et à la post-production. Avec plus de 30 ans d’expérience dans le domaine, nous sommes en mesure de vous offrir des solutions complètes et efficaces pour tous vos projets. Contactez-nous dès maintenant pour obtenir un devis personnalisé !
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Paris, France
    From €150 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Media (+2)
    Speaks English, French(+1)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Dé partner voor video content die popt.

    Top awarded
    Bij PPCRN snappen we dat de combinatie van strategie, plaatsing en technologie integraal verbonden zijn aan de productie, dit is waarom we altijd kijken naar de ultieme combinatie tussen het doel en de inzet. Door alle in-house expertise kunnen we dan ook elk facet van onze diensten aanbieden zodat er gewerkt wordt vanuit een one-stop-shop principe. Wij noemen ons daarom de specialist in video Content & Live registraties, ideaal voor online en hybride inzet.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Mijdrecht, Netherlands
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Energy & Oil (+3)
    Speaks English, Dutch
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    See The Uncommon

    We create video strategies and produce video content for employer branding campaigns, corporate communications, Corporate Social Responsibility communications, product launches and features, business events and film promotion.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Ghent, Belgium
    From €3,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Entertainment & Events (+2)
    Speaks English, Dutch, Belgium(+2)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Bringing your brand to life, one campaign at a time

    An advertising agency in Bangladesh is a company that provides a range of services related to advertising and marketing communications. These agencies typically work with businesses and organizations to develop and execute advertising campaigns that promote their products or services to their target audience. The services provided by advertising agencies in Bangladesh may include market research, branding and positioning, creative concept development, media planning and buying, digital marketing, public relations, and event management. Agencies may also specialize in specific areas, such as social media advertising or search engine optimization. In Bangladesh, advertising agencies work with clients from a variety of industries, including retail, finance, healthcare, technology, and more. These agencies may be independent, or they may be part of larger marketing conglomerates. Advertising agencies in Bangladesh are known for their creativity, innovation, and ability to produce effective campaigns that resonate with local audiences. With a growing economy and a population of over 160 million people, the advertising industry in Bangladesh is poised for continued growth and expansion in the years to come.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Dhaka, Bangladesh
    From €500 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Marketing & Advertising (+1)
    Speaks English, Bengali(+1)
    51-200 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Your Digital Marketing Doctor

    Doc Digital SEM is a full-suite digital marketing agency that specializes in Medical Marketing. Our medical marketing agency provides time-tested and proven marketing strategies that work well for new patient acquisition. Let us create a lead generation campaign through top-of-the-line digital marketing campaigns for you! You will love the results, and so will your new patients! Our Digital Marketing for Medical Clinic services are second to none!
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Fort Lauderdale, United States
    From €250 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, Spanish
    11-50 members
  • (0 review)

    Créons ensemble du contenu audiovisuel captivant, inspirant, pour élever l’image de votre entreprise

    Vidéaste/Droniste Vous avez une projet de vidéo d'entreprise, reportage événementiel, interview, ou encore documentaire ? C'est avec grand plaisir que j'y répondrai ! Passionné d'audiovisuel depuis le plus jeune âge, c'est d'abord de façon autodidacte que je me suis formé sur le sujet, pour ensuite rejoindre une école d'audiovisuel. Après 5 ans d'études dans le Cinéma et l'Audiovisuel, il était normal pour moi d'en faire une partie de mon métier. Quelques années plus tard, je décide de me consacrer à cette passion à plein temps. Sollicitez-moi pour votre Marketing de Contenu, besoin en Captation, Montage, Sound Design et bien d'autres encore. Matériel (inclus dans 1 journée de tournage + cession de droit) : - 1 boîtier 4K Sony A7 iii ; + Objectifs de 24 à 70mm (possibilité de location pour tout autre besoin) - Stabilisateur d'image Dji RS2 ; - 2 micro cravates ; - Drone 4k (DJI Mini 3 Pro) avec images aériennes (sur demande pour autorisations*) - 2 panneaux de lumières LED + Diffuseurs - Logiciels montage, étalonnage, sound design, etc. : Adobe Creative Cloud Suite.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Montpellier, France
    From €280 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Restaurants (+2)
    Speaks English, French
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (3 reviews)

    Transcends Imgination

    We are based out of Gandhinagar and have been working in various parts of Gujarat for the last 4 years as artist and Cortex Studio works and specializes in the Film VFX, Motion Graphics, Creative Design, Editing, Social media Branding, Commercial advertisement lot more. Every service, delivered with unmatched expertise.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Gandhinagar, India
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)


    RODRICK STUDIO. es la marca personal de Arnau Rodríguez, director de fotografía y fotógrafo ubicado en Barcelona.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Unknown location
    From €500 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Clothing & Accessories
    Speaks English, Catalan(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Con tres dedos de frente cambiamos las cosas

    Nos apasiona el branding, la comunicación digital, los espacios y todo lo relacionado con la creatividad. Ayudamos a las marcas para que tengan un impacto positivo alrededor del mundo. We are passionate about branding, digital communication, spaces and everything related to creativity. We help brands make a positive impact around the world.
    1 work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Ciutadella de Menorca, Spain
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Beauty (+8)
    Speaks Spanish, English
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    “One JVA image speaks more than 1.000 salesmen” Para contactarnos escriba a:

    JVA Renders - Architecture Visualization es un estudio profesional de visualización arquitectónica, con sede en Madrid / Buenos Aires / Nueva york formado por un equipo de arquitectos, artistas digitales 3D, diseñadores gráficos y animadores digitales decididos a utilizar todo su potencial y experiencia para ayudar a la arquitectura, industrias de la ingeniería y la construcción en todo el mundo. Confiamos en software de alta tecnología para ayudar a nuestros clientes a visualizar su proyecto incluso antes de que se construya, ayudándolos a tomar decisiones de diseño sin gastar dinero en el sitio. Nuestra misión es brindar excelencia en nuestro servicio cumpliendo con sus expectativas de tiempo y costo sin sacrificar detalle y profesionalismo.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Madrid, Spain
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Architecture & Planning
    Speaks English, Spanish
    1-10 members
  • 4.7
    (1 review)

    Comunicación digital para pequeñas, medianas empresas y organizaciones.

    Ejecutamos estrategias digitales con el objetivo de potenciar negocios y marcas. Mediante el trabajo colaborativo entre asociaciones, universidades y empresas buscamos fortalecer un ecosistema digital local, para llevar el conocimiento en herramientas digitales capaces de potenciar negocios y generar mayor crecimiento productivo para las Pymes.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Mar del Plata, Argentina
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Software & Computer Services (+4)
    Speaks English, Portuguese(+1)
    1-10 members
  • 5
    (2 reviews)

    Wir helfen Unternehmenmit brillianten Lösungen - Gemeinsam großartige Projekte umsetzen

    Jung. Digital. Gutaussehend. 1030 – die Werbeagentur mit Sitz in 1030 Wien. Wir können crazy & anders, aber auch klassisch und erprobt. Bei uns ist Ihre Marke in besten Händen. Alles aus einer Hand Von der Website, über hochwertig erstellte Foto- und Videoproduktionen bis zum klassichen Werbefolder. Bei uns kommt alles aus einer Hand. Frisch, Nachhaltig & Kreativ Verrückt und kreativ oder doch lieber nachhaltig und erprobt? Wir hören Ihnen zu bis wir Ihre Vision verstehen und setzen diese anschließend konsequent um. Weniger Arbeit - größerer Erfolg Pfiffige Ideen und erproble Marketing-Strategien. Optimieren Sie Ihre Ergebnisse und überlassen Sie uns die kreativen Arbeitsschritte.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Vienna, Austria
    From €100 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Works in multiple industries
    Speaks English, German(+1)
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    Producción audiovisual para la cultura

    Soy Josep Gresa, un creativo audiovisual con una dilatada experiencia y un compromiso: ayudarte a llegar a tu público. Estoy especializado en producción audiovisual para el sector cultural y proyectos sociales. Desde hace 24 años he trabajado para museos, centros culturales, instituciones, compañías de artes escénicas y ONG’s, en proyectos de promoción, educación y sensibilización. También he dirigido y realizado proyectos documentales para televisión, así como también en género publicitario.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Meliana, Spain
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Non-profit
    Speaks English, Catalan(+1)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Digital Marketing || Video Production

    8 Spades is a 5-star video production (Spades Productions) and digital marketing (Spades Digital) agency. As part of Spades Productions , we help global brands communicate better with their customers through corporate reels, TVCs, social media videos, 2D/3D animations, and explainer videos. As part of Spades Digital , we help businesses achieve their goals through digital marketing activities such as digital strategy, search engine optimization, paid advertising, social media marketing, WhatsApp marketing, and email marketing. Our clients include BharatBenz, Leo Coffee, KhiladiAdda, Hero Electronix, Bluestar, Heritage Inspired, Unifi Capital, Zyyp, Travel Berries, Travego Holidays & Visas, Stone & Acres, Banarasee, and many more brands. Our team has 23 people from 7 states, speaks 8 languages, and is spread over 3 cities. We are here to accelerate your brand's growth journey together.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Chennai, India
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Travel & Leisure (+1)
    Speaks English, Hindi
    11-50 members
  • 4.7
    (1 review)

    Los Mejores Momentos Merecen La Mejor Edición

    Empresa de Edición Multimedia profesional, con diferentes servicios para marcas, empresas, negocios y proyectos, con experiencia Nacional e Internacionalmente, hemos trabajado con mas de 450 marcas en todo tipo de proyectos. Instagram: @editionquality WhatsApp: +57 3126529377
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Cali, Colombia
    From €10 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Industrial Goods & Services
    Speaks English, Spanish
    11-50 members
  • 5
    (1 review)

    It's all about you!

    Black Box est une agence de communication multidisciplinaire. Communication visuelle, graphisme, marketing, photographie commerciale et publicitaire, retouching. Tous les services dont vous avez besoin pour résoudre vos problèmes de communication. Tout ce que nous faisons vise à vous donner un retour sur investissement. Nous ne faisons pas de l'art, nous communiquons efficacement avec votre public pour capturer de nouveaux prospects, montrer vos services et vos produits sous leurs meilleurs jours. Nous travaillons pour créer un dialogue exceptionnel et durable entre vous et votre clientèle. We are Black Box Vous débutez et avez besoin d'un positionnement de marque stratégique pour votre entreprise, vos produits et vos services ou vous vous développez et devez augmenter vos ventes et votre rentabilité voire peut-être même conquérir de nouveaux marchés?  Vous avez frappé à la bonne porte!  
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Charleroi, Belgium
    From €225 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Automotive (+3)
    Speaks French, English
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)

    Nous pensons que la vidéo est le moyen le plus puissant de raconter votre histoire.

    Après plusieurs années à travailler en tant que freelances, nous combinons nos expertises en audio-visuel pour vous proposer nos services.
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Paris, France
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Banking & Financials (+1)
    Speaks English, Dutch(+1)
    1-10 members
  • (0 review)
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Les Escaldes, Andorra
    From €250 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Hospitals & Healthcare (+1)
    Speaks English, Spanish
    1-10 members
  • BatStage Production is a 8+ years of hands-on experience video production + post production company, we provided commercial film, TV commercial video and 2D/3D motion graphic services with top-notch clients and brands. Some of the brands we has worked for include Astro, Forest city, Watson, Linbaq Holding, MUV car, Great Eastern, The Black Whale Bubble Milk Tea Malaysia and etc.  
    Looking for work in Video Testimonial Recording
    Located in Johor Bahru, Malaysia
    From €1,000 for Video Testimonial Recording
    Worked in Food (+1)
    Speaks English, Chinese(+1)
    1-10 members