Wordle Limericks By Dr Marshall Flam
Introducing "Wordle Limericks " a unique and captivating collection that redefines the art of the limerick. This innovative book combines entertainment and education by featuring 1 to 4 limericks each day, all inspired by the Word of the Day from The New York Times Wordle game.Departing from the conventional risqué style, these limericks span the spectrum from witty and thought-provoking to historical, philosophical, political, and even daring, accompanied by insightful footnotes.Whether you're looking to expand your vocabulary, delve into thought-provoking ideas, or simply enjoy a good laugh, "Wordle Limericks" offers something for everyone. Perfect for daily reading, this book is an excellent addition to your literary collection and makes a wonderful gift for friends and family who appreciate clever wordplay and creative storytelling.
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